Dr. Sievers' RHHC Medical Practice - Operations & Website

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DNA Solves
Another reason for her to get tired of it. She worked her arz off to get where she was and someone riding on her coat tail probably reminded her often it was because of him. Unfortunately, I know someone just like that. jmo

Well do not know she was tired of him. I have heard nor read that anywhere.
HElping her start her practice seems about right to me.
You now have to be verified as a Client to access the Supplement page. Is that new??

No, this isn't new. Dr. Sievers provided a treatment plan and her permission for her clients to log in and order the supplements. This website / supplier is used by other holistic doctors and requires that the patient is registered to a participating doctor.
No, this isn't new. Dr. Sievers provided a treatment plan and her permission for her clients to log in and order the supplements. This website / supplier is used by other holistic doctors and requires that the patient is registered to a participating doctor.

I agree, the website may use various Drs Login info to track purchases. Drs are sometimes paid a % of the total purchase from these sites. I do not know if that is the case here, but it is often how such sites work. (Those who are not direct selling).
Hi. I'm catching up on this thread.

1. IMO know the motive: MONEY, pyramid scheme sort - ALL OF THE BIG MONEY GOING SOLELY TO THE KING PIN. (IMO, The King Pin is fixated in the 'It's Mine! It's Mine!! It's All Mine!!! stage of 2 y old development----since we've been told what A Genius The King Pin is, I imagine The King Pin had gotten called out of pre-school for his gifted-student-college-computer-class, unfortunately, EVERY time the teacher was telling those little tots in their diapers & training pants, "Now children, we must learn to SHARE our toys.").:notgood:

2. I recall reading that Teresa's FBk was pretty much like an hourly calendar of her life, and it was simple for anyone to peek at her FBk and know where she was: I read that there was a post on late Sunday by her personal trainer at the local gym in which he posted that he'd talked to her or emailed with her (?? not sure..) and he'd see her at 0630am on Monday morning for their appt. (btw - Is Teresa's personal FBk 'gone' now?)

3. IMO the only human trafficking involved in this case is that Mark Sievers wishes he could human-traffic the Sheriff off on an icy road trip to nowhereView attachment 81328

The picture I can't even :laughing:
A typical M.D. is exceptionally busy and doesn’t have time to pursue all of the different angles of promoting a business.

Having personally worked for many doctors (M.D.s) for many decades, there was always someone (spouse, office manager, administrator, etc.) who worked very hard on advertising/promotion/production matters. I knew of just one M.D. who had their own marketing guru, who happened to be a friend of the doc.

If my job was to coordinate “all those business details“, and I helped my spouse attain some terrific opportunities, I’d be talking to friends about that success.

I’m really not seeing the problem with someone excited about his wife’s accomplishments, supporting those accomplishments, and helping her achieve some of those accomplishments.

Not to mention, Dr. S was looking fit and fabulous as of late. It strikes me that she really wanted to lead by example, which is why I think she/they hired a chef and she was going to a personal trainer. She had patients to see, but she was also actively working on herself and improving her overall fitness/health level to be not only the voice/education, but also the image too. I get tired just thinking about all of what must have encompassed a work day for her, and yes, she would need help IMO.
It is very interesting to me that a verified patient of TS confirmed that she received two emails from MS following the death of TS. In one email, patients were told that they could still order their supplements. By promoting this to patients MS could have been looking out for the well being of the patients of TS. I choose to believe that he was, in fact, making sure that patients knew that the supplements were still available because of the income stream generated by the patients of TS who ordered these supplements. There was definitely residual income going to the practice as a result of these sales. I also found it interesting that MS pointed out that by law he had to turn over any medical record requested. Why the "by law" language? Is that a slip? Wasn't there speculation that records were not quickly being released when requested and that MS was attempting to assure patients that a "like-minded" physician was being brought into the practice. All of the efforts by MS and LS since the murder seem focused on (a) soliciting donations (b) keeping patients at the practice (c) keeping revenue streams flowing.
It is very interesting to me that a verified patient of TS confirmed that she received two emails from MS following the death of TS. In one email, patients were told that they could still order their supplements. By promoting this to patients MS could have been looking out for the well being of the patients of TS. I choose to believe that he was, in fact, making sure that patients knew that the supplements were still available because of the income stream generated by the patients of TS who ordered these supplements. There was definitely residual income going to the practice as a result of these sales. I also found it interesting that MS pointed out that by law he had to turn over any medical record requested. Why the "by law" language? Is that a slip? Wasn't there speculation that records were not quickly being released when requested and that MS was attempting to assure patients that a "like-minded" physician was being brought into the practice. All of the efforts by MS and LS since the murder seem focused on (a) soliciting donations (b) keeping patients at the practice (c) keeping revenue streams flowing.

I submitted a request for my records to be transferred (8/12/15) to a new doctor. I called the new doctor today, and they've received nothing. I'm not sure how patients are supposed to receive their records. My request was submitted via email.
It is very interesting to me that a verified patient of TS confirmed that she received two emails from MS following the death of TS. In one email, patients were told that they could still order their supplements. By promoting this to patients MS could have been looking out for the well being of the patients of TS. I choose to believe that he was, in fact, making sure that patients knew that the supplements were still available because of the income stream generated by the patients of TS who ordered these supplements. There was definitely residual income going to the practice as a result of these sales. I also found it interesting that MS pointed out that by law he had to turn over any medical record requested. Why the "by law" language? Is that a slip? Wasn't there speculation that records were not quickly being released when requested and that MS was attempting to assure patients that a "like-minded" physician was being brought into the practice. All of the efforts by MS and LS since the murder seem focused on (a) soliciting donations (b) keeping patients at the practice (c) keeping revenue streams flowing.
I've had two holistic doctors where patients had a link to order supplements directly from the manufacturer as recommended by tbe doctor. Tbe doctors make a little profit but not much. It is offered more as a convenience.
I submitted a request for my records to be transferred (8/12/15) to a new doctor. I called the new doctor today, and they've received nothing. I'm not sure how patients are supposed to receive their records. My request was submitted via email.
Is it possible that MS has no staff to manage all of the requests coming in for record transfers? I read on WS a while ago that the office was closed. That may be the reason your records have not been transferred yet. Wonder if he kept any office staff working to deal with patient requests etc. We know he's still selling supplements. Interesting
I submitted a request for my records to be transferred (8/12/15) to a new doctor. I called the new doctor today, and they've received nothing. I'm not sure how patients are supposed to receive their records. My request was submitted via email.

Southwflorida, I've friends and acquaintances near your community familiar with Dr. Sievers medical practice. Just want to thank you for posting here. Your thoughtful sharing is appreciated by many. I am sorry for your loss and hope that you are successful at finding a replacement doctor.
It is very interesting to me that a verified patient of TS confirmed that she received two emails from MS following the death of TS. In one email, patients were told that they could still order their supplements. By promoting this to patients MS could have been looking out for the well being of the patients of TS. I choose to believe that he was, in fact, making sure that patients knew that the supplements were still available because of the income stream generated by the patients of TS who ordered these supplements. There was definitely residual income going to the practice as a result of these sales. I also found it interesting that MS pointed out that by law he had to turn over any medical record requested. Why the "by law" language? Is that a slip? Wasn't there speculation that records were not quickly being released when requested and that MS was attempting to assure patients that a "like-minded" physician was being brought into the practice. All of the efforts by MS and LS since the murder seem focused on (a) soliciting donations (b) keeping patients at the practice (c) keeping revenue streams flowing.

I submitted a request for my records to be transferred (8/12/15) to a new doctor. I called the new doctor today, and they've received nothing. I'm not sure how patients are supposed to receive their records. My request was submitted via email.

The “by law” language is interesting, but release of patient records after a physician dies does not appear to be straight-forward, according to Florida Statutes.

After “the death of a practitioner“ often there isn’t an authorized custodian of the medical records.

Please review FL Statute 456.057 (20) “The board, or department when there is no board, may appoint a person or entity as a custodian of medical records in the event of the death of a practitioner. . . The custodian appointed shall comply with all provisions of this section, including the release of patient records.”

The 2015 Florida Statutes
456.057 Ownership and control of patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished; disclosure of information.—
(20) The board, or department when there is no board, may temporarily or permanently appoint a person or entity as a custodian of medical records in the event of the death of a practitioner, the mental or physical incapacitation of the practitioner, or the abandonment of medical records by a practitioner. The custodian appointed shall comply with all provisions of this section, including the release of patient records.
I submitted a request for my records to be transferred (8/12/15) to a new doctor. I called the new doctor today, and they've received nothing. I'm not sure how patients are supposed to receive their records. My request was submitted via email.

I am sorry to hear Southwflorida (that your records have not been transferred) but am not surprised. It is interesting that MS said in his email to patients that he was required by law to furnish the records but it hasn't happened. If the nurse from TS practice is now working for the doctor next door, you wonder why she wouldn't be hired as a contractor to deal with these requests. It would seem like a simple solution since everything is electronic. Also, if MS handled all billing issues/inquiries, he would have access to all patient files so he should be facilitating these requests. But again, not surprised he isn't. I knew TS personally (although I haven't yet verified) and I totally understand the loss you are feeling. She was one of a kind.
I've had two holistic doctors where patients had a link to order supplements directly from the manufacturer as recommended by tbe doctor. Tbe doctors make a little profit but not much. It is offered more as a convenience.

Depends on the supplement, the manufacturer and the relationship of the physician with the supplement company. Regardless, it is an income stream and MS was sure to point patients to continuing use of the supplement linked to TS practice - when it would seem that there is no time to get patient records forwarded to new doctors. The pattern of money grubbing has been firmly established in my eyes. IMO.
Not to mention, Dr. S was looking fit and fabulous as of late. It strikes me that she really wanted to lead by example, which is why I think she/they hired a chef and she was going to a personal trainer. She had patients to see, but she was also actively working on herself and improving her overall fitness/health level to be not only the voice/education, but also the image too. I get tired just thinking about all of what must have encompassed a work day for her, and yes, she would need help IMO.

I hope he was driven and really cared about her, their business and their family. That would be awesome. It is true successful people need successful people on their team, but sadly, it has been my experience that this person is not the spouse. This is my opinion only, from my experience. I have worked for several couples. Lies, lies, lies. Talk was always BIG for the "fake worker". All ended badly. The hard working one is buried with work and home. The staff cares and picks up the pieces. Dr. Sievers staff will know the dynamics, secrets and have lots to tell, no doubt. Again, I hope he is an amazing, hard working, honest man who really did care about her.
The “by law” language is interesting, but release of patient records after a physician dies does not appear to be straight-forward, according to Florida Statutes.

After “the death of a practitioner“ often there isn’t an authorized custodian of the medical records.

Please review FL Statute 456.057 (20) “The board, or department when there is no board, may appoint a person or entity as a custodian of medical records in the event of the death of a practitioner. . . The custodian appointed shall comply with all provisions of this section, including the release of patient records.”

The 2015 Florida Statutes
456.057 Ownership and control of patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished; disclosure of information.—
(20) The board, or department when there is no board, may temporarily or permanently appoint a person or entity as a custodian of medical records in the event of the death of a practitioner, the mental or physical incapacitation of the practitioner, or the abandonment of medical records by a practitioner. The custodian appointed shall comply with all provisions of this section, including the release of patient records.

Also found this in FL Statute 456.058:
In the case of the death of the practitioner, the rules shall provide for the disposition of such records by the estate of the practitioner.

The 2015 Florida Statutes
456.058 Disposition of records of deceased practitioners or practitioners relocating or terminating practice.—Each board created under the provisions of chapter 457, chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 463, part I of chapter 464, chapter 465, chapter 466, part I of chapter 484, chapter 486, chapter 490, or chapter 491, and the department under the provisions of chapter 462, shall provide by rule for the disposition, under that chapter, of the medical records or records of a psychological nature of practitioners which are in existence at the time the practitioner dies, terminates practice, or relocates and is no longer available to patients and which records pertain to the practitioner’s patients. The rules shall provide that the records be retained for at least 2 years after the practitioner’s death, termination of practice, or relocation. In the case of the death of the practitioner, the rules shall provide for the disposition of such records by the estate of the practitioner.
Also found this in FL Statute 456.058:
In the case of the death of the practitioner, the rules shall provide for the disposition of such records by the estate of the practitioner.

The 2015 Florida Statutes
456.058 Disposition of records of deceased practitioners or practitioners relocating or terminating practice.—Each board created under the provisions of chapter 457, chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 463, part I of chapter 464, chapter 465, chapter 466, part I of chapter 484, chapter 486, chapter 490, or chapter 491, and the department under the provisions of chapter 462, shall provide by rule for the disposition, under that chapter, of the medical records or records of a psychological nature of practitioners which are in existence at the time the practitioner dies, terminates practice, or relocates and is no longer available to patients and which records pertain to the practitioner’s patients. The rules shall provide that the records be retained for at least 2 years after the practitioner’s death, termination of practice, or relocation. In the case of the death of the practitioner, the rules shall provide for the disposition of such records by the estate of the practitioner.
Thanks. Good to know so we don't jump to conclusions.
I am sorry to hear Southwflorida (that your records have not been transferred) but am not surprised. It is interesting that MS said in his email to patients that he was required by law to furnish the records but it hasn't happened. If the nurse from TS practice is now working for the doctor next door, you wonder why she wouldn't be hired as a contractor to deal with these requests. It would seem like a simple solution since everything is electronic. Also, if MS handled all billing issues/inquiries, he would have access to all patient files so he should be facilitating these requests. But again, not surprised he isn't. I knew TS personally (although I haven't yet verified) and I totally understand the loss you are feeling. She was one of a kind.

Yes she was - the best!!! We will never get over this loss.... But, we can demand justice for her!!!
I am sorry to hear Southwflorida (that your records have not been transferred) but am not surprised. It is interesting that MS said in his email to patients that he was required by law to furnish the records but it hasn't happened. If the nurse from TS practice is now working for the doctor next door, you wonder why she wouldn't be hired as a contractor to deal with these requests. It would seem like a simple solution since everything is electronic. Also, if MS handled all billing issues/inquiries, he would have access to all patient files so he should be facilitating these requests. But again, not surprised he isn't. I knew TS personally (although I haven't yet verified) and I totally understand the loss you are feeling. She was one of a kind.

The nurse probably knows a lot and her loyalty was to Dr TS!!!!! She doesn't want any part of what is going on....otherwise she probably would help out each day with the patient's records.
Also found this in FL Statute 456.058:
In the case of the death of the practitioner, the rules shall provide for the disposition of such records by the estate of the practitioner.

The 2015 Florida Statutes
456.058 Disposition of records of deceased practitioners or practitioners relocating or terminating practice.—Each board created under the provisions of chapter 457, chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 463, part I of chapter 464, chapter 465, chapter 466, part I of chapter 484, chapter 486, chapter 490, or chapter 491, and the department under the provisions of chapter 462, shall provide by rule for the disposition, under that chapter, of the medical records or records of a psychological nature of practitioners which are in existence at the time the practitioner dies, terminates practice, or relocates and is no longer available to patients and which records pertain to the practitioner’s patients. The rules shall provide that the records be retained for at least 2 years after the practitioner’s death, termination of practice, or relocation. In the case of the death of the practitioner, the rules shall provide for the disposition of such records by the estate of the practitioner.

Just to add some clarity to the legalese here...

It isn't that complicated to have an authorized custodian of medical records. It can be fairly simple and straight forward.

I worked for a medical office for several years and was in charge of medical records. (I'm not in FL but I suspect it doesn't differ much because medical records need to be turned over in a timely manner.) During that time we became custodian of records for 2 doctors that I can recall. One passed away unexpectedly, the other one was no longer able to practice for other reasons (although unexpected, sudden). Both times, it was very simple, quick and without a lot of fanfare. (Well, except for the office staff receiving all the records. For us it was a major headache and a lot of work.) The practice of both doctors sent their patients a letter informing them that all of their records had been forwarded to our office, complete with detailed info how to contact us. Some of their patients chose to remain as patients at our practice (in which case we kept the old records), others requested that their records be transferred to another doctor they had chosen to see.

One of those Occam's Razor kind of things to me. :)
Is it possible that LE has prevented any activity concerning patients records?

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