Dying Girl, 7, Taunted by Neighbors in Trenton UPDATE: RIP, Kathleen:(

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Such a beautiful child and looks so happy in many of the photos.
What a horrible disease.
There has to be something they should be charged with.

....but karma is coming around....now there's tons of support around the nation for Kathleen and hopefully these sick,hateful people will learn a lesson....

I would think stalking and/or harassment. If not, they can be sued civilly for intentional infliction of emotional distress. This case is better than the one I studied in law school as a perfect example of the tort. But, I don't know that these lowlifes have anything that would make it worhtwhile to sue for. If they own a home, the Rose family should sue and take it. If not, the landlord should start eviction proceedings as fast as possible. These people seems psycho. Very scary people to me. Can you imagine living next to that?
It's obvious that this is a one way feud. That woman is a nut. She is obviously the problem and has been all along.
Petkov’s husband, Scott, 30, explained Friday that his wife’s “brutal honesty” has caused his family to “not get along with a lot of people.”

Scott Petkov said the fallout of the Sept. 30 photo postings on a Facebook page his wife created in retaliation resulted Friday in his suspension with pay from his job as a forklift repairman in Warren. He said his employer is considering firing him. The eldest of the Petkovs’ four children was sent home from school after getting into an argument with a classmate who confronted him about the Internet photos, said the couple.

“My husband is a good person and I hope he doesn’t lose his job. I hope our family doesn’t lose his job. I’m the bad person,” Jennifer Petkov said Friday. “I feel horrible for what I’ve said and done. That little girl shouldn’t have had to lose her mom like that and she shouldn’t have to lose her life either. I just hope she didn’t see those pictures.”

From The Detroit News: http://www.detnews.com/article/2010...-apologizes-for-Facebook-taunts#ixzz11sf2mM19

This woman has ruined many lives.

Unfortunately, their children are now victims of the backlash, and dad may be losing his job.

Link to her apology...


It really, really, bothers me that the reporter from the video featured in your last link (who looks a lot like Amy Pollard from SNL, btw), seemed to downplay the evil neighbors actions and gush about her "sincere apology". Sincere?: "And to the little girl, if you were hurt, I apologize. There's not much more I can say than that." Or something close.
That evil woman and her creepy husband are only apologizing because of the backlash. They do not care at all.
She's a sick hateful woman, but the people who are retaliating against her family and sending death threats are just as sick and hateful. :( I'm thankful that so many people have responded positively and rallied around this poor girl.

Sending death threats is wrong and criminal no matter what but I think there are degrees of criminality and evil and sending death threats to a woman who wished death upon a baby is not as evil as laughing at the death of a little girl, IMO. Both sick and hateful but I understand the people retaliating. I relate to their motivation. I do not understand this horrible woman or her awful husband at all.
A very disturbing story.

Whatever happened to growing up? Not that most children aren't wiser and kinder than this woman but who starts a feud because of a birthday party her kids weren't invited to and lets it go this far?
A very disturbing story.

Whatever happened to growing up? Not that most children aren't wiser and kinder than this woman but who starts a feud because of a birthday party her kids weren't invited to and lets it go this far?

a sociopath, of course.
It took me a while to get around to this story because I knew it was going to send me over the moon. I cannot wrap my mind around this. I just can't. Evil incarnate. Their apologies are worthless and insincere. Their minds must be so twisted by hate that it is eating them up inside. I hope. A poor little dying girl. There are no limits to the depths humans will sink to. I know that now.
I'd like to see this thread moved to the Bullying thread. I think it would get more attention and i think it needs more attention. I'll ask a mod.
A Michigan toy store is taking donations and has raised thousands of dollars. They want to give her something to show her that there really are good people out there.


This made me cry. The though that this family may not realize that there are a million people like us who care, symathize and understand based on their demoralizing from this one family.

I am so glad people are reaching out to this family to try and ease their pain as they try to gracefully deal with this slow, bittersweet exit.
I read about this at work yesterday, and was so maddened I had to take a walk. This whole situation just made my blood boil. I cannot fathom how these two animals (I will not give them the dignity of classing them as human), could justify their own actions? This truly makes me sick!
I would think stalking and/or harassment. If not, they can be sued civilly for intentional infliction of emotional distress. This case is better than the one I studied in law school as a perfect example of the tort. But, I don't know that these lowlifes have anything that would make it worhtwhile to sue for. If they own a home, the Rose family should sue and take it. If not, the landlord should start eviction proceedings as fast as possible. These people seems psycho. Very scary people to me. Can you imagine living next to that?
It's obvious that this is a one way feud. That woman is a nut. She is obviously the problem and has been all along.

Agreed 100%. They should file a MASSIVE lawsuit and take everything! Can you imagine the punitive damages any jury would be happy to award here?
It would run into the millions.

As I understand it, this psychopath did not receive a response quickly enough to her text message, so she, with the help of her enabler husband, institutes a highly organized, sadistic, and lengthy campaign of hate against a dying child and mother! Unbelievable.

Sue them for everything they have!
Poor child losing her mom and now her life....OMG, this world is turning so evil.....
What the neighbors did is harassment...no doubt. Pure evil.
But on the flip side ...
Kathleen's family is so wonderful and loving. You can see the love pouring out of this family for the mother and daughter. The neighbors can't destroy that light and couldn't no matter what! It's like light defeats the darkness. Sometimes it just takes time.
I'd like to see this thread moved to the Bullying thread. I think it would get more attention and i think it needs more attention. I'll ask a mod.

Thank you gitana :) I wasn't sure the best place for it so I appreciate the help.

Here is the most recent news article with a wonderful video of Kathleen playing with her new toys. A big smile on her beautiful face. I just learned by this video that her grandfather also had the disease. So the family have lost 3 people to this.


Edited to add:
A video interview with Kathleen's family that explains this has been going on for not 2 but 3 years.
They do not believe the apology.
They have also been to court before with this woman for other horrible things the couple has done. They feel it will continue until they move.
This makes me angry. A new article I was reading where the harassing couple has their attorney speak for them. Of course it's all lies and bending of the truth.


Scott Petkov said they have been advised by their attorney, Scott Weinberg, not to speak with anyone about the incident and have referred calls to Weinberg.

Weinberg hosts a radio show in which he often talks about cyber bullying.

“It was basically the grandmother and my client squabbling for years,” Weinberg said. “Jennifer has apologized. She made a mistake. It was insensitive.”

No sir, it wasn't. He apparently forgot about the last 2 years of harassment that has been greatly detailed in the media.

He also said the pickup truck never was intended to taunt Kathleen. It was painted last year as a Halloween decoration. His clients drove it in a parade Downriver and have recently repainted it, he said.

For longer then a year he has sat in it, revved it, honked it and screamed at the family about Kathleen dying. Halloween decoration?

Here is an article where the family talked about the truck and last two years of harassment. It's very detailed. Maybe he should read it before he speaks.

Thank you gitana :) I wasn't sure the best place for it so I appreciate the help.

Here is the most recent news article with a wonderful video of Kathleen playing with her new toys. A big smile on her beautiful face. I just learned by this video that her grandfather also had the disease. So the family have lost 3 people to this.


Edited to add:
A video interview with Kathleen's family that explains this has been going on for not 2 but 3 years.
They do not believe the apology.
They have also been to court before with this woman for other horrible things the couple has done. They feel it will continue until they move.

Huntington's is an inherited disease which means it passes down from generation to generation, and the child of an affected person has a 50 % chance of developing it. So grandfather passed it onto the mother and then mother passed it onto the child. Also each subsequent generation with this disease tends to get it at a younger age which is what looks to be happening here.
How much lower could you get? To take this out on a child, one who just lost a mother and who is dieing herself, is just beyond belief. This is so far beyond anything that is acceptable to me.

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