Driver Gets Felony Conviction For Tossing Cup of Ice Into Car

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lilllbird said:
perhaps anger/stress management would be helpful for her
I laugh every time I hear this mentioned. Can't people have a bad day?

STAFFORD, Va. - A woman convicted of a felony for throwing a cup of ice into a car that cut her off in traffic was sentenced to probation instead of prison, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Thank goodness she didn't have to go to jail for two years!
Paladin said:
I laugh every time I hear this mentioned. Can't people have a bad day?

Sure, you can have a bad day, but when you toss something at another motorist, that's going beyond a bad day. Have all the bad days you want...just don't do somthing that could cause injury to me or anyone else.

Actullay, this is more of a reflection of the out-of-control society we live in these days. And it's always someone elses fault. They made me do it!
kittykat1 said:

STAFFORD, Va. - A woman convicted of a felony for throwing a cup of ice into a car that cut her off in traffic was sentenced to probation instead of prison, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Thank goodness she didn't have to go to jail for two years!

I'm glad she didn't go to jail, but she needs to be held accountable in some fashion. Maybe community service and stress management. The worst part is the children that saw her behave like this. And we wonder why kids are out of control in the classrooms? Why wouldn't they be if they see mommy doing this sort of thing? Granted, she was under a lot of stress...I'll give her that...but people need to start learning a little more about self-control.
kittykat1 said:
Driver Gets Felony Conviction For Tossing Cup of Ice Into Car

This is OUTRAGEOUS! The penalty does not fit the crime AND her husband is in Iraq. So, be very careful what you "flick" out the window (including boogers).
She didn't "flick"... she threw the cup full of ice at another driver. This driver could have crashed, injuring not only this driver but innocent bystander(s) as well.

I think the penalty does fit the crime. It's stupid to do something like this...
MagicRose99 said:
She didn't "flick"... she threw the cup full of ice at another driver. This driver could have crashed, injuring not only this driver but innocent bystander(s) as well.

I think the penalty does fit the crime. It's stupid to do something like this...
The Judge of her case didn't think it fit the crime. He sentenced her to probation instead of more jail time.
southcitymom said:
The Judge of her case didn't think it fit the crime. He sentenced her to probation instead of more jail time.
That is the judge's perogative... but answer me this... what if it was you that this lady threw a cup of ice at while you were driving...
MagicRose99 said:
That is the judge's perogative... but answer me this... what if it was you that this lady threw a cup of ice at while you were driving...
Honestly if it was me, MagicRoses99, I wouldn't want her to spend two years in jail over it! Both cars were practically stopped so no truly dangerous situation was created. I've had people in my life throw worse at me and none of them are in jail!:)

I'm not saying she shouldn't have consequences - of course she should. It just seemed to me that the crime didn't fit the punishment.
kittykat1 said:
Driver Gets Felony Conviction For Tossing Cup of Ice Into Car

This is OUTRAGEOUS! The penalty does not fit the crime AND her husband is in Iraq. So, be very careful what you "flick" out the window (including boogers).
She didn't flick her cup out of the window. This woman is unrepentant for her road rage. She could have caused serious harm to other drivers. She was mad because someone had cut in front of her in a traffic jam. She went on the shoulder of the road to find the guy and threw the cup of ice into their car almost causing the guy to lose control (or at least that is how I remember the story). She had her three kids in the car. Wow, she was sure setting a good example for them. She is still setting quite an example by making excuses for herself.
Paladin said:
I laugh every time I hear this mentioned. Can't people have a bad day?

My friends son had a real bad day a few years ago. Him and his girlfriend were driving in a 45mph zone. Some idiot in the car next to them threw a full 32 oz soda in the driver side window because she did not let them pass her. The girlfriend lost control of the car. Then my friends son and his girlfriend lost their lives.

Sorry you don't throw anything from a car. period.
Paladin said:
I laugh every time I hear this mentioned. Can't people have a bad day?

She was absolutely having a bad day. My point is since anger management is such a popular solution to the world's problems these days, I am surprised the judge didn't order her to receive anger management therapy instead of two years. I believe people should be held accountable for their actions, always. I believe everyone should take responsibility for their own lives, not placing blame on others. I don't believe chucking a cup of ice at someone demands two years in prison.

I have had someone throw a full 32 oz soda cup into my car. I was extremely upset but I wouldn't have expected a long jail time for the loser who threw the cup.
lilllbird said:
I have had someone throw a full 32 oz soda cup into my car. I was extremely upset but I wouldn't have expected a long jail time for the loser who threw the cup.

Would you feel the same way if you had an accident because of the person throwing the soda into your car? You must have missed my point. A person did this to the car my friends son was riding in, it startled the driver, she lost control of the car, and THEY DIED!

Actions done in anger while driving are called ROAD RAGE and can hurt or kill someone.
gidget641 said:
Would you feel the same way if you had an accident because of the person throwing the soda into your car? You must have missed my point. A person did this to the car my friends son was riding in, it startled the driver, she lost control of the car, and THEY DIED!

Actions done in anger while driving are called ROAD RAGE and can hurt or kill someone.

I didn't see your post. I am so sorry for your friend's loss of their son. There is no excuse for road rage. I am getting myself into hot water here I'm afraid and I am sorry. I really mean no disrespect. I was actually addressing the person who questioned my previous post. In my situation there was no chance of a serious accident occurring. You are right, if something tragic had occurred I would certainly feel differently.
gidget641 said:
Would you feel the same way if you had an accident because of the person throwing the soda into your car? You must have missed my point. A person did this to the car my friends son was riding in, it startled the driver, she lost control of the car, and THEY DIED!

Actions done in anger while driving are called ROAD RAGE and can hurt or kill someone.
Truly sorry about your friend's son and his friend. Had the incident we are discussing resulted in two deaths, I believe this woman would be facing manslaughter charges at the very least.
nanandjim said:
She didn't flick her cup out of the window. This woman is unrepentant for her road rage. She could have caused serious harm to other drivers. She was mad because someone had cut in front of her in a traffic jam. She went on the shoulder of the road to find the guy and threw the cup of ice into their car almost causing the guy to lose control (or at least that is how I remember the story). She had her three kids in the car. Wow, she was sure setting a good example for them. She is still setting quite an example by making excuses for herself.
I remember reading she was driving her pregnant sister who was have contractions to the hospital....or am I nuts, LOL.

I think she should be punished, this was very serious and more so that she behaved that way in front of her children, but 2 yrs in prison, IMHO, is just a bit much.
Paladin said:
I laugh every time I hear this mentioned. Can't people have a bad day?
Sorry, but anytime your bad day includes putting others in harms way, you are officially out of control.period.
gidget641 said:
My friends son had a real bad day a few years ago. Him and his girlfriend were driving in a 45mph zone. Some idiot in the car next to them threw a full 32 oz soda in the driver side window because she did not let them pass her. The girlfriend lost control of the car. Then my friends son and his girlfriend lost their lives.

Sorry you don't throw anything from a car. period.
I am with you Gidget.
christine2448 said:
I remember reading she was driving her pregnant sister who was have contractions to the hospital....or am I nuts, LOL.
Yes, you did read that. This woman has changed her story no less than 3 times. She is totally unrepentant and has not learned a thing.

About the bad checks, it is questionable as to whether or not there was any identity theft or stolen checks. Her family is offering to pay for the bad checks to get her out of jail. If it were a case of identity theft like she is asserting, that really wouldn't be a wise option. It would only convolute any efforts to actually straighten out her credit and identity and all that mess.

I think this woman has a serious attitude problem and feels entitled to whatever she wants. I think she needs a reality check and I don't think probation will suffice for this lady.
Dalilah said:
Yes, you did read that. This woman has changed her story no less than 3 times. She is totally unrepentant and has not learned a thing.

About the bad checks, it is questionable as to whether or not there was any identity theft or stolen checks. Her family is offering to pay for the bad checks to get her out of jail. If it were a case of identity theft like she is asserting, that really wouldn't be a wise option. It would only convolute any efforts to actually straighten out her credit and identity and all that mess.

I think this woman has a serious attitude problem and feels entitled to whatever she wants. I think she needs a reality check and I don't think probation will suffice for this lady.
Now I know I read how she thanked the judge repeatedly and, broke down in tears in court. Somehow that doesn't sound unrepentant. Also perhaps probation alone would not suffice but, hasn't she spent OVER a month in jail on this charge already?
bigbuck said:
Now I know I read How she thanked the judge repeatedly and broke down in tears in court. Somehow that doesn't sound unrepentant. Also perhaps probation alone would not suffice but, hasn't she spent OVER a month in jail on this charge already.
I agree that she sounds properly chagrined. Even the woman who she threw the cup of ice at didn't think she needed to go to jail. And the Judge agreed. You can bet money that if she was totally unrepentant to her victim or the Judge, things would have turned out differently.

I don't know where everyone's getting the unrepentant thing....

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