Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found

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Wouldn't LE want to keep MR thinking he's in the clear? So that's why they don't "suspect" anyone, are they worried MR would try and flee the area/country? Whereas previously they didn't want to spook him bc he could move Dylan/hide evidence/etc?

I don't know, just a question. Trying to understand why LE does the things they do........ (as in so many cases.....sigh)

BBM just food for thought, but also wonder if a "laid-back" approach might prevent him from lawyering up and/or considering harm to himself?
If you get a chance listen to the first hour of my show.

Theresa is a woman who is a very close friend of Mark's. She came on the show and gave us some interesting insight.

Sheryl McCollum drew us a great verbal picture of what raises a red flag to the police department in a case like this on.



Tricia, thanks for all you do and for providing this platform for Dylan and other missing persons, especially our children.
Thank you also to all of our moderators who definitely have their hands full here.
Thank you to all of you out there who care about children, help people and their families who go missing, and seek justice for their perpetrators.
Ok, I must have read something wrong earlier on the thread, my apologies for any confusion that may have caused to others!

At the press conference the sheriff said something like "We have no reason to believe any family members are involved."

They're not saying necessarily that they *don't* believe a family member is involved, but just that they don't have the necessary facts to make that determination right now. (imo)
What LE has said is that they have no reason to believe the public is in danger, they knew early on this was a criminal case and they are awaiting testing results and more while continuing to be vigilant in apprehending Dylan's killer. Doesn't sound clear in the least IMO.

Oh my gosh, I was at work when I saw the news and Elaine was my first thought. I went back to the time she asked MR point blank "Did you hurt him?" IMO she knew the moment he answered and I still trust her instincts.

Beyond the family, so many have been hurt by the act of one. Whoever that one is. I wanted to reach out and hug Dan Bender. In all the other interviews he was this sturdy hulk of an officer speaking calmly and professionally. In the interview he looked crushed, barely holding himself together.
I've been wondering about that as far as the hits on the lake. Drainage ditches like that are used by animals to traverse places like that. Does anyone think it possible that animals scavenged from the lake? I'm not convinced that there would be enough run off from such a small portion to cause the strong hits numerous months apart.

Knowing now that his remains are not intact, does anyone else think they should perhaps look again by that drain considering that they were looking for an intact body, and now we know that that's no longer the case? Individual sections of someone's body would show up much differently on sonar than an entire body.

As always, all of the above is MOO! :cow:
IMO, they should be hitting the lake with sonar again to see if they can find anything. I have no doubt that at least something made it's way down there, although it might not be recognizable as anything anymore depending on how it came down the creek.

I think the remains found are too far away for them to have been scavenged from the lake, though.
Okay, I am at a loss here..... You just find out TODAY that your young son's remains were found, and it's a 'criminal investigation"..... Crying or screaming that you want to get your hands on the SOB that did this to your boy--I could understand that, but to discuss your divorce?? Huh? Different strokes for different folks, but I just do not understand a reaction like that--sorry.

Neither do I. My divorce would probably be the last thing on my mind but he seems to be obsessed with it.
I would probably have to be sedated and would not want to talk to anyone....my heart is so heavy for Dylan and those who love him. He leaves a void they will never be able to fill.
I'm going to sit back and let LE finish doing their work on this case and see what happens, where it goes. LE has done a good job so far, there is no reason not to leave this in their capable hands. I'm sure the perp will be arrested and brought to trial.

I'm just so sad at this turn of events. Emotions are high today with anyone who has followed this case and gotten to know this wonderful boy. It's hard for me to believe that Dylan is not in this world, is not a part of it, is not alive anymore. I'm going to take the time to wrap my mind around that and leave the rest to the professionals. IMO
The fact that only partial remains have been located, "bones", was something that Elaine had specifically feared/mentioned on Dr. Phil, that Dylan's bones were just laying out there...:( I hope she can somehow get these horrible visions out of her mind.
Wow! So Elaine mentioned in an interview that she specifically feared Dylan lying exposed to the elements...

And... MR states this directly today...

Coincidence? :waitasec:
I'm going to sit back and let LE finish doing their work on this case and see what happens, where it goes. LE has done a good job so far, there is no reason not to leave this in their capable hands. I'm sure the perp will be arrested and brought to trial.

I'm just so sad at this turn of events. Emotions are high today with anyone who has followed this case and gotten to know this wonderful boy. It's hard for me to believe that Dylan is not in this world, is not a part of it, is not alive anymore. I'm going to take the time to wrap my mind around that and leave the rest to the professionals. IMO

Nice to hear an objective, reasonable voice basing your views on the known facts and evidence. I too am terribly saddened by the finality of Dylan's fate, and I hope that the perpetrator - if one indeed exists - is brought to justice.
Wow! So Elaine mentioned in an interview that she specifically feared Dylan lying exposed to the elements...

And... MR states this directly today...

Coincidence? :waitasec:

I don't think MR wants the things said on the DP show to come back up... not now. I know we can't talk about that (iirc) so it's all I'll say. But, if someone wants to refresh their memory and re-read that transcript there are some things MR said that are just horrific knowing what we know now...

All moo of course :cow:
Just some random map notes:

If you look at the map without terrain or satellite layers turned on, you can see there is a South Bear Creek that crosses Middle Mountain Road and drains into Vallecito Creek. Also a Berin Creek that runs parallel and finally joins with Vallecito Creek just above the reservoir.

The part of Middle Mountain Road that is directly east of MR's home is about 1400 ft higher in elevation. You can see the road has switchbacks to deal with the steep grade.

Okay guys - it appears emotions are running the show here. I'm going to close the thread for the night.

It has been a long, hard day (week for some). Time to step back for a bit.

We need to give LE some time to conduct their investigation before outright accusing others for what happened to Dylan.

Given that LE is saying this is a criminal/homicide investigation, it is pretty clear that they have information we don't have. This LE plays things very, very close. Lets give them a couple of days at least, okay.

Okay - I'm going to open up for the day. Everybody, please remember the rules here. The door has been opened on MR, BUT not to the extent that he can be outright accused, bashed or trashed.

Talk about the facts and how you interpret them. Don't talk about each other, don't be impatient with each other, please be respectful.

Also - I want to make a quick shout out to Katt Hawkins and let her know that she too is in my prayers. She has been such a Godsend to EH and has worked so hard on behalf of Dylan. Prayers and strength to her.

Also - I want to make a quick shout out to Katt Hawkins and let her know that she too is in my prayers. She has been such a Godsend to EH and has worked so hard on behalf of Dylan. Prayers and strength to her.



Still reeling over the heartbreaking news. My thoughts are with Elaine and Corey, along with the rest of Dylan's family and friends who loved him.
Okay - I'm going to open up for the day. Everybody, please remember the rules here. The door has been opened on MR, BUT not to the extent that he can be outright accused, bashed or trashed.

Talk about the facts and how you interpret them. Don't talk about each other, don't be impatient with each other, please be respectful.


Thanks ! I think we need this thread open, so let's be good kids !~
Investigators say the place where Dylan's remains were found was not a place he would have gone on his own.
"Dylan had a very set routine. He was a very communicative fellow on the Internet and Twitter with his friends. And he had very specific definite plans with his friends and he never showed up for that...it's totally unlike Dylan."

Read: Something dreadful happened to Dylan very soon after his last text and it wasn’t bears.
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