Drew Peterson's Trial *SECOND WEEK*

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From your link: View attachment 25436
God bless Mr. Ruby! If one of his restaurants were nearby I'd be a loyal customer!!!

that deserves a big old copy and paste!


OMG I love this man! Where are his restaurants? off to look for a link to locations....

Warning, open the link and the food looks mouth watering!


Wish he had some restaurants in the Chicago area.
I can see where the Defense is trying to plant the seeds that KS was nutty and paranoid. And if she wasn't paranoid, then she was just exaggerating to get sympathy and attention.

But clearly, the red bruises around her neck show otherwise.

And I am kind of glad that the DT and the judge are being snarky and condescending towards the witnesses. Because I am going to have some faith in the jury and hope they can see what is going on there. They can see WHY none of them were taken seriously when they first tried to ask for help for KS.

The jury has 7 men and only 5 women. So I really hope there are 5 strong, articulate women who can show the men the light. :rose:

katy I love your posts and I'm way behind here but I had to point out that it could be 7 strong, articulate men who show the women the light
It sounds like the defense is going towards the boy next door did it? What's up with the photo taken by the neighbour ? Anybody know why he took a photo of Savio sitting on a tub? Not same tub right? Why didn't the prosecution re re direct?

Is the 14 yr old a minor in the home the bullet was found in the driveway?

The defense is making their desperation loud and clear.
Here's one Amanda


Isabel Morales‏@isabelmorales0

#DrewPeterson tells his son happy birthday. Kris Peterson turned 18 yesterday. pic.twitter.com/37GJo7uT

OMG does Drew look old or what? He almost looks as old as imprisoned (former) Gov Ryan.
Link? I honestly do not recall mention of bruises on her knees. I recall reading she had bruises on her buttocks and wrists, but your post is the first I recall about knees.

tia (back to catching up)

There were on the video with Beth K. where she was interviewing on of the defense attorneys and it showed a blurred picture of KS in the tub along with the sketch by the ME of her bruises. Two circle bruises were on her knees, as if she had been held down and was struggling. Maybe on a hard floor. I think that is where some of the speculation comes from that he may have drowned her in the toilet. I see if I can find the link. jmo

Sorry it was NG @ 2:27 in the video you will find the ME's chart.
Good grief. Maybe the attorney doing the questioning should add the word 'objection' at the end of every question to save time.

These jurors must be going nuts - in out objection in out sidebar. For cases like this they should have walls that rise out of the floor (sound proof of course) to enclose the jurors so they don't have to leave the courtroom every 4.7 minutes.

This is near-obstructionist tactics, IMO, on the part of the defense. It makes the Brad Cooper DT ("Your Honor, I want to be heard") look like a bunch of amateurs. Anybody recall that one??!! This one takes the cake. The jury certainly doesn't need to go to the gym and get on the treadmill after a day in this court.
Does anyone know about the picture the neighbor boy is alledged to have taken of KS by a tub? I have looked but can't find anything about it.tia
In Session Brodsky: “Witness after witness after witness has testified about a blue towel. Fine. The EMTs testified that the towel wasn’t there...” Greenberg interrupts: “Judge, I just want to bring him up to speed on something.” Brodsky: “The inference is that somehow Drew Peterson would have moved the towel to cover up the crime scene. Nobody can put Drew Peterson in the bathroom after the EMTs arrived, and didn’t see the blue towel . . . so why does the State now want to call witnesses to say they were in the house and didn’t see the blue towel? Of what relevance is this? It’s of absolutely no relevance. They’re going to be asking the jury to speculate. There has to be evidence putting him with that towel, or giving him the opportunity to move it. It’s another attempt to make something insignificant significant. There’s absolutely nothing to connect Drew Peterson with that towel. I ask you to bar the witnesses, and, in fact, anything to do with that towel.”

BBM. How can they ask that when both sides have already discussed the towel? Seriously, is the DT asking to bar information that came to light day 1?

I have to admit, I am enjoying the DT's argument. Shows how incredibly desperate they are.
katy I love your posts and I'm way behind here but I had to point out that it could be 7 strong, articulate men who show the women the light

Thanks. You are right. I believe with all of my heart that my husband of 30 years would see right through this BS. And my 24 yr old son would as well,at least I hope so anyway. But he has less life experience so might not get it yet.

But when I read the description of the jurors there were a couple that kind of worry me. I hope they at least had some basic information, like that Stacey is missing, before they came to sit on this jury.
There were on the video with Beth K. where she was interviewing on of the defense attorneys and it showed a blurred picture of KS in the tub along with the sketch by the ME of her bruises. Two circle bruises were on her knees, as if she had been held down and was struggling. Maybe on a hard floor. I think that is where some of the speculation comes from that he may have drowned her in the toilet. I see if I can find the link. jmo

Sorry it was NG @ 2:27 in the video you will find the ME's chart.

Thank you. I'm not a NG fan, so would have never seen this unless you pointed it out. The info and link is very much appreciated. :blowkiss:
Does anyone know about the picture the neighbor boy is alledged to have taken of KS by a tub? I have looked but can't find anything about it.tia

I'm wondering about that photo also. I hope the jury isn't!!!! I hate that it was brought up in court and the jury is left wondering about it. UGH! If it doesn't exist, shouldn't the prosecution have asked the judge to strike that part of the questioning? I know it was sustained but it was still put out there.
I think most people feel a little intimidated in the presence of LE. I was married to one and felt intimidated whenever I saw a patrol car behind me....worried I'd be stopped for heaven only knows what. Made me very nervous. Did then, does still today. So I think the jury can relate to these women not wanting to rock the boat until it was safe to do so. Even if you know little about the case you know her body was exhumed well after she died and there had to be a reason. I'm guessing most of the jurors are aware that Stacy went missing and that is why the suspicion arose that maybe they needed to take another look at Kathy to make sure it was an accident.

At this point the defense is still trying to use those intimidation tactics to shake up the witnesses. I have to give the women credit so far for standing up to them. I'm just hoping someone would say when asked the question: Why didn't you come forward before this and the answer would be "because of this type of intimidation." That might be too much for the judge. Might send him into a seizure. jmo
In Session
Attorney Greenberg begins his cross-examination. “In 2004, you didn’t meet with anyone from the State’s Attorney’s office?” “No.” “How many times have you met with the current State’s Attorney’s office before testifying today?” “I don’t
know . . . maybe three times.” “They went over what you’d be testifying about?” “Yes.” “They talked about what you’d told the police?” “I don’t know if that would be exactly accurate . .. I don’t if it was specifically what I told the police; they talked about what Kathy told me. And what I saw.” “What you’ve told the police over the years has not been the same each time, fair statement?” “No.” “You testified at a hearing in this case, and what you’re telling us today is not the same, is it?” “No, I don’t believe that’s true.” “Do you have a transcript of that grand jury testimony?” “No, I do not.” Greenberg then asks for a sidebar.

:noooo: At this :snail: rate, the jury needs to begin their Christmas & Hannukah shopping now! :cursing: And all of us will grow old together....:furious:
I'm wondering about that photo also. I hope the jury isn't!!!! I hate that it was brought up in court and the jury is left wondering about it. UGH! If it doesn't exist, shouldn't the prosecution have asked the judge to strike that part of the questioning? I know it was sustained but it was still put out there.

Maybe the state is just letting the defense hang themselves.

One of the things that seems a little hinky is DP's insistence that someone needed to call a locksmith knowing the locksmith would have to "pick" the lock. He asked for a certain locksmith so is it possible that this locksmith always used a pick? Did DP have to "pick" the lock to get into the house and that is why he called the locksmith instead of LE. Seems to me if you are trying to cover a "forced entry" and you used a pick to do it you would want to cover your tracks. jmo
and I am wondering what the circumstances were that led to the alleged photo.
The defense mentioned the neighbor boy having a crush on Kathleen on Day #1 and mentioned to his mother that he had wanted to "spend the night with her" to which Kathleen had said no. Boys that age have fantasies about women like that--I am wondering what kind of a photo it is.....and if it is legit.
We have had two powerful days of testimony for the prosecution but this little seed of intrigue (not doubt though) is a curve ball. (not a strong one, but a bit of a distraction)

Does anyone know about the picture the neighbor boy is alledged to have taken of KS by a tub? I have looked but can't find anything about it.tia
and I am wondering what the circumstances were that led to the alleged photo.
The defense mentioned the neighbor boy having a crush on Kathleen on Day #1 and mentioned to his mother that he had wanted to "spend the night with her" to which Kathleen had said no. Boys that age have fantasies about women like that--I am wondering what kind of a photo it is.....and if it is legit.
We have had two powerful days of testimony for the prosecution but this little seed of intrigue (not doubt though) is a curve ball. (not a strong one, but a bit of a distraction)

I have to wonder who would have given them that photo and why????
Wow! I can't believe how they are treating these women! If the jury has any smarts, they will listen to the testimony they have to offer as to what Kathleen told them and ignore the nit-picking, you musn't have been much of a friend type stuff.

I wish they could tell the truth why they didn't call the police in Bolingbrook. That PD really let her down.

I've read of too many abusive policeman husbands who used their positions to get away with abuse and murder. This isn't the first case by far, and, sadly, it won't be the last.

I think this is exactly why both Kathleen and Stacy were afraid of the local police. They knew that Drew's fellow officers wouldn't take them seriously and would turn a blind eye to whatever Drew did.

When it came to Stacy's disappearance, her sister, Cassandra, wisely opted to file the missing person report with the state police rather than with the Bolingbrook PD.

Then, within days, the national media descended on Bollingbrook, and both the local police and state police had to make it look like they were professional and taking her disappearance seriously.

But even then, they let DP leave on his motorcycle for three days to "clear his head", and didn't follow him. I think this is when DP disposed of Stacy permanently. I don't think any non-law enforcement husband would get away with just leaving for three days a couple of days after his wife was reported missing.
This judge is so biased against women, it's disgusting. He has allowed the comments from male witnesses that are highly inappropriate in a court of law, especially in a murder trial.

One of the things that is eating at me is, every single time a women begins to tear up, or in any way show emotion over their testimony, seems like he is mocking the women, sending the jury out and telling the women to come back when they basically get it together. I have yet to hear of a woman sobbing during their testimony, uncontrollable crying etc. My gosh, look at CA was allowed to get away with on the stand, she was basically on the floor, bawling her eyes out, good acting job IMO.

Of course, people will get emotional on the stand when their friend, loved one, was murdered. They will feel guilt they didn't do more, they will feel sorrow, they will feel frustration at the defense trying to paint them as a liar, being stifled at what they really want to say. It's natural.

Unless a witness is making a spectacle of themselves and unable to speak due to their emotions/testimony, crying or getting upset at this situation is NORMAL. I guess the norm for the judge is laughing and mocking the witnesses. JMO!! :banghead:
DP son turns 18 and DP says "Happy Birthday", of course that is nice of a father to say but does it also mean "DO'nt SAY anything!"

time for a new judge???
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