Drew Peterson To Sell His Story

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Drew Peterson Hires a Publicist, May Sell His Story

Monday, January 14, 2008

BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — A former police officer named a suspect in his wife's disappearance said he's hired a publicist and isn't talking about his days on the force because he could soon be getting paid to tell his story.

Drew Peterson has frequently talked to the media since his wife, Stacy, disappeared in October 2007. But he told the Chicago Sun-Times that his many years as an officer and sergeant in the Chicago suburb of Bolingbrook are now off limits for questioning.

He can't give away such information for free when he has people willing to pay for his story, he said.

Peterson would be happy to talk about his police career with approval from a Florida publicist he's hired, he said.

But the publicist told the Sun-Times that Peterson can't talk about those days because there's a deal in the works for someone else to tell the story.

Oh, boy... what a surprise :rolleyes: :loser:

He couldn't pay me to read it!
What a flipping looser!!!!! He is as bad as OJ!

Probably will have the title:

IF I DIT IT 2!!!!
This tells me he really wasn't thinking of Stacy's children yes I'm saying stacy's the real reason he went to Florida was to talk to a Florida publicist he's hired. Until I see pictures of the children at Disney it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't even take the kids to Disney unless he hired someone to them while he was down here talking to his publicist. He makes me so sick..
This tells me he really wasn't thinking of Stacy's children yes I'm saying stacy's the real reason he went to Florida was to talk to a Florida publicist he's hired. Until I see pictures of the children at Disney it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't even take the kids to Disney unless he hired someone to them while he was down here talking to his publicist. He makes me so sick..

I am thinking the same thing. Before he left there was info about him going away and relatives looking after the children. Next there was info on Greta's wire he was going to Florida to Disney on a particlar day, time and flight..then on FST P.com they seemed sure (ADMIN) he was in route to his sisyters in Wisconsin... All of this looks to me to be halfway true..perhaps Drew went to WISC with kids and his Mom and Dad in tow, to visit his sister and then the kids stayed while he went to Florida ( with a lady friend) and to meet with his publisher. Crazy spin on things..but combine all three "rumors" and you may have some fact.
Sadly, didnt we all pretty much see this coming??
First the website, soliciting 'donations' to help pay for his defense---incidentally, couldnt he use some of the $250,000. from his AND STACY's equity line of credit he withdrew--now he's thinking of selling his story. What a complete ***hole.
I'm with Windchime too, those poor kids probably sat in a hotel room the whole time they were in FL....Drew spoke about being stared at while at Disney, but I would think if people actually saw him there, they would be talking about it somewhere, cable news, internet news, HERE....yet, I havent seen a single report of someone seeing Drew and the kids at Disney....anyone else out there heard or seen a report about that?
Just when I thought they didnt come any cockier and ignorant than Scott Peterson, here comes Drew Peterson to fill that void, I never would have thought I would have more contempt for someone besides ScottP, but DrewP really takes the cake.....
Someone should give Drew a clue,that it's not his police career that were interested in. That guy just doesn't get it.
I am thinking the same thing. Before he left there was info about him going away and relatives looking after the children. Next there was info on Greta's wire he was going to Florida to Disney on a particlar day, time and flight..then on FST P.com they seemed sure (ADMIN) he was in route to his sisyters in Wisconsin... All of this looks to me to be halfway true..perhaps Drew went to WISC with kids and his Mom and Dad in tow, to visit his sister and then the kids stayed while he went to Florida ( with a lady friend) and to meet with his publisher. Crazy spin on things..but combine all three "rumors" and you may have some fact.

DeltaDawn, can you remember where we saw that quote about poor Drew being at Disney and people gawking and staring at him....sorry to bother you with this, but you are so up on all this, and I am having to check in like once a day or so.....thanks!
Someone should give Drew a clue,that it's not his police career that were interested in. That guy just doesn't get it.

Someone should SELL him a clue, since he's all about the cash now apparently...
And if anyone is truly interested in his police career, isnt most of that information public record?
I also wondered, where's the name of this so called publicist? I didnt see it in the article, or maybe I just overlooked it.
DeltaDawn, can you remember where we saw that quote about poor Drew being at Disney and people gawking and staring at him....sorry to bother you with this, but you are so up on all this, and I am having to check in like once a day or so.....thanks!

Here's the story I was talking about, found it in the 'media links' thread, hope it's OK to post it here........

Case follows Peterson

BOLINGBROOK -- Even in the happiest place on Earth, Drew Peterson can't escape public scrutiny.

Peterson, the embattled ex-cop whose fourth wife has been missing for more than two months, drove his younger four children to Orlando to spend a week at Disney World. He says they enjoyed the Magic Kingdom, despite unwanted attention and disapproving looks.

"The problem is, I got more stares and dirty looks," Peterson said. "One guy called me Scott Peterson."


Like I said on another thread about this story deal, he uses his wives even after their death.


Eh, let him get his story down on paper. It can be used against him during the trial.
This guy doesn't seem to amaze me with his ignorance.

WHO THE HELL would want to read his story. He is disgusting, saying things like posing for playgirl. I would rather dig my eyeball out with sticks then look at him naked. He is so freaking ugly and disgusting, when he opens his mouth and you think he cannot get any uglier, he does. When I see close up pictures of him (him in the camera of the media) I thought AH HA, now I know how he killed his wife, he strangled her with a nose hair.

Get a clue Drew, this is not about you it is about Stacy.

Although Drews attorney is a close second for disgusting. Does he get a spray tan on his bald head before he goes on tv? Those two deserve each other.

Sorry, got a little carried away there. :crazy:
His title of the book should be "Cowardly Lion and the Wizard of Stupidity".

The Ramsey's and OJ both wrote a book defending themselves and we all know they were guilty. (ok, just so I don't get bashed, I'm sure there are some who feel they are not guilty). So DP writing a book is like waving a red flag saying I am guilty, but won't get caught.

It's NOT OVER WITH YET DP, and you WILL GET CAUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't figure out why anyone would pay this guy to talk about himself. He can't talk about the criminal investigation - I guess he will talk "around" it to make himself look good. Ugh. :furious:

I don't think he flew to Florida - I believe he drove. That alleged letter about Stacy was postmarked Cincinnati, OH, and that is right on the way to Florida down Interstate 75. They ought to check his credit card receipts and phone bill to see where he stopped in Ohio, or ask his kids if they saw Daddy beside a mailbox.
I can't figure out why anyone would pay this guy to talk about himself. He can't talk about the criminal investigation - I guess he will talk "around" it to make himself look good. Ugh. :furious:

I don't think he flew to Florida - I believe he drove. That alleged letter about Stacy was postmarked Cincinnati, OH, and that is right on the way to Florida down Interstate 75. They ought to check his credit card receipts and phone bill to see where he stopped in Ohio, or ask his kids if they saw Daddy beside a mailbox.

Did drew's mom go with on the trip.
If so, she could of paid everyone on the way down in cash. Or he paid cash..
No paper trail...
Wonder if LE checked that out...credit or cash transactions.....
Eh, let him get his story down on paper. It can be used against him during the trial.

I agree. I hope he does write the book. And I hope he sells a total of three copies:

1) BB PD- For employment related issues
2) ISP
3) State Attorney (of course they could just supeona three copies)

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