Dreams/Visions? - #1

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KageyKaren 8/9/09

SS this could very well be a spot next to a soccer feild as my mind felt "karen its an old ball field, concentrate on Lindsey. No sign for score, bleachers or mesh fence. Soccer grass is right on the money except not worn in. Eyebrows alittle wirey, could have used grooming but I can tell he wouldn't be concerned with dapper grooming more manager or janitorial grooming. Not a rich golfer polo guy. It actuall unerved me while in the moment that he had matching colors on and the olive green shirt was newer and the type of shirt that when you throw in the dryer it comes out perfect. Hair to middle of ears wiry as well strawberry sandy blond turing some color to gray but kind of blending in with the blondes and minimal strawberry color. Anglo saxon for sure! That shirt may have had a button pocket on my left as I looked up from laying ontop of Lindsey, facing the perp and it was difficut from ground level staring up. I didn't tell in my first post as I was taken aback. My mind was saying,"Lay like Lindsey look up at what she sees and I didn't want to but made myself . I was even creeped out having do that while laying on her. For some reason this was very important to her thatI lay like her. She new this man!!!!! if my dream into awaked vision is the best way to descibe the moment. Also this guy was not gross unattarctive, he just needed a bit of spiffing up if going to the Mteropolitan grill for example but didn't appear to be the type to go to those places. Yes he could clean up if he wanted to hang at a casino

KageyKaren 8/9/09

you would have to drive further in once in the park. His clothes looked very kept and collar open.


I'm going to try to post a pic of Wa. Park Ranger Mary A Boner, that is wearing the closet attire I'v seen yet. I'v been looking at all types of uniforms from various jobs to see if anything stood out, because I was troubled by his matching of clothes of this kind. All the sudden after looking up every boy scout division of uniforms and crossed those off the list. LE off list, flight maintence crew uniforms and national guard, Fish and wildlife uniforms and civillian Park rangers in field uniforms, less proper and I can't locate those. I'm not trying to say it is a Park ranger but the uniform I saw on Mary A. Boner smaked me in the face to the point of stomach turning. Was there a day camp for Jr. Park Rangers offered to children in Mc Cleary and other close towns? If you don't look at this mans attire as a uniform but more of a street clothes trying to be up to code for a job might help. To answer a question presented Lindsey's body and her head were directly in front of the forrest bushes as if the man could push her into the woods instead of pulling out of the woods. The edge of this forrest-bush (no Alder trees) would take a bit of a walk from where the openning started. Going by what I saw in my vision moment the perp would have to have drove Lindsey to this area. I don't know if the brutal attack happened before the place she laid or was hurt before. my gut tells me the attack of physical harm did take place in the back of the clearing. It seemed like the lull of the day after lunch hour as it seemed he was going to continue his day as planned. This would make Lindsey being held hidden before the drive to where she was. He was not affected in any way by the brutality he used on her and had nothing showing on his clothes like blood. Hands appeared weather, chapped,dry but not as if he did any type of hard labor. This man looked nothing like what I'v invisioned and posted. I expected a more creepy, greasey large not buff person who had difficulty with women and his station in life and it was clear the man I saw was none of those descriptions. I could see this guy buying a juice drink at the Shell station and chatting it up alittle with the attendant as I could tell he likes himself alot and is comfortable. since he wasn't dirty one bit I don't know where the attack took place as she was literally hanging on to a last moment of life

. One of the things that I felt while looking up from a laying position at his stance was how tall he seemed from that angle, kind of like an optical illusion , maybe like Lindsey percieved him. Tall meaning authority. I hope this guy is caught and I'm way off the mark!! This has been daunting combined with my road trip experience. This seems like a sleepy town that gets busy around 5 o pm due to people getting off work. I saw many a man that one may think to be a perp by looks associated to alot of these crimes but that look is not what I saw in my vision. The man I saw could fit into many social settings.

KageyKaren 8/10/09

One thing I haven't discussed is my spiritual (I guess) placement and how it felt in that moment. Lindsey was very aware of my presence, tunnel vision towards her face then body, the face again. We were connected in that moment and felt like we were inside a clear oval, not a bubble, intensely eyes to eyes. The perp had no knowledge of my being there, like I was invisble to him. I moved off Lindsey to my left beside her head and body got up squatting on my toes knees bent, feeling I had to look at hers eyes again and dreading it . When I did she had already passed. I felt a sadness but more of a feeling of drained "Oh my god, what do I do for her, how can I relay such a story. If I was a patient in the line of work I did, I wouldsay they are delusions from a loss but this wasn't the case. This clearing is inside a much larger forrest but can be accessed.

TamgMit: 8/10/09

Last week in July think it was the 26 I had kind of weird dream at the time didn't know what it meant. In the dream my hubby C, ex hubby R and ex childhood boyfriend call him B. All three where just standing in front of me. They didn't say a word just stood there and I asked why are you standing there and they didn't answer. Got to thinking about it and making comparison's to what they do. C is an electrician who also does maintenance work for an apartment house, R Is a mechanic who use to race at the drag way, Drove a septic truck and presently Oil truck. Actually was shocked to see B in my dream. He works Landscaping for some people but his wife works in a nursing home with me. Also thinking about it both C an R built their own house. From my experience both with the mechanic hands do get dry but are usually pretty dirty looking hard to get the grease off. Electrician hands from pulling wire, they tend to get chapped although Eucerin helps with that.. Have no idea about the landscaper. I imagine if you are pulling at weeds and working with hands might leave your hands callased. I know mechanics usually wear a uniform and is usually dark in color. I kind of wondered if this dream pertained to LB not sure.

KageyKaren: 8/10/09

You know SS i was hoping he had awedding band on and he didn't. He took his left hand palm down, middle of belly, gripping right side to do his little last tuck as if he had tucked in most of his shirt already. When I say left it is from my laying view point. Remember I described the medal on the belt buckle as tarnished gold plated is best description. The only thing i can think of with that view (nothing in back of him or to his sides didn't matter in that moment, I had to keep looking at his face almost like I couldn't even if I wanted to. The woods clearing was 4 sides. If he's standing in front of me, and he turned with his back to me, walked straight ahead to the opposite end of clearing, he could walk straight into the forrest or make a right turn about 6ft.in front of woods to his right it would place him on the incomming road.

There were no signs power lines or even a marker for mi. This tells me he accsessed the area from a main road or main backroad in a park leading to this road taking one back to the openning. The site i saw was not a cleared area like a logging road leading to a clearing of tress and brush. Had I not remembered Tuba's post of loney I would have desribed the spot as sereenly lonely. There was a beauty in that clearing comming from the lush greenery, soft grass, periwinkle sky and the clean smell of associated with the outdoors. Not one bit of timber, logging smell. Outdoors person would love such a spot to pitch a tent. Funny thing I couldn't smell but I felt the smell inside of me as if I took in a big breath to clear my lungs. I know what your thinking.my sluethy friends, but don't rule out property surrounding a golf course far from the greens. When I first looked down and saw it was Lindsey before I saw those eyes, I saw her in what I thought was a burgundy little cotton blouse, short sleeved one pooffy of a short sleeve with 1/2 in. band around arm, buttoned down. A sweet type 10 yr old type blouse. I realized when looking at Lindsey the final time that the crumpled up twisted blouse was actuall a light color through all the blood. Collar was an open one made for the little lapel to lay flat. She had shorts or panties on, everything twisted as if no time was taken in hurting. the look of calm conquering. His face wasn't a baby face. It wasn't fried wrinkled from yrs. of sun. Ruff needed to shave wrinkles like he was in out of son. I'm not trying to lead into any direction but i'm thinking plant supervisor no mechanics involved due to semi rough hands alittle eucerin would help out. Associated with parks and forrest some way. Possible fishing camping association, grounds keeper, someone who sprays lawns but doesn't landscape on a job maybe sends crews out from some type of business. Could he be apart of a co. repping products? This is gonna get you. If you place wiry disheveld hair as if you put your fingers on each side and messed it, then take away all acne, add bushy blonding graying eyebrows you would have a man resembling Robert Reford in the face. I don't know if robert has skinny lips but this guy did. This guy i could tell knows how to work his sweet side to his advatage I could tell. The sun was behind the clouds so I couldn't tell what direction I was in. If I were to guess from that moment it would be behind Lindsey as there was some natural shading behind her from the tall beautiful fir trees and trees with green leaves looking irradescent. If staring down at her the edge of the forest wrapped around to the left where i saw that old long netting hanging haphazardly as if it had been in the elements for a long time but had originaaly been used in that spot it was caught on the floiage.

Salem 8/11/09

I had a dream last night and I THINK it is related to this case. If it is, the perp has acted before and his actions have been in the media before. I can't seem to remember all the details of the dream and there is a phrase or some words sitting on top of my brain that would offer a clue - BUT I can't get them out. It's like the word on the tip of your tongue but you just can't remember? Except these words or phrase are a little further back in my brain.. uggh.

I woke up feeling excited, nervous and scared. The dream was almost a nightmare. This perp is not pleasant.

I was sure it was a first time offender - but now, I don't think so. I think this is a known perp.

Coastal: 8/11/09


KageyKaren: 8/11/09

YOU ARE A PEACH! I'm not alluding to the pk. ranger uniform but the color! This is the color, no doubt about it. Imagine the pleated pants (very olive green ) with matching shirt, no jacket. I bet you could feel why this was frustrating to find in a uniform as it isn't quite military green. Do remember when I discribed how the pants seemed to weight at the bottom? Well you said the word I just couln't come up with, "chinos" The difference though is they aren't quite stylish as Chinos that have that zoot suit look at the bottom but professional working and looking more than going out on the town. The netting was more of a gray weathered rope type that initially I felt like one that would catch golf balls in the old days. The problem is the old tattered tether rope was down straddling the bushes, making this difficult to see full height and length. I tried to post but it kept saying my post was to short??? I'm not ready by any means to committ to a possibly Pk. ranger who loosened up his collar

Salem: 8/11/09

The phrase has something to do with a's, big and little a's - like Triple A? AAAaaaaaaAAA
The perp - oh my... he has acted before. He is brutal. He has been in the media before and that may have something to do with the a's? It seems his crimes have been in the media, but I'm not sure.

Can he act pleasant? I don't know. I did not see any pleasant in my dream. But can see him in the clothes you described standing over Lindsey. And the belt - definitly a belt. White/grey hair, kinda long and maybe sometimes worn in a pony tail And a car - a big car. Not an SUV, but like a Caddy touring type car. Maybe a red interior? Not sure. But an older model,

KageyKaren: 8/11/09

Thinking about that moment and how distortedly tall the perp appeared from a laying position tells me that this clearing you can walk into after those trails like you posted wasn't a football field (I never felt that) but may have not been as long stretching to right turn rd. as it seemed and I was in a strange moment knowing while this is going on there were things around I knew in that moment I need to focus more on but I had to follow through while taking glimpses from the back of the clearing. One of the things I didn't mention was something that was going through me mind and I felt it was trivial and honestly couldn't pay attention to it and it was a thought that kept annoyingly bothering me at an intense time and it was saying, "See if theres a cabin home, pk ranger station, picnic tables Is that one, look again" I didn't post it because I couldn't be definate. JO it looks just like that brown bld, look out sluegh I swear! If I'm laying from the forrest edge it was to my right over the brush holding the broken down gray rope and you could walk up yo it. I'll be backnetting

KageyKaren 8/11/09

Anyway, What i meant by Kcky and I even hesitated to use it because. I meant kacky feel with olive green. I just didn't know how to word what was flowing from my mouth. Does that help? The gage of the polyester cotton pants is to difficult to explain other than what I wrote.

TamgMit: 8/12/09

Jennifer for the taking the beautiful pictures. Three areas there was both bridges and that area where you turned right. The second bridge moreso where that railing is only oneside and kind of reminded me of a rail track with the ties being over head instead of under me. Yet the first bridge had the cement/aspect to it. Kind of looking for sort of a ravin with trees on both sides that are fairly tall and trees that where in front but the ones in front seemed lower why got the impression was some sort of ravin. Grass was green and taller almost like hay ready to be mowed. I was kind of trying to combine what kagey was seeing as well at what I had seen/dreamed. I did not get the feeling of the water of being blackwater.. and it didn't feel dirty to me. In dream it was pond off to left of railroad tracks and heard black water but it felt dirty and believe it is out in country side

TamgMit: 8/12/09

Not sure these dreams pertain to LB and was kind of looking for confirmation on some of the things I had been dreaming. begining of July words such as woods, Jewlrey for cash, and the most recent was beaver creek. I am knew at interrupting what I am dreaming or hear or feel.. An area that has sort of caught my eye has been on route 108 going to 101. Skookum Creek. Which is approximately 4 miles from hinklin road. I would love to have a picture of some of this area especially around the train bridge. There is also a road that goes off of Hinklin road but on google maps doesn't have a name. My feeling is she is more northern IMO but I have nothing to base why I feel that way

TamgMit 8/12/09

When I see stated triple A's I think Triple Bipass. Having to do with the heart. (Aortic) Major vessel. Then I think bi -pass and heart.. maybe heart of intersection of a busy road or river

Scandi: 8/12/09

Originally Posted by concentric ------------------------Talk about someone who feels silly for posting the above I added another CA town/city to it starting with San _______.Do you suppose I am thinking: Ice delivery. That the perp. delivers ice to convenience stores, bars or liquor stores?OK, go ahead and at me. I don't have ANY idea where this is coming from:confusedJust posting it, in case.
Here's a wild one Concentric. Maybe it follows the Triple A theory, he lives up out of Amanda Park, works for a delivery co in Aberdeen and delivers something up as far as Hwy 8 goes, which would include McCleary

KageyKaren: 8/12/09

When I saw the word combust I'm thinking, incenerator. I'v got a feeling it isn't related to fire. Help, for those who need to turtoring as I hate to always bother Tuba for an explanation in lay terms. As far as the close, they aren't going out close. This is a looke of a man who calls on clients for ex; A man carrying a clip board, knocking on your door to sell windows. Casual but professional to the trade he is in. Some I have listed are Pk employees not dressed in full uniform attire., sales rep for whatever trade he is in,. I didn't see this but he had a look of being a key holder , lots of keys on a ring. Yes he looked good but he also had the look of someone who wanted folks to see him more important than the actual job. Because the green color was so vivid, major point of reference, I'm thinking on a spiritual level "green is key" From the ground up in his matching olive clothes he looked like a tree. If I were to make a psychic guess ( and I never would) I would say this perp's job has him knowing the lay of the land. He appears to have (Ah Ha! moment just now) of an Eddie Bower Look but not polished like an ad model or a Cabella look. There was a collar. These shoes I saw are good for walking shoes to support someone on their feet all day.

Concentric: 8/17/09

This a.m. I was thinking about a moraine, as in a psychic perception

TamgMit: 8/17/09

I had three short dreams, not sure they even pertain or understand them. The first was of a Map not sure where this map is of but in Bright Yellow letters Was Franklin at the pinpoint. Then heard in mind go south down just a little ways. There is a cave we are staying in. I woke up and wrote it down then layed back down and went back to sleep. Then started dreaming and this woman was apologizing to this fella because she made him fill out this form. She said he seemed very impatient, rushed and ansy. I again woke up.. Then the next dream was a whole page of MISC toothbrush from the top of page to bottom. Have no idea what this means, if anything, or it could be bunch of things I heard in the last few days and in my unconscience mind was trying to figure out things. The MISC Toothbrush kind of reminded me of being in school and when you did something wrong you had to stay after and write it several pages..

Concentric: 8/18/09

Along with the word moraine, I got Drummond or something and I thought that's Irish or Scottish and didn't make sense. So I researched moraines and there is such a thing as a Drumlin Moraine which is a ridged-type rock formation left by a glacier. Could the frozen matter I was thinking of have been a glacier?
Tuba was saying something about an isolated and lonely place

Corralaroc: 8/18/09

just awoke from a dream about Lindsey that contained something like a "moraine" as it was an odd drop-off of soil at a small parking lot. It was as if the earth's crust had fractured all around the edges and this parking lot had sunk down anywhere from 2 to 4 feet. I could see the rough edges of the rock-encrusted soil - and made an effort to remember it. (I had not seen Concentric's post about the word moraine, and did not know what the word meant until now.)

My feeling is that this dream is about some of the events leading up
to her disappearance, at this point making a plan, she is a run-away -
not an abductee or victim.

It begins with L at a wholesome party at a friend's house.
Laughter, singing and testimonials like those of a church group.
She has a crush on an older boy, and says something to him
out loud which embarrasses her in front of everyone, esp. because
he has a girlfriend (who doesn't attend these functions).

Someone in the kitchen explains to L how to use stale bread to
make bread crumbs for bake-frying fish. She is instructed to
make sure the large salmon stays perfectly flat at all times,
as the crushing of the bones & cartilage will affect its flavor.
(My note: Is this really true about cooking salmon, I wonder?)
The salmon had been hand delivered to the house, in a brown
paper bag, and placed just inside the door before the party.

Dream word is JUICE.
Next is a new scene, different people around. She is looking out the
2nd story window of an apartment building or hotel, overlooking
a parking lot. She can see 2 sky blue shuttle vans below.
She is alone in the room, looking out this window to see if the
car she arrived in is still there - sees it, ok, some relief.

Next, she gets into one of the blue shuttle vans which will take
her into the neighboring mid-sized city/town. "Thanks for the
ride. I just moved here, so I don't know my way around yet."

As they go along the main road, she can look down on the city,
sees lots of buildings and houses. Prominent feature is a factory
on the north or east side with billows of steam coming out of
its chimney. City surrounded by forest of course, in a small

This is a place she has never been to before. Slightly
nervous, but does not feel terrified. She wants to be
the last passenger dropped off, so she can "get a feel
for the town".

The driver drops off the 2nd-to-the-last passenger,
makes a wrong turn and has to turn about in this sunken
parking lot mentioned above. Difficult, not enough
space around parked cars to turn around easily. (This
feels contrived, this driver knows the town well, how
could he make a wrong turn?)

Driver and other remaining passenger (male, dark hair,
20-something) begin to joke about the caved-in parking
lot. "What if we disappear into this hole and no one ever
finds us?" she says half-jokingly. The driver explains
how this parking lot sinks every year after the winter

The conversation then revolves around "getting lost"
(driver and passenger are in cahoots?). As the van
heads back out of town along a road surrounded by forest,
the other passenger jokes that he is wearing enough after-
shave and deodorant, "we can get lost for a week", no

The words TWO to FOUR MILES
(in this dream, I am just an observer, I seem to be hovering above and to her right at all times)
TamgMit: 8/20/09

Originally Posted by Haddie McFaddies Mom Hi TamgMit ~ Well, Franklin is in WA, and the strange thing about it is that it is a ghost town. An abandoned mine and mining town. The wierd part about it is that if you look it up on Google maps and get the close up satellite image, there is actually some sort of structure down south (of the pinpoint on the map) just a little ways". here's a description I picked up about Franklin (which really isn't that far from McCleary):Franklin was a significant mining town in the 1800s, but no more. All that remains are foundations, a cemetery, some artifacts, and bits of coal everywhere. The primary mine opening is over 1000 feet deep, and it has a rebar covering to keep people from falling in. You can toss rocks in it and listen for a long time before you hear them hit the bottom. As the Washington coal mining industry declined in the 20th century, so did Franklin. It is a town of ghosts now. Anyway, I just thought that was very, very interesting. Glad you shared ~
Thank you Haddi. I was suprise to find there was both a Franklin and a Franklin County. The cave in the dream was on like a wall just a little bit taller then a person standing upright and could see the rocks on the side of it. I also tried googling caves in Washington. The one that looks the closest was the ice caves near Mt Rainer. Except those caves don't exist anymore cause they filled in full of ice. They are in a glacial field. Have also thought of the part of the fella registering for the park that was very upset. So wondered if they where in some sort of park. Was wondering if they wheren't prior in the ORV park. I know some probably think that isn't a probability but I do wonder. As for the toothbrush had wondered if one had been found or something or forgot to take it. But yet it reminded me being in school for a long time.. so wondering whether she might have been with a school friend..

Coastal 8/21/09
Jennifer O: 8/21/09
OT kind of: Moraine is my step grandsons (and his fathers) last name.
Concentric: 8/21/09
When I got the word "moraine" in my mind, I immediately looked it up to determine exactly what it is. A moraine could be some place very general, in other words: common in Washington. Or it could be some place specific. So, yes, I did look up moraines in WA and there is a Moraine Lake in Skagit Co., WA. It's in the mountains. Once again, it may not be that at all, but something very common.

Now this a.m. I get the word "building"--now that's very specific...not.

Concentric: 8/22/09
I got the image flashed right in front of me of a door with a gold-colored number 16 on it. It looked like a motel door.

TamgMit: 8/22/09
On 8/17 had this dream. I wanted to go for a ride with hubby up north to my aunt's house,She lives approx. 100 miles away, but at first he didn't think he wanted to take me but he did and we drove the backroads to her house. We stopped at this store and there was this girl in our car with long blonde hair. I don't know who she isand she didn't look like LB. We got some soda and stuff from the store. We weren't to far from my aunt's. Someone mentioned in the store something happened to this little girl so we got her a present and went to this house to give the present to the family. I didn't recognize this house either but it was weathered brownish. There was a light colored (siliverish) bus in the yard loaded with people. There was a line in front of us to go in and noticed this person going to the other part of the building. The building was like an extension to the original house.. I went upstairs with hubby and this Girl with the long hair. When we walked into the room I noticed my uncle and my aunt were there. I greeted them and wanted to stay and converse with them but this girl wanted to go. Wanted something more exciting. I said my goodbyes and as everyone is standing outside this cop started chasing this blue car. There was a fork in road a head with cars parked in the middle of it. The car took a quick right turn and the cop tried to make the turn and didn't make it, almost hitting the other cars that where parked. We left my aunts and and where driving and parked at this gas station was the bus. Inside the station they also where taking donations of food and gifts and where told to put them on the shelf on the wall. Hubby and this girl wanted to stay, but I did not. I felt something was very wrong. I left and started walking up the road. I turned back and saw this lady in blue dress seem to be crawling and draggin self towards the gas station pumps. A dark small car drove right through the wall of this station where all the gifts where placed.

My aunts friends picked me up and brought me back to my aunts and said to me those people out there are crazy. We Know enough to stay in at that time of night. I went with aunt and cops cause I couldn't find hubby. We walked upstairs and in this room was just a bare mattress that had no sheets on it and looked as though it was cut in half. They pulled the mattress apart and there where bones in it. Aunt said they where of the cult very bad people. I woke up.
Concentric: 8/22/09

It was a close-up of a wooden door, painted WHITE with the GOLD number 16 on it, as if you were standing right in front of it. Because of the closeness, I could not see any other features. Looked like a door to a room. Sorry, don't want to appear to shout with the Bold. It looked like a motel room door

Concentric: 8/23/09

Sometimes I really wonder where I get this stuff from. This a.m. there are the words:

she is banded
fire started

I hope that fire started means: for warmth, cooking meals, etc. instead of something that I don't want to think about.

TamgMit: 8/23/09

Originally Posted by JenniferO Also Karen, What were you looking for in regards to the Melbourne area. It's hard to explain the area but it's not a town it's just a blip on the map (I don't even know why it's officially named unless it's a location of old logging camp). There is a road up into the woods called the A-Line (Last I heard it was gated, but gates are left open all the time so who knows if in June they were closed or not). Hundreds of miles of logging roads that go in every direction. If someone knows the area well enough they can get from the South Elma area to Montesano possibly as far south as Raymond. There are no houses (as its privately owned property, I believe Weyerhauser owns it), no parks in the Melbourne area, there are a few farm houses along the highway.
Have you ever heard of the eye of Horus. Guess that is the best way I can describe what dream reminded me of. Was like a map not sure if it was water or road but felt more water. In the dream seemed to be trying to go to the top of the eye. There where a lot of trees no houses and at the bottom of the eye left side off from middle it went down and branched off to left and right. Seemed like most of the night been working hard to get to top of eye seemed repeatative over and over again.
I was hesitant about this saying anything but you had posted about this area and I was wondering

Concentric: 8/30/09

Last night as I was asking where Lindsey is, the words:

horse hair

TamgMit: 8/30/09

I had this dream of this trailer that was in woods, High grass around it, a brook to the right side of trailer as I am looking at the trailer and on left side was an old small greyish color wood shed. The trailer was approx. 12 x 60 reddish/ brown brick color siding. Had a white front door, small wood steps and railing in front. The windows sills were greyish weathered wood windows, that didn't look like trailer windows but looked like it needed to be painted. Looked dark inside could only see black. Could see two windows next to each other on the left side of steps, towards the shed and one on the other the other side of steps. It reminded me of an old trailer and didn't look like anyone was there.

Concentric: 8/30/09

TamgMit -

You are freaking me out. Yesteryday, before you posted, I had a vision of Lindsey trying to run and she ran to a shack in the woods. It was dark and she started banging on the windows, but it was dark and no one was there--it had been abandoned, or no one was there

Coastal: 8/31/09

Get out of town! I was just surfing, looking for anything "McCleary", and google took me to trulio.com and a house for sale. It's a trailer (doublewide); has steps (old wood) and a railing; has a barn/shed/outbuilding, gray, with weeds/kudzu growing up the sides and boarded-up windows; old cut grass that edges natural forest; sits on 2.(something) acres; is on a dead-end road; looks to be walking distance from 6th and Maple; and is right across from Old Sand Creek.
Go to Trulia.com, type in 93 Old Sand Creek Road, McCleary, WA 98557
There are several good photos, and a map.


Property Information:
"Private Paradise Found Here In McCleary. Nicely Maintained 3Bd 2Ba Home With Spacious Kitchen Living And Dining Room. New Vinyl Flooring, Carpet And Paint Make This Shine! Large Bdrms, Lots Of Storage Space Throughout. The Water System Is In Laundry Room And The Well Pump Is Wired For Generator.Property Around The House Is Park Like And Fully Fenced, The Remaining Property Is In Its Natural State. Property Backs Up To Forest Land. Small Barn On Site."


"Lot On Dead-End Street, Lot Is On Paved Street, Private Lot Lot Size Acres: 2.955546"

Concentric: 8/31/09
The building in the vision I had appeared to be one-story, and long like a trailer. There was gray wood that seemed to have some boards overlapping, a white plywood board, etc. There were two windows on the left-hand side that she was knocking on to see if someone was there. It was dark inside and it was night outside

Concentric: 9/1/09

Get out of town! I was just surfing, looking for anything "McCleary", and google took me to trulio.com and a house for sale. It's a trailer (doublewide); has steps (old wood) and a railing; has a barn/shed/outbuilding, gray, with weeds/kudzu growing up the sides and boarded-up windows; old cut grass that edges natural forest; sits on 2.(something) acres; is on a dead-end road; looks to be walking distance from 6th and Maple; and is right across from Old Sand Creek.

coastal and TamgMit:

Looked at the house and I would say there are some similarities. One of the elements that most freaked me out was the presence of the birch trees. In the vision there were trees that lit up in the moonlight and I believed they were birch before viewing the photos. The building was long, like a trailer and there was the presence of a patio with a wooden railing, although I could not place the location of these features, perhaps also a pipe for a wood stove. She was running from the perp., found this building in the woods and was knocking on two dark windows to the left-hand side of where she was standing. The windows looked larger to me; however, from her perspective, perhaps they appeared to be so. The building looked gray in the dark with some white boarding I made out to my right.

I was praying this morning and get the words:

coarse man


adjective 1. rough, crude, unfinished, homespun, impure, unrefined, rough-hewn, unprocessed, unpolished, coarse-grained, unpurified << OPPOSITE smooth
adjective 2. vulgar, offensive, rude, indecent, improper, raunchy (slang) earthy, foul-mouthed, bawdy, impure, smutty, impolite, ribald, immodest, indelicate
3. loutish, rough, brutish, boorish, uncivil << OPPOSITE well-mannered

Just an add-in to the above: could the light source have been headlights of a vehicle instead of moonlight? Was there a full moon that night?

Coastal: 9/5/09

Random thought here, but a "course man" might also indicate a teacher or an instructor of some kind...and, of course, there are "courses" where "men" (and others) race...such as dirt tracks for motorcycles and steeplechase courses (for horses, of course)...

...which sounds like the Straddeline State Park again, doesn't it? I wonder who grooms the track up there

TamgMit: 9/06/09

I haven't had to many new dreams just bits and pieces. something about a friend has pictures and numbers couldn't remember the numbers as they where popping up. Not that great with remember numbers to begin with never the less in my dreams. lol I wonder if it is related to the course man.. maybe is an offender or hiding from the law. Maybe someone that lives in the woods, hunts, self sufficient. No electricty, keroscene laterns, wood stove. Has a place to store stuff in sheds. Near water to shower Maybe even hunts bear. When is bear hunting season anyhows. hmmm wonder what kind of bait a person uses for bear hunting season.. OT.. sorry mind is wandering. Seems to do that a lot lately. That would definitely be a type of course man that both have seen or heard.

Concentric: 9/11/09

This morning praying and asking about Lindsey. What I got was:

Lantern (got that a few days ago)

Barn - it's either under the barn or in a loft of a barn confinement

You might think I'm a little cuckoo, but I reflected on this stuff and years ago, when I graduated H.S. in Illinois, I wanted to get an apartment. There was a listing at a farm. My mom went with me there. Anyways, this man took us to the apt. It was in the silo! and was accessed through like a trap door overhead. It totally creeped me out.

Now, that was years and years ago. But later it reminded me of the book "The Collector

TamgMit: 9/11/09

When you say latern think kerosene was first thought then battery operated. You had mentioned horse, horse hair. Could that also play siignificance towards these words.

today got 18 M not sure what it represents. Could be a number of things.

Concentric: 9/11/09

In Lindsey's case I get barn and either underground or loft confinement, plus padlock.

TamgMit: 9/16/09

I wondered if LB had some jewlery that she loved. Maybe something someone gave her that she was close to like a parent or grandparent. Maybe a cross.

Razzberry 9/19/09

Anyhow I have been following Lindsey's story and asked God for insight to what has happened to her. Last night I had the following dream.

In my dream I was at a riverbank with a friend, we had been there 100's of times swimming I decided to jump in for a swim. As soon as I did the the currant was very strong and swift and it pulled me quickly away from the riverbank and away from my friend. I was desperatly trying to swim back to the edge but the water was so strong I could'nt even bring my arms up and I was being swept into an area I knew was too dangerous. My friend was standing on the riverbank reaching out to me but knew if she jumped in she would be swept away also my last thought was, I am dying, and I woke from the dream.

Today I have analized my dream over and over and here is my theory:

The first important message is that maybe she was not alone
second the river may have been symbolic of a person she was very familiar with in my dream I had been there 100's of times
third she may have realised right away she had made a mistake as she was instantly overpowered.

I have also wondered if the river may have something to do with a person involveds name like Rivers, Banks, Lake??

Of course there is also the possibility it could have beed literal, are there any swift moving rivers maybe tide rivers she may have been swept away?

KageyKaren: 9/16/09

I keep getting a message in my heart and mind saying, "Never give up seeking" Maybe this is to keep the search going, maybe to keep seeking answers, maybe to keep seeking truths, or all three.


Quoted Kagey Karen
Just a peek in to say I also stated coarse in my desciption of the hair on the man I described. Another running theme from our dreams, & visions.
Just playing with words here, but:

cor·sair (kôrsâr)n. 9/24/09

1. A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast.
2. A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.

[French corsaire, from Old Provençal corsari, from Old Italian corsaro, from Medieval Latin cursrius, from cursus, plunder, from Latin, run, course; see course.]

cours·er 1 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
1. A dog trained for coursing.
2. A huntsman.

cours·er 2 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
A swift horse; a charger.

courser - a huntsman who hunts small animals with fast dogs that use sight rather than scent to follow their prey
(hunter, huntsman - someone who hunts game)

Isn't it interesting how karen's "course haired" (man) leads us first to pirates (McCleary's "Pirate Days"?) and then to "a huntsman", who uses special dogs to hunt small prey?

Things that make you go hmmmm

Mysticrose: 9/28/09

So I had a dream lastnight that I am pretty sure relates to Lindsey, trying to figure how it may fit.

I was walking down a dirt road with a handful of other people and we were searching for clues on Lindsey.There were telephone and power poles lining the road.
The sides of the road (this is odd) there was fire, not high flames just small ember type fire glowing red and orange, but it was flowing like water does in the same direction we were walking.
Out of nowhere a voice says to me " You need to go in the opposite direction from where your looking" I turn and go the opposite direction from where I was headed and there leaning against ( a rock?) by a telephone pole was what looked like to me to be a taser gun. I reached down to pick it up and I woke up.

Below I have attached a pic of something similar to what I saw only the top part of the TG was missing

Passionflower: 9/28/09

This is something odd that NEVER has happened to me before.
It really upsets me.
I have no favorite song, or artist..........love all music.
I have not heard this song for a long long time.
But for the last 3 weeks this same song comes into my brain like it is
all I want to hear, very annoying now.
Has anyone ever had this happen?
Why? and what can be done?
Is it some 'sign'
it is Stevie Nicks...........Leather and lace just the last part...........

Lovers forever...face to face
My city or mountains...stay with me stay
I need you to love me...I need you to stay
Give to me your leather
Take from me...my lace
Take from me...my lace
Take from me...my lace

Takeanote: 10/2/09
this is what i have been feeling for some time now....

if you click on each one...it will take you to a bigger image of it...i can feel the energy in them that way .....

1. this is her innocents, you can see a tree that has been cut, but yet beauty has managed to grow

2. someone is not who she thought they were, her dreams are lost

3. she is close by, the truth is blind, if the lies (bright sun) could be blocked she will be found

4. great energy, power is standing by her, life goes on around her, finally the lies are gone and she can be seen, she is not forgotten

when i think of her....these are the *feelings*..... i get....this is what i see....this surrounds her.....

i agree these are the feelings most of us have....but my feelings also predict the suroundings to where i believe Lindsey is right now.....

when i think of how to find her....those pics are what i see.....

cut tree's with dainty flowers growing....the color yellow....long stretch of grassy land.....

some kind of feild with something like corn or wheat growing....something tall ....could just be tall grass.....

an old run down wood shack, house, shed or out building....

something to do with power.....a wind mill.....tall power lines....something that gives off energy.....

she is out in the open......right there....

its like she is being passed by....no one sees her because the sun is to bright....

the area is taken for granted.....

where she is at is so obvious..... that no one sees her.....

those feelings i get.........puts pictures in my mind

hope that makes since....its hard to try and do this when i am not face to face with the person...that im trying to get a read for....but everything that i know about lindsey and this case....this is what i get.....

Lizzysf 10/04/09

I had a dream... I was in the "basement" here at WS and some info came across from one of the police scanner listeners about the arrest of someone for kidnapping Lindsey....but it was in the Haleigh thread...and Palatka Police Scanner.... all I gleaned is that I am spending waaaay too much time in the basement... LOL

TamgMit: 10/10/09

few nights ago had this dream it was about this guy and this girl and they drove to this road. Road went uphill she got out of the car and he was teasing her about witches. She said I am not afraid of no witches. She walked up the hill and stopped. He got out of truck and followed. They walked a short distance and passed the trees was a field like. There where people gathered around this fire and where drinking laughing gettin high. In the dream things seemed like attitude started to change and get a litle rough the fella got scared and took off cause these other two guys seemed threatening. She couldn't believe he just took off leaving her with these people. I woke up feeling anxious wondering why he just didn't stay or bring her with him

TamgMit: 10/10/09

Another dream three nights ago had this other dream was about a burgular. This person broke into the house and went into the person's bedroom while they where sleeping. Husband awoke when the door started opening and he tackled this person and where fighting. The strange thing to this was I woke to the phone ringing at 10 pm hubby did jump out of bed to answer the phone but no one was on the other end. No one ever calls that late night unless it is an emergency.
TamgMit: 10/10/09

Originally Posted by kageykaren "Sand Creek Pond"??? Sat. posters were discussing Foreman Rd. & Old Sandy Creek Rd. as being near the home that was being searched. This home is right at or so near the bend in the rd. that connects to Old Sandy Creek Rd. which takes you about 3/4 quarters of a mile to a mile to SANDY CREEK Pond! (not yelling)!!! This reminded me of JVK's post above from around 10 days after Lindsey went missing. Sure wish we knew then to look at this pond! I don't like that site but went and saw the psychic reading saying the amount of yards into miles where Lindsey would be found. So JVK do you remember who passed this URL to you? I went and read the Lindsey site but could not find where they told you in a round about way if Sandy Creek has been searched. It is hard to navigate so I probably missed. Thanks if you can link the question asked of you. This area at this point seems to be important to many including Brians dreams thread. It has been reported that someone set fire to a car at Sandy Creek Pond last night which prompted me to look at this Sandy creek Pond alittle closer. Just wished I would have sooner. I wonder if there is other information from that site that would state why this area need to be searchhed so early on. JVK, were you able to get pics of Sandy Creek Pond as I could use a visual. My eyes are crosseyed LOL! Thanks for the help. Don't want to send out the mounty to drain a pond if not necessary. Not that I have any authority in that! If I did I'd have every water hole, pumped.
The reason that area was of interest was because of several reason's and was asked of JVK to take some pictures of that area cause you couldn't see what was in that area from the google Maps at the cross over from 108 and 8. There was what looked like a dirt road that a person could partially go into the woods so that if a car where to park there they would not be seen. There is also a stream off the wildcat that goes through there. If a person walked through two fields they would come to Sandlake. So this area could be walked to or driven to. There also looked to be either a rock or a house from the google map but wasn't too sure. Down the road is some gravel pits that also where of interest. Other things that also were being looked at where the numbers of Brian's dream and trying to coordinate if that might be the same area. When first googled it came right to the pin point only later to find out that the numbers was the area code and not truely the numbers he had dreamed. Other things that kept leading back to that area is the pictures that JVK took of that garage with the spray paint. Which kind of seemed strange to me least in two pictures side by side. Then looked again for other garages in the area and not realizing that there is another garage on 108, simpson road. not to far from cross road from 8 to 108. Seems 108 keeps coming up to me and has been having my curiosity up. I hope this helps.

TamgMit: 10/16/09

last night dream was about a woman that was being admited to nursing facility had started talking about LB. I sat and listend and she kept saying that she was in the water and needed to check by the bridge. Seemed like she was pretty persistant to check the water said it was near the bridge. Try to see what bridge she was talking about but she didn't say. She stated the rains have just started. Not sure if it is just the talk of the weather and the bridge that triggered this dream but just thought I would mentioned it. Was wondering could she be higher area and cause of the rain is now coming to the surface and maybe will come towards the bridge. Does the area of the bridge near the park come from a higher area that runs under it. Or does it come from underground for a short way and up to area of bridge and then go back under again.. Heck don't know where the bridge is.. and it is was just a dream

Yvonnecares: 10/16/09

After Lindsey went missing I started to have dreams, visions and hunches as to what happened to her. In one of the first dreams I saw her get called over to a white car and she went over without any noticeable fear and started talking to the person driving. I then saw her open the back door and get inside and close the door. Then It looked like a younger guy in the back seat grabbed her arm and held her so she couldn&#8217;t get back out. That is when I felt there were maybe 3 guys in the car. I sensed the ages to be around 20&#8217;s, 30-40, & 40-60. I asked in the dream why she wasn&#8217;t afraid to get in the car and I heard &#8220;Because it is a police car&#8221;. I was shocked to have heard that of course. But then I assumed it meant an &#8216;authority figure&#8217; to her. I have had a lot come to me but I will need to post more of it later

Pattywack: 10/18/09

My first post in this case but upon meditation this morning this is what I got involving Lindsey. Name.. Brady.. initial J ( first or last not sure) Color green ...volkswagon...lady....brassy blonde hair...large build not overweight just tall and large boned...older lady...40-50 range... I saw her whole body just as a flash..I think she was wearing green..maybe thats where the color green came

Pattywack: 10/18/09

She seemed tanned...probably of European descent...was wearing casual clothes light green top with a deeper light green slacks almost the color of the laughing green smiley faces but not so florescent..There was no background at all.just a quick flash of this woman. Her hair was blond but sort of brassy...like a coppertone tinge to it. It was short. I could see her ears. My memory is fading already . Trying to remember if it was over the forehead or not but can't. When I said Volkswagon ..van immediately came to mind but not sure if it was my own thoughts intruding or not.She was definitely an older lady . Nothing else. I did not see the Volkswagon. Just the word popped into my head ...like the name. I am 6000 miles away but I wonder if Brady is a common name around there. First or Last.....not sure. Funny but the idea of it being a woman never entered my head before this.
I just wish someone would find her and bring her home.


Originally Posted by TamgMit Thank you Yvonne for sharing your dream. I can only imagine the shock that you must of felt when you heard her give the reason for her getting in the car. Sometimes it could be symbolic representation of the person. Are you able to describe the younger fella that grabbed her or others in the vehical. Able to tell there tone of voice or roughness of the hands as they held her. Sometimes that can tell if they felt like laboring hands like being course verse soft. Sense of smell any preticular smell that might differentiate a person. colorations of the interior of the car. Sometimes it helps to talk it through. I find at times not sure how to interrupt the dream or what it might mean till down the line.

The guy in the back seemed to be young, slim and brownish hair.
The driver seemed to be 40ish, appeared innocent and friendly and she knew him.
The old guy was up front, seemed to be heavier and appeared to be someone who has worked outside.
The atmosphere was happy, party&#8217;ish with booze and possibly drugs. She seemed to take it as they were in a good mood and wouldn&#8217;t hurt her so she got in the car in a happy mood too.
What it seemed like to me is these guys was coming back from a night out and the guy driving was driving because the real driver was unable or chose not to drive

Yvonnecares: 10/18/09


I wanted to add some of the other visions, dreams & hunches I&#8217;ve had about what may have happened. When you ask questions before you go to sleep most of the time you can receive the answers in the morning or they may wake you up. So I have asked a lot of questions before I&#8217;ve went to sleep. This is the rest of what came to me in this order. I asked &#8230;

Who was driving the car? The answer always was,&#8221; He is right in their faces; he is right in front of them&#8221;.

Who has Lindsey right now? &#8220;James&#8221;. I have never received any other name but James. I have heard this name every time I asked. And I have asked a lot of times and it has never changed.

One of the dreams I had after asking questions about her was &#8230; I saw another girl upstairs with her and there was big lights to take pictures. Lindsey was drugged on the couch. There were two guys in the dream with them and they wore police uniforms and were toying with the other girl. It felt like the uniforms would make the pictures more exciting.

Another time I saw her in a cellar or round hole like an old well or cellar crying and yelling and pounding on the wall. She seemed to be there for a time. Felt very isolated, dark and lonely.

One Friday night I sensed a late encounter with the older guy. She didn&#8217;t seem as drugged at the time and was fighting & yelling like a logger. The guy had a knife.
It was around 10:30 or later and then around 12:30 I went to bed after praying the whole time for her. The next day I didn&#8217;t sense her around anymore. This was almost the middle of August if I&#8217;m remembering right.

One day at church I saw another vision and it was a search & rescue looking guy carrying her and she seemed to be limp and wet. I haven&#8217;t had anything since.

When the pictures of the town of McCleary was posted I felt emotionally upset when I saw the street sign on 7th and maple, the bee hive, and the street sign on 6th and fir.
I also feel there is a woman or two involved also &#8211; (wife/mother/girlfriends).
When I&#8217;m in McCleary the feeling of secretiveness & cover-ups is so heavy there It&#8217;s hard to be there for very long. I&#8217;m not understanding the theme of the police car and uniforms unless it is showing the length they are going to to cover up who they are.

razzberry: 10/27/09

On Saturday my hubby Kids and I drove into Mccleary I wanted to get a feel of the town and follow my intuition we came in from Elma Mccleary road the only thing that interested me were the train tracks. Drove into Mccleary and headed to the shell station were we picked up snacks and drinks for the kids. The shell station was not at all what I had pictured. After leaving shell station we headed up behind it I guess behind the bearbower park, I felt nothing except wanting to head up behind simpson mill. We drove back down simpson and into neighborhoods looking for the behive, found it and the only thing I noted about it was how dark the building was. Still I felt I need to go behind the simpson mill, drove through the neighborhoods a bit more and finally went up summit and behind the mill. We followed the road out crossed the Elma hicklin rd and continued untill the county road ended I felt pulled back to elma hicklin rd, Headed left on the Elma Hicklin road and I felt I was heading the right way near the end of the road just before it connects with the train tracks and summit road again I had a very strong feeling about the property we were passing so stong in fact I turned around to have another look. There was an abandon looking white trailor and near it was an old mill of some type that was collapsed. Im not sure if this area has been searched and or if my intuition means anything but I clearly felt drawn to it.
Well, I found this picture. I am VERY intereseted in learning more about this building. And also very interested in seeing it from a different angle.


This one, on the other hand, about made me fall out of my chair when I saw it. The building seems right. But the surroundings seem wrong.




I've been having a very similar building floating through my mind.

It has a row of fruit trees behind or beside it, and behind them a small canal or irrigation ditch. There's a large gas or water tank outside. The kind that's like a barrel on stilts.
This is the property I mentioned in my post above
Grays Harbor County Assessor's Office
Online Parcel Database
Assessment Information

Show Map
Parcel 180501240070
Situs Address 00076EELMA HICKLIN RD MCCL
Legal Description SE NW LY S OF HY LS E 390- LS W 344.31- LS TAX 9 LS R/R

Owner STRID ELROY & LOIS File Updated 11/2/2009 16:05
Address E 15321 HWY 106 Location T 18 R 05 Sec 01
BELFAIR , WA 98528

Land Building Certified Value
$97,000.00 $4,000.00 $101,000.00

Year Built 0000 Tax Code 044F12H1
Building Type COMMERCIAL School District 044
Style 1-STORY Voting Precinct 030 McCleary Rural
Quality AVERAGE Total Acres 9.7
Fire Patrol Acres 9
(pdf) Land Use 24- Lumber and Wood Products (Except Furniture)

Square Feet Type
Lot 0
Building SF 0
Percentage Complete 0%
Basement SF 0
Finished Basement SF 0
Foundation C/C
Porch 1 SF 0 0
Porch 2 SF 0 0
Garage 1 SF 0
Garage 2 SF 0
Carport SF 0 0

Lump Sum - Additional Buildings and Improvements
Lump Sum #1 MB $4,000
Lump Sum Codes?


Home | Assessor | Treasurer | Assessment Parcel Search Form | Tax Information | Feedback
Hi friends. I've been over at the Somer Thompson threads for awhile. I'm not experiencing the words and images I did have with Lindsey's case. Don't know what to make of that.
Hi friends. I've been over at the Somer Thompson threads for awhile. I'm not experiencing the words and images I did have with Lindsey's case. Don't know what to make of that.

Maybe there is more of connection to Lindsey then with Somer may be reason your not experiencing as many words or images. I have been trying to go b ack towards the begining. and had been wondering. About the garages pasted above. I know one in the begining bothered me


I noticed the little building on the left side being a color of red. Looking at post of similar building on 07-08-2009, 01:49 AM JVK took pictures of JVK's Trips To McCleary, WA - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community the 17th one down Looks like they are painting a building. To me the placement of the building is off was in front of the tree next to the white building being painted, but in this picture I can't see the red building, and maybe these two pictures are not in the same locale but to me seems to be the same locale same green building. So where is the other building. Was it moved or turned and was that too painted white.
Maybe there is more of connection to Lindsey then with Somer may be reason your not experiencing as many words or images. I have been trying to go b ack towards the begining. and had been wondering. About the garages pasted above. I know one in the begining bothered me


I noticed the little building on the left side being a color of red. Looking at post of similar building on 07-08-2009, 01:49 AM JVK took pictures of JVK's Trips To McCleary, WA - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community the 17th one down Looks like they are painting a building. To me the placement of the building is off was in front of the tree next to the white building being painted, but in this picture I can't see the red building, and maybe these two pictures are not in the same locale but to me seems to be the same locale same green building. So where is the other building. Was it moved or turned and was that too painted white.

In my opinion these two pictures are of the same garage. I looked at them side by side and I am thinking the angle is off just enough that you can't see the red bldg. Weird thing is you can see the orange cones and garbage cans in both.


I've been having a very similar building floating through my mind.

It has a row of fruit trees behind or beside it, and behind them a small canal or irrigation ditch. There's a large gas or water tank outside. The kind that's like a barrel on stilts.

Does this look like what you are seeing? Both of these pics are on the same property.


  • 173garage.jpg
    140.8 KB · Views: 8
  • 173house.jpg
    163.7 KB · Views: 9
Does this look like what you are seeing? Both of these pics are on the same property.

It could be, but I'm not recognizing it from that angle. In my head, I'm in back of the building or maybe on the right side.

Is this the garage at the end of 10th St / W Simpson Alley? I get a creepy vibe from that one in JVK's photos. Especially this one:


What is making that bright reflection on the left?
Maybe there is more of connection to Lindsey then with Somer may be reason your not experiencing as many words or images. I have been trying to go b ack towards the begining. and had been wondering. About the garages pasted above. I know one in the begining bothered me


I noticed the little building on the left side being a color of red. Looking at post of similar building on 07-08-2009, 01:49 AM JVK took pictures of JVK's Trips To McCleary, WA - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community the 17th one down Looks like they are painting a building. To me the placement of the building is off was in front of the tree next to the white building being painted, but in this picture I can't see the red building, and maybe these two pictures are not in the same locale but to me seems to be the same locale same green building. So where is the other building. Was it moved or turned and was that too painted white.

Is that a red building? Or is it a couple of panels of fence making a barrier that isn't there in the other photo?

Like maybe there's something there they didn't want people to see?
It could be, but I'm not recognizing it from that angle. In my head, I'm in back of the building or maybe on the right side.

Is this the garage at the end of 10th St / W Simpson Alley? I get a creepy vibe from that one in JVK's photos. Especially this one:


What is making that bright reflection on the left?

No, this is not that same garage. I was wondering about that reflection also. Hmmm.
It could be, but I'm not recognizing it from that angle. In my head, I'm in back of the building or maybe on the right side.

Is this the garage at the end of 10th St / W Simpson Alley? I get a creepy vibe from that one in JVK's photos. Especially this one:


What is making that bright reflection on the left?

I just looked at that picture again and I wonder if the "bright reflection" is water or steam. Why all the orange cones? Is there a hole in the ground there?

LOCALS - Anyone able to go check this out?
Is that a red building? Or is it a couple of panels of fence making a barrier that isn't there in the other photo?

Like maybe there's something there they didn't want people to see?

I blew the pictures up and the red thing looks like a building with a wooden door on the end of it with a white roof. Maybe it is taken at a different angle in the other picture but where it looks like they are spray painting the white building it seems more lined up to it then off to the right. Also behind the trees looks to be a white house.
I just looked at that picture again and I wonder if the "bright reflection" is water or steam. Why all the orange cones? Is there a hole in the ground there?

LOCALS - Anyone able to go check this out?

Maybe it is steam. During june 22 to july they where flushing the sewage system but not sure it would make it steam.
Maybe it is steam. During june 22 to july they where flushing the sewage system but not sure it would make it steam.


Tamgmit, Carbuff, Razzberry and Jules71 - Thank you so much for your ideas and questions regarding the area seen in these photographs. After seeing what appears to be steam close to the ground and orange warning cones nearby, I couldn't help wondering again about the storm drains, sewers and waterways in town.

After researching waterway accidents in general, I'm starting to realize how important it is to exercise caution near any sort of outdoor drainage system. I cringe to think of the many times we played in the water near storm drains when we were kids. I had no clue how dangerous it was.

I happened to run across a 1998 article from The Vidette Reporter concerning some of the sewer line and wastewater problems the city of McCleary and its residents had been dealing with for many years. Hopefully those problems no longer exist, of course.


One part of the article that caught my eye pertained to a permit which allows wastewater discharge from the door plant (particularly the "slicing vat water") during offpeak hours 10PM to 5AM.

This quote also got my attention: "We've found people who knocked holes in the sewer under their house in order to drain off excess water," said Burk. "Other people have downspouts feeding off their rooftops directly into the sewer. On a rainy day, one large roof adds as much flow to the system as 35 average homes."


I'm just praying that Lindsey didn't fall into a hole, drain or culvert somewhere.
I blew the pictures up and the red thing looks like a building with a wooden door on the end of it with a white roof. Maybe it is taken at a different angle in the other picture but where it looks like they are spray painting the white building it seems more lined up to it then off to the right. Also behind the trees looks to be a white house.

Hm, yeah, I think you're right.

I'm just praying that Lindsey didn't fall into a hole, drain or culvert somewhere.

I had this same fear right in the beginning of this case. I thought with all the heavy rain, something might be revealed to us - but no such luck.
Okay, I found the place I've been seeing: http://www.co.grays-harbor.wa.us/gh_Parcel/Search/DetailParcel.asp?SrchParcelNo=180501240070

The water tank or maybe silo in the middle photo is exactly right. The garage and trailer are right. The (possibly fruit) trees in front of the trailer (last photo) -- looks like they're actually evergreens, but the shape and placement is right.

Yes, this is the same place razzberry is getting the bad vibes about.

In the photo of the open shed -- http://www.co.grays-harbor.wa.us/Images/Assessor/Parcels/180501240070D99.jpg -- you can see other houses and buildings in the background. Is that the town? Is there a creek/irrigation ditch/canal between this property and those houses? Or anywhere next to the property?
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