Drew is ENGAGED!

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Four months they've been dating and they're engaged? He sure rushes into things doesn't he? Lady - whoever you are - DON"T DO IT! Head for the hills now while you still can!
Are you serious?!?!? I heard this from a coworker and just HAD to come and check!

How STUPID is this chick?!?!?
Oh I am certain Peterson and many many many other men around this country are going "good for him the p&&*y hound". Men like him (and there are many) don't care about anything other than they get to plug a young one. Sorry to be so graphic but that it what it is.

And with the number of absolutely brainless, trash *advertiser censored* who are out there (how else do you explain magazines like Playboy, Hustler, etc, etc, etc), this will continue. You should read some of the mail Scott Petersen gets on DEATH ROW from trash who want to "marry him".

This makes me sick. The very idea of a man 30 years older, hell even 20 years older touching me, I nearly toss it in my shoes on the spot. The only reason I would get involved in something like that would be money, pure and simple.

I have to respectfully disagree on the age thing. My husband is 13 years older than me. I'm 28 and he is 41. When we met, I was 22 and he was 35. He didn't look 35; I actually thought he was in his late 20s. We were both still consenting adults. That's what matters.

I tell you what though, this arrangement here is just insane. Knowing what everyone knows about DP's background and "history," why, oh why, in the world would ANYONE want to be within 10 feet of him, let alone get ENGAGED to him?!?! Either this poor girl has money on the mind, is a fame *advertiser censored*, or if just that gullible to really believe that he "cares" for her. Maybe her family can try to talk some SENSE in her before she becomes wife (AND VICTIM) #5...
I'm shocked! I can't imagine any woman, knowing DP's background would marry him. But, we've seen foolish young girls date him since March of this year. I think we all know that this marriage will only last a few years and we know how it will end.

I had hoped the authorities would have DP under arrest by now. :mad:

He needs SOMEONE to come for conjugal visits and to deposit money in his commissary account... He's planning for his "future." Makes perfect sense. :behindbar
I have to respectfully disagree on the age thing. My husband is 13 years older than me. I'm 28 and he is 41. When we met, I was 22 and he was 35. He didn't look 35; I actually thought he was in his late 20s. We were both still consenting adults. That's what matters.

I tell you what though, this arrangement here is just insane. Knowing what everyone knows about DP's background and "history," why, oh why, in the world would ANYONE want to be within 10 feet of him, let alone get ENGAGED to him?!?! Either this poor girl has money on the mind, is a fame *advertiser censored*, or if just that gullible to really believe that he "cares" for her. Maybe her family can try to talk some SENSE in her before she becomes wife (AND VICTIM) #5...

Um 13 years and 31 YEARS are a little bit different

This man is old enough to be a grandfather and he has got a girl just over the legal age in your country to drink, he's obviously been having sex with her , my skin crawls thinking about it ..
He is revolting to look at as well.
I don't understand why he hasnt been charged and convicted for his 3rd wifes death, with all the call outs for domestic disputes prior to her death


This is so absurd
Sorry if this is a dumb question -- but who is KC? :confused:


Regarding Drew getting engaged -- has he no shame???

A friend of mine wants to know if wife #4 is going to register at the Containers store.

oh I needed that laugh...When I heard this on the news the only thing I could think was "Does this girl have a death wish" But I thought it would be in poor taste to post...But what the hell....:bang:
Is there a picture of this woman online yet?

I'm too stunned to say anything else. :confused:

and, stolen from friends on a sports talk board....
they're registered at Crate & Blue Barrell and Blood, Bath & Beyond. :crazy:
This is by far the most disturbing thing I have seen in a long time! What is this lady thinking? I hope her father is part of the MOB or something!

I am just sick!:mad:
Ugh, he and this new girl are so disgusting. Is this the same one who was interviewed by the grand jury a few mths ago and said they met through a mutual friend or something?
I am sorry but did I miss that part where Stacey has been legally declared dead at this point? In my understanding Drew Petersen is still married..cant marry if your already married. Oh but sorry I forgot that those laws apply to the rest of us that follow the law.. not like Drew who is not required to follow the law.. you know like the one about murder..
This girl who ever she may be must have a death wish. if she hasnt figured out that he will find a way less than desirable nor legal to remove her once he decides to move on to the next just as he has with his previous 2 wives. I can only imagine her family is freaking out trying to convince her not to marry the 2 time murderer.
He's even dumber than I thought.

As for the girl.....sounds to me like she wants to write a $$book$$.
Another thought here: i just went over to the thread, " Young Woman Jane Doe- found two weeks ago."

They have determined that this isn't a local woman (in Wisconsin where the body was found). Do you suppose Drew got engaged because he expects to be declared a "widower" soon?
I really thought this had to be a joke:confused: I guess I forget sometimes that as I walk down sidewalks I may be passing those who don't possess the intelligence of a gnat. If this girl has family who are not raising all kinds of cain right now, I'm truly dumbfounded.
I can't believe anyone would be this naive. And I surely don't understand what these girls see in him!
Well, well, well. I guess a dead wife or missing wife doesn't get in the way of old DrewP having his fun, does it?

Just saw a piece on GMA. Hope his 'intended' caught it too. Included in the segment was an interview with some woman about something like, 'women who love murderers,' or something close to it. Course, she already knows what she's getting herself into, according to this piece, so whatever! :eek:


Apparently all Drew has to do now is get a divorce from his ehhh.......'missing wife Stacy,' and he's good to go. :rolleyes:

Some people forgot to stop at the 'brain outlet' on their way to be born. Obviously, we know this woman missed her train, or I mean brain. :confused:

Go figure,
I just have to wonder if this girl has really considered the fact that she could not only end up a prison widow, she could potentially end up as a single mother of 4 kids. At least two of which aren't much younger than she is. If DrewP goes to prison, she could be stuck with no man available, spending her days cooking, cleaning, and chauffering kids and supervising homework, and dealing with all the teen drama.

And there is no guarentee that there will be money available either. With the Savio's opening up Kathleen's estate that could wipe out a lot of DrewP's available income. Which means that she might also need to go to work in order to support the kids. Heck of a life at the age of 23.

And as long as DrewP is on the loose, there is no changing her mind or getting a divorce. Women in DrewP's life are no longer given that option. So if she tries it and doesn't like it, she is either stuck or dead.

BTW Stacey was wife #4, this girl will be wife #5. I know it is easy to lose count because there are so many of them.

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