Dr G. to do special about Caylee

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I'm still amazed that a group of 12 people would think someone would lie about a "drowning" because that's what Casey did (if you believe the DT)...she lied and made it a "kidnapping"...by her own words. She would lie and sit in jail for 3 years with her life on the line. Because her mother would be angry at her and never forgive her? It just doesn't make sense!

Jeff said that too. Who would possibly take a truly accidental death and alter the story in order to make it sound like a kidnapping and murder?
We have heard FCA talking to her mother in such a contemptuous manner that the possibility she was afraid of her reaction to anything is laughable.
Well, we do have to admit that it is so much easier to disagree with findings when we are not experts. For the ME's they are required to report what they have found and they are required to report their findings. I think Dr. G. has done an excellent job of reporting what she believes happened to Caylee based on her vast knowledge and education.

I don't think the defense team, in the end, disagreed that there was tape originally on Caylee's face and where it was specifically located because of their claim that someone else placed the body at the remains site. They really can't have it two ways but we have to admit they sure tried. lol jmo
I also thought that one big clue the PT didn't drive home but left for the jury to figure out, was that duct tape was also found in the same grid area as some the hand bones. Neither JA nor Mr. George directly connect the two because they may have thought it was obvious enough for the jurors to grasp on their own. It was like a jigsaw puzzle with huge peices sitting along side that the 12 did not look at and come to a conclusion where they fit into the picture, although I myself thought it was a given.
I'm still amazed that a group of 12 people would think someone would lie about a "drowning" because that's what Casey did (if you believe the DT)...she lied and made it a "kidnapping"...by her own words. She would lie and sit in jail for 3 years with her life on the line. Because her mother would be angry at her and never forgive her? It just doesn't make sense!

I so agree w/you! Like casey's mother wouldn't be mad that Caylee was "kidnapped" and then casey failed to report it for 31 days? With both of those scenarios I could see a mother (even Cindy) being less mad about an accidental drowning than she would be about an unreported kidnapping. But, whatever. I guess the jury made up their minds and they thought it was plausible that Caylee accidentally drowned. I just wonder if any of them ever look back and realize that they did the wrong thing? Not that I am expecting any of them to admit to it.
Jeff said that too. Who would possibly take a truly accidental death and alter the story in order to make it sound like a kidnapping and murder?
We have heard FCA talking to her mother in such a contemptuous manner that the possibility she was afraid of her reaction to anything is laughable.

Bolding by me....

That was such a good point made by him, and once he made it I truly thought the state had the case in the bag. I just cannot understand how I saw things so differently from this jury.
Bumping this because it's getting close.
Ohhhh noo you don't! Get you hinny back up there thread!! BUMMMMMPPPPP! :maddening:

Jeff said that too. Who would possibly take a truly accidental death and alter the story in order to make it sound like a kidnapping and murder?
We have heard FCA talking to her mother in such a contemptuous manner that the possibility she was afraid of her reaction to anything is laughable.

Dr. Jan Garavaglia, who has been in Orange County for many years now and worked on thousands of cases, testified that the answer to your question is....no one.
The most important question, IMO, is what kind of judge, state's attorney, and defense team in a death penalty case would put such a rushed timeline on a case involving the fate of a 22 year old and the death of her daughter? I thought their timeline was rushed when they gave it to HHJS/HHJP early on. And was it ever.
And what kind of judge would impanel a jury that would only serve if the timeline was short or a juror that refused to judge people, because to not impanel them would mean time and money finding homeless people to serve instead? Those were the first moments I felt let down by the state and HHJP, in voir dire. The US Constitution, and I am sure the Constitution of Florida, does not instruct that a person get their due process, or that a victim receive justice when their right to Life is infringed, with the caveat that those rights come with a budget or a price tag.
Please, no need to reply about the broke-arse financial state Florida is in, don't care. Just because a great majority of our country thinks with their watch and their pocketbook instead of their moral compass is not for me to resolve. I am glad to stray from the crowd on that one.
Maybe HHJP should have impaneled homeless people, betcha they would have served far more honorably.
In fact, when it suited HHJP, he let the defense have plenty of time to muck around. A ton of time. Served his purpose, I write, because he did not want to be overturned on appeal for sure. So, it's okay for a judge to protect his record by allowing a defense team ample time, but if the state wants to strike a juror that cannot judge people, then the judge cannot waste time and must rush to impanel her and move on? Please.
Dr. Jan Garavaglia, who has been in Orange County for many years now and worked on thousands of cases, testified that the answer to your question is....no one.
The most important question, IMO, is what kind of judge, state's attorney, and defense team in a death penalty case would put such a rushed timeline on a case involving the fate of a 22 year old and the death of her daughter? I thought their timeline was rushed when they gave it to HHJS/HHJP early on. And was it ever.
And what kind of judge would impanel a jury that would only serve if the timeline was short or a juror that refused to judge people, because to not impanel them would mean time and money finding homeless people to serve instead? Those were the first moments I felt let down by the state and HHJP, in voir dire. The US Constitution, and I am sure the Constitution of Florida, does not instruct that a person get their due process, or that a victim receive justice when their right to Life is infringed, with the caveat that those rights come with a budget or a price tag.
Please, no need to reply about the broke-arse financial state Florida is in, don't care. Just because a great majority of our country thinks with their watch and their pocketbook instead of their moral compass is not for me to resolve. I am glad to stray from the crowd on that one.
Maybe HHJP should have impaneled homeless people, betcha they would have served far more honorably.
In fact, when it suited HHJP, he let the defense have plenty of time to muck around. A ton of time. Served his purpose, I write, because he did not want to be overturned on appeal for sure. So, it's okay for a judge to protect his record by allowing a defense team ample time, but if the state wants to strike a juror that cannot judge people, then the judge cannot waste time and must rush to impanel her and move on? Please.
Thanks for putting this into words for me - I feel like you just explained yet another aspect of the whole trial that I hadn't been able to put down in words on my own. You described exactly the same things that caught my attention during jury selection.

The first glimpse we had at the justice system's failure that was soon to follow.

I can't wait to watch Dr. G's episode about Caylee Marie...yet another stranger among millions of strangers to Caylee Marie who cried genuine tears for her.
Dr. Jan Garavaglia, who has been in Orange County for many years now and worked on thousands of cases, testified that the answer to your question is....no one.
The most important question, IMO, is what kind of judge, state's attorney, and defense team in a death penalty case would put such a rushed timeline on a case involving the fate of a 22 year old and the death of her daughter? I thought their timeline was rushed when they gave it to HHJS/HHJP early on. And was it ever.
And what kind of judge would impanel a jury that would only serve if the timeline was short or a juror that refused to judge people, because to not impanel them would mean time and money finding homeless people to serve instead? Those were the first moments I felt let down by the state and HHJP, in voir dire. The US Constitution, and I am sure the Constitution of Florida, does not instruct that a person get their due process, or that a victim receive justice when their right to Life is infringed, with the caveat that those rights come with a budget or a price tag.
Please, no need to reply about the broke-arse financial state Florida is in, don't care. Just because a great majority of our country thinks with their watch and their pocketbook instead of their moral compass is not for me to resolve. I am glad to stray from the crowd on that one.
Maybe HHJP should have impaneled homeless people, betcha they would have served far more honorably.
In fact, when it suited HHJP, he let the defense have plenty of time to muck around. A ton of time. Served his purpose, I write, because he did not want to be overturned on appeal for sure. So, it's okay for a judge to protect his record by allowing a defense team ample time, but if the state wants to strike a juror that cannot judge people, then the judge cannot waste time and must rush to impanel her and move on? Please.

Per NBC on twitter, Dr. G. will be on the Today show this morning...
I missed it.
Did anyone get to watch or tape this?
What did Dr. G say?
She hasn't been on yet...just now introduced her for the upcoming segment
Hi Bayouland...:seeya: ...can you make some comments about content? Can't get the today show where I live - :tyou:

My take warning :) No quotes, sorry.

She basically reiterated that she had very good reason for saying the death was a homicide by undetermined means. Her special coming up is to set the record straight on how she came to that conclusion and debunk the snippets and soundbytes by the defense that make it seem like her report was baseless.

It was obvious she is sick of this crap and is going on record to tell it like it is. She stopped short of blaming FCA for the murder saying it was not her job to determine who - instead to determine what happened. Sje said however that she was responsible for Caylee.

That's about it really. I taped it and will watch it back to see if I missed anything juicy.

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