Drew Peterson's Trial *SECOND WEEK*

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his natural light but it is okay to say that Kathleen is a hell cat, angry, feisty, and "Italian blooded".........It is perfectly acceptable for the defense to say horrible things about Kathleen but if they are said about Drew he is somehow victimized?!

Which if you are a reasonable thinking person and you think about it there is nothing wrong with her being a hell cat, angry, feisty and Italian if her death was ruled a homocide. We do know she was studying for her exam so what would that have to do with anything. So what is defense implying.....that she deserved to die???? That is what it sounds like. I think the special instructions to the jury should be: "Be prewarned that defendants like to victimize the victim once yet again."

I think the defense knows you just can't put lipstick on a pig. DP is what he is and it will come out. He's as cold as they come. jmo
Floorboards. Either he was making a very bad and sh***y remark about killing KS; or; he originally planned that as where to stash; or, something was in the floorboards that was evidence-no one was looking and he knew it. jmo
Which if you are a reasonable thinking person and you think about it there is nothing wrong with her being a hell cat, angry, feisty and Italian if her death was ruled a homocide. We do know she was studying for her exam so what would that have to do with anything. So what is defense implying.....that she deserved to die???? That is what it sounds like. I think the special instructions to the jury should be: "Be prewarned that defendants like to victimize the victim once yet again."

I think the defense knows you just can't put lipstick on a pig. DP is what he is and it will come out. He's as cold as they come. jmo


This is it. They are doing their job, that is the way it is. But there is no amount of objecting or sidebars that will take away from the true colors. They know it, they have to work with it within the rules of litigation.
I have a question. Have not been following this case that closely so was there a wine glass in the tub with Kathy? If her toxiology tests came back negative then she was not drinking so was the wine glass planted there to make it look as if she were drinking??
:noooo: At this :snail: rate, the jury needs to begin their Christmas & Hannukah shopping now! :cursing: And all of us will grow old together....:furious:

Some of us have a head start!
I am catching up today......I took a break after the cross exam by Joe the Shark of Kathleen's boyfriend. It made me very angry....it must have been humiliating for her boyfriend to be talking about such personal details and extremely uncomfortable for her father to hear. It was really crude and low.

I totally agree...BUT! The DT kept implying that we'd understand those bruises/marks on Kathleen once we heard from this witness. I hardly think that his description of their night together has left the jury with the impression they had such a wild night! It certainly doesn't explain those all away!
What's latest on his trial???? I've read books about him and watched the movie! He gives cops a bad name. We all know he's guilty!!!!
I have a question. Have not been following this case that closely so was there a wine glass in the tub with Kathy? If her toxiology tests came back negative then she was not drinking so was the wine glass planted there to make it look as if she were drinking??

This was the first I heard of it too. Judge White on IS said that perhaps a wine glass had been part of the planned staging that he forgot to carry out tho!
My best guess is that when he planned on killing Kathleen, he spent some time in locating that will, so that he could remove it quickly before her family found it. It's a shame that Kathleen didn't keep that will in a safety deposit box at her bank, or somewhere other than her home.

I mean honestly jmo but she probably didn't have time to hide the will. Or maybe she didn't fear 4 her life?
In Session is covering the Georgia vs Hemy Neuman trial next week. I'm hoping they'll still have someone tweeting from the DP trial in the courtroom and posting on FB!

Not sure why they'll have the Hemy trial. It's over. He was convicted.

This has probably been answered already, but just in case it hasn't - it's the wife who was later charged too - it's her trial!
I mean honestly jmo but she probably didn't have time to hide the will. Or maybe she didn't fear 4 her life?

Not sure what good a will is if you have to hide it. That part makes no sense. She had an attorney going through the divorce. If she had a will I should think it was legally drawn up by an attorney which means she would not have had to hide it. If it's hidden how are they suppose to find it if she died suddently. And we all know she had that fear. jmo
I am catching up today......I took a break after the cross exam by Joe the Shark of Kathleen's boyfriend. It made me very angry....it must have been humiliating for her boyfriend to be talking about such personal details and extremely uncomfortable for her father to hear. It was really crude and low.

And imo has absolutely no relevance to her murder unlike everything the DT wants to keep the jury from hearing.
been finalized by her attorney? She absolutely feared for her life.....wasn't the will in the box that she asked her sister to take from her when she was pleading for her to take care of her children should she be murdered?
Not sure what good a will is if you have to hide it. That part makes no sense. She had an attorney going through the divorce. If she had a will I should think it was legally drawn up by an attorney which means she would not have had to hide it. If it's hidden how are they suppose to find it if she died suddently. And we all know she had that fear. jmo
Well, I just read the entire day's testimony and WOW! A lot of good information got out to the jury today, in spite of the whining of the defense that thus-and-such testimony would portray DP as not-such-a-nice-fella!

I also agree that the number of objections by the defense which frequently necessitate side-bars and/or having the jury excused has to be getting to the jurors.

After all the pre-testimony bragging that they could prove where all the bruises came from went down with a big thud!

My heart goes out to her bf and her father who had to deal with such private and intimate moments in front of all. DESPICABLE!
been finalized by her attorney? She absolutely feared for her life.....wasn't the will in the box that she asked her sister to take from her when she was pleading for her to take care of her children should she be murdered?

I know some probably do hide their wills but it's no good if your family can't find it. As I said attorney's do the wills and have the copies of the original in their office files. When someone dies if they are not immediately notified they usually catch the obits and contact the family from there. She really would have no reason to hide it so is this something that, again, DP slipped up on???? Kathy was a smart woman she would have done it legally, IMO. jmo
I have a question. Have not been following this case that closely so was there a wine glass in the tub with Kathy? If her toxiology tests came back negative then she was not drinking so was the wine glass planted there to make it look as if she were drinking??

The medical examiners haven't testified yet, and I presume they'll testify to the results of toxicology at that time. But, yes, if the toxicology report is negative for alcohol, the wine glass could have been planted.
In Session Kathy Hoffmeyer, one of the media coordinators with the Will County Sheriff’s Department, says that 50 people showed up at the courthouse this morning to try to get into the Peterson trial, a new record. I subsequently asked Spectator #1 what time she had to arrive to score that first seat, and she told me she got here at 4:45 this morning (the courthouse doesn’t open until 8:30).

Gee, I'm surprised the Judge hasn't requested a larger courtroom so he can sell some of those seats - seems to be the thing to do in Illinois!

In Session The parties are gathering inside the courtroom. There is a long line of public spectators outside in the hallway, hoping to get into the trial if and when somebody else vacates his/her seat.
The parties are gathering inside the courtroom. There is a long line of public spectators outside in the hallway, hoping to get into the trial if and when somebody else vacates his/her seat.

Judge Burmila has just taken the stand. “The news media will be happy to know that they have legions of followers in the Department of Corrections. I received two more letters from inmates . . . Abraham Lincoln is not involved in these. They want to share information they have with me. These letters will become part of the record. As I said yesterday, I will not be communicating with them, either.”

The prosecution confirms that its first witness is ready to go. The judge sends for the jury.

Poor Mr. Lincoln. He's rolling over in his grave while wondering what ever happened to integrity, the very thing he stood for.
I truly am ashamed to admit that since last summer, with Casey Anthony being acquitted, I have had a hard time getting involved with anything else. i was involved in the Stacy Peterson case from the word go, and want Drew to go to jail in the WORST way. If that does not happen, I am afraid all of my faith in our Justice system will be forever gone. I hope they hang him for Kathleen and Stacy.
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