Donna Brock

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I think Donna did lie - gave the pills to Misty - sure she did. You just up and give someone 150 pills and then take them to a truck stop to sell them to an undercover cop for 800 bucks. Donna didn't "give" the pills to Misty for Misty's use - she got Misty to help her sell them for money.

I can understand the admissions to the drug deals - they all know they are caught and that there is audio and video of each transaction. No way I am buying that Donna just gave those pills to Misty because she didn't need them or want them. She could have thrown them in the trash or never filled the script in the first place if she didn't need them or want them.
when I said lie, I meant more on the lines of accusing Misty of swiping them, & unbeknownst to her, was selling them. That doesn't sound real plausible, but hey, what does in this case?
Anyone else think that sounds like TM?
ETA Okay, relistening now, not so much TM. For a second, I really thought it was him. Don't mind me lol.
when I said lie, I meant more on the lines of accusing Misty of swiping them, & unbeknownst to her, was selling them. That doesn't sound real plausible, but hey, what does in this case?

Nothing :crazy:
I find it intresting that the guy states to Donna that they told her they where closing in on them and to get out of the way and she didn't listen.... Surely the woman isn't that ignorant, I'm wondering if she may not be more of an informant than we know.

No one is told by LE hey we are about to get these people you need to back off and instead she gives them pills to sell, nope.. not buying it, I think there is more to DB than we know.
I would like to hear the entire conversation if we can find it.
I think Donna did lie - gave the pills to Misty - sure she did. You just up and give someone 150 pills and then take them to a truck stop to sell them to an undercover cop for 800 bucks. Donna didn't "give" the pills to Misty for Misty's use - she got Misty to help her sell them for money.

I can understand the admissions to the drug deals - they all know they are caught and that there is audio and video of each transaction. No way I am buying that Donna just gave those pills to Misty because she didn't need them or want them. She could have thrown them in the trash or never filled the script in the first place if she didn't need them or want them.

Charlie...ITA...we have Misty being told she was just helping a friend out and now DB is helping Misty...I don't get this one bit...I mean I guess being in jail makes them lonesome and wanting to talk but if I was somehow in a parallel universe and involved in something like this, I wouldn't be spout dumb carp...they simply ALL can't be this , er, compromised intellectually--can they?:waitasec:
Well pooh! That reporterette is waving that DVD of the calls around just to taunt us!! :banghead:
I wonder with Donna being married and supposedly owning several homes, why her husband hasn't come forward and posted her bail. She could be out with $50,000 I believe.

Maybe he likes knowing where she is ......
I have to wonder if LE has asked them to no longer link the calls, at least certain ones. If you note in the article about Tommy's 7 calls the article discusses Tommy and Timmy talking about Haleigh and how much trouble her going missing has caused the family. For Donna the main theme is they pulled her in and questioned her for two hours about Haleigh before booking her and that LE thinks Misty has told her what happened.

Just my guess - LE has asked for only certain things to be said about these tapes so it gets back to the players in the form LE wants them to know. LE is pretty crafty and if the press wants info - they are going to have to play by LE's rules in the end.
I think Donna did lie - gave the pills to Misty - sure she did. You just up and give someone 150 pills and then take them to a truck stop to sell them to an undercover cop for 800 bucks. Donna didn't "give" the pills to Misty for Misty's use - she got Misty to help her sell them for money.
I can understand the admissions to the drug deals - they all know they are caught and that there is audio and video of each transaction. No way I am buying that Donna just gave those pills to Misty because she didn't need them or want them. She could have thrown them in the trash or never filled the script in the first place if she didn't need them or want them.

You are absolutely right charlie! That's the first thing I thought too! I believe that was her hubby she was talking to and she had to tell him something that sounded a little better (in her mind) than what she actually did. She had the pills ..or was at least able to get them..and imo wanted to feel like big shot to them. IDK whether she took them too, don't really care to be honest. But you are exactly right..

I can just picture it now..:sick:..R & M need money and want pills..Donna doesn't have any more money but she can get the pills..a 2-fer..they have pills and can sell the rest to get some cash. Thing is Donna had to go to her dentist to get the pills..if Misty was in pain for some reason <roll eyes> why not take her to dentist/doc? WTH was supposed to be wrong with her anyway I wonder?

These people are such liars and they're not even good liars. Lord, let HaLeigh be found soon and bring some much needed answers and closure to her family, so that this precious child can finally rest in peace..:(
I have to wonder if LE has asked them to no longer link the calls, at least certain ones. If you note in the article about Tommy's 7 calls the article discusses Tommy and Timmy talking about Haleigh and how much trouble her going missing has caused the family. For Donna the main theme is they pulled her in and questioned her for two hours about Haleigh before booking her and that LE thinks Misty has told her what happened.

Just my guess - LE has asked for only certain things to be said about these tapes so it gets back to the players in the form LE wants them to know. LE is pretty crafty and if the press wants info - they are going to have to play by LE's rules in the end.

Yup, as much as I want to hear them, I'm afraid you may be right. I would have to imagine that depending on the content in each individual call, with some convos there may be things peppered throughout, so much so that there may not be a suitable portion to play. (if that makes any sense :crazy:)
The part I don't understand about these people is why in the world did they go back into that area to sell them? They all knew they were being watched, so why didn't they get rid of them in Donna's area, for instance? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
do these people feel compelled to admit to their drug involvement? She admits to giving Misty the pills. Seriously, she was in a position to lie. I don't condone lieing, but these ARE a bunch of low moral drug dealers we're talking about, so you'd think they'd lie & lie & lie.

But she was talking really low so no one could hear her. That should have been enough LOL

Did none of these people follow the Anthony case? Apparently not.
I guess that we are not done searching for that single brain cell between them then?
The part I don't understand about these people is why in the world did they go back into that area to sell them? They all knew they were being watched, so why didn't they get rid of them in Donna's area, for instance? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

I'm sorry Dodie but you are making far too much sense tonight. You simply must stop that or you will be asked to leave. :crazy:
Charlie...ITA...we have Misty being told she was just helping a friend out and now DB is helping Misty...I don't get this one bit...I mean I guess being in jail makes them lonesome and wanting to talk but if I was somehow in a parallel universe and involved in something like this, I wouldn't be spout dumb carp...they simply ALL can't be this , er, compromised intellectually--can they?:waitasec:

LOL HH! I know, right? Was wondering the same thing myself..:snooty:

note to self~:eek: IF G@D forbid, you ever find yourself behind bars, for ANY unforeseeable reason, keep your big mouth shut...

Not only wrong thread and has probably been mentioned many times, but I have even wondered if the 'friend-girl' phone call was a reporter or someone from a forum, (any forum as this case is kept alive via internet imo) or even an aspiring writer..Could be and most likely is a case of that strange phenomenon called prison romance with murderers and rapists and I'll never understand it...
I guess that we are not done searching for that single brain cell between them then?

Is it a whole intact cell that we are trying to find? I thought we were searching for particles..
It's been said that she really doesn't have that much money and she was declared indigent IIRC. Not to mention that I imagine hubby is not too happy with her right now. PLUS, she has least a son.. I believe to be *around* Misty's age..maybe a couple yrs older. Can you imagine how he feels right now? DB HAD to have been away from home for awhile before she was locked up running around Satsuma with a bunch of punks. She's been down there a while I think...


eta~ I'm also thinkin that was her husband on the phone..supposedly he is Ret. LE..

[snipped & bbm]

what? her hubby's retired LE??? Idk about anyone else but this still smells fishy to me

of all of them, seems she would be the one to make bail and quickly

and what's a married mother doing running around with them anyway? and has anyone sleuthed her to see just how rich/indigent she is and what her background was prior to getting involved in this whole mess (prior to being on a search team)?

I still think she's undercover w/ the cops - I think she was dropped into this mess on purpose and they're keeping her there to try and get more info

hubby already knows all this and her phone conversation with him is scripted IMO
[snipped & bbm]

what? her hubby's retired LE??? Idk about anyone else but this still smells fishy to me

of all of them, seems she would be the one to make bail and quickly

and what's a married mother doing running around with them anyway? and has anyone sleuthed her to see just how rich/indigent she is and what her background was prior to getting involved in this whole mess (prior to being on a search team)?

I still think she's undercover w/ the cops - I think she was dropped into this mess on purpose and they're keeping her there to try and get more info

hubby already knows all this and her phone conversation with him is scripted IMO

Yep, I read that somewhere here and then stumbled across his MS page. Some of the characters my-space pages are in the stickies..don't think his is since he's apparently another casualty of R & M imo. .. His is not private and had some pics. I found it through a link to one that IS in the stickies, can't remember who though. He's a retired Sheriff, Captain or something like that. IIRC he's about 45 y/o with a pony-tail down his back. (and from something I read, it made me know that he had long hair in LE too..wonder if he worked undercover?)
I find it intresting that the guy states to Donna that they told her they where closing in on them and to get out of the way and she didn't listen.... Surely the woman isn't that ignorant, I'm wondering if she may not be more of an informant than we know.

No one is told by LE hey we are about to get these people you need to back off and instead she gives them pills to sell, nope.. not buying it, I think there is more to DB than we know.
I would like to hear the entire conversation if we can find it.


what???! I wonder who he was referring to

and what was her reply?

this is evidence of her being an informant IMO

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