Does TH's FB give us any clues?

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Usually, you have to join a gym, sign a contract for a year, and pay the monthly usage fee, and they don't let you skip the payment, either. It would be a shame for them to let that money go to waste, IMO.

Also, it is a great stress reliever.

IMO... Missing a workout at the gym on (the day) ETA: in the few days after your step son goes missing is NOT wasting money.... (Neither is missing the gym until he is found...) but that's just my opinion.
Besides being a stress reliever, I think she probably has a lot of friends at the gym since she goes there quite a bit. If so, these friends could very well be a big part of her support system.

Maybe "hitting the gym" was a shout out to her gym friends that she would be there, so they would go there too.
What concerns me is that @4:34pm on the 4th Terri was playing "treasure island" on facebook. She received a "Pretty Pirate" reward and she traded in the "Lost Adventuress treasures."
At 3:45 hadn't she just realized Kyron was what did she go home and play on facebook? I'd be real curious as to exactly what time she arrived at the school...she did go to the school, correct?

When you sign onto Facebook, all times shown are the time where you are. She was playing games at 1:34 pm pacific time, well before Kyron's bus was due. I also saw her facebook before it was private.
Also the poking and the comment to someone that it is addicting, the numerous smiley faces, and all of Kyron's photos had his birth mother's name and then "Kyron" but her daughter's photos had her full name.

The fact that Kyron's photos had his mom's name tagged on them was very likely because by tagging Desiree, Desiree would be sure to see the photos (she would get notifications of them and they would show up on her own wall). When I post photos of my child with my friend's children, I always tag my friends so they can see the photos of their own children.
IMO... Missing a workout at the gym on the day your step son goes missing is NOT wasting money.... (Neither is missing the gym until he is found...) but that's just my opinion.

The "hitting the gym" was a couple of days later not the day he went missing.
Many sources have discussed her comment about going to the gym. I have a friend whose daughter is a body builder. Her daughter got her "hooked" on going to the gym everyday. Even on a weekend trip, she wants a motel with a gym available.

(If anyone wants a link to the "going to the gym" comment, let me know and I'll get it :))

I'd go to the gym. I don't take medications I don't absolutely need and I'd want to burn off some of the stress naturally. Id' want to stay clear headed and I'd also want to be around friends and the gym I belong to offers that for me. I just couldn't sit around waiting for news. I'd go nuts.
The "hitting the gym" was a couple of days later not the day he went missing.

That's fine, my point is still that missing the gym while your step son is missing is not a waste of money.. doesn't matter if it was the day it happened or a week after.
Many sources have discussed her comment about going to the gym. I have a friend whose daughter is a body builder. Her daughter got her "hooked" on going to the gym everyday. Even on a weekend trip, she wants a motel with a gym available.

(If anyone wants a link to the "going to the gym" comment, let me know and I'll get it :))
I'd much rather see someone hit the gym to relieve stress than start downing drugs and alcohol, especially with a baby in the home. Also, members and owners were doing all they could to support the family, collecting for the search, etc., so I don't find it all that unusual they'd want to be surrounded by people who support them. As someone pointed out on an older thread, if they'd attended church, no one would have said a word.

IOW, I don't place any significance on the gym visit.
A thought I would like to toss out.

TH has a buff bod. The gym is a big part of her life. Big part. Whereas most of us going to the gym is something we have to force ourselves to do.

Could it be that to TH "hitting the gym" is equivalent to our "taking a walk"?

See what I mean. If I was extremely stressed I would take a walk for a moment to simmer down.

Now, would I post about it on FB when my child was missing? I really doubt it.

To me the odd thing about this whole Face Book/Gym situation is not so much that TH went to the gym, to her that is an obvious stress reliever and something she does often, but the fact she took the time to post about it on FB. That is what I find strange.

Good post. To some, it's also "spiritual" as most offer yoga and other stress relievers. I think she was sending out to her friends hoping many would meet her there.
Hello All
Longtime lurker here. I have not seen the FB page regarding TH hitting the gym. Does anyone know what time it was that she posted that? Was it the same day that Kyron went missing? I'm just curious about if Kyron had a history of going places that he didn't have permission to? Maybe when TH posted about hitting the gym, she wasn't yet into panic mode about him being gone. Maybe he was at a friend's house. Who knows? Just trying to look from both angles. Does TH look like an avid FBer? If you aren't completely familiar with FB, it isn't always that easy to figure out how to change your profile pic. These are just thoughts, not really even my opinion, definitely not facts. Thanks
The fact that Kyron's photos had his mom's name tagged on them was very likely because by tagging Desiree, Desiree would be sure to see the photos (she would get notifications of them and they would show up on her own wall). When I post photos of my child with my friend's children, I always tag my friends so they can see the photos of their own children.

This would require a connection that doesn't exist. There is no connection between these two on FB.

My edit:
--Correction: they were tagged and connected. I had signed off and just got back on. Just rechecked this, my error ---
Well, I don’t have a FB account, but it seems like whatever is posted there (replies to other people, timestamps, photo tags, captions on photos, etc.) can be taken wildly out of context, so that makes me very uncomfortable.

I agree with the other people who’ve made mention of not truly knowing what you might do when faced with an extraordinary circumstance, shock, or stress. I lost someone very close to me after a very long illness. She died in my arms. Even with all the anticipatory grieving I’d been going through, I was not prepared. I did some very strange things that day and for several days, actually. I fixated on work, keeping previously scheduled appointments, and being hyper-functional. I can see how someone could judge me by those actions and assume I didn’t care. My mind just really wanted to cling to things I had control over and keep a routine. I still look back on certain things and think, why did I do that?

It sounds like FB was important to her and part of her routine prior to this tragedy. I have no idea what I'd do in a situation like this. But I do know the mind does some strange things to preserve itself when faced with shock. So, I try to keep an open mind and not jump to conclusions.
What got me when I read those posts wasn't what she said, it was how she said it. Looking at that Facebook you would never in a million years think that this woman was going through a major event. It was the casual way in which she was posting. The smilies, the poking. I've seen people with lost pets acting way more upset then she seemed. But it didn't really alarm me at the time because I just figured she was putting on a brave face to keep going.
hold up... we are not talking about someone's spiritual connection with exercize! we are talking about their ONLINE COMMUNICATION OF IT AFTER HER CHILD HAS WENT MISSING WITHOUT A WORD MENTIONED OF THAT AT ALL! Obviously posting on facebook she knows how many people are reading.. now her step child is missing... a child in her full time care.. and and all she can say is that she is hitting the gym? not even "hitting the gym for kyron"

issues. I have issues. As , I am sure does LE. I hope they ferrett them out asap!
I don't see a buff bod. Not now. She has let herself go. She hasn't been going to the gym regularly. Maybe she started up again a week ago. But she hasn't been going regularly.
This would require a connection that doesn't exist. There is no connection between these two on FB.


When I've tagged photos on FB (as I did yesterday), I can only tag my FB friends.

Is there any more detail about how the 2 are NOT connected on FB?
A thought I would like to toss out.

TH has a buff bod. The gym is a big part of her life. Big part. Whereas most of us going to the gym is something we have to force ourselves to do.

Could it be that to TH "hitting the gym" is equivalent to our "taking a walk"?

See what I mean. If I was extremely stressed I would take a walk for a moment to simmer down.

Now, would I post about it on FB when my child was missing? I really doubt it.

To me the odd thing about this whole Face Book/Gym situation is not so much that TH went to the gym, to her that is an obvious stress reliever and something she does often, but the fact she took the time to post about it on FB. That is what I find strange.

Some people talk a lot when they're stressed. I do, until I reach my absolute saturation point where I'm going to blow. In this day and age "talking" means texting and FB posting. I don't find it strange in that context.
I don't know, if my child was missing I would...

1. NOT let my other child out of my site for a second. I don't care if LE had my house staked out to the hilt.

2. NOT want to leave in case my child came home.

But then again that is just me. I'm an avid swimmer, I certainly wouldn't write or be "hitting the pool"...the pool and my swimming would take the back seat to looking for my child. JMHO.
What I recall is that LE told one of them to go to the school and the other to wait at home. I don't know if there has been any confirmation of who did what or at exactly what time.

IF I were told to either go home or stay home and wait for LE to arrive because my son was missing I would not be playing games on the net...I might be calling everyone I know or who knows my son to see IF they perhaps knew where he was but I would not be playing games...JMO
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