Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found

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Can anyone offer some insight as far as why Dylan's remains were located/confirmed/tested/released(wait, have they?) so quickly, yet Hailey Dunn's took months and have yet to be released?

just curious, tia.

In Elaine's interview on 9News tonight she mentions not knowing when she would be able to have a funeral, as his remains are being held for investigation.


This was the first visit after a pivotal, final custody hearig determining permanent custody at which Dylan spoke to the judge in chambers and which resulted in what appears to be only holiday visits with his dad. According to Mark, In the radio interview, Dylan refused to cOmmunicate at all with his dad after the hearing until the visit. Things clearly were tense.

FWIW, MR himself admits this in an interview with Tricia:

Well, obviously I think that it was a stressful time for Dylan because, you know, in September we were in a court hearing. His mom had filed a motion for him to speak directly to the judge in judge’s chambers. You know that all took place. Um….for whatever reason from that point until the time that he got on the plane there was nnnnn…..little or no contact at all between the two of us, although I tried many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times to

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Well, LE stated it was a planned search from before and they were waiting for the snow to melt. I think ER knew thisbackthen and searchers did not want to wait I think the location was based on cell pings.

At least officially, LE denies any particular reason for searching the area. Maybe there is a subsequent source for that info that I didn't find.

"No particular clue prompted the Middle Mountain Road search, [Bender] said."
This was the first visit after a pivotal, final custody hearig determining permanent custody at which Dylan spoke to the judge in chambers and which resulted in what appears to be only holiday visits with his dad. According to Mark, In the radio interview, Dylan refused to cOmmunicate at all with his dad after the hearing until the visit. Things clearly were tense.

Well, LE stated it was a planned search from before and they were waiting for the snow to melt. I think ER knew thisbackthen and searchers did not want to wait I think the location was based on cell pings.

There was no snow in November and not until early December was there? tia
This isn't so much a reply to you Ronso but for the topic of the friend talking about the wondeful relationship Dylan had with his dad in general.

Alcoholism is a family disease and the children/spouse of the alcoholic spend a lot of energy trying to cover for the alcoholic and pretending everything is great, even when it's not. Children can try to make their relationships with the alcoholic parent look great - or even fantastic - to cover for what's going on in their familes (and in my experience, to try to prove that it's just not that there's nothing wrong, it's that everything's perfect, as well as create some sort of fantasy of what it would be like if the parent stopped drinking. You can escape to this fantasy by perpetuating the "everything's great" cover to friends & the community). If the alcoholic parent is in cover-up mode too when others aside from the first degree family members are around, this can work perfectly for a long time.

snipped by me for space.

Thank you! Great post! My dad was abusive and alcoholic and I never told anyone, not my best friends or church friends or school officials or anyone what was going on. In fact I used to imagine in my own head that he was just a "passionate" person, "emotional"--this is embarrassing, but I used to imagine we were kind of like an Italian family with the drinking and yelling or something. (no offense to Italians!). It was that cycle of violence but then apologies and love the next day. Also, my dad was very functional and had a high-level security clearance. We were warned not to tell anyone because he could lose his security clearance and his job. It was just easier to pretend.

So, I do take the friends perspective with a grain of salt because of my own experience.
I don't think LE would say, right now, if something specific had led them to that spot, as if so, it would admit they have a suspect, which they as yet are denying.
As the parent of a boy around the same age, my observation is that they don't spend a lot of time talking with other boys about their feelings. If there was recent tension between Dylan and MR it would not surprise me if he didn't tell his friends about it, even close friends. He may have been uncomfortable to talk about it with anyone outside of family.

My baby will be 13 in a few days and his best friend, LC, will be 14 later this year. LC stayed with us last night but his visit was cut short today due to an issue with his somewhat estranged father. As L was packing his stuff my son kept asking him if he was okay and got a smile and a flippant reply in response but as soon as L and I were in the car alone he fell apart. It was heartbreaking to have a young child tearing himself to pieces from guilt over the horrible things he had wished on a man that frankly deserved it but he had held the tears in as long as he could. B & L have been joined at the hip since Pre-K, they share most everything but rarely do they share the things that might make them cry or look less "tough". Like you, I would not be surprised if Dylan white washed his problems with his dad when talking to his friends. It's pretty much what boys that age do.
What's interesting to me...is prior to the big search on Middle Mtn Rd by law enforcement when DR's remains were found, friends of the family were on horseback searching trails off that road on May 31st per the FMDR facebook posts & they have photos of their search. It's still intriguing to me that the area of Middle Mtn Rd became such a hot spot seemingly all of a sudden.

Cell phone pings or someone saw/knew something?:facepalm::twocents::moo:
*Media , Maps & Timelines* Post #121

Okay. And I’m…I’m glad you’re…you’re clearing this up. This is…helping a lot. Let’s talk a little bit about what uh…
your former wife, Elaine, said last week on this show. She said that you and Brandon, that is…is uh…Dylan’s half brother, correct?

That’s correct.

And uh…you were looking for Dylan. You went to go to a particular area, and according to Elaine, you told Brandon searching here is stupid. He’s not here, and Brandon was very taken aback by that. You had chance to call Brandon and clear this up, correct?

Well, I did, because I’m not gonna’ take Elaine’s word for it based on the way she said it so I went right to the horse’s mouth, so to speak. So, the next day I got hold of Brandon, and as I suspected, it involved a particular day when, um… we were being directed to an area to be handing out flyers and communicating with residents that was on the east side of the town of Bayfield.

Mmm hmm.

Now that… understanding that you need to also understand that the road traveling up in that area is on east side of the mountain range that sits in front of my house.

Mmm hmm.

So the road that I live in is on the west side, and the road that we are on traveling to do this, and I’ll be honest with you, there were very few houses that we came across.

Mmm hmm.

We were almost to the point where we were out of cell phone reach when I got a call from um…Elaine’s friend who had indicated that there was an Albuquerque news reporter there and wanted to do an interview, so we kind of turned around and… I… I…I probably did… and…and this is what Brandon and I talked about…made a comment that it was kind of stupid to be going up in the middle of nowhere on the mountain range
across from the one on my house when there’s no direct route there. You would have had to go to Bayfield and then go all the way around. There’s no direct route over there.

Mmm hmm.

and so, you know, to clarify that, you know, I thought it was probably a little bit on the ridiculous side at that point to be wasting time in an area that I can’t possibly concede Dylan to go. You know when there’s so many other areas that were, in my opinion, more important in that, but I …I…I guess to clarify that, I…I….I think that it’s one of the many things that Dylan’s mother tends to exaggerate more than anything else.

She tends to exaggerate what…so what did Brandon say to you? Tell me exactly what he said when you said, “Did I …” Were you taken aback by what I said? Did that shock you?” What did he say?

Well…again, he and I were talking about the specific location of where we are and what we were doing at that time and, as I suspected, we were…we were in an area that would have been nearly impossible at that point

TG: (interrupts)

for Dylan to have been in, and I felt like it was a waste of our time to be up in this area because there’s few, if any, houses up there at all, and…"

Am I correct, is this the base of the mountain where Dylan was found?
/sorry post is so long
There was no snow in November and not until early December was there? tia

This is how an MSM article put it:

About 45 officers spent five days searching a 12-mile stretch of Middle Mountain Road looking for clues in the case this week. The search had been planned as a follow-up after snow melted this spring.


I think the searchers searched, with a focus in the lake area, until the snow came, then planned for follow-on searches after the melt.
I don't know what was going on between Mark and Dylan but it sounds like something had changed for Dylan to ignore his father calls/texts from September until November .

Maybe Dylan was growing up and was finally understanding Mark's behaviour and did not like it ?! IMO
This is how an MSM article put it:

About 45 officers spent five days searching a 12-mile stretch of Middle Mountain Road looking for clues in the case this week. The search had been planned as a follow-up after snow melted this spring.


I think the searchers searched, with a focus in the lake area, until the snow came, then planned for follow-on searches after the melt.

Thank you, but I was posting in reference to the fact that someone said they were directed there by cell phone pings. This was early in the investigation, and there was no snow early in the investigation. I was just trying to clarify that fact. ty
Thank you, but I was posting in reference to the fact that someone said they were directed there by cell phone pings. This was early in the investigation, and there was no snow early in the investigation. I was just trying to clarify that fact. ty

FWIW, I don't think anything specific like phone pings led them to search Middle Mountain Road. Otherwise, why would they have put so much effort, and allowed so much effort, searching the lake?

I don't think LE knew where Dylan was until they found the first tangible evidence up there on the hillside. Jmo.
FWIW, I don't think anything specific like phone pings led them to search Middle Mountain Road. Otherwise, why would they have put so much effort, and allowed so much effort, searching the lake?

I don't think LE knew where Dylan was until they found the first tangible evidence up there on the hillside. Jmo.

I totally agree with you. jmo
And uh…you were looking for Dylan. You went to go to a particular area, and according to Elaine, you told Brandon searching here is stupid. He’s not here, and Brandon was very taken aback by that. You had chance to call Brandon and clear this up, correct?

Well, I did, because I’m not gonna’ take Elaine’s word for it based on the way she said it so I went right to the horse’s mouth, so to speak. So, the next day I got hold of Brandon, and as I suspected, it involved a particular day when, um… we were being directed to an area to be handing out flyers and communicating with residents that was on the east side of the town of Bayfield.

Mmm hmm.

Now that… understanding that you need to also understand that the road traveling up in that area is on east side of the mountain range that sits in front of my house.

Mmm hmm.

So the road that I live in is on the west side, and the road that we are on traveling to do this, and I’ll be honest with you, there were very few houses that we came across.

Mmm hmm.

We were almost to the point where we were out of cell phone reach when I got a call from um…Elaine’s friend who had indicated that there was an Albuquerque news reporter there and wanted to do an interview, so we kind of turned around and… I… I…I probably did… and…and this is what Brandon and I talked about…made a comment that it was kind of stupid to be going up in the middle of nowhere on the mountain range
across from the one on my house when there’s no direct route there. You would have had to go to Bayfield and then go all the way around. There’s no direct route over there.

Am I correct, is this the base of the mountain where Dylan was found?
/sorry post is so long

I don't believe so, based on the description (bolded) given here by MR. Then compare that to the description of where Dylan was found - apparently on the west side of the mountain facing MRs house. You definitely do not need to go to Bayfield to access Middle Mountain Road.

However, and I don't have a link, I think Tricia told someone during the radio show last week that it was the same place. I think this should be clarified by MR.

I don't believe so, based on the description (bolded) given here by MR. Then compare that to the description of where Dylan was found - apparently on the west side of the mountain facing MRs house. You definitely do not need to go to Bayfield to access Middle Mountain Road.

However, and I don't have a link, I think Tricia told someone during the radio show last week that it was the same place. I think this should be clarified by MR.

Based on MR's description, it does not sound like quite the same area. But I tried to figure it out on google maps, and the area he seems to be describing is inside San Juan National Forest, [edited by Mitsana] which is in the same mountain range that Dylan's remains were found, but a mountain ridge to the east. In order to drive to that area from MR's house, you need to drive down to Bayfield area then back north. I think the best person to ask to make sure if they were in the same area would be Brandon. I wonder if Tricia would contact him?
Unless LE discovered the existence of another phone, later in the investigation. Anyway, if not cell pings, I still believe they had some knowledge prior to this search. They seemed to have had a lot of specific groups lined or on-call.
FWIW, MR himself admits this in an interview with Tricia:

Well, obviously I think that it was a stressful time for Dylan because, you know, in September we were in a court hearing. His mom had filed a motion for him to speak directly to the judge in judge’s chambers. You know that all took place. Um….for whatever reason from that point until the time that he got on the plane there was nnnnn…..little or no contact at all between the two of us, although I tried many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times to

Dylan Redwine *Media , Maps & Timelines* - Page 5 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

At least officially, LE denies any particular reason for searching the area. Maybe there is a subsequent source for that info that I didn't find.

"No particular clue prompted the Middle Mountain Road search, [Bender] said."
BBM: No particular clue, but what about a bunch of clues? No particular CLUE does not necessarily mean no particular REASON. JMO
*Media , Maps & Timelines* Post #121

Okay. And I’m…I’m glad you’re…you’re clearing this up. This is…helping a lot. Let’s talk a little bit about what uh…
your former wife, Elaine, said last week on this show. She said that you and Brandon, that is…is uh…Dylan’s half brother, correct?

That’s correct.

And uh…you were looking for Dylan. You went to go to a particular area, and according to Elaine, you told Brandon searching here is stupid. He’s not here, and Brandon was very taken aback by that. You had chance to call Brandon and clear this up, correct?

Well, I did, because I’m not gonna’ take Elaine’s word for it based on the way she said it so I went right to the horse’s mouth, so to speak. So, the next day I got hold of Brandon, and as I suspected, it involved a particular day when, um… we were being directed to an area to be handing out flyers and communicating with residents that was on the east side of the town of Bayfield.

Now that… understanding that you need to also understand that the road traveling up in that area is on east side of the mountain range that sits in front of my house.

So the road that I live in is on the west side, and the road that we are on traveling to do this, and I’ll be honest with you, there were very few houses that we came across.

We were almost to the point where we were out of cell phone reach when I got a call from um…Elaine’s friend who had indicated that there was an Albuquerque news reporter there and wanted to do an interview, so we kind of turned around and… I… I…I probably did… and…and this is what Brandon and I talked about…made a comment that it was kind of stupid to be going up in the middle of nowhere on the mountain range
across from the one on my house when there’s no direct route there.
You would have had to go to Bayfield and then go all the way around. There’s no direct route over there.

and so, you know, to clarify that, you know, I thought it was probably a little bit on the ridiculous side at that point to be wasting time in an area that I can’t possibly concede Dylan to go. You know when there’s so many other areas that were, in my opinion, more important in that, but I …I…I guess to clarify that, I…I….I think that it’s one of the many things that Dylan’s mother tends to exaggerate more than anything else.

She tends to exaggerate what…so what did Brandon say to you? Tell me exactly what he said when you said, “Did I …” Were you taken aback by what I said? Did that shock you?” What did he say?

Well…again, he and I were talking about the specific location of where we are and what we were doing at that time and, as I suspected, we were…we were in an area that would have been nearly impossible at that point

TG: (interrupts)

for Dylan to have been in, and I felt like it was a waste of our time to be up in this area because there’s few, if any, houses up there at all, and…"

Am I correct, is this the base of the mountain where Dylan was found?
/sorry post is so long

After listening many times, I thought he was on the mountain, but was not sure.

MR talks about flyers in Bayfield, but also being across from his house on the east side of the mountain. Are there any houses up there? Would he have been on Middle Mountain Road at that time with flyers?
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