Donna Brock

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Low IQ can go along with learning disabilities and behavior problems in school. I don't think Misty's grandmother is lying about the difficulties with studies and it's proven that Misty did quit school. Misty is obviously not quite right and doesn't understand or respond to some questions normally.
Imo...How do you think LE gets any information in order to bust people ? LE uses this kind of tactic daily in order to gather information for bust's, that is why they have undercover informants, without them LE would get nowhere.
I do not feel it was wrong at all for them to do this, if it will help bring Haleigh home or any other child then so be it.
I would like to know why Ron felt it important to disclose to Misty by text that DB was doing this ?
He keep's stateing he wants to find his daughter but when things are put in place to try and do such a thing he underminds it, why ?
Very odd indeed...:waitasec:

I will be listening ! Thank you Levi !
Donna Brock and tim Miller are not LE and that is the difference. And LE solves many, many cases w/o undercover officers. And in the end they learned nothing more "undercover" than they knew before.
Low IQ can go along with learning disabilities and behavior problems in school. I don't think Misty's grandmother is lying about the difficulties with studies and it's proven that Misty did quit school. Misty is obviously not quite right and doesn't understand or respond to some questions normally.

It doesn't take a mastermind to testify things that are more truthful than not. It takes a mastermind to lie effectively. Misty isn't capable of being a master manipulator, for goodness sakes. Her inability to rise to that premis is enough to disqualify her from being guilty, IMO.
It doesn't take a mastermind to testify things that are more truthful than not. It takes a mastermind to lie effectively. Misty isn't capable of being a master manipulator, for goodness sakes. Her inability to rise to that premis is enough to disqualify her from being guilty, IMO.

How is she not capable of being a master manipulator when she left a message on Amber Brooks myspace page saying she would take her kid like she took her man?
How is she not capable of being a master manipulator when she left a message on Amber Brooks myspace page saying she would take her kid like she took her man?

I'm behind on the situation, please clue me in, thanks. Please provide the information as well as the links, thanks. I'm sure you are working on the details, much appreciated. Please provide the links to this Amber Brooks myspace as soon as possible.
How is she not capable of being a master manipulator when she left a message on Amber Brooks myspace page saying she would take her kid like she took her man?
GMAB, that was not the line of a master manipulator, it was the words of a 16 yr. old girl in a fuss about a boy. Apparently alot of people here have never been around teenage girls, they can be ruthless, doesn't make them manipulators, just teenagers. :rolleyes:
GMAB, that was not the line of a master manipulator, it was the words of a 16 yr. old girl in a fuss about a boy. Apparently alot of people here have never been around teenage girls, they can be ruthless, doesn't make them manipulators, just teenagers. :rolleyes:

Further to that excellent post, I'd like to get some links, as requested by myself, in order to check this stuff out.
GMAB, that was not the line of a master manipulator, it was the words of a 16 yr. old girl in a fuss about a boy. Apparently alot of people here have never been around teenage girls, they can be ruthless, doesn't make them manipulators, just teenagers. :rolleyes:

Well...I WAS a teenage girl so I have a frame of reference :angel: Oh and I also taught ES/LS teens for YEARS....but I am at a loss as to what boy you are speaking of? Honestly if you mean Ron...Well at 24-25 that would be MANHOOD..JMO, of course...:) :waitasec:
sorry, I know how I have quoted your post 2x, but it had been edited..I totally 'get' the speak your mind week, I'm kinda having one of those myself, lol. SO, I have to ask...what do you mean by the bbm part of your post? Who are you talking about competing for attention, if you don't mind my asking...HaLeigh's GONE, she can't 'compete' for anything , poor baby girl. :( It should be ALL ABOUT HALEIGH and the fact that Misty and Rom imo are NOT talking to LE takes the attention off of her and onto them. There is a way for them to solve that you know....I hope I haven't misinterpreted your post,..(well actually I hope that I know what I mean :)) Seriously, if I have that was not my intention ..

I meant the focus of all the media and so called press should be on Haleigh, not Misty or Ronald and their soap opera. I just want the press to keep Haleigh's name front and center... not the peripheral junk. I'll have to go back and read my post.. don't know what bbm is sounds nasty..LOL
Well...I WAS a teenage girl so I have a frame of reference :angel: Oh and I also taught ES/LS teens for YEARS....but I am at a loss as to what boy you are speaking of? Honestly if you mean Ron...Well at 24-25 that would be MANHOOD..JMO, of course...:) :waitasec:

HH, you are never going to believe this, but I was a teenage girl once too!!! How coincedental is that?! During my rebellious teenage years, I used drugs, lied (quite well, not a mastermind, but quite effectively I am ashamed to say) to my parents about where I was going and what I was doing. (don't believe I was ever ruthless tho) Add to that I was pregnant, married and out of school, 3 weeks shy of my 16th b'day to my childrens father who was almost 20 at the time. Moved away from where I grew up (a larger city) because I was told by my parents that if I insisted on having the baby and marrying, I had to, so no support system there. Ex was from a teeny tiny town, much like I imagine Satsuma to be, sadly full of families just like this..and that's where I ended up for quite a few years. Also have a mild LD, (but wasn't diagnosed til much later) but at least got my GED all by my 17 y/o self, blah, blah, blah.....
You know HH, I forgot where I was even going with this and almost deleted, but what I am trying to WHY is Misty being giving such a pass by many of the same peeps that didn't have a problem whatsoever with her being smart/mature enough to 'care for' children properly and safely or when she and Ron got married because they were 'in love' and it was what HaLeigh wanted. :rolleyes: I'm just having a real hard time with the 'Poor Misty' pity party. I just want to know where in the he!! HaLeigh is? and it is MO and apparently LE's opinion that Misty knows more and ain't talking..:sick:
I meant the focus of all the media and so called press should be on Haleigh, not Misty or Ronald and their soap opera. I just want the press to keep Haleigh's name front and center... not the peripheral junk. I'll have to go back and read my post.. don't know what bbm is sounds nasty..LOL

LOL! bbm means Bolded-By-Me (in your post (by me) to make it visible, so you would know which part I'm refering to :crazy:)
Wouldn't anything that this Donna person heard be nothing more than hearsay in court? Unless she was authorized by Le to wear a wire (which I doubt) whatever she learned would be useless.
As far as her being street smart, I am sorry.. it doesn't seem as though she is street smart enough or cagey enough to avoid being tossed out on her ear by Ron. Seems he is a few steps ahead of her doesn't it? I mean, really no matter how it is worded, this girl is seventeen.. she isn't sophisticated .. she smiled like her world was all sunshine and happy when she married Ron.
That alone is a clue that she is not street smart or shrewd.
I am sorry if you found my choice of words somehow offensive. I am so disgusted with how this case is being handled. I want someone to do some real detective work and find this child. I cannot imagine the pain this causes her grandmothers.

bbm~ :p I suspect that it may very well be. (heresay, that is) I really don't know to be honest. I had said in an earlier post that I too am so frustrated by all this (as most of us are, I'm sure) that I care much more about finding HaLeigh, than about the prosecution of the guilty party(ies) and I DO feel that way now because sadly I do not believe that she is alive and I am so afraid that she will never be found. Having said that..I probably will feel much different once an arrest(s) has been made.

As to the rest of your post, it's no secret that I believe that Ron is complicit in whatever happened to HaLeigh so, NO I don't believe that he is 2 steps ahead of her. I think that she knows exactly what she is doing, yes she is 17, but see my post above about my view on that, lol!

And no, it wasn't that I found your words offensive, it was that I just didn't understand, but I appreciate you clearing that up AND being thoughtful enough to think about it being offensive! :blowkiss:
I meant the focus of all the media and so called press should be on Haleigh, not Misty or Ronald and their soap opera. I just want the press to keep Haleigh's name front and center... not the peripheral junk. I'll have to go back and read my post.. don't know what bbm is sounds nasty..LOL

I think we have to focus on Misty, she is the one that has lied, she has failed a polygraph, failed a voice analysis test, her hypnosis showed she was hiding something.
It doesn't take a mastermind to testify things that are more truthful than not. It takes a mastermind to lie effectively. Misty isn't capable of being a master manipulator, for goodness sakes. Her inability to rise to that premis is enough to disqualify her from being guilty, IMO.

I disagree that it takes a mastermind to lie effectively. An average person could concoct a quick plan and lie very well. Someone who doesn't think normally would get it all messed up and not notice wrong details about such simple things as washing a blanket or going to the bathroom. If Misty did something, I believe she had help and messed up her part or story.
First I'm glad Donna Brock will be on your show. I agree that Misty is the key and so does LE since they said as much. To that end, reasonable minds can agree that the actions of Ron and Misty are relevant because we still don't know what happened to Haleigh. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that Ron texted Misty to alert her to Donna's motives. It makes no sense and contradicts his "keep your enemies closer" statement. Makes me wonder what is really going on with these two.....:waitasec:

One more thing, being Learning Disabled (LD) is not the same thing as having low intelligence. It simply means there is a discrepancy between capacity to learn and actual level of achievement. People with LD have average to above average IQ's.
Donna Brock and tim Miller are not LE and that is the difference. And LE solves many, many cases w/o undercover officers. And in the end they learned nothing more "undercover" than they knew before.

Your right they are not LE but they are and were working with LE while doing this. :)
First I'm glad Donna Brock will be on your show. I agree that Misty is the key and so does LE since they said as much. To that end, reasonable minds can agree that the actions of Ron and Misty are relevant because we still don't know what happened to Haleigh. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that Ron texted Misty to alert her to Donna's motives. It makes no sense and contradicts his "keep your enemies closer" statement. Makes me wonder what is really going on with these two.....:waitasec:

One more thing, being Learning Disabled (LD) is not the same thing as having low intelligence. It simply means there is a discrepancy between capacity to learn and actual level of achievement. People with LD have average to above average IQ's.

Some with lower IQ's also have learning disabilities in Math, language, or other areas plus other conditions. Learning disabilities can affect the results of an IQ test and it can go up a little after getting help when the school tests again in 3 years or so. How this relates to Misty is that she can't be very intelligent or she wouldn't have kept changing her story even in slight ways then say she doesn't know why.
Not really. This is Art Harris, on the NG show, from a transcript:

Donna Brock, who is a volunteer for Texas Equusearch, according to Tim Miller, was working all the time to get close to Misty so she could possibly glean information about what Misty may know happened to Haleigh. This was not known to police per se. She was not a, quote, "agent" of police. But she was working for Texas Equusearch in an attempt to find out what she could learn by getting close to Misty.

It may be that Miller was reporting to LE right along about his undercover plan, or it may be that he told LE what was up after the road rage incident. But being in contact with LE at some point is not working with them, which implies that LE had some role in approving, initiation, supporting or dreaming up this scheme.
Some with lower IQ's also have learning disabilities in Math, language, or other areas plus other conditions. Learning disabilities can affect the results of an IQ test and it can go up a little after getting help when the school tests again in 3 years or so. How this relates to Misty is that she can't be very intelligent or she wouldn't have kept changing her story even in slight ways then say she doesn't know why.

First, traditional Stanford-Binet IQ tests are not the only measure of intelligence, and do not measure the many forms of intelligence that have nothing to do with language use and quantitative skills. People who test at all levels of intelligence can have learning differences or disabilities. Some of the "differences" actually enhance intelligence in some areas. Edison, da Vinci and Einstein are said to have had dyslexia. Perhaps some low test scores of people with learning disabilities can be explained by the fact that the tests done in schools are often administered in writing.

Misty's problems with her story/stories may have more to do with the difficulty of remembering lies and keeping them consistent with previous versions of the story. It is clear, though, that Misty has had very little effective formal education.

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