Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found

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About the 'coat' thing. It is semantics, primarily. Dylan packed a big hoodie sweatshirt, and not a proper coat. That is what Mark was referring to about Elaine not sending him with a coat. So she did send him with a warm outer layer of clothing, but it was not a coat, as Mark pointed out.

And really, a 13-14 year old is perefectly capable of being responsible for bringing and choosing their own outer layer of clothing at that point. It's not like she sent a four year old with no coat or sweatshirt. Many parents won't argue with teenagers/tweens about what they're wearing as long as it's "close enough" to appropriate because it's just not worth it in the grand scheme of things when compared to bigger issyes parents and teens argue about.

I can't tell you how many times as a teenager I wore something that I was going to be cold in because I liked how I looked in it, it was comfy, or I was too lazy to go grab my coat and my mom fussed at me a little then came to the conclusion of "okay, guess you'll be cold. That's on you, you're 15 (or other teenaged year). You'll be sorry but I guess you have to learn for yourself."

Again, it's not like MR picked up a toddler or elementary-aged kid whose mom had purposely refused to pack a coat. I see the whole "his mom didn't send him with a coat" thing as a non-issue. Dylan was old enough to be responsible for bringing, not bringing, or forgetting his coat or choosing to wear his heavy sweatshirt in lieu of a coat.

ETA: Oops! I see others have already beat me to making the same comments/points. :)
lonetraveler - that's kind of where I was going, exactly, when I was talking about how MR speaks of his relationship with Dylan in years gone by - he talks in such glowing terms of thier road trips and baseball games, etc.. Happier days, for sure, when Dylan was little and Cory still looked up to him.

But then there's this visit - after the bitter divorce.. and nothing's adding up to that ideal at all, from the movie to the food choice, to the texting friends... it would have been clear that ideal relationship was starkly gone. Cory hates MR - and Dylan doesn't fit that image of the ideal relationship anymore. He's a cranky teenager who doesn't want to be there...

Add a bad temper, a lot of bitterness and probably a fifth of bourbon and..

I can just see that as maybe being a factor, should it turn out that MR did indeed cause Dylan harm.
Imamaze posted this in the media thread. ty ima.

Emotional Candlelight Vigil Held For Dylan Redwine

June 30, 2013 2:25 PM


Mark Redwine says he’s been asked to retrace the case facts with investigators on Tuesday.


IMO, law enforcement has been playing along nicely with MR in case of the slim chance he would voluntarily lead them to Dylan. With Dylan's earthly remains discovered, that changes everything. It is my opinion only, that an arrest is imminent.
The motive was revenge against the mother. He taunted her for months with his word salad, and even in his gory description of Dylan's scattered remains.
Enough. Game over MR. As the saying goes, "when you seek revenge, you should dig two graves".
Well I guess we will see if LE DOES suspect MR. Maybe, Maybe not. My heart goes out to this family. I'm heartbroken and he is not my son. JMO
Why would LE want MR to come in to talk after 7 months about that day's events ?
I can think of almost no reason that does not include them really looking very hard at
HIM and I'm thinking something found on the mountain side is what they were waiting for
these last 7 months and now they are ready to spring.
Please someone tell me if this is normal protocol after a find when we know he spoke with them repeatedly and ' cooperatively' many times in Nov/Dec. ? tia
Make an arrest already! :waiting: :banghead: :banghead:
Dylan needs justice. We also need some kind of "peace" here in this forum.
Make an arrest already! :waiting: :banghead: :banghead:
Dylan needs justice. We also need some kind of "peace" here in this forum.

O/T Hey there Fruit, how is the lil one doing? I hope you had an easy delivery and recovery.
This young man R, was Dylan's friend. What does Dylan's friend state about Dylan's relationship with his father? One has to love kids. This young man has NO agenda.

Take the time to listen to what he states.

http://www.koat.com/news/new-mexico/alb ... index.html

Thanks for posting this. It is nice to hear from someone who has a different opinion to everything else we've heard for the last 7 months.
You're correct, no agenda. This kid has absolutely no reason to lie.
Well I guess we will see if LE DOES suspect MR. Maybe, Maybe not. My heart goes out to this family. I'm heartbroken and he is not my son. JMO

While LE never claimed that MR is a suspect, we can look at their behavior. They certainly kept on searching close to MR's home. If Dylan was abducted, he could have ended up anywhere and not close to home. In fact MR claimed that his gut feeling tells him Dylan is not in the immediate area, and in fact could be in some foreign country. I guess LE didn't believe MR's gut feelings.
O/T Hey there Fruit, how is the lil one doing? I hope you had an easy delivery and recovery.

Hey there, all went well with delivery and recovery! Anaya is doing really good :) Thank you for asking.
I can't believe she is almost 6 months old.
Dylan's friend of course has no reason to lie.. and very probably his perception is a true one.

But Dylan had not seen his father in some time prior to that last visit, and the family situation had escalated in that time, bitter divorce/custody fight/etc.

Plus, Dylan was growing up - and kids that age change so rapidly, it makes my head spin (I'm watching it happen right now with my own child..).

Just by way of saying, the relationship between MR and Dylan could have changed significantly from "best friends" to something more strained (doesn't like the same food/movies/prefers company of friends/etc) in the space of just a few months.
Why would LE want MR to come in to talk after 7 months about that day's events ?
I can think of almost no reason that does not include them really looking very hard at
HIM and I'm thinking something found on the mountain side is what they were waiting for
these last 7 months and now they are ready to spring.
Please someone tell me if this is normal protocol after a find when we know he spoke with them repeatedly and ' cooperatively' many times in Nov/Dec. ? tia

I think it might be because now they know where Dylan ended up. They might focus his conversation on the north end of the lake area - I know MR said he drove around by the lake but I can't remember if he specifically said where at the lake he looked on Monday afternoon. Of course they could be triple-checking MRs story as well. But they also could be asking him about who knew Dylan was coming, who did MR know in the area, etc.

I think it will be interesting to see if we get any news after that meeting on Tuesday.
Dylan's friend of course has no reason to lie.. and very probably his perception is a true one.

But Dylan had not seen his father in some time prior to that last visit, and the family situation had escalated in that time, bitter divorce/custody fight/etc.

Plus, Dylan was growing up - and kids that age change so rapidly, it makes my head spin (I'm watching it happen right now with my own child..).

Just by way of saying, the relationship between MR and Dylan could have changed significantly from "best friends" to something more strained (doesn't like the same food/movies/prefers company of friends/etc) in the space of just a few months.

Agreed, both in general (teens) and in particular (Dylan/MR). And that evening in particular there was some strain, IMO. Just look at the picture of Dylan in the Walmart photo. Even in a perfectly healthy parent/child relationship, the advent of the teen years is a very stressful time.
Dylan's friend of course has no reason to lie.. and very probably his perception is a true one.

But Dylan had not seen his father in some time prior to that last visit, and the family situation had escalated in that time, bitter divorce/custody fight/etc.

Plus, Dylan was growing up - and kids that age change so rapidly, it makes my head spin (I'm watching it happen right now with my own child..).

Just by way of saying, the relationship between MR and Dylan could have changed significantly from "best friends" to something more strained (doesn't like the same food/movies/prefers company of friends/etc) in the space of just a few months.

I thought they had done a road trip in August and Dylan had been at his father's in September. I'll go back and check for links.
While LE never claimed that MR is a suspect, we can look at their behavior. They certainly kept on searching close to MR's home. If Dylan was abducted, he could have ended up anywhere and not close to home. In fact MR claimed that his gut feeling tells him Dylan is not in the immediate area, and in fact could be in some foreign country. I guess LE didn't believe MR's gut feelings.

What's interesting to me...is prior to the big search on Middle Mtn Rd by law enforcement when DR's remains were found, friends of the family were on horseback searching trails off that road on May 31st per the FMDR facebook posts & they have photos of their search. It's still intriguing to me that the area of Middle Mtn Rd became such a hot spot seemingly all of a sudden.
The fact that MR has been called in on Tuesday makes me wonder if there is some preparation that is taking place on Monday.
Can anyone offer some insight as far as why Dylan's remains were located/confirmed/tested/released(wait, have they?) so quickly, yet Hailey Dunn's took months and have yet to be released?

just curious, tia.
I thought they had done a road trip in August and Dylan had been at his father's in September. I'll go back and check for links.

Yup, a road trip to Boston in August and then a visit in September. Selective memory is at play here. To those who forget think it's been a long time. His mother moved away in September and he was visiting his father in September. Then he visited his father in November.

So it seems he was visiting with his father pretty regularly. IMO.
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