Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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Thats a thought, I don't know if he was sexually abused himself. But I do think it's highly possible he had been exposed to some *advertiser censored* that fueled some of his ideas and actions. Maybe he found it in his brothers room at some point, or a stash down in the attic.

It is highly possible also that B.R. was "groomed". By whom is the question. It is a possibility.
It is highly possible also that B.R. was "groomed". By whom is the question. It is a possibility.

I think there were a lot of secrets in that household. I just can't see how a 9-year-old boy would know enough about female anatomy to insert a paintbrush in a vagina (or his finger) unless he had seen this demonstrated (*advertiser censored*). Also I suppose that some children can just be deviant to start with, but most of the sexually aggressive children had also been abused sexually themselves.
I am beginning to think that the change in the Ramseys' plans (from flying to Charlevoix to flying to Atlanta on 12/26) was decided the night before in connection with disposing of the body. I don't think Patsy would have consented to having JonBenet dumped in the woods around Boulder, even if someone could have spirited the body out in the middle of the night without detection. I think they planned to carry her out to the plane the next day while the police were out searching Boulder for the kidnappers, and fly her to Atlanta to be buried there in secret. Maybe they thought that leaving her in the basement would stall decomposition as well as keep her hidden from view, and they'd be able to sneak her past the pilot with some excuse about how she was sick or sleeping on the plane (or, if the pilot knew about the kidnapping, then bundled up in the luggage so he wouldn't realize she was on the plane at all). Maybe on one of John's “absenses” he checked her over and realized that wouldn't work – she was clearly in rigor and the body was starting to smell. So he “found” the body on his next trip down to the basement, even though that didn't fit in with the kidnapping story.

Does anybody know (1) what the pilot was told when he spoke to John or (2) when John first called the pilot to change the plans? I haven't seen any interviews with the pilot that I can remember.

I am not sure what was said to the pilot, but I do like this theory. !
I'm not sure if this has been posted before but someone shared this link to an old interview with Kolar and it sure made my eyes pop! I can't see what year it was released but that might be my phone's fault. It isn't recent though.

Why do you think Burke has never spoken to the media about his sister’s murder?

I think he probably wants to stay out of the media spotlight. I think it’s probably based on legal advice as well, to not speak to the media. There was a lot of focus and attention on this case both nationally and internationally, and I suspect that the family got tired of that as well and wanted to protect him rather than offer him up for interviews. I talked to a network producer several years ago who said they had made an approach to see if he would be interested in interviewing. I was told he wanted a pretty big sum of money to do so. It sounded like he was willing to do the interview but they weren’t willing to come up with the kind of figure they might have been talking about. That was what was relayed to me by the producer.
Now I really want to know how much Dr. Phil paid. Very intriguing that unlike what he told DP about being wary of the media and not wanting attention and he's only doing this to honor his sister's memory since it's the 20th anniversary, he seems to have been for sale as if a few years ago (read: somewhere in the timeframe the special task force trying to solve his sister's murder unsuccessfully tried to interview him) it's just no one would pony up enough cash. Puts this whole fiasco in a new light. I'm less inclined to think he was totally forced into it.
Thats a thought, I don't know if he was sexually abused himself. But I do think it's highly possible he had been exposed to some *advertiser censored* that fueled some of his ideas and actions. Maybe he found it in his brothers room at some point, or a stash down in the attic.
Don't forget about the adult Dr Seuss book ( of nude drawings) found in the house.

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RE: Lucien Wood
Meandering Thoughts on Lucien Wood, JBR Crime, and Ways to Think About the JBR Crime

My hunch - and it is merely a vague first impression - is that he comports himself as having a stellar legal mind, and is himself a celebrity. His pronouncements made on the Phil McGraw Show showed arrogance cockiness and aggression. And this was, in the cases he was offering up statements that have been found to be categorically WRONG.
So we know that Lucien Wood and, I would assume, those colleagues within "his" firm, have NO moral character, and are not at all bothered about blatantly lying before a national audience. As people have commented on this blog site, Wood is an exemplar of how "affluence" wealth etc can lead to injustice. Wealthy criminals have a vastly higher probability of acquittal than the poor minority person charged with a crime.

Based on the Phil McGraw production of the JBR "exclusive", I place Phil McGraw in the same crowd populated by the likes of Lucien Wood.

This phenomenon is also an aspect of the growing problem of "white collar" crime where upper class individual embezzlers etc, highly tuned scam operations, cyber-crime , and corporate malfeasance/ financial machinations/ tax dodging etc will almost never end in "jail time" and more often, if punished at all, will result in a mere "fine"

Having asserted those opinions, I reflect on the myriad of felons and murderers who when asked " Did you do it?" solemnly look into the camera " I did NOT kill ___________. PERIOD." When in actual fact they most certainly DID.
Naturally I am convinced that JR et al are responsible for the JBR tragedy. I find it fascinating to watch JR - this "honorable successful decent man" -assert with moral certainty that he had nothing whatsoever to do with the JBR murder. I assume most thoughtful students of this case are convinced that JR is most certainly guilty. (I have yet to read or find anything compelling /cogent regarding the IDI theory)

I can understand that a segment of people deeply involved in this case are given to believe in a "delusion" and cling to this delusion in order to avert cognitive dissonance or to ward off living a life with a guilty conscience or living a life of "bad faith". I have not delved too much into the culture wars at play between the Boulder DA office and Boulder Police Department. But I do understand that once a large public institution stakes out a position - they have driven a stake in the sand, and believe that life, reputation, and good will hinges on their rectitude. This mass social psychology is explained by the difficulty for 15th century western civilization to completely dismantle their belief in a "geocentric" model of the solar system and move onto the heliocentric model. It requires the psychologic force to bring about a paradigm shift. For the casual believer who spends no time thinking and analyzing but simply passively listens to hype and who, for instance, views the utter wholesomeness of the cute charming Ramsey Family wearing matching sweaters, will instantly become charmed and also converted.
All proffered evidence pointing to their guilt is summarily dismissed. Any rumor or thread of information exonerating them (DNA) is taken as dispositive.

The case of Lou Schmitt (sic). Of course he resides in the Ramsey pantheon of True Heroes. It is unclear to me how he intellectually and cognitively worked through this case and at what point he became a Ramsey partisan. . . . at which point all objectivity flew out the door.

Similarly it is unclear to me how the dynamics of belief played out within the Boulder Police Department. But I would have to believe that at a minimum level of professional duty, they (BP) took each reasonable clue and ran it down. But it would seem to me that Police detectives pursue homicide like a scientist pursues a physical phenomenon to be explained ie posing the question of who did it? and what caused it?
You begin with the best description of what happened? What did we see or observe? This initial case layout demands precision and if in error will lead to faulty explanation or incoherent explanation or constrained limited explanation.
The scientist advances a hypothesis - a conjecture; and then constructs experiments that would lead to results that either confirm or disconfirm the initial hypothesis.
This process is done over and over and over again. Eventually through the process of induction one steps through components of a proposed causal chain that, in theory, leads to crowning the hypothesis that is left standing as "the best answer". This process does not confer the status of eternal Truth on the prevailing hypothesis but merely leads to a model that guides our way about thinking about the outside world.

Police, it would seem, go through a similar deliberative process.
Hypothesis - confirmation or falsification.
Naturally this forensic process of evaluation is tricky because of human elements - telling the truth or telling lies masquerading as truth. The discovery of confounding events or artefact's. Some a simply red-herrings some are simply misinterpreted. Crime staging can be very confusing. Incomplete or incompetent forensic evaluation can pollute the process of deriving the answer of "what happened?"

There is also the growing problem of a population steeped in way too much CSI TV and carry a belief that CSI is the new technologic panacea for crime solving.
Boulder Police ran into this problem.

In addition there must be no doubt that competence and capability of any Police Unit varies according to a Bell Curve distribution. There are teams who are superb and there those who are simply NOT. NOT everybody can be fit into the top 10th percentile.

Of course, it can probably can never be determined with high confidence where Boulder Police Investigation analysis and reasoning would fall on a comparative scale with neighboring peers or even distant peers.
The only way to even approximate this sort of determination is to run a controlled experiment where a crime scene is constructed and have teams A-Z tasked individually to solve the question; then grade their results which would include the final answer but also would include the manner and methods employed to arrive at the answer.

Finally I would merely hazard a guess that Boulder Police are not GREAT but they are also not abysmally BAD. More than likely, they are probably average and perhaps maybe slightly above average. But then again, in most cases, being average is "good enough".
I think Burke was fed the official Ramsey narrative and then was drilled and drilled and drilled over and over again.
When Phil asks this you answer X
When Phil asks that you answer Y
When Phil asks this and that you answer Z etc
Don't forget about the adult Dr Seuss book ( of nude drawings) found in the house.

It's a real Dr. Seuss book from the 1930s called Go The Seven Lady Godivas, intended for adults, but hardly pornographic. I can see a boy Burke's age giggling over it but as Dr. Seuss himself said about it "[FONT=&amp]I attempted to draw the sexiest babes I could, but they came out looking absurd."[/FONT]
I wasn't aware it was confirmed that the Dr. Seuss book in the suitcase was the one with nude drawings, as far as I know that's just speculation and it could have been any Dr. Seuss book.

Edit: oh, there was supposedly a screen cap of it from the court Tv doc? I would be really appreciative if anyone could produce that, I really thought I'd have run into it by now! That would definitely be interesting.
From a thread here.

Shouldn't the title of that book actually be the seven ladies Godiva instead of seven lady Godivas? No it doesn't actually matter just bugs me.
I think Burke was fed the official Ramsey narrative and then was drilled and drilled and drilled over and over again.
When Phil asks this you answer X
When Phil asks that you answer Y
When Phil asks this and that you answer Z etc
JMO but it sure doesn't seem like Burke was coached. His answers to DR'S questions were so juvenile and self incriminating.

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I agree with your observations but they do not contradict my contention that Burke was prepped.
Burke is not a Rhodes Scholar so his answers are clipped and strained. But the content coincides with the Ramsey story as developed and canonized over the past 2 decades
I'm not sure if this has been posted before but someone shared this link to an old interview with Kolar and it sure made my eyes pop! I can't see what year it was released but that might be my phone's fault. It isn't recent though.

Now I really want to know how much Dr. Phil paid. Very intriguing that unlike what he told DP about being wary of the media and not wanting attention and he's only doing this to honor his sister's memory since it's the 20th anniversary, he seems to have been for sale as if a few years ago (read: somewhere in the timeframe the special task force trying to solve his sister's murder unsuccessfully tried to interview him) it's just no one would pony up enough cash. Puts this whole fiasco in a new light. I'm less inclined to think he was totally forced into it.

I completely agree with your reasoning set forth above.

As I have written elsewhere I have no respect at all for Lucien Wood. Based on his statements and posturing on McGraw show I can better understand how this "legal bully" intimidated Boulder DA for years. His legal fronting for the Ramsey Myth Machine is similar to the Scientology strategy of aggressively pursuing litigation against any "church critic". Scientology silences mavericks and whistle-blowers by intimidation. Wood bloviates and threatens anyone critical of the Ramsey image.

I assume Wood is lead attorney on McGraw's defamation suit against National Inquirer. And if you believe the wikipedia account of P McGraw there has been rarely a time when McGraw has not been a defendant of some sort of lawsuit and I assume Lucien is McGraw's go to guy.
So the closed and incestuous network of Wood's clients - Ramsey and McGraw - permitted a facile quid pro quo deal.

McGraw's production put together a nice piece of propaganda - using numerous preparatory video clips, buying Candice DeLong parading as a FBI profiler and used as a Greek Chorus excoriating all of Ramsey's detractors - lunatics, incompetents, ridiculous theory mongers etc- and getting Lawrence Schiller to verbally frame all the events to be covered in the "Show".

McGraw belied his true character of an opportunist and con artist when he inserted a special edition show in order to rehabilitate Burke's reputation degraded by the CBS documentary.

Naturally these sentiments proffered above represent "my opinion" and as one poster complained merely "speculative".
Having admitted that I am speculating, though, I would wager that if some investigative reporter probed into the McGraw Wood Ramsey connection they would unearth enough "dirt" to have McGraw defrocked and ridiculed by proponents of "honesty in reporting" and TV Production companies who believe their talk show hosts should declare any conflicts of interest before launching an advocacy piece.

So McGraw could have salvaged some of any dignity he has left had he stated before the Ramsey "exclusive"

Dr Phil McGraw:

"Before we begin this "revealing and penetrating examination of Burke Ramsey I wish to announce that the Ramsey attorney is also my personal attorney and personal friend. In fact, Lucien and I go way back.
Also I want to inform the viewing public that Wood JR "enterprise" was paid $x -vastly less than Burke initially demanded as payment for an exclusive interview. Procuring Burke's services at a fee that was deeply discounted was made possible in exchange for my promise to promote the Ramsey "myth" - to counteract the damning material you will shortly see on a CBS documentary and to showcase my good friend and attorney of the rich and famous "Lucien Wood". We bought the services of wanna be a star CandiceDeLong FBI profiler (over a decade ago) who has been practicing theatrical skills necessary so as to appear somber, wise, and honest. Ms DeLong will punctuate the Burke narrative with explanations outlining how ridiculous the assorted RDI theories actually are.

As a final note, please disregard my statement seen in the "exclusive teaser" that my questioning will be "hard hitting" using "no holds barred" method of interrogation since I want to preserve the illusion that I am sagacious, clever, with vast vast amounts of prior forensic psychology experience and that I do not SUFFER bull_________. Believe me folks, I can spot a criminal liar in a microsecond and you will see after my intense sweat evoking interrogation of Burke Ramsey that this charming naive boy is normal well adjusted a bit shy and certainly does not deserve the rumors swirling around these rogue crime blog sites that Burke might have done it.
Snipped by me
There is also the growing problem of a population steeped in way too much CSI TV and carry a belief that CSI is the new technologic panacea for crime solving.
Boulder Police ran into this problem.

This is absolutely true, and it is a *real* problem for prosecutors these days. When I served on a murder jury, the prosecution and I believe the judge also admonished us that real life is not CSI and that most evidence is actually circumstantial, and there can be a solid case without a "smoking gun," or in this case, any gun at all. If people expect the prosecution to come up with that close-up of the perpetrator's license plate or use the "tire tread database," they should be eliminated from the jury pool.
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