Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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after watching snippets on NG over the past two days all I can say is wow. The other WSers have summed it up pretty well. Good lord, where do I begin? Why make up mental excuses if it was an accident? It was okay to dump the body because her soul was gone? And I think GA is going to be sleeping on the couch until they sepatate and untimately divorce. I think G has accepted it and is beginning to heal and move on away from this fiasco, it's only a matter of time before OCA rears her ugly head and breaks the camel's back. What a sad, pathetic story.......

Maybe GA is sticking around until the money to the foundations stops coming in, when that happens he will get his half of the $$$ and split.

With CA and GA now it is all about the money. They can't repair their daughters image, they can't bring Caylee back, they can't convince anyone they are truthful people who have seen the error of their ways in this fiasco, they are not employable, so what remains is the money.

This is all about the money and what deal will allow them to profit.

Like the detectives say 'follow the money'.
Ummmmmm ok. Just fricken WOW.

My head is spinning. And I want to hurt someone. (actually, someONES, no prizes for guessing who those someONES are)

Safe to say, the rehab tour - NOT GOING WELL.

at all.

Again, freakin W.O.W.

(I think I am as close to speechless as it is possible for me to get)

LOL Next we will see CA and GA on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab!! Do the celeb's get paid for being on this show?

:great::great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Ummmmmm ok. Just fricken WOW.

My head is spinning. And I want to hurt someone. (actually, someONES, no prizes for guessing who those someONES are)

Safe to say, the rehab tour - NOT GOING WELL.

at all.

Again, freakin W.O.W.

(I think I am as close to speechless as it is possible for me to get)

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if FCA herself is shocked at the lengths her mother would go to absolve her (FCA's) actions.
Welllllll....not being a fan of either the Anthonys or Dr. Phil (at Chez Dood, we refer to him as "Dr. Shill"), I couldn't bring myself to watch the interviews because these people MakeMeCRAZEEEEE! So I really appreciate all WSers who had the stomach to actually watch and then report here. We lesser mortals appreciate your intestinal fortitude.

That said....if it took dangling some blood money in front of salivating Cindy to get them on his show in order to skewer them, I say Bravo, Dr. Phil!

After being called a kiddie molester and an accomplice-after-the-fact, George seized his golden opportunity to turn the bus around and run over his wife and daughter. Awesome! I think George is a sleaze, but Cindy's the real trouble maker....and Casey's just a chip off the ol' block.

There is some defective DNA in that family. Therapy isn't going to help with that. They lie, they manipulate, they con...they are BAD PEOPLE. And Caylee got caught in the crossfire. Horrible. Horrible and so, so sad.

If I live to be 100, I will never understand how GA and CA got away with 1) helping to clean up a crime scene (the car), 2) blatantly perjuring themselves on the stand, and now 3) making money off their murdered granddaughter. That is so beyond the pale I can't even comprehend it.

BUT....what do I know? I'm no Dr. Phil!

Among other things CA has "blocked out" of her mind is exactly what happened to Caylee after KC dropped her off down the street. She makes it sound as if her body just naturally decomposed. Maybe someone she tell her exactly what happened to Caylee by the placement of bones and where they were found in relation to the bags the originally held Caylee's body. This was about the worst thing I have heard CA say about Caylee to date. I think that therapist's has a long road ahead of them with CA.

I also think KC knows to stay away from her mother in case CA suddenly wakes up to the fact of what actually happened to Caylee. jmo

Narcissists can rarely be helped through therapy because at their core they believe they have done nothing wrong, ever. They actually usually get worse because they learn new and better ways to manipulate. If a Narcissist TRULY has some remorse about what they have done and who they are, they may be able to change some of their behavior and reactions to things. If Cindy has blocked out what really happened to Caylee's body it is not because she is sad or revolted by it. It just doesn't fit the image Cindy has of herself as perfect mother and perfect family. I know someone very like this. Things are falling down around him because of his own actions. Yet, he pretends not to understand why and even carries on as though things are normal. He will not confront any info that may suggest he had a part in the debacle. It is not the same sort of denial that normal, grieving people have. Just like Cindy, he thinks he woke up one day and the world was suddenly in chaos. Will not acknowledge how that point was arrived at.

That is ringing in my poor head.

I've seen this before where dr phil lets the interview-ees talk and talk until they hang themselves. And then there's a follow-up show where he busts them. (and some of them have been literally busted by the police based on what he has uncovered), He challenged CA a few times, but not really on this, and I think for good reason.

IMO KC floated out the drowning story very early on to LA ,and LA told CA ( CA: a reporter said that maybe Caylee drowned. KC , sarcastically: 'surprise, surprise' as in 'I knew my stupid brother would tell mom what I confided in him') However, the problem was that Caylee's remains couldn't be found where she said they were.

I think dr phil is leaving this interview open-ended because he's working on tying together the other players who may have unwittingly or wittingly played a part in searching in that area, based on what KC was saying.

Dr. Phil also said that he was going to be making a 'donation' to a charity that GA and CA are going to be setting up. It is rumoured that the Ants were shopping around their first interview for 500,000 and they are desperate for income. I think CA wanted the money, but she also wanted to do damage control on her family's image - the interview had to be with a respected source.

My guess is that dr phill said yes to the 500,000, played dumb and said let's set up a charity to deposit it into, separate and apart from the charity you're already attached to and drawing an income from. Let's just talk, we'll air it in a few parts and hammer out the details of the 'donation'. Dr phil may be completely earnest in wanting it to be a charitable donation, CA is probably thinking that the money will still end up in her hands.

There are a lot of respected children's charities that are already set up that could accept the money in Caylee's name. Why a new Caylee charity?

The money is still in the air I believe for a reason: dr phil is going to get the rest of the story, and the Ants will have to come back to answer to what they've uncovered in order to get their payday. When have we seen CA so agreeable when answering questions on this topic? When it benefits her.

My guess is that CA and LA knew about KC's drowning story early on and promised to support her, although they also probably may have thought it was just another BS story. GA was sort of left out of the loop, and was brought into the loop by baez shortly before the trial. However, GA made it loud and clear he would no longer support KC's BS. (Hence the overkill of GA's reputation and reputed involvement in the aftermath of Caylee's death at the trial. Best defence is a good offence).

note: I have only watched a few of dr phil's shows, but the few I have seen have been these 'gotcha' investigations. One was about parents who shoplift, and the parents were subsequently arrested.

This makes sense. I remember channel surfing once & stopping at Dr Phil because he had a woman on there who abused her son by putting him in a cold shower. It was so sad. I heard later that woman was charged.
If this is Dr Phils plan I will look at him in a different light.
I buckled & watched the last 20 minutes of Dr Phil yesterday.
I was just changing the channels & did not intend to watch any of it, but heard George say something Cindy didn't like so had to watch the rest. I am so ashamed.:banghead:
The only way I will ever believe in George is if he leaves that controlling wife of his.
I fell sorry for people who buy the line 'you never told me this before' during the interview. People should know by now that 95% of everything on tv is scripted.


city, with all due respect, this is not the case. I work in TV, I conduct interviews myself, we don't do that.
This makes sense. I remember channel surfing once & stopping at Dr Phil because he had a woman on there who abused her son by putting him in a cold shower. It was so sad. I heard later that woman was charged.
If this is Dr Phils plan I will look at him in a different light.
I buckled & watched the last 20 minutes of Dr Phil yesterday.
I was just changing the channels & did not intend to watch any of it, but heard George say something Cindy didn't like so had to watch the rest. I am so ashamed.:banghead:
The only way I will ever believe in George is if he leaves that controlling wife of his.

You are referring to Hot Sauce Mom - she made him swig hot sauce and tossed him in the cold shower. She went to Dr. Phil for "HELP" and ended up being prosecuted. She got 3 years probation but had to go to trial. IIRC
LOL Next we will see CA and GA on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab!! Do the celeb's get paid for being on this show?

:great::great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

They do get paid for being on celeb rehab. Lindsey Lohan was offered a cool million, and she turned it down.

city, with all due respect, this is not the case. I work in TV, I conduct interviews myself, we don't do that.

I disagree. When I say 'scripted', that doesn't mean the interviewer is part of the script either. When two people get up for an interview and they have an attorney, no one is going to convince me that it's not rehearsed and practiced to what is said before the actual 'interview'. Especially with these people.
You are referring to Hot Sauce Mom - she made him swig hot sauce and tossed him in the cold shower. She went to Dr. Phil for "HELP" and ended up being prosecuted. She got 3 years probation but had to go to trial. IIRC

This is OT but I remember a lot of debate on that on whether the lady should be prosecuted for that. A lot of folks said their parents used to do the same kind of thing back in the day and they didn't consider it 'abuse'.
I disagree. When I say 'scripted', that doesn't mean the interviewer is part of the script either. When two people get up for an interview and they have an attorney, no one is going to convince me that it's not rehearsed and practiced to what is said before the actual 'interview'. Especially with these people.

OK.. "rehearsed" by the interview subjects, and "scripted" are two very different things. I see what you mean now.
Narcissists can rarely be helped through therapy because at their core they believe they have done nothing wrong, ever. They actually usually get worse because they learn new and better ways to manipulate. If a Narcissist TRULY has some remorse about what they have done and who they are, they may be able to change some of their behavior and reactions to things. If Cindy has blocked out what really happened to Caylee's body it is not because she is sad or revolted by it. It just doesn't fit the image Cindy has of herself as perfect mother and perfect family. I know someone very like this. Things are falling down around him because of his own actions. Yet, he pretends not to understand why and even carries on as though things are normal. He will not confront any info that may suggest he had a part in the debacle. It is not the same sort of denial that normal, grieving people have. Just like Cindy, he thinks he woke up one day and the world was suddenly in chaos. Will not acknowledge how that point was arrived at.

Thanks for the insight-I'd love to hear more!! The mind of these people fascinate me and scare me at the same time!!:waitasec:
About Cindy's comment relating to knowledge of where Caylee had been dumped...

Just remembered the snippet of one of the first jailhouses visit, where Cindy says- we don't know where Caylee is, and Casey sneers and says sarcastically, you don't?

Thinking about it now, I'd bet that Cindy is play-acting for the cameras, knowing the tapes will be used in court, and Casey, knowing that Cindy knows well enough, if not yet exactly, lets her game face slip for a moment out of pure contempt for her mother.
Would this be the same George Anthony who just a couple of months before the trial claimed he was an 'agent of the State'.....the same guy who sparred with LDB about no amber alert being put out for Caylee. Is this the same man who sat on the Larry King show and said the smell came from the trash. Is this the one and only George who gave reporters a recipe for how to re-create the stench in the trunk with pizza. The same guy who claimed Caylee had been moved 9 times and he was watching the kidnappers. I could go on.

No matter what you think of River Cruz in the looks dept, its established that George visited her gated community home several times and that the relationship only emerged AFTER the police contacted her.

I dont believe for a second George abused his daughter or was complicit in dumping Caylee's body but its clear to me that George, joined his wife in the grandstanding of Casey's innocence up unitl.......... she turned on him.

Oh, and let's not forget the delusional whopper he told about Caylee being with a loving family that was taking care of her. Thank you. You have reminded me of why I don't like George Anthony. Even if he is more honest now, that can't excuse his inactions and words of the past. He helped cover this up and allowed himself to be called a child molester to get Casey out of consequences. He should have said no, and maybe even threatened to sue Baez if he did do that (heck, the A's will sue anybody for anything, or at least have threatened to do so many times). But no, he allowed that to happen, even if he denied it in court. He just has no backbone and lets Cindy pull his strings everyday. I don't think he knows any way else to be, or if he's just too lazy to be a better person. If he really wanted to stick to his guns, he'd leave Cindy and let her have Casey all by herself. But he won't. It's his continued inactions that speak far louder than his words ever will.

There's a lesson I've learned over the years. I just can't say things. I have to do things to prove to people that what I am saying is true. All George has is his words. And those words are scripted and changed by Cindy all of the time. I think that's why I was so confused about him and hurt when one day he'd say one thing, and then the next he'd say another and let me down. Or he'd say one thing, but not really stick to it in his life or in court of law. For instance, like him saying that helping finding missing kids was what he had been looking for all of his life, yet I've never seen him actually look for missing children, or use that boat to find any missing children. The only thing he did was show up with Cindy at a few places where no one wanted their help. So the both of them just left and complained about it later. It's stuff like that that drives me crazy about George Anthony. I'd like to see him prove that he really believes what he says. So far, he hasn't done that for me. His words are no longer enough for me to believe in him.
To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if FCA herself is shocked at the lengths her mother would go to absolve her (FCA's) actions.

That thought actually crosses my mind quite often. When I think of her telling LE how "absolutely petrified" she is of what her mother may think, and "I know my mother will never forgive me..." I think how wrong she was. How does FCA luck out the way she does over and over...
"'I was told that Caylee was found in a different spot than where Casey thought she was,' Cindy said. She suggested this was why Casey never admitted the truth: if she said Caylee drowned but could not produce her body, nobody would believe her."


Who could have told Cindy this part about the body? Couldn't have been Casey because it's been years, hasn't it, since Casey has communicated with Cindy? Did Casey tell Cindy while she was out on bail or did Baez tell her this during the secret meeting when he told her what the defense strategy was going to be?

How could Casey even know that the body wasn't where "she thought she was?" When did she know this? Did she find out when Cindy's two bumbling PI's searched their neighborhood?

Is it possible there are some clues that have accidentally slipped out with this statement of Cindy's?

And this: ". . . if she said Caylee drowned but could not produce her body, nobody would believe her." Well, that's exactly what was said at trial, wasn't it? And everybody who really counted, the Pinellas 12, believed it. So that excuse holds no water at all.

IMO, Cindy is not in denial. She is in high-gear manipulation mode. :juggle:
Oh, and let's not forget the delusional whopper he told about Caylee being with a loving family that was taking care of her. Thank you. You have reminded me of why I don't like George Anthony. Even if he is more honest now, that can't excuse his actions and words of the past. He helped cover this up and allowed himself to be called a child molester to get Casey out of consequences. He should have said no, and maybe even threatened to sue Baez if he did do that (heck, the A's will sue anybody for anything, or at least have threatened to do so many times). But no, he allowed that to happen, even if he denied it in court. He just has no backbone and lets Cindy pull his strings everyday. I don't think he knows any way else to be, or if he's just too lazy to be a better person. If he really wanted to stick to his guns, he'd leave Cindy and let her have Casey all by herself. But he won't. It's his continued inactions that speak far louder than his words ever will.

There's a lesson I've learned over the years. I just can't say things. I have to do things to prove to people that what I am saying is true. All George has is his words. I'd like to see him prove that he really believes what he says. So far, he hasn't done that for me. His words are no longer enough for me to believe in him.

I'm not sure GA believes everything he's saying either. I think he's saying things because he has a certain goal he's trying to achieve (distance himself, make him look like 'the good guy') but whether he really believes his daughter could do everything she was accused of, I'm not sure.
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