Does Pam Paugh Know Anything About JB's Murder?

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Does Pam Paugh Know Anything About JB's Murder?

  • Yes, She Knows Way More Than She Is Saying....

    Votes: 185 70.9%
  • No, She Doesn't Know A Thing....

    Votes: 27 10.3%
  • I Have No Idea!

    Votes: 49 18.8%

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Patsy cared a lot about appearances and it seems like she got this from her mother, Nedra, who, judging by some comments she apparently made, loved that John was wealthy and that JonBenet was in pageants. I'm assuming that if Patsy and Nedra are big about appearances, then so is Pam which makes me believe that she would help to cover up her niece's murder by her parents because she doesn't want to be known as the sister of a killer.
Pam Paugh was also involved with the pageants that JonBenet entered.

Let's be intellectually honest --parents make the kids go into the pageants. It's no surprise that JonBenet came from a pageant family. Patsy, as some have speculated, was living her own dreams through JonBenet.

Would Pam Paugh cover for Patsy -- who knows for sure but it's possible. I mean, with JonBenet dead what would she do? How would she respond?

If she was told that Patsy accidentally killed her she may have wanted to protect her sister. I mean, a huge part of Pam's happiness came from being linked to Patsy and from getting to be part of the whole pageant thing courtesy of Patsy and JonBenet. It's plausible she would not want to see her sister go to jail as she felt it was almost like jailing herself in a metaphorical sense -- Patsy's gone and so is someone who gave her a lot of happiness.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
Its easy to say what you would or wouldn't do from the outside looking in.
Pam Paugh was also involved with the pageants that JonBenet entered.

Let's be intellectually honest --parents make the kids go into the pageants. It's no surprise that JonBenet came from a pageant family. Patsy, as some have speculated, was living her own dreams through JonBenet.

Would Pam Paugh cover for Patsy -- who knows for sure but it's possible. I mean, with JonBenet dead what would she do? How would she respond?

If she was told that Patsy accidentally killed her she may have wanted to protect her sister. I mean, a huge part of Pam's happiness came from being linked to Patsy and from getting to be part of the whole pageant thing courtesy of Patsy and JonBenet. It's plausible she would not want to see her sister go to jail as she felt it was almost like jailing herself in a metaphorical sense -- Patsy's gone and so is someone who gave her a lot of happiness.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

Those are good thoughts, LFB. I suppose there are lots of posters here who do not come from close knit families, and for these folks it would be hard to imagine PP covering for PR. I come from a very close knit family. If someone is intent on harming anyone in the family, we circle the wagons. After JonBenet was gone, PP knew there was no bringing her back and since it was a tragic accident, she probably saw no good from PR going to prison. She would have known then that the rest of Patsy's life was going to be her own personal hell. I have no way of knowing what kind of life PP lives, but it would seem that she got a lot of enjoyment from JonBenet's participation in the pageants. I would go so far as to say that her and Nedra were as invested in them as Patsy.
Its easy to say what you would or wouldn't do from the outside looking in.

You are right, Peepers. It is easy to say what you would do when you are looking in. There are many facets to this case where we cannot and I don't mean some of us, I mean all of us, cannot say what we would or would not do. But there are also parts of this where any of us can say with conviction what we would or would not do. If JonBenet had been my daughter or grand-daughter I can say with all honesty that every word out of my mouth (in front of a tv camera) would have been about finding the monster that did these things to her. I say that with 100% honesty. The only way you would not hear those things from me would be that I already knew what happened and considered it to be a tragic accident that could only result in more harm if the truth were known. This much I know I can say, whether or not I had ever been in their shoes.
Those are good thoughts, LFB. I suppose there are lots of posters here who do not come from close knit families, and for these folks it would be hard to imagine PP covering for PR. I come from a very close knit family. If someone is intent on harming anyone in the family, we circle the wagons. After JonBenet was gone, PP knew there was no bringing her back and since it was a tragic accident, she probably saw no good from PR going to prison. She would have known then that the rest of Patsy's life was going to be her own personal hell. I have no way of knowing what kind of life PP lives, but it would seem that she got a lot of enjoyment from JonBenet's participation in the pageants. I would go so far as to say that her and Nedra were as invested in them as Patsy.

I agree.

And if Patsy went down, a huge part of her own life would be erroded away.

I suppose it could be speculated in terms of 'what decision will result in least pain for me'.

option 1: If Pam gets Patsy sent down she's lost JonBenet and her sister -- the woman who allowed her to be part of the pageant fun.

option 2:If she covers for Patsy the tragedy of JonBenet is not compounded by another tragedy -- her sister in jail and her own life made unhappier.She at least keeps something positive.

So option 2 seems very plausible.

It's all just speculation of course.
Its easy to say what you would or wouldn't do from the outside looking in.

Yes it is. But that's what the forums are for. All we can do is base our OPINIONS on what we feel we would do in the same situation or what we THINK someone thought or did.
I didnt mean my comment towards anyone, I only meant it in general.
I didnt mean my comment towards anyone, I only meant it in general.

Of course. I don't think anyone took it personally. We are ALL entitled to our beliefs. I always feel that at least ONE of us is right. And all it takes is one. All you need is one truth- if it IS the truth.
One thing is for sure, irrespective of who in the R family was involved (if you believe that), they're excellent at keeping a secret.

It's clear to me as a RDI, that whatever happened that night, the Ramsey's made the right decision for them afterwards!

PR may be dead, but everyone else in the family is doing well...and presumably when OJ finds out who killed his ex and Ron Goldman, he'll find this killer too. ;)
Peepers, please don't think I took your comment personally. I didn't in any way or shape, but I did feel like that was a good time for the comment I made. For me, there are so many things that point towards the Ramsey's guilt and their behavior when being interviewd by the press was a huge red flag.
You know listed amongst the things Auntie P carried out of the house, were the families Christmas stockings, hmmmm, goes I. What had been hidden in those stockings? Just about everything thats missing from the crime scene thats what.
Was PP ever questioned about the list she was given that day and who asked for what?
Doubtful, in my honest opinion. Her taking things out of the house is the biggest blunder BPD made. There is no question that evidence was removed!
Doubtful, in my honest opinion. Her taking things out of the house is the biggest blunder BPD made. There is no question that evidence was removed!


Maybe it was no blunder, maybe it was agreed upon in advance, maybe the tenor of the initial investigation was mediated by the Ramsey wealth?

Another feature to one of my dysfunctional extended family theories is that of conspiracy across generations and that of law enforcement and the legal profession.

In ye olde times the Masons would have been invoked. :crazy:


Maybe it was no blunder, maybe it was agreed upon in advance, maybe the tenor of the initial investigation was mediated by the Ramsey wealth?

Another feature to one of my dysfunctional extended family theories is that of conspiracy across generations and that of law enforcement and the legal profession.

In ye olde times the Masons would have been invoked. :crazy:


Yes, yes! Let's call in the Masons! They'll get to the bottom of it, that's for sure. But with our luck, the R defense team are all Free and Accepted as well.
You know listed amongst the things Auntie P carried out of the house, were the families Christmas stockings, hmmmm, goes I. What had been hidden in those stockings? Just about everything thats missing from the crime scene thats what.

Ugh. As if their "Christmas traditions" hadn't been tarnished enough!!!!
Was PP ever questioned about the list she was given that day and who asked for what?

The thread I just bumped up, about John in the basement, is a must read. It addresses a lot of issues, including the removal of items by Pam. Many esteemed posters, including UKGuy and Dee Dee posted a LOT of great information there. Some of which was new to me!! You longtime posters are awesome!! Not that new ones are not, but hopefully you all know what I mean!:seeya:
Pam Paugh was also involved with the pageants that JonBenet entered.

Let's be intellectually honest --parents make the kids go into the pageants. It's no surprise that JonBenet came from a pageant family. Patsy, as some have speculated, was living her own dreams through JonBenet.

Would Pam Paugh cover for Patsy -- who knows for sure but it's possible. I mean, with JonBenet dead what would she do? How would she respond?

If she was told that Patsy accidentally killed her she may have wanted to protect her sister. I mean, a huge part of Pam's happiness came from being linked to Patsy and from getting to be part of the whole pageant thing courtesy of Patsy and JonBenet. It's plausible she would not want to see her sister go to jail as she felt it was almost like jailing herself in a metaphorical sense -- Patsy's gone and so is someone who gave her a lot of happiness.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

How could she know so much? The R's lived in CO and she lived in GA. when the R's came to GA, Im sure they offered consolation. But I doubt if they asked many questions and believed JBR had been murdered so they wouldnt have asked alot of questions.
How can someone "accidently" kill their kid?
Also, I dont see anything strange about Pam being involved in the pageant thing. She WAS a makeup artist and Im sure Patsy was good with makeup, too being a former Miss W VA and all:waitasec: I just dont think Pam knew much or asked many questions, was just there to give her Sis support when they came back to GA. IMO
How could she know so much? The R's lived in CO and she lived in GA. when the R's came to GA, Im sure they offered consolation. But I doubt if they asked many questions and believed JBR had been murdered so they wouldnt have asked alot of questions.
How can someone "accidently" kill their kid?
Also, I dont see anything strange about Pam being involved in the pageant thing. She WAS a makeup artist and Im sure Patsy was good with makeup, too being a former Miss W VA and all:waitasec: I just dont think Pam knew much or asked many questions, was just there to give her Sis support when they came back to GA. IMO

Pam was:

1) Also a former Miss WV, very into the pageant scene with Patsy and JonBenet. She not only did JonBenets make up, but was available to bring JonBenet to pageants, if Patsy could not.
2) Came to Boulder when JonBenet was killed, prior to going back to GA for the funeral.
3) Was the one who removed items from the house.
4) Possibly a sexual abuse victim herself.

They had to tell her what to remove. If she questioned any of the items, they had to give her an explanation, (ie: the golf clubs). She talked to and comforted Patsy. If anyone knew the truth, outside of the R's, it was Pam.

Not only because the sisters were close, but because I truly believe Patsy had to have a confidant. She had all of this rage and sorrow inside her, no matter who is responsible. She and John seemed to be pulling away from each other and didn't seem to be comforting each other (Patsy with her tranquilizers, John with his scotch), who else would Patsy have trusted, confided in?

Patsy has always been 'the talker'.

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