Wow at some of the comments on that latest article. People are so mean. I mean if you can't sympathize with something like this, I feel like you must have a heart of stone. I rarely walk my dog on a leash but he wears an e-collar and is trained to stay next to me(please don't think I'm some awful e collar user, it's just I want to make sure he gets exercise, but with a baby in a stroller or strapped on my back I can't risk him pulling me down, even though he would probably never do that, I don't want to risk it, plus, the collar actually has a vibrate function and he knows when he feels the vibration he better come park his little butt right beside me - also, I have never shocked him at a level I haven't first tested out on myself) But, when he was younger and on the leash, he once ate a nutty butty bar right in front of me before I realized what was happening!
I am not so sure this is the same person though, different method altogether.