Dreams and Visions

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

from the above link:

You may wonder why Project Jason takes such a strong stance against use of psychics in missing persons cases.
Popular media, TV Shows, and books continually plant the idea that there must be something to this business of psychics. With so many negative stories all around us of crime, wars, murders, etc, we, as a society, have a strong desire to believe in something good, something that seems miraculous. We want a quick fix for what ails us. We seem to latch any to anything that appears to offer one of these quick fixes, including the notion that psychics can solve missing persons cases. It would be wonderful if that were true, but it is not.

So far, there is not one single case that a pyschic solved a missing persons cases using paranormal means. They may have given the appearance that they did because of making guesses based on any knowledge of the case they obtained through various sources.

Use of psychics in missing persons cases wastes the time and resources of law enforcement and can cause prejudice in the case. (The pyschic claims the person is dead, which may cause people to stop searching, etc.)

There is not one proven case in which a psychic, using special powers or abilities not given to the typical person, has located a missing person, whether dead or alive. It may be possible that some persons have an ability that defies science and logic, but there is no known scientific evidence of this. These persons re-victimize families by taking away hope where it should stand, and giving hope where there is none. No person has the right to do this to another.

Full article at above link.

Personally, I have never seen a thing written by any 'psychic' - including all varieties which hasn't included 'subtle' messages and hints from information already known and easily accesible by doing a little online research about any given missing persons case.

Websleuths is in full agreement with the above information from Project Jason and as victims advocates not wishing to 're-victimize' those left behind when a loved one goes missing.

Thanks for letting me share.

I looked for the link that Sidekick posted last week and could not find it. Then followed up reading Cubby's posts about removing anything about physics from the forum. What is the difference between physics, tarot cards and astrology?
Seems to me some posts are missing. I saw one this morning from SherlockJR asking about the Tarot readings vs Physic threads. Any ideas?
Friendly reminder. It is a violation of TOS to discuss removed posts on the forum.
PLEASE contact myself or Tricia via pm or email to discuss any moderating decisions.

Thank you,
I put little-to-zero value to what (the P word)s say, but I am unclear on why (the P word)s are verboten while "forensic astrology" is allowed to the point of having its own forum? They seem to be very closely related yet one is okay and one is banned. I am asking this publicly so that we all can get an understanding of the criteria so as to not violate the TOS.
FYI, Cubby is working very hard behind the scenes to get some clarification on this issue for you all. She has asked several of us to look at the situation and at your comments.
She takes your input very seriously and is discussing with admin what options may or may not be available to you all.

In the meantime, please take a moment to read this:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Rules Etiquette & Information

If you need to take a break from the board, please do so, but there is no need to announce it and after you read the above link, you will see that it can earn you a time out.

So, please know that Cubby is actively talking to admin to make sure that this rule fits this forum and/or if there should or shouldn't be any modifications to it. Constructive suggestions and polite requests for changes in etiquette are always welcome. Please feel free to voice your displeasure by way of private message or email to Tricia. We try to roll with the members when we are able.
Sometimes we can and sometimes we can't. There are always solid reasons why we cannot honor member requests, so please be patient.

This thread will closed for a bit to make sure this post is read and to give you time to read the etiquette link.
Dear Websleuths Members,

Hopefully after you read this post you will have a clearer understanding of certain issues on Websleuths.

First, I want you all to know that Cubby has worked very hard and continues to work hard on Anna's forum to make sure things run smoothly.

Any decisions Cubby has made or any explanations Cubby has given are backed up by me 100 percent. Cubby is doing exactly what I ask of her and I appreciate her time and dedication to Anna's forum.

Psychics On Websleuths.

This topic has always been a hot potato and very controversial.

The reason I do not allow psychic discussions on Websleuths has to do with controversy and the problems that come along with allowing psychics on the forum.

How do you tell which psychic is correct?

Who do we link to and who do we not link to as far as psychics?

What if a psychic is popular but wants money, do we link and discuss that psychic?

Imagine how many psychics would suddenly appear on Websleuths discussing their "visions" on cases if we allowed this. Psychics that could casually steer people to their for profit only websites.

We do not have the people power to monitor every post every psychic makes. No way.

How do we let just a few psychics on the site? Who decides who is good enough to post and who isn't?

If I opened the door to psychic visions Websleuths would turn into a battle ground like no other. I know this to be a fact. Just one mention of one psychic on the Caylee Anthony forum caused me so much grief and hell I can't tell you.

The battle wouldn't be between members and psychics. It would be between psychics and psychics.

You should have seen the behind the scenes crap that went on between waring factions of Psychics. It was disgusting.

I will not allow Websleuths to be used by people who claim to be psychic just so they can become famous.

Of course I know not all psychics are like this but trust me when I tell you most of the ones who will want to post on Websleuths will not have the best interest of the families in their hearts. In my opinion based on past experience.

Of course there are very dedicated, kind, and caring psychics. No doubt. Those people would be drowned out by the others.

So, between deciding which psychics to let post and which ones to not, between the waring factions of the psychics, between the posters who despise psychics and those who do not, I cannot allow psychics on Websleuths because of the problems.

As it is we have enough to deal with concerning posters who are offering their opinions. Can you imagine if we started allowing psychics to post their visions? OMG. It gives me a headache thinking about it.

I am not going to comment on whether psychics are true or not but I will say I would never feel comfortable allowing the psychics I have seen on the web on my forum. Not all of them but most of them.

It would cause more harm for the moderators, for the members, and most of all for the families.

Think Sylvia Browne and Shawn Hornbeck. Think desperate families coming to Websleuths and having to deal with the psychics who do not have any scruples. Who, like Sylvia Browne, would pull something out of their behind no matter who it hurts. Like she did with Shawn.

It is too much trouble. Websleuths is above all of this.

Why Does Websleuths Have a Forensic Astrology Forum?

The people in the Forensic Astrology forum have proven to me over the years that they are dedicated, well behaved, well educated, and have no ulterior motive in being here.

Plus, their work is based on something we can all see, the stars. Whether I believe it or not is not the issue. The issue is what they bring to the forum. The people in the Forensic Astrology Forum have brought many interesting aspects to cases. I have never had one complaint from a family member about their work. They are not here for money. They are here to use something real (the stars) to try and interpret information. I'm not saying I believe it or disbelieve it. I am saying since we have allowed this forum we have had many interesting discussions without any problems.

If you disagree with me that is certainly your right. I'm going to be bold and a bit stern when I say I do not want to argue my decision. It is made and it has been this way for a long time.

One exception is if in the main stream media a psychic makes the news. Then I have no problem linking to the article, video, or audio in the main stream media about the psychic.

Please understand I made this decision based on years of experience. My goal is to make Websleuths a place for all to enjoy, a place for new people to come and feel comfortable, free of the usual problems associated with discussion forums.

Free of the battle of the psychics, the battle about who is real and who isn't, the battle of who is in it for money and who isn't and who is saying what about which psychic and why. Websleuths is free from all of these issues and will continue to be.

Thank you for all you do and your participation.

Well, I am not a psychic so I assume I can post what I am about to.

They say my family (sister, mother, grandmother) has always had a connection to or with other things. I, however, have always been too afraid to allow this in my life, same as my mother.

But I do feel our intuition is stronger, regardless if we want it or not. Plus that I'm 10 weeks pregnant now, and I feel a pregnancy makes you feel things even more/better/deeper.

Anyway, I decided to close my eyes, and ask the question "What happened to you, Anna Waters?" I placed Anna getting home from school, tracing her steps. She changed her clothes, went outside. Went back in, took off her coat. Went back out. That is information I know because I have read it, and I wanted to create this picture in my mind.

When she went out that last time I felt my stomach turn because I saw something. It was like *gasp*, you know.
There was a man, and he was wearing like yellow plaid clothing, and a lighter blue vest. I'm not sure if vest means the same in our languages, it could be a cardigan in English.
He had what I would call Beatles hair, with the bangs slightly to his left. He didn't look old, I'd say 20-30 but maybe up to 35...

My gasp was when Anna spotted this man, and the image turned to him walking alongside the road/fence/house. Then I saw her running towards him, jumping up in the air so he could catch her. There was a fence, but it wasn't really high.
I haven't really seen pictures of the farm so I have no idea if it even had a fence, but there you go.

That's all I got, though. I might try again from that point on sometime.
I am going to try and rememeber a dream I gave to Cubby, I don't remember when it was, only it was shortly after I started posting here. Usually that is what happens to me, I get involved in something and some times I will get some dream or vision about it. This was a short dream, but the information may be useful.

I was riding my bike and teaching my sister to ride her bike in a park or green grassy place in the U.S. We stop and set our bikes down and up over a small grassy, green hill, I see Anna running over the top. She is out of breath and is about age 11 or so, she is holding out a man's wallet and says she stole it. I said, oh, in surprise and ask if I could return the info inside the wallet as it is really hard to replace all the identity items in a wallet. I was thinking of SS cards, driver license, that sort of thing. She said, they are mine now, I stole them. Up over the hill I see two eldery people, man and woman who are chasing her. They are dress like people dress here in Florida. The man had on pants and a polo shirt and the woman had slacks, a shell top and white sweater. They were about 65 to 70, a bit over weight and gray. But I felt they were her parents in the dream. I also thought that Anna, may have relocated to the U.S. or made a trip here. So I never posted or shared this dream as I didn't know the people here or how Anna's mom would receive this dream, but I feel I should share it now. I think it may be of some value.

I still remember this place in my dream to this day. I re-read this thread and I see that I had the US as where I was, but for some reason Milan came to me. There is a Milan Ohio and MI so I looked to see if there was anyplace that looked like what I saw. I found this, picture, the path with the biker is spot on, but to the left I saw a valley with a town. This place also has RR tracks, but I can't get over the path. Did anyone ever post the birth certificate (re named one) on genealogy sites? Was it filed?

milan ohio bike.jpg
Perhaps things looked different in 1973, maybe you can find a photo from that time frame..

Did you ever dream it again, or anything else about Anna?
Whatever happened with the William c connection I would like to revisit it if it's still relevant to Anna and he was not ruled out p

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Who is William C?

A women came forward and said she saw Anna with a man it has been so long since he was mentioned I forgot most of it

Maybe someone else who remembers more can chime in

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There is a psychic who has an office 20 minutes from me my dad knew
Someone who went to her and she was spot on everything. I don't believe that psychics can see everything and always tell the truth I'm planning on saving my money to see her I hear she is worth the money. I may ask her about the missing children I'll be vague and see what she says

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I don't know psychics, I just know people who feel things, or don't feel things. And most of those feelings aren't too positive :(
I don't know psychics, I just know people who feel things, or don't feel things. And most of those feelings aren't too positive :(

I am mainly going for myself but I want to see if I bring up the missing children what happens this women is also a medium so it will be interesting to see what happens.

I feel strongly 2017 is the year Anna reunites with her family

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