Does Misty really not know what happened? *POLL ADDED*

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Does Misty know what happened to Haleigh?

  • Yes, she is still lying

    Votes: 203 67.7%
  • No, she was passed out

    Votes: 40 13.3%
  • No, she was too high on drugs to remember

    Votes: 28 9.3%
  • No, she wasn't home

    Votes: 29 9.7%

  • Total voters
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I really don't think they are interested in sitting there wasting their time listening to another chapter of lies from Misty Croslin. Weren't these tapes in MARCH 2010 ?

FGS! It has been 15 months which is more than ample time to check Ron Cummings' alibi out. Can't sneak home when there are surveillance cameras all around the plant yard a person works at or where there are other employees. Misty does seem to be clueless how a real investigation works.

I don't think Misty will be getting her deputy badge anytime soon. Most likely she will be cleaning the prison bathrooms instead.


I am not referring to LE being interested in what Misty and Tommy have to say about Ron in the recordings released to the public! Even though I do believe they monitor all the calls/visits. I am referring to what Misty and Tommy tell their visitors that LE doesn't seem to be interested what they have to say about Ron in the interviews LE conducts with them!

I never said anything about Ron's alibi. I do believe he was at work and accounted for that night/morning but that he arrived late. Why was he late?
Because Haleigh was harmed before he went to work and he was late because he was dealing with that incident.

Misty knows what happened, she doesn't want to tell because if she did it would implicate her, the man she is in love with and a brother she loves and is very close to. Misty isn't the only one who will possibly be cleaning prison bathrooms when this is all over.

LE, who has access to all the landline phone and cell records, all of RC's work records, all of the witness interviews (including the AC man, GGM Sykes, etc.), isn't putting pressure on Ron Cummings and is in fact working out a plea deal with him. Doesn't that suggest that LE has some idea that Haleigh was alive after RC went to work? As I've said about a thousand times at this point, if RC killed Haleigh, this case would have been solved long ago by LE because his alibi wouldn't have worked. The whole "Ron did it before he went to work" argument rests on the assumption that LE doesn't have a reliable witness who saw Haleigh after the time Ron left for work.
LE, who has access to all the landline phone and cell records, all of RC's work records, all of the witness interviews (including the AC man, GGM Sykes, etc.), isn't putting pressure on Ron Cummings and is in fact working out a plea deal with him. Doesn't that suggest that LE has some idea that Haleigh was alive after RC went to work? As I've said about a thousand times at this point, if RC killed Haleigh, this case would have been solved long ago by LE because his alibi wouldn't have worked. The whole "Ron did it before he went to work" argument rests on the assumption that LE doesn't have a reliable witness who saw Haleigh after the time Ron left for work.


Is that a fact? :waitasec:
I am not convinced it is!

ETA: to stay on topic ...... I honestly have no idea...... What Misty knows, If Misty knows, How Misty knows or Why Misty knows, or anything else at this point ..... I do think they are ALL a bunch of liars though.

Maven, I'm not convinced either.
I'm always shocked when people say something can't be true because "Misty said", or "Ronald said", or "TN said", "Tommy said", etc. These people are KNOWN liars, how can we believe anything they say? Failed polygraphs anyone? Multiple accounts of that night from the same person, including GGS? Joe was involved because Misty, Tommy, Chelsea, Grandma Hollars say so?

Sure, we've had confirmation that Tommy did make a telephone call to his grandmother from jail, and we heard FHollars blame Joe, the rest is speculation.

Now Misty is running her mouth in jailhouse tapes. Gag me.

I think everyone is trying to cover their backsides and no one is telling the whole truth, maybe tiny parts of it, but not the whole truth.

Poor Misty can't take tests, she just keeps failing them. Boo Hoo. People keep talking badly about her. So sad. If she'd tell the truth, be honest, own up to what she knows, and if she had 'fessed up in February 2009, things would be different. People might think she was the poor child with a rotten upbringing and feel sorry for her, but not now. She's an adult who's gotten herself into a terrible mess and still won't be honest about that night last year. She doesn't care about Haleigh, so why should anyone care about Misty? If she was drugged and truly out cold, her 911 call would have come across as honest - like the other 911 calls she's made since then.
Thank you! That was part of the point I was trying to get across. Opiates do not make you black out! Relaxed, tired and euphoric yes. But they do not cause "amnesia" lol.

What if you crush them up and snort them, would they still have the same effects if you swallow them?
She knows.
She will not implicate the person(s) responsible for Haleigh's demise because she is covering for him/them and if she talks she will go down also. She needs to make a deal and talk.
I think that she does not know where Haleigh was taken after her death and where she is now, if she was moved. I am thinking it is possible Joe and/or Tommy made a deal and are talking. I think there are several people who know what happened to Haleigh, explaining Hardy's statement of several poi's. Think about who Misty does not talk about, does not blame and there are the answers. Ron and Timmy


Misty has also not tried to implicate RC's mother, grandmother, sister, and/or other other local Cummings. Just sayin'.....

Yes, but she told her dad on the jailhouse tapes she's done what "Ronald and his family" wanted her to do. That says a lot. Obviously, his family is covering for something by giving Misty instructions. Yes, I do believe she was being honest when she said this. It's been obvious since Day One RC and TN were guiding Misty.

BTW, Timmy has always been within my radar, too. No Croslin or Cummings has been ruled out in my book of "Persons To Interrogate".
I believe Misty is a perfect scapegoat for someone. She was given a script that she did not learn very well, and I feel she probably had no clue what happened. She may know something now, however. She isn't bright, she is easily led, and more than likely had used drugs or been given drugs, perhaps in a joint. I think someone who knew Misty well used her as a 'cover-up', perhaps giving her a story to stick to. However, because she made mistakes and didn't learn the story well, she now appears suspect. Every time she tried to cover up a 'mistake' she made with the 'story', she dug herself deeper into doo-doo. No one believes her now, yet her original story of 'I just woke up' is more than likely true.
After a 3 day binge, people don't just go to sleep, they crash, they crash HARD. I never believed the 911 call. When I heard about Misty's 3 day drug binge, it confirmed my suspicions that she was the fall girl because she was the easiest to set up without knowing a thing. I was not that involved in thise case until this last search.

What littile I knew was the original story being told by 3 people - Misty, Ron, TN - who all put Misty in the MH with the kids and Ron at work. Once people finally started asking the questions I was asking, a 4th came out, GGma Sykes who could back up the story becasue she was at the MH to put Misty there and Ron at work.

Here is info on a meth crash which I believe Misty was using.

"To a binge abuser, the crash means an incredible amount of sleep. The body's epinephrine has been depleted, and the body uses the crash to replenish its supply. Even the meanest, most violent abuser becomes almost lifeless during the crash and poses a threat to no one. The crash can last 1-3days."

IMO, Misty has told what she knows to be true. But the bigger problem with Misty is she has been told stories and has been repeating those stories, almost hoping one of them is right because she does not know.

But Misty was claiming to be "crashed" (asleep) for only a few hours, not days. Add in the time claimed she and RC slept after being up all night (making Haleigh late for school) and then either went back to bed or hung around all day, none of it adds up to a 1-day crash. Even if true, she could have passed at least one LDT.

Nope, not buying it.
I certainly wouldn't put it past Misty to have been passed out. Alternatively, she might have gone out to get more drugs and bricked the door herself to get back in because she says she didn't have a key, and any creep could have got in. But at any rate, I believe that she has a pretty good idea who might know what happened because it seems to me that someone fed her a script and she must have wondered why. If she didn't have a script to follow I believe that LE likely could have persuaded her to fess up to having been unavailable by now if she hadn't got anything else to hide. It seems to me that at a certain point it would have been a lesser evil to confess to illegal drug use and child neglect compared to being a practical murder suspect. Fields could have attempted to negotiate a deal where she's not charged for those crimes.
I certainly wouldn't put it past Misty to have been passed out. Alternatively, she might have gone out to get more drugs and bricked the door herself to get back in because she says she didn't have a key, and any creep could have got in. But at any rate, I believe that she has a pretty good idea who might know what happened because it seems to me that someone fed her a script and she must have wondered why. If she didn't have a script to follow I believe that LE likely could have persuaded her to fess up to having been unavailable by now if she hadn't got anything else to hide. It seems to me that at a certain point it would have been a lesser evil to confess to illegal drug use and child neglect compared to being a practical murder suspect. Fields could have attempted to negotiate a deal where she's not charged for those crimes.

If she was fed a script that night, even as poorly as she learned it, IMHO she wasn't passed out. She knows what happened initially, even IF she doesn't know any specific details as to who took Haleigh or where Haleigh was taken...JMO
I personally feel that Misty was played like a fiddle by the Cummings from day one. Ron has never once showed any kind of remorse for his child being missing or acted like a concerned father. I've always said that actions speak louder than words. Here is something I'm going to through out there...What employer would give an employee the ax under the circumstances unless there was something hinky there that might pull the business name into the mix of lies and make them look bad? PDM certainly pulled themselves away from Ron Cummings at the very beginning and haven't said a word since. That there says volumes to me. I worked for the government for a number of years and government contractors and in the time of need we rallied around those who were having tough times to lend a hand but shyed away from thoses who's conduct was questionable. I have always said that the Cummings hold the keys to this case and Misty was their puppet. When Misty mentioned that Ron beat her up at GGMS's trailer she said that GGMS said didn't hear anything. Right, because she didn't want to hear anything and that tells me that GGMS condones what Ron did. GGMS tells Ron to be careful what he says in jail because his dad told his mom there's a snitch in the jail. It isn't Joe that Tommy and Misty are scared of it's Ron and company. They've controlled what she did and what she said from the very beginning.
What if you crush them up and snort them, would they still have the same effects if you swallow them?

The effect is quicker and stronger. When I said amnesia I was being sarcastic, blackout is the correct term. And again benzos and opiates effect ppl differently.
But Misty was claiming to be "crashed" (asleep) for only a few hours, not days. Add in the time claimed she and RC slept after being up all night (making Haleigh late for school) and then either went back to bed or hung around all day, none of it adds up to a 1-day crash. Even if true, she could have passed at least one LDT.

Nope, not buying it.

According to Teresa, Misty was exhausted, just flat exhausted. But she said it was because Misty and Ron had stayed up all night Sunday talking and making up. Now it appears that Misty wasn't home on Sunday night talking to Ron, but still doesn't preclude them having talked on the phone all night long. Since we've been told that Teresa needed Misty to come home to babysit the children on Monday night, it seems clear that Misty wasn't in the home with Ron.

Why the discrepancy? What does Misty know? I'm thinking a lot, and I'm thinking that what she knows is going to point at Teresa.
Misty knows exactly what happened to Haleigh. I do not think she knows where exactly the body was disposed of. I believe that was handled by other POIs but she absolutely knows exactly what happened to that child.
I'm always shocked when people say something can't be true because "Misty said", or "Ronald said", or "TN said", "Tommy said", etc. These people are KNOWN liars, how can we believe anything they say? Failed polygraphs anyone? Multiple accounts of that night from the same person, including GGS? Joe was involved because Misty, Tommy, Chelsea, Grandma Hollars say so?

Considering that they don't have don't have any forensic evidence, LE has no choice but to consider what these people say. In coming up with tentative explanations here, we have no choice except to consider what these people are saying, including Misty. When Misty, Tommy, Chelsea, and Grandma Hollars all claim that Joe is involved, that certainly doesn't mean he is not involved.

Everybody is aware these people are liars. Liars often tell some truth. They often tell the truth up to a certain point. But there is not much to go on other than what these people say. The primary forensic evidence is a missing 5 year old.

When somebody says they believe Misty on some point on which I do not believe her, I don't wonder why they believe Misty--I believe some of her stuff myself. But I do wonder how they can believe her on this or that point.

And I don't believe cement blocks or yellow rope is going to solve this case.
Misty knows exactly what happened to Haleigh. I do not think she knows where exactly the body was disposed of. I believe that was handled by other POIs but she absolutely knows exactly what happened to that child.

I totally agree, however she has to have some inclination as to what may have occurred in reference to how Haleigh's remains were disposed of.. She could offer that up to LE.....I realize I could be way off base but I haven't changed my mind about how they may have disposed of her remains...And it's possible Misty may have some knowledge as to how that was handled..Also, IIRC this was even mentioned on Levi's show several months back...JMO
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