Driver Gets Felony Conviction For Tossing Cup of Ice Into Car

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JBean said:
Sorry, but anytime your bad day includes putting others in harms way, you are officially out of control.period.
I don't think the cars were moving at a fast enough clip that anyone would have been put in harm's way. If you recommend that this woman be ordered to take anger management classes, then I would argue that the jackass who cut her off twice should take driving classes.

Some people have a lower breaking point than others. I'd look into this woman's background and see first if she has a history of losing control of her anger. THEN I would recommend anger management. But if this is her first offense, you shouldn't be so hasty to say she needs it. Today's society is so quick to judge and throw buzz words at people.

"You got angry? Oh no, you need anger management."

"You're depressed? Oh no, you need prozac and therapy."

It's disgusting.

The windows were rolled down in both cars, so it was obviously a hot day. Crimes and fights are more likely to occur in hot weather as people become more irritable. Check.

Screaming kids in the back seat. Check.

Pregnant woman in the front passenger seat having contractions. Check.

Jackass cutting you off twice for no good reason, especially when the traffic is heavy. Check. Check.

I think most people under the same situation would crack in some form or another. Don't be so hasty to condemn this woman.
Several stories indicate she was lying about her sister having contractions and apparently they weren't on their way to the hospital at all, but to New York for a family visit and this incident occurred because the victim got between her and her father's vehicle, whom she was following. That is according to one of her own stories.

I'm quite sure she did break down and cry and feel relief that she wasn't going to prison for two years as she had thought, but who wouldn't? I don't see how that means she's repentant. Relieved, yes. Also, I don't think that telling three different stories and then fudging around with the facts surrounding the bounced/bad checks is a sign of someone who has really come to terms with what they have done.

I'm sure to many it doesn't seem like a big deal. She threw ice. No one was injured. However, in the area where this occurred, six years ago three teens were killed when someone threw an EGG! An egg.

Sure, people get mad. Being mad isn't a crime. Having a bad day isn't a crime. But, having a bad day or being mad and then refusing to control yourself can be a crime and it can bring a jail term.
Paladin said:
I don't think the cars were moving at a fast enough clip that anyone would have been put in harm's way. If you recommend that this woman be ordered to take anger management classes, then I would argue that the jackass who cut her off twice should take driving classes.

Some people have a lower breaking point than others. I'd look into this woman's background and see first if she has a history of losing control of her anger. THEN I would recommend anger management. But if this is her first offense, you shouldn't be so hasty to say she needs it. Today's society is so quick to judge and throw buzz words at people.

"You got angry? Oh no, you need anger management."

"You're depressed? Oh no, you need prozac and therapy."

It's disgusting.

The windows were rolled down in both cars, so it was obviously a hot day. Crimes and fights are more likely to occur in hot weather as people become more irritable. Check.

Screaming kids in the back seat. Check.

Pregnant woman in the front passenger seat having contractions. Check.

Jackass cutting you off twice for no good reason, especially when the traffic is heavy. Check. Check.

I think most people under the same situation would crack in some form or another. Don't be so hasty to condemn this woman.
No argument on the other bad driver, those guys drive me nuts. But never to the point of retaliation.
But IMO, there is only one set of circumstances that would justify heaving a cup of ice at another car, and that would be to protect oneself from harm. Anything else is out of control anger.
If the argument is that the cup of ice would protect her from further cut offs, she's not only got anger issues, but she is just not very bright.
Passing over this as though it is no big deal is positively frightening IMO.

I agree that all the elements were there for anger, but that is where the term anger "management"comes in. Gotta keep it in check, if you cannot, you have got a problem, no way around it.
JBean said:
No argument on the other bad driver, those guys drive me nuts. But never to the point of retaliation.
I'm a huge fan of the F-word...and so far, it's worked because I've never had to throw anything at another car!
Dalilah said:
Several stories indicate she was lying about her sister having contractions and apparently they weren't on their way to the hospital at all, but to New York for a family visit and this incident occurred because the victim got between her and her father's vehicle, whom she was following. That is according to one of her own stories.

I'm quite sure she did break down and cry and feel relief that she wasn't going to prison for two years as she had thought, but who wouldn't? I don't see how that means she's repentant. Relieved, yes. Also, I don't think that telling three different stories and then fudging around with the facts surrounding the bounced/bad checks is a sign of someone who has really come to terms with what they have done.

I'm sure to many it doesn't seem like a big deal. She threw ice. No one was injured. However, in the area where this occurred, six years ago three teens were killed when someone threw an EGG! An egg.

Sure, people get mad. Being mad isn't a crime. Having a bad day isn't a crime. But, having a bad day or being mad and then refusing to control yourself can be a crime and it can bring a jail term.
I actually DO think it's a big deal. It's just not a 2-years-in-jail-instead-of-home-with-your-three-children big deal.
southcitymom said:
I actually DO think it's a big deal. It's just not a 2-years-in-jail-instead-of-home-with-your-three-children big deal.
And I'm not sure that I don't agree with you. I don't know what she 'deserves' for any of this.
Dalilah said:
Several stories indicate she was lying about her sister having contractions and apparently they weren't on their way to the hospital at all, but to New York for a family visit and this incident occurred because the victim got between her and her father's vehicle, whom she was following. That is according to one of her own stories.

I'm quite sure she did break down and cry and feel relief that she wasn't going to prison for two years as she had thought, but who wouldn't? I don't see how that means she's repentant. Relieved, yes. Also, I don't think that telling three different stories and then fudging around with the facts surrounding the bounced/bad checks is a sign of someone who has really come to terms with what they have done.

I'm sure to many it doesn't seem like a big deal. She threw ice. No one was injured. However, in the area where this occurred, six years ago three teens were killed when someone threw an EGG! An egg.

Sure, people get mad. Being mad isn't a crime. Having a bad day isn't a crime. But, having a bad day or being mad and then refusing to control yourself can be a crime and it can bring a jail term.
Isn't 30 days a jail term? We can speculate why she was thankful and crying but, the bottom line is. She is now a convicted felon who spent more than a month in JAIL and is now on probation. To me this punishment more than fits the crime as it happened. But, thats just my thoughts.
Dalilah said:
And I'm not sure that I don't agree with you. I don't know what she 'deserves' for any of this.
Yes - that's a tough call. But as BigBuck points out, she spent a month in jail, is a convicted felon and is on probation - that all seems serious. I hope she will pay attention and keep her nose clean. She's got three little ones to raise.
southcitymom said:
I'm a huge fan of the F-word...and so far, it's worked because I've never had to throw anything at another car!
Oh! you speak fluent French ? Me too!

Seriously, I have been rammed twice and had a gun pointed at me through the car window once. Both times were in response to me flipping someone off that cut me off or other nonsense.
I just let everyone cut in now, only curse under my breath, and mind my own business.
christine2448 said:
I remember reading she was driving her pregnant sister who was have contractions to the hospital....or am I nuts, LOL.

I think she should be punished, this was very serious and more so that she behaved that way in front of her children, but 2 yrs in prison, IMHO, is just a bit much.
I think the pregnant sister was one of her many excuses. I think that she should have owned up to her mistake to everyone, especially her children. That's what I find the most disturbing.

She is showing her children how to respond to stressful, unfair situations. By making excuses for her behavior, she's really telling them that, after you make a mistake, it's okay to lie about it. She is not accepting responsibility for her actions. Her children will mimick her behavior in the future.

IMO, she should have been made to truthfully explain the situation in court in front her children. Then, she should have been made to accept total responsible with no lies. After doing this to the court's satisfaction, she should have been given a suspended sentence with community service to be performed in schools. Her topic should be about personal responsibility and how to control your actions even when provoked.
JBean said:
Oh! you speak fluent French ? Me too!

Seriously, I have been rammed twice and had a gun pointed at me through the car window once. Both times were in response to me flipping someone off that cut me off or other nonsense.
I just let everyone cut in now, only curse under my breath, and mind my own business.
Oi...I beg my fiance to stop flipping people off when she's been wronged on the road. I'm worried this will happen to her and some jackass will hurt her.

I have to admit though, when someone cuts me off or is about to cause an accident I take immense pleasure in beeping that horn and laying on it for a good 5 seconds. It's empowering, and a much better solution to flipping someone off, imo. Now, if only they could make directional horns so everyone knew exactly which car you were beeping at. :blushing:
gidget641 said:
My friends son had a real bad day a few years ago. Him and his girlfriend were driving in a 45mph zone. Some idiot in the car next to them threw a full 32 oz soda in the driver side window because she did not let them pass her. The girlfriend lost control of the car. Then my friends son and his girlfriend lost their lives.

Sorry you don't throw anything from a car. period.
What a sad story. Was the person who threw the drink caught and prosecuted for manslaughter?
Paladin said:
Oi...I beg my fiance to stop flipping people off when she's been wronged on the road. I'm worried this will happen to her and some jackass will hurt her.

I have to admit though, when someone cuts me off or is about to cause an accident I take immense pleasure in beeping that horn and laying on it for a good 5 seconds. It's empowering, and a much better solution to flipping someone off, imo. Now, if only they could make directional horns so everyone knew exactly which car you were beeping at. :blushing:
Remember those signs they had for awhile with "comments" applicable to the situation? You could hold them out the window for the offending driver to
JBean said:
Oh! you speak fluent French ? Me too!

Seriously, I have been rammed twice and had a gun pointed at me through the car window once. Both times were in response to me flipping someone off that cut me off or other nonsense.
I just let everyone cut in now, only curse under my breath, and mind my own business.
Oh yes - though only in my head if I have kids in the car - they're too young to know that their mother could make a sailor blush!

I'm way too chicken to beep or flip someone the bird, but I'm all about some BLUE language to head off any anger management courses in my future!:rolleyes:
nanandjim said:
I think the pregnant sister was one of her many excuses. I think that she should have owned up to her mistake to everyone, especially her children. That's what I find the most disturbing.

She is showing her children how to respond to stressful, unfair situations. By making excuses for her behavior, she's really telling them that, after you make a mistake, it's okay to lie about it. She is not accepting responsibility for her actions. Her children will mimick her behavior in the future.

IMO, she should have been made to truthfully explain the situation in court in front her children. Then, she should have been made to accept total responsible with no lies. After doing this to the court's satisfaction, she should have been given a suspended sentence with community service to be performed in schools. Her topic should be about personal responsibility and how to control your actions even when provoked.
I like it!

I thought about her children too and the kind of lesson they might learn by witnessing their Mom freak out like that.
JBean said:
Remember those signs they had for awhile with "comments" applicable to the situation? You could hold them out the window for the offending driver to
That reminds me of a time I parked at a grocery store, it was a literal in and out in less than 5 minutes type of deal. The car to my right basically parked too far into my space, so because of that I had to park a little close to the car to my left.

When I came back out the car to my left was gone, and there was a piece of paper folded up and under the windshield wiper. I unfolded it, and it was a pre-printed (meaning this person actually had a bunch of these printed up) sign of mickey mouse, flipping me the bird, that said "Thanks for parking so close to me, *advertiser censored**hole! Have a nice day!"

I was dumbfounded.
Paladin said:
That reminds me of a time I parked at a grocery store, it was a literal in and out in less than 5 minutes type of deal. The car to my right basically parked too far into my space, so because of that I had to park a little close to the car to my left.

When I came back out the car to my left was gone, and there was a piece of paper folded up and under the windshield wiper. I unfolded it, and it was a pre-printed (meaning this person actually had a bunch of these printed up) sign of mickey mouse, flipping me the bird, that said "Thanks for parking so close to me, *advertiser censored**hole! Have a nice day!"

I was dumbfounded.
OH I remember another note that was popular.
"if you like you park, you'll never get it in"
nanandjim said:
What a sad story. Was the person who threw the drink caught and prosecuted for manslaughter?

No sadly they were never caught. The details of what happened came from the backseat passenger who was injured but not badly. He only got a quick look at the car and was only able to tell the cops the color.
Perhaps I may be defending this women because of something I did in my younger days. We were taking my then 2 year old son to see his nerosurgeon after his shunt revision. He was not himself and my wife and I were worried. As we stopped at a light at a busy intersection He began to vomit.

As I fumbled in the diaper bag for a towel the light changed and, the gentleman in the car behind began laying on the horn and yelling for me to get the f--- moving you a---le.

I snapped. I was out of my car and making a beeline for this gentleman's car in a heartbeat. Thank godness my wife is quicker than I and got between me and his car stopping me in my tracks and leaving my son strapped alone is his carseat.

Did I feel stupid standing there with drivers beeping and swearing at me? Yes I did. Would I have done something foolish to this gentleman? I don't know but I hope not. Do I empathize with this women? I guess I do.

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