Does the flu shot really work?

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Did you get a flu shot this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 408 56.7%
  • No, I don't think they work

    Votes: 143 19.9%
  • No, they are not safe

    Votes: 93 12.9%
  • No, I have a health issue that doesn't allow it

    Votes: 21 2.9%
  • Other: please explain

    Votes: 55 7.6%

  • Total voters
Anyone have this type of reaction to the shot? I had my first ever flu shot a couple of years ago and my arm swelled up about the size of half an orange at the injection site and was as hard as a rock and for a week it was so painful I couldn't sleep ... (and then I got the flu, lol).

Want to get another shot this year, but not sure how to deal with the pain.

In my original post to this discussion, I said that I had an allergic reaction to the flu shot some years ago and was reluctant to get another. I had a swollen lump (about the size of a quarter) at the injection site along with a red rash that was burning and itchy. Allergy/asthma specialist confirmed the allergic reaction and said it's rare. My new PCP wanted me to have the flu shot last year, and I had no issues. Had one already this year, too. No problems. Perhaps your injection was from a "bad batch". Discuss with your physician the possible allergic reaction. Good luck and be well :)
I just got my flu shot today. I immediately got a headache and upset stomach. Now my muscles hurt and my throat has a tickle.

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I just got my flu shot today. I immediately got a headache and upset stomach. Now my muscles hurt and my throat has a tickle.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry to hear it. Hope you feel better in a few hours. It'll be worth it come the Spring! We are going next week for ours.
I just got my flu shot today. I immediately got a headache and upset stomach. Now my muscles hurt and my throat has a tickle.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This can happen when one injects toxins into their bloodstream. Sorry this happened to you. Obviously I am not a big believer in most vaccines. Us humans can have incredibly resilient immune systems if we give our body the love and support it craves. Much less invasive as well! JMO
I don't screw around. I have asthma. Caught a "mild cold" a couple weeks ago which led to about three days of annoyance for everyone else who got it. For me? Going on day 14. Urgent care, breathing treatment, steroids. Missed a ton of work to my detriment. Had to hack my way noisily through a trial on Friday. The flu? That would likely kill me at this stage of the game (north side of 45 and I don't bounce back like I used to).
So I get every damn flu shot, pneumonia shots, whooping cough, whatever they will give me whenever they will give it to me. "Toxins"? I'll tell ya what's toxic- ilness, hospitalization, death. The substances they inject into us are far less harmful for most than the tidal wave of pesticides, perservatives and pollutants we ingest and breathe in daily, for our whole lives. IMO. And I'm a supplement/natural girl as much as l can be - cinnamon to control sugar, turmeric for pain and inflammation, L-theonine and 5-HTP for anxiety, a certain diet for atopic dermatitis, etc., etc. But I also realize some things in medicine are for our benefit. To me, vaccines are one of those, although I think it's up to each of us to make our own choices about health care.
Thank you to this thread for being a reminder! It's popped up a few times and finally today I got myself to the clinic. :)
Well we finally did it! DD bucked up and got her 1st adult flu shot and I got mine. She felt slightly ill for a day, I had a slightly sore arm, that was it, although she got the impatient nurse and she's got the fear of needles while I got the understanding grandmotherly type. DH got his this year, so we should be good to go!
Folks who are interested in epidemiology and patterns, in the context of vaccines, might be well served looking at the Spanish Flu incident, the Ebola outbreak, AIDS, and of course, the very controversial and consequential introduction of swine flu vaccine in the 70s.

Particularly interesting are the issues of Guillian-Barre syndrome and the idea that a vaccinated person can become a carrier of disease, not necessarily expressing symptoms but able to pass germs on to other humans.

Perhaps worth adding to the problem is the usaf Dover afb squalene scandal, otherwise known as the Anthrax Series, which vics president Biden tried to fight against on behalf of damaged troops.

I was a very lazy student in college, but as it happens through a hobby on the internet, I started dating a vaccine developer named Hansjoerg Lehnherr, a Swiss national who has done vaccine research in over 10 countries, including the United States.

His former supervisor was a Russian scientist last name Yarmolinsky. His name can be seen on some of the first P1 Bacteriophage research, which was the precursor to modern vaccine recombineering methods and forerunner of the Lambda Red delivery system vector. Lambda Red went into the 6 vaccine Anthrax Series.

Bacteriophages are able to remove a gene from one bacterium and fit it into another, even cross species. In the wild this happens most often between Black Plague (Yersinia pestis) and common E coli. A few years ago in Germany was a massive black plague &e coli hybrid svare that many of you heard about. Anyone following the industry was worried.

The reason i bring up Spanish flu, aids, ebola, etc. Not just to blame a manufacturer but to point out the clusters. If you pick up the non fiction book The Hot Zone regarding Ebola outbreaks in Africa, the author of this documentary novel explains the artificial infection pattern and how it followed the vaccine clinics serving flu shots and not a wild vector.

Also i am a veteran who witnessed other troops get sick and lose their job opportunities thanks to vaccines.

Until the public is told why military members suffer 3x as many defective offspring as civilians, i will not support vaccination and in fact will continue to speak out.

I have a little boy who will be 9 soon. He's in state custody and I've had to fight for him very hard in terms of keeping the needles and pills out of him.

Vigilance is exhausting but despair is worse.
Which is why i can't give up until the industry and government tell the whole truth about why we are so unhealthy.
Well we finally did it! DD bucked up and got her 1st adult flu shot and I got mine. She felt slightly ill for a day, I had a slightly sore arm, that was it, although she got the impatient nurse and she's got the fear of needles while I got the understanding grandmotherly type. DH got his this year, so we should be good to go!

Got mine. Zero side effects.
Folks who are interested in epidemiology and patterns, in the context of vaccines, might be well served looking at the Spanish Flu incident, the Ebola outbreak, AIDS, and of course, the very controversial and consequential introduction of swine flu vaccine in the 70s.

Particularly interesting are the issues of Guillian-Barre syndrome and the idea that a vaccinated person can become a carrier of disease, not necessarily expressing symptoms but able to pass germs on to other humans.

Perhaps worth adding to the problem is the usaf Dover afb squalene scandal, otherwise known as the Anthrax Series, which vics president Biden tried to fight against on behalf of damaged troops.

I was a very lazy student in college, but as it happens through a hobby on the internet, I started dating a vaccine developer named Hansjoerg Lehnherr, a Swiss national who has done vaccine research in over 10 countries, including the United States.

His former supervisor was a Russian scientist last name Yarmolinsky. His name can be seen on some of the first P1 Bacteriophage research, which was the precursor to modern vaccine recombineering methods and forerunner of the Lambda Red delivery system vector. Lambda Red went into the 6 vaccine Anthrax Series.

Bacteriophages are able to remove a gene from one bacterium and fit it into another, even cross species. In the wild this happens most often between Black Plague (Yersinia pestis) and common E coli. A few years ago in Germany was a massive black plague &e coli hybrid svare that many of you heard about. Anyone following the industry was worried.

The reason i bring up Spanish flu, aids, ebola, etc. Not just to blame a manufacturer but to point out the clusters. If you pick up the non fiction book The Hot Zone regarding Ebola outbreaks in Africa, the author of this documentary novel explains the artificial infection pattern and how it followed the vaccine clinics serving flu shots and not a wild vector.

Also i am a veteran who witnessed other troops get sick and lose their job opportunities thanks to vaccines.

Until the public is told why military members suffer 3x as many defective offspring as civilians, i will not support vaccination and in fact will continue to speak out.

I have a little boy who will be 9 soon. He's in state custody and I've had to fight for him very hard in terms of keeping the needles and pills out of him.

Vigilance is exhausting but despair is worse.
Which is why i can't give up until the industry and government tell the whole truth about why we are so unhealthy.

Great post. That is some real truth right there my friend. Wish more folks would at least consider this viewpoint.
Got mine. Zero side effects.

My best friend got her's three weeks ago. She has been in the bed sick over a week. Her doc told her it would NOT prevent her from taking the flu, but it was a deterrent. I can't afford to get sick. I lost my life three times in July. I guess I'll just stay in this winter.
The irony is that when I don't get the flu shot - I get the flu. The worst year for me was when I was already sick with bronchitis but hadn't gotten my flu shot yet since I was taking antibiotics. If you're taking antibiotics here's a fun fact for you: You must wait at least 14 days before getting vaccinated after finishing a round of antibiotics or your immune system will react in such a way that you will be hospitalized or DIE.

As I wheeze and hack my way through homework a sick relative visited with their annoying sick kids and I caught the flu from them. I have never been so ill in my whole life. I remember my parents trying to convince me to go to the hospital and I refused. Not long after I started getting better I ended up with food poisoning. That was a terrible three months. I lost some weight but I didn't have much to lose in the beginning. It was just so nice not to throw up food, stop shaking from muscle pain and be able to freaking breathe like a human being again.

I will never understand people who blame the flu shot for getting the flu. There's only one vaccine available and it protects only against a narrow strain set. If you contract the strain there is no vaccine for then you're doomed. That is the one and only explanation and I've never personally witnessed anyone react to any vaccine with brain damage. Those kids were born with birth defects period. I'll take a sore arm over the actual flu any day.

I sat waiting for my shot and had to argue with some weirdo claiming I would "become retarded from the vaccine or die". Honestly, I have no idea what is wrong with people and they never see what happens but it's always "a friend of a friend". Nonsense. People still die from the flu and I will not add to that body count. I'm paying out of pocket and it's still worth paying for it yourself instead of being a soup eating zombie for a week.
Finally, some actual common sense backed up by scientific facts instead of wild speculation and stories on the internet. A big "Thank you" to bluesneakers!
Interesting article, thought I would share.........

So,, if this happens with this vaccine, it very well could with others.

Randomly stringing events together with zero evidence and post a site with a link doesn't help anyone. When you consider where people their flu shots it makes sense.

Obviously people are going to a doctor's office, walk-in clinic, and pharmacy for their shots or care. I've seen people drag their diseased kid suffering from whooping cough (and a dirty diaper) across a pharmacy counter only to have people put their purse on it before we had a chance to wipe it off. When people joke about going into a hospital and being in worse shape with a new illness when they leave it's because all the germs, viruses, and bacteria are there in a huge breeding ground. Ask yourself how many times a day you rub your eyes or blow your nose? If you've ever opened a door in a public area you're at risk.

The areas where people get the vaccine are also areas where people with whooping cough go. I'll quote a parent who complained to the pharmacy staff. "My kid won't stop coughing her head off and it's really annoying. Like, she's been coughing nearly four hours straight! We're gonna see a movie this afternoon so can we give her some cough meds that will shut her up, like, um now please?"

The pharmacist went over to the kid, seated and coughing on the counter, then took her temperature with one of those forehead sensors you roll across the brow. He covered his mouth and stepped back. "Lady, that fact your kid could be coughing through a movie is the least of your worries. If you don't take her to the ER right now you'll have CPS interrogating you because I'll call them. Your daughter's temperature is 103.5 and she obviously is having trouble breathing. She has whooping cough you idiot! The doctors can't cure your kid but they can treat her so the sooner you get her to the ER the better her chances are of surviving your absent parenting skills."

The mother was angry, the staff was freaked out, and we all went to our doctors and checked to see if we could get TDAP boosters. That kid's face was blue and she had tears streaming down her cheeks. What kind of monster treats a kid that way? The child was four years old, still wearing diapers, and the mother thought the vaccine makes people sick. Please stop spreading these lies! It does mean the difference between life and death for people and yes, that child is DEAD because the mother was too lazy to vaccinate her.
Finally, some actual common sense backed up by scientific facts instead of wild speculation and stories on the internet. A big "Thank you" to bluesneakers!

Can you link me to some peer reviewed "scientific facts" that show us the long term (lifespan) consequences of frequent regular vaccinations on a humans immune system and therefore their health & wellness?
It definitely works for me I have not had a bad cold or flu since I started getting them a few years back. As many of you know I'm disabled and have health issues so it's pretty essential for me. Because I'm home a lot of the time I used to get the flu and all the winter bugs going when I went out because my immune system is not as strong as a normal person. I do not get it free through the National Health Service though I have to pay to get it done at the chemist.
My best friend got her's three weeks ago. She has been in the bed sick over a week. Her doc told her it would NOT prevent her from taking the flu, but it was a deterrent. I can't afford to get sick. I lost my life three times in July. I guess I'll just stay in this winter.

Hope you don't have any visiting relatives who are sick. We had a little niece (10) visiting yesterday for Thanksgiving and she had a headache and threw up while at our house. Her temp was down, but I think she was getting the flu...
I got the flu shot and the pneumonia shot this year. I hadnt had either in 10 years. I got the flu and 2 months later pneumonia and I have NEVER had pneumonia. I will not be doing either one of those again.
I got the flu shot and the pneumonia shot this year. I hadnt had either in 10 years. I got the flu and 2 months later pneumonia and I have NEVER had pneumonia. I will not be doing either one of those again.

:welcome: to Websleuths. I live in north-suburban Detroit. Go Wings!
Feb 8 2017, 12:58 pm ET

Death of Teen Athlete a Reminder That Flu Can Kill Anyone

by Lauren Dunn and Maggie Fox

Kayla Linton was a healthy, all-around athlete, but being fit did not protect her from the flu.

Linton, who died last week in Baltimore, is among the dozens of often perfectly healthy children who die from influenza every year in the U.S.

It's shaping up to be an average flu season so far in the U.S. last year, but even an average flu season is deadly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

CDC says 15 children under 18 have died in the 2016-2017 flu season. It's probably more than that — it takes a few weeks for CDC to gather the information, and not all states report flu deaths quickly or in the same way. In the last flu season, 89 children died...

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