Donna Brock

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I just had to respond to your last comment. It doesn't matter if it was a sting operation or not, Donna was banished from TES long before this. This was not Tim's fault, so how could it hurt his organization if we're talking to any reasonable person.

If anything, this person used TES to get nearer to the key players in Haleigh's case maybe.....because 1. They were familiar customers or 2. They had this kind of activity in common and she wanted to keep better control of what may come out.

Oooh I totally agree with you that this is what may have happened.
Ok...I'll get this on the right thread on the Caylee area...haven't checked to see if it's there yet....BUT....IMO...this is gonna be pretty big fodder for KC's defense in their search/request motions for ALL the records for TES searchers during the Caylee searches. I'm almost positive DB was involved in those searches, no???
Now the defense is probably scurrying around with the bizarre "O-Town Finest" letter about drugs and THIS arrest of a searcher linked to a drug sting.....

You are probably right. KC's defense will jump at anything.
To set the record straight, no one "works" for TES. NO ONE gets a pay check, not Tim not anyone. It is ALL volunteer. Donna's drug charges have NOTHING to do with Tim Miller or TES. Thousands of people over the years have come out for TES searches & I don't think anything anyone does outside a search should reflect on TES. I will continue to support TES, to search with TES & trust TES.
It's my understanding she was no mere volunteer in the ranks. She was up there. Obviously up there enough to where Tim personally had her infiltrate Misty's orbit.
No matter when Tim fired her, he's going to need to do some damage control and explain the funding to Misty for gifts, etc.

Which I hope didn't come out of the donation pot. And I do agree with Mark Klaas on the interference being a pretty bad idea. Albeit well-meaning. I probably would've wanted to do the same thing.

After a road rage incident, and my reporting of Donna Brock distributing drugs to Misty while on a interview in NY, Miller released brock for TES, and the police no longer required her services. But Brock continued her “friendship” with Misty, spiraling out of control, and ending up jailed in a drug sting operation.

I guess Tim is going to be on a radio show with Steph on Sunday night.
Reminder ~ let's keep the discussion on the charges and Donna's involvement in the case and not about what she looks like, poking fun at her, etc. Thanks!

P. S. This goes for all the players, too.
I have to disagree there are times when your undercovers are arrested. If they are there when the bust goes down they are taken away just the same and booked.If you did not arrest them it would be obvious.
If it is someone say such as Tommy working for them he would be arrested if he was there as to not draw attention to him working for them, it all gets worked out.

Most informants work under a different name and change their looks to fit in and go down along with everyone else and yes just seem to disappear at some point.
I have a freind that works undercover when need be ...
this of course is jmo...

I've known this to happen too mystic...they get hauled off with the rest and things 'get worked out' later...have no clue whether that would even be a possibility here, but it's certainly not unheard of... imo only of course ..
I am still on the fence with Donna but it could be they want her in a cell with Misty or close to her. That has been done before.
It's my understanding she was no mere volunteer in the ranks. She was up there. Obviously up there enough to where Tim personally had her infiltrate Misty's orbit.
No matter when Tim fired her, he's going to need to do some damage control and explain the funding to Misty for gifts, etc.

Which I hope didn't come out of the donation pot. And I do agree with Mark Klaas on the interference being a pretty bad idea. Albeit well-meaning. I probably would've wanted to do the same thing.

No matter when Tim fired her, he's going to need to do some damage control and explain the funding to Misty for gifts, etc. I don't think it's Tim's place to explain funding to Misty for gifts since the money did not come from him. When she (DB) was let go by TES, all ties were cut. That was a board decision. Not Tim's alone. Tim is not frivolous with TES funds. He works a job and donates the money to TES to help insure they can go on to the next search. As soon as Tim can get some air time, I am positive he's going to get some things straight and this will be one of them.
I have a feeling most people who know about TES won't hold the doings of DB against the organization. From what I gather DB was a volunteer.
I honestly think donna inserted herself with good intentionts but got mixed up in all the hoop la... i think the real focus now isn't on ron even though he was arrested but i think it needs to be taken back to white boy greg and misty.
I have a feeling most people who know about TES won't hold the doings of DB against the organization. From what I gather DB was a volunteer.

Yes because she had too much time on her hands and didn't have a job like most people. I can't even see her being a TES person! :waitasec:
I have a feeling most people who know about TES won't hold the doings of DB against the organization. From what I gather DB was a volunteer.

Everyone that volunteers for TES is just that.....a volunteer. There is no payroll. NG needs to straighten out her people with "so called reliable sources". It's beginning to make her look real bad.
Forgive me if this has already been said (haven't finished reading all the post)
Who is to say, that Donna did not have a "pill problem" before the Misty introduction.

It could explain the Donna/Misty connection, after the fact (Donna's persistance in Misty's life) You know the crazy antics of drug addicts...they are very forgiving when it comes to their drugs.

I never had a good feeling about DB, there was something about her looks (sometimes a person's looks can tell a lot) Her looks made me second guess her intentions. She never struck me as a woman who was on the "up&up"

Anyone else have that feeling??
Everyone that volunteers for TES is just that.....a volunteer. There is no payroll. NG needs to straighten out her people with "so called reliable sources". It's beginning to make her look real bad.

I dont think she was receiving a paycheck from TE either but there have been some comments that no one in the organization receives one and in all likelihood that is untrue.
DB was a volunteer just as I am and many other thousands throughout the USA..... we are notified when a search is needed and if available we help search.

Some people just have to be the center of attention....and apparently DB is getting more attention than she expected. Whatever her intentions were...the consequences are her's alone.
I dont think she was receiving a paycheck from TE either but there have been some comments that no one in the organization receives one and in all likelihood that is untrue.

If anyone receives a paycheck in most likelihood it might be the day to day operations in TX...but NO VOLUNTEER receives a paycheck. We pay for our own lodging, etc. and receive donated food, water, etc. if available during a search. We are all instructed to bring our own food and water....and if the community donates that is icing on the cake. The donated money goes mainly to logistics the cost of transporting equipment etc.
Everyone that volunteers for TES is just that.....a volunteer. There is no payroll. NG needs to straighten out her people with "so called reliable sources". It's beginning to make her look real bad.

In the past, Nancy had Tim on many, many times. She knows darn good & well there is no payroll. I was disappointed when her "person" stated on last nights show Donna was on Tes "payroll" & that Tim had even given her money to buy Christmas gifts for someone's kids in this group. Nancy should have asked for proof there is a payroll as she knows there is NOT. Lately she has been playing very fast & loose with the facts on all the cases. If she were the victims advocate like she claims, she wouldnt do that as that hurts the victims. FACTS help, not comments that you make "fit" what you want it to to gain ratings.
I dont think she was receiving a paycheck from TE either but there have been some comments that no one in the organization receives one and in all likelihood that is untrue.

Donations to Texas Equusearch are used for search and rescue missions, equipment, fuel, food, lodging for the Search Coordinators and expenses to get the Mobile Command Center to the search location. That's all!

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