Drew is ENGAGED!

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i quote:

"peterson spoke with derek armstrong, author of the new book drew peterson, exposed.

Armstrong says, "[peterson] actually said, 'i will look after her and respect her the same as i have all my wives.'"

that pretty much says it all. :eek: Run, sweetie, run.

She say's it's not true and even has a boyfriend. She says he's trying to get back at her by dragging her name through the mud.


I saw some pictures on MSNBC this morning and the girl he was kissing (which by the way did look like Stacey) is not the girl pictured above.

ETA: Well, I might be wrong. That pic in the above link must be an older picture but in this pic http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=120718424 it looks like the same girl as the one on MSNBC.
why is GJ dragging their feet..........this puke needs in jail not out finding another victim!!!
Well, well, well. I guess a dead wife or missing wife doesn't get in the way of old DrewP having his fun, does it?

Just saw a piece on GMA. Hope his 'intended' caught it too. Included in the segment was an interview with some woman about something like, 'women who love murderers,' or something close to it. Course, she already knows what she's getting herself into, according to this piece, so whatever! :eek:


Apparently all Drew has to do now is get a divorce from his ehhh.......'missing wife Stacy,' and he's good to go. :rolleyes:

Some people forgot to stop at the 'brain outlet' on their way to be born. Obviously, we know this woman missed her train, or I mean brain. :confused:

Go figure,

He has one set of gigantic b@lls, doesn't he.
She say's it's not true and even has a boyfriend. She says he's trying to get back at her by dragging her name through the mud.


I saw some pictures on MSNBC this morning and the girl he was kissing (which by the way did look like Stacey) is not the girl pictured above.

ETA: Well, I might be wrong. That pic in the above link must be an older picture but in this pic http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=120718424 it looks like the same girl as the one on MSNBC.

:woohoo: :laugh: :dance: :Jumpie: :applause: :rotfl:

Did the :jester: get a public burn??? :shocked2:
She is going to be on the CBS Early Show on Mon. Sounds like it is going to be good.
Thanks for posting that. This I've got to see.

Drew should be laying low. Even Scott Peterson was smart enough to at least act sad. Drew is beyond belief :mad:
Was she on the CBS Early show? What does she claim?
Thanks for posting that. This I've got to see.

Drew should be laying low. Even Scott Peterson was smart enough to at least act sad. Drew is beyond belief :mad:
As I was cleaning up the Christmas decor, I heard on the news about Drew getting married. Say it isn't so! I am so scared for this woman!
So what is this? This book author guy keeps revealing all this trash on DP? Does he think it will help in sell books?

Sorry, I don't feel one bit sorry for this chick. :rolleyes:
She knows darn well what she's getting herself into. :bang:
I'm not worried about her kids either, because he's never hurt children, that we know of.

When are they going to put this guy where he belongs?:behindbar



Drew Peterson's Fiance Moves In
I quote from the above referenced article:

"The announcement marked at least the sixth time Peterson has gotten engaged, and according to a divorce attorney, there's no legal issue with him getting engaged. To remarry legally, the attorney said, all he has to do is file for dissolution of the marriage.
If his current wife, Stacy Peterson, who has been missing since October 2007, doesn't respond within 30 days, their marriage is legally over."

Hmmmmmmm....I'm thinking here - why Drew simply doesn't do this (file for dissolution). There must be a reason that has to do with finances....or possibly a future criminal action. Otherwise, it looks like he wants to move on and I don't understand why he just doesn't do it.

However, maybe he doesn't really want to get married - if he goes to prison, possibly the new wife would get control of the finances. By being "engaged and living together," he gets the perks without the obligations and to get out of financial obligations, all he has to do is kick her out instead of murdering her (he recently discovered that it isn't quite as easy as he thought maybe 18 months ago). Just thinking out loud here.....
So what is this? This book author guy keeps revealing all this trash on DP? Does he think it will help in sell books?

Sorry, I don't feel one bit sorry for this chick. :rolleyes:
She knows darn well what she's getting herself into. :bang:
I'm not worried about her kids either, because he's never hurt children, that we know of.

When are they going to put this guy where he belongs?:behindbar



Drew Peterson's Fiance Moves In
"...because he's never hurt children, that we know of."

As you state above. But perhaps if he felt a child would testify against him.....So far, I think they are all scared of him, or at least brainwashed.
Sorry, I don't feel one bit sorry for this chick. :rolleyes:
She knows darn well what she's getting herself into.

Post Snipped

Hey Fran :seeya:

I agree with that 100%. Seems as if she may be a little "star-struck". I feel sorry for her parents and her children. Don't know how old her children are (if they're school age or not).......but one of these days they're probably going to catch h-ll from the other kids when it comes out that they're associated with Drew Peterson.......it's all a sad, sad situation.
I quote from the above referenced article:

"The announcement marked at least the sixth time Peterson has gotten engaged, and according to a divorce attorney, there's no legal issue with him getting engaged. To remarry legally, the attorney said, all he has to do is file for dissolution of the marriage.
If his current wife, Stacy Peterson, who has been missing since October 2007, doesn't respond within 30 days, their marriage is legally over."

Hmmmmmmm....I'm thinking here - why Drew simply doesn't do this (file for dissolution). There must be a reason that has to do with finances....or possibly a future criminal action. Otherwise, it looks like he wants to move on and I don't understand why he just doesn't do it.

However, maybe he doesn't really want to get married - if he goes to prison, possibly the new wife would get control of the finances. By being "engaged and living together," he gets the perks without the obligations and to get out of financial obligations, all he has to do is kick her out instead of murdering her (he recently discovered that it isn't quite as easy as he thought maybe 18 months ago). Just thinking out loud here.....

I BOLDED PART OF YOUR STATEMENT........if he does that........where would her half of property go to? kids? and if he is a gambler, he can wait another 5 years and claim her dead and get the life insurance money. DP thinks he will never see a jail cell.................IMOO
I feel sorry for the older boys, now 2 more kids (4 & % yrs old) to babysit and help with, another young step mother figure. Her x boyfriend was abusive.........ha, she is jumping from the frying pan into the fire!!! I'm reading dp *exposed* and it is surely interesting to say the least!! Poor Sharon seeing this happen all over again........wonder if dp will want more kids to this chick??? MOO
May be wishful thinking on my part but, I'm thinking LE is going to come in for the "final swoop" very soon........arrest & charge him with murder.

They're obviously aware of what's happening with this engagement/marriage insanity and I just can't believe they'd let it happen before they arrested him........surely they have all their i's dotted and t's crossed by now. Put the psycho in jail......now!
I have been so hopeful, so optimistic that they would get him. But I tell ya, he has either ran rings around the prosecution or they are mesmerized by him and are waiting to see what type of fatality the next one will have. I mean one was accident/murder by persons uncharged the other is missing. What will he do with the next one?

What worries me is the way they sometimes look at the woman's kids when she brings them into the marriage. He will play it real friendly until he gets what he wants, then things change and they are often considered of no value since they aren't his. And sometimes they are dangerous to the kids too. What happens if one of her kids steps in to try to protect her?
I have been so hopeful, so optimistic that they would get him. But I tell ya, he has either ran rings around the prosecution or they are mesmerized by him and are waiting to see what type of fatality the next one will have. I mean one was accident/murder by persons uncharged the other is missing. What will he do with the next one?

What worries me is the way they sometimes look at the woman's kids when she brings them into the marriage. He will play it real friendly until he gets what he wants, then things change and they are often considered of no value since they aren't his. And sometimes they are dangerous to the kids too. What happens if one of her kids steps in to try to protect her?

I have to think that LE hoped the body would surface sometime last summer. Then, I think they waited until the 1-year anniversary. Now, I don't know what to say except that they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.......with Kathleen, it looks like the opportunity to gather evidence is way over. And Stacy was the only witness (of sorts) and she isn't available.

In terms of Stacy, finding her would help tremendously. I mentioned, in a post a few weeks ago, that there was a story on - I think 48 HOURS - where a man was convicted of murdering his wife. It was 6 years before he was arrested. There was absolutely no evidence against him. The wife was leading a life that wouldn't have put her in danger in any way (pregnant schoolteacher with no criminal activity or dangerous lifestyle issues), and he was the only person who would have benefited from her death (insurance plus freedom of second child plus freedom to marry his mistress). In fact, there was a video from a store that showed the guy and his son shopping at the time of the crime (when they thought it occurred). Also, there were a couple of kids watching a movie when they thought they heard a shotgun blast (the way she died), and with the time they got home from school plus the point in the movie where they heard the blast, the husband had an alibi.

But the pit bull prosecutor convinced the jury that her husband was the only person in the world to benefit from her death. And he was convicted.

Another issue here - possibly - most criminals eventually tell something to someone. Or, they return to the crime (in this case, where Stacy may located). The smallest slip-up could be what LE needs.

But, obviously, the prosecutor doesn't think he/she can get a conviction. That's the bottom line. Even if LE thinks they have enough evidence, it's up to the prosecutor.

So, we all remain frustrated that a double-murderer (at least) is still walking around......dating.........going on with his life. And it sucks.
I BOLDED PART OF YOUR STATEMENT........if he does that........where would her half of property go to? kids? and if he is a gambler, he can wait another 5 years and claim her dead and get the life insurance money. DP thinks he will never see a jail cell.................IMOO

Yes, I had thought about Stacy's assets - about where they would go. That's why I mention the financial aspect of not filing for dissolution.

I do think Drew is driven by the financial aspect - that's why he killed Kathleen and that's why he couldn't let Stacy divorce him. He's money hungry - likes his lifestyle.

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