Educator Gets Suspension For Calling Kids "Trailer Trash"

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i was called motor mouth in school. my mother said do not talk so much. maybe the parents of these children should have told them to stop acting like they are so poor.

after all what is the insult with the term "trailer trash". it is that anyone that lives in a trailer must be trash. since a trailer is the choice of homes for those that can not afford a standard home if you live in a trailer you are poor and therefor trash.

do i want the teacher jailed for harassing the students? of course not. if a student calls a teacher a derogatory name they should be suspended. i feel a adult teacher should be at the very least held to the same standard.

i am shocked that a teacher would take the time to write a memo telling students they are poor and worthless (unless of course this teacher thinks trailer equals rich and trash is valuable) and then takes the time to find the student and deliver the memo. i would be somewhat more understanding had the teacher lashed out and said this in a moment of high stress in the classroom. the length of time between the stress's and the action give me concern.

yes kids today are harder to teach than in the past. a child dresses like a *advertiser censored* star. a teacher should not use that as a excuse for sleeping with a student. a group of 3rd graders plot to harm their teacher and a teacher 2 states over leaves a loaded gun in her 3rd grade classroom. i am sorry if you do not agree but i do not feel you can use the bad behavior of a student to excuse the bad behavior of a teacher. both should be punished when they misbehave.


I do not think the teacher should have said anything of the kind. I am not even going to try to define "trailer trash" but I suspect this teacher meant to describe more by the term than economic status alone. I think she was trying, however poorly, to describe a certain behavior that she was observing in her students. Let me elaborate. My students have very foul mouths. Very. They also like to discuss extremely off-color topics. They also "get in each other's faces" and threaten one another with bodily harm, and often the ones doing this are girls, interestingly. The things they talk about - my jaw is on the floor! Their manners are atrocious. I love 'em but OMG.

So I said to my class once - "Hey, this isn't the flippin Jerry Springer Show! Clean it up! You are reflecting very badly upon yourselves!"

Was I wrong?

The problem is that ALL teachers are stressed. I would seriously doubt there is ONE teacher -- even in the best schools money can buy -- that doesn't feel like there is more on their plate than they can even attempt to chew at. What makes this one so special? Is she some sort of "best teacher in the world" that is just having ONE really bad day? She took the time to actually write this, meaning that she had *thought this out*! If it was something so bad that she had to go about it this way, then she should have gotten the administration involved somehow. Makes me wonder why she went about it this way.

I know that when I was in the undergrad part of teacher's ed classes you are plainly told NOT to use ANY sort of language that one even could construe as offensive within earshot of ANYONE -- you could think it all you wanted, but you'd best not say it. It is also the reason we are forced to carry at least $1 million in INSURANCE to keep from liability during student teaching and the first year of teaching (I don't know of other states, but the first year in KY is treated as a graded internship and you MUST pass to keep teaching). It is a miracle to me that she wasn't sued along with the school -- I think I'd not have fought the suspension either as I'd say here that she'd been fired by the end of the year even if she is tenured.

I'm all for telling students how it works (especially high school students as my experience), but you also have to remember that they are still STUDENTS and UNDER YOUR CARE! If she wouldn't talk to her own child that way, then why in the world would you talk to someone else's that way? Perhaps if she had taken the time and thought she put into writing that memo into either thinking of better strategy or involving administration she'd saved herself some major embarrassment and two days' pay.

So I said to my class once - "Hey, this isn't the flippin Jerry Springer Show! Clean it up! You are reflecting very badly upon yourselves!"


HEHEHEHE..... LOL. I think I used that one once or twice... I agree with the other stuff, but that brought back some memories. Come to think of it, I think I was TOLD that one by a teacher or too as well.... LOL.

Good times, good times.

I do not think the teacher should have said anything of the kind. I am not even going to try to define "trailer trash" but I suspect this teacher meant to describe more by the term than economic status alone. I think she was trying, however poorly, to describe a certain behavior that she was observing in her students. Let me elaborate. My students have very foul mouths. Very. They also like to discuss extremely off-color topics. They also "get in each other's faces" and threaten one another with bodily harm, and often the ones doing this are girls, interestingly. The things they talk about - my jaw is on the floor! Their manners are atrocious. I love 'em but OMG.

So I said to my class once - "Hey, this isn't the flippin Jerry Springer Show! Clean it up! You are reflecting very badly upon yourselves!"

Was I wrong?

no. that is the point. a teacher can and should control the behavior of the students in her class with out making personal attacks on them. i do care that the act was based on the stereo type of what type of people live in trailers. a derogatory term to define people of a social class should be beneath a educated teacher.
Here I am thinking about what the nuns used to call us. Things the nuns used to say to us. Things the nuns used to do to us. Today if a teacher stuck your head in a dirty bucket of water or made you wear clothesline around your neck or waist because you forgot your tie or belt they'd be in big trouble. Just wanted to say teachers in this country get no respect and are not paid enough money. Our culture doesn't revere teachers like other cultures do. That aside the "trailer trash" teacher was in the wrong and should pay a steeper price for that stunt. BTW, Sweetheart, you're not alone as I've been called a cracker and a honkey, and a redneck. This by folks who are clueless. I've responded with "Ohhhhhh you just said the "R" word" and so on. All disparaging words is what they are.
This teacher had the time to sit down and write this letter meaning she had the time to think it out a little better and that is what she should have done.
I should not have said "you disgust me." For THAT I will apologize to you. Sorry!
As you can tell this is a pretty sensitive subject to me.

No worries...I PM'd you.

I've only been teaching 10 years. When I entered the profession, a veteran teacher warned me that things were changing for the worse, and in 10 years things have become so stressful and lines so blurred that sometimes I don't know which way is up. "I'm gonna bring my momma up here" used to be an empty threat to a typical classroom management issue; now momma does come to the school, and over the littlest thing, too. And the kid is never wrong in the mother's eyes, no matter what has been said or done, or even what evidence there is. I guess because I've seen and experienced the negative side of teaching, I'm first and foremost on the teacher's side, if at all possible. I still think things could have been handled better than suspension, but I can definitely see the other point of view.
This lady blames stress for her little mistake. Every single job probably on earth is stressful. Can anyone imagine a bank teller, nurses, doctors, pastors, cashiers, waitresses, or any other job whining and complaining and expecting to get away with calling difficult customers and patients names, threatening them, throwing tantrums, calling the law on them, labeling? Nope, it's because it's kids and people think kids should be totally controlled and disciplined at all times even the mentally ill or disabled ones. People generally get away with things that they do and say to kids lots more than they would if they did the same thing to adults.
Eve: No. Absolutely not. You were not making comments that reflected upon their homes or parents--none of which they could help or change. You picked a tv show which they could relate to, and you pointed out this was not the place to behave like that.

So, spot on, as the Brits say.

As for the original "trailer trash" comment: My opinion as a teacher:

I never, ever make reference to other people or home environments when I correct students. It is a bad and dangerous habit, so I don't "go there." If I make comparisons, it is to our school ("This is not what we expect of X students" or to the students personally "I know you are capable of much better behavior, I have seen it, and I expect it now.")

If I hurt personally even one student by my method of correction of their behavior, then no matter how good my intentions, the correction was meaningless. It doesn't matter what I meant--it's about the end result.

Was it effective, or not? That's the standard for any teacher, I truly believe.

No worries...I PM'd you.

I've only been teaching 10 years. When I entered the profession, a veteran teacher warned me that things were changing for the worse, and in 10 years things have become so stressful and lines so blurred that sometimes I don't know which way is up. "I'm gonna bring my momma up here" used to be an empty threat to a typical classroom management issue; now momma does come to the school, and over the littlest thing, too. And the kid is never wrong in the mother's eyes, no matter what has been said or done, or even what evidence there is. I guess because I've seen and experienced the negative side of teaching, I'm first and foremost on the teacher's side, if at all possible. I still think things could have been handled better than suspension, but I can definitely see the other point of view.

No worries to YOU...I got your PM...thanks...
anyway in my 11th grade one teacher of mine called me up to his desk and remarked "you seem to be getting fat, are you pregnant?" Well my feelings were DEF. hurt....and when I told my dad he was pissed as hell...but a big to-do was never made of it...
I can only imagine this conv. happening THIS day and the fall-out from it.
I feel for teachers, I really do.
But I DO think teachers know what is appropriate, what is not, or what will cause a big to-do and what won't.
Teachers ARE NOT perfect...we shouldn't expect them to be...
BUT, IMO, we should expect them to know what phrases are pc and what isn't.
No worries to YOU...I got your PM...thanks...
anyway in my 11th grade one teacher of mine called me up to his desk and remarked "you seem to be getting fat, are you pregnant?" Well my feelings were DEF. hurt....and when I told my dad he was pissed as hell...but a big to-do was never made of it...
I can only imagine this conv. happening THIS day and the fall-out from it.
I feel for teachers, I really do.
But I DO think teachers know what is appropriate, what is not, or what will cause a big to-do and what won't.
Teachers ARE NOT perfect...we shouldn't expect them to be...
BUT, IMO, we should expect them to know what phrases are pc and what isn't.

Oh, you reminded me of my fifth grade pervert teacher. One day he was staring at me and I asked him why. He said he liked my shirt. I was happy because it was new. When I got home and looked in the mirror, I saw that it was see-through. I was just getting *advertiser censored* at that point and probably wasn't wearing a bra. How humiliating. He was such a jerk and a pervert.
Oh, you reminded me of my fifth grade pervert teacher. One day he was staring at me and I asked him why. He said he liked my shirt. I was happy because it was new. When I got home and looked in the mirror, I saw that it was see-through. I was just getting *advertiser censored* at that point and probably wasn't wearing a bra. How humiliating. He was such a jerk and a pervert.

eeekkk! :eek:

UMMMMMM Mr. E, NOT to be rude, but are you a woman? Or a guy with "moobs?"
Regardless, your teacher was way outta line!!!! How did you act with teach after that point? How awkward!!!!
Sorry you had to go thru that!!!!
No worries...I PM'd you.

I've only been teaching 10 years. When I entered the profession, a veteran teacher warned me that things were changing for the worse, and in 10 years things have become so stressful and lines so blurred that sometimes I don't know which way is up. "I'm gonna bring my momma up here" used to be an empty threat to a typical classroom management issue; now momma does come to the school, and over the littlest thing, too. And the kid is never wrong in the mother's eyes, no matter what has been said or done, or even what evidence there is. I guess because I've seen and experienced the negative side of teaching, I'm first and foremost on the teacher's side, if at all possible. I still think things could have been handled better than suspension, but I can definitely see the other point of view.
i understand that as a teacher you identify with teachers in general. do you feel you may be doing the same thing that the parents are guilty of? if i had posted my teenager called her teacher trailer trash and was suspended 2 days for violation of school policy how would you react? if i then explained i thought my child should be excused for this behavior because she was stressed with testing would it be no problem?
eeekkk! :eek:

UMMMMMM Mr. E, NOT to be rude, but are you a woman? Or a guy with "moobs?"
Regardless, your teacher was way outta line!!!! How did you act with teach after that point? How awkward!!!!
Sorry you had to go thru that!!!!

I am a woman. To be honest, I don't even remember much about that incident except for what I described. He was a lousy teacher, though. Everything I remember about 5th grade is negative.

As to how I would react if it was a student and not a teacher, I can only say what I've experienced. I've had good students who have never gotten in trouble in my class who have, in the heat or stress of the moment, said something that they probably should have been written up for. I would talk to that child, see what was going on, before sending him/her home and out of the classroom for two days. On the other hand, if it was a kid who was constantly causing problems, constantly calling names, then, yes, two days home would probably be a welcome break for the other students whose learning is no doubt affected. Was this the teacher's first offense?
I am a woman. To be honest, I don't even remember much about that incident except for what I described. He was a lousy teacher, though. Everything I remember about 5th grade is negative.

As to how I would react if it was a student and not a teacher, I can only say what I've experienced. I've had good students who have never gotten in trouble in my class who have, in the heat or stress of the moment, said something that they probably should have been written up for. I would talk to that child, see what was going on, before sending him/her home and out of the classroom for two days. On the other hand, if it was a kid who was constantly causing problems, constantly calling names, then, yes, two days home would probably be a welcome break for the other students whose learning is no doubt affected. Was this the teacher's first offense?
ahh but this teacher did not yell out in a moment of anger. this teacher took the time to write a memo and then track down the students that had angered her to deliver it.

as i said earlier i could be somewhat more understanding of something said in the heat of the moment. it would still be wrong but i can understand lashing out in the heat of the moment. a student that responds to a teacher with disrespect when they receive a bad grade is different than a student that post a my space profile to insult the teacher.

i have volunteered at my child's school and more than once seen a teacher act out of stress. SHUT UP! SHUT UP! THAT'S IT! LIGHTS OUT! HEADS DOWN! is it right for the teacher to lose her temper and yell at a bunch of 7yr old? of course not. some of the kids looked really scared when she yelled. it had rained for a week. the kids had built up energy and she had reached her limit. she turned and asked me to watch her class and took a minute to collect herself. my child was one of the scared kids. did i complain to the school? no. i am a mom and my 2 stress me out. god help me if i had 20 and had to teach them not just control them. would i report the memo teacher? in a heart beat. the lack of judgement upsets me. she had time to reflect before she acted yet she was so angry she continued to write then deliver the memo.
Alright, I found this and to be honest, I was upset when I read these posts. This story was very wrong, as the media put their own spin on the entire situation.
The kids that she sent the memo to, that very day in class, were speaking of a "boozing party" that they were going to attend that evening but were not going to invite several kids that they considered "Trailer trash". The teacher was attempting to teach a class at the time of this conversation, and these kids were talking at such a level that the teacher could barely think. She assigned book work, and sat behind her desk, thinking of how to get through to the kids. (She sent the memo to ten kids, but it as directed towards two kids, the two who had used the term "trailer trash" in class that day.)
This teacher, Mrs. Shipman, had known these kids for years, through 4-H, and was disappointed in how they had been behaving during school and during other related activities.
The memo was derogatory, and she admitted that she was in the wrong for sending it. At the same time, she was attempting to make a point by using a term that these kids had used themselves. Also, the phrase she used was "If you want to act like "trailer trash", I will treat you like "trailer trash". She never in fact called the kids trailer trash, but hinted that they had been behaving poorly. Also, the quotes mean that she was quoting them from earlier in the day.
And for those of you who were upset because she had "never lived in a trailer": She lived in a trailer for the first 13 years of her life, and was treated poorly because of it all through grade school. From that trailer, she moved into a house in even worse condition, and was once again insulted throughout high school.
I, once again, was appalled by the way my sister was spoken about. No, I am not sticking up for her only because she is my sister, and my best friend, but because she apologized for what she had done, but people who didn't even know the whole story found the need to discuss her character as if they knew her.

Also, her Parliamentary Procedure team will be traveling to the National Competition for the 5th time in 5 years. :crazy:
Alright, I found this and to be honest, I was upset when I read these posts. This story was very wrong, as the media put their own spin on the entire situation.
The kids that she sent the memo to, that very day in class, were speaking of a "boozing party" that they were going to attend that evening but were not going to invite several kids that they considered "Trailer trash". The teacher was attempting to teach a class at the time of this conversation, and these kids were talking at such a level that the teacher could barely think. She assigned book work, and sat behind her desk, thinking of how to get through to the kids. (She sent the memo to ten kids, but it as directed towards two kids, the two who had used the term "trailer trash" in class that day.)
This teacher, Mrs. Shipman, had known these kids for years, through 4-H, and was disappointed in how they had been behaving during school and during other related activities.
The memo was derogatory, and she admitted that she was in the wrong for sending it. At the same time, she was attempting to make a point by using a term that these kids had used themselves. Also, the phrase she used was "If you want to act like "trailer trash", I will treat you like "trailer trash". She never in fact called the kids trailer trash, but hinted that they had been behaving poorly. Also, the quotes mean that she was quoting them from earlier in the day.
And for those of you who were upset because she had "never lived in a trailer": She lived in a trailer for the first 13 years of her life, and was treated poorly because of it all through grade school. From that trailer, she moved into a house in even worse condition, and was once again insulted throughout high school.
I, once again, was appalled by the way my sister was spoken about. No, I am not sticking up for her only because she is my sister, and my best friend, but because she apologized for what she had done, but people who didn't even know the whole story found the need to discuss her character as if they knew her.

Also, her Parliamentary Procedure team will be traveling to the National Competition for the 5th time in 5 years. :crazy:
i am sorry if you feel offended by my feelings on your sister. that does not change my feelings. what she did was wrong and the punishment was correct IMO. every teacher will face problem students. you punish them within the guide lines. to take the time to write a memo with derogatory statements is not the way a educator should handle it. the fact she lowered her standards to those of the students she hoped to correct is not a justification for what she did.
During my student teaching, the 5th graders were completely disrespectful to the home teacher and only listened to me. I got so upset at them that I held a special discussion and said they were treating her like "pond scum." Even though I never called the kids or the teacher pond scum, it all blew up in my face.

I can see where this can happen.
Alright, I found this and to be honest, I was upset when I read these posts. This story was very wrong, as the media put their own spin on the entire situation.
The kids that she sent the memo to, that very day in class, were speaking of a "boozing party" that they were going to attend that evening but were not going to invite several kids that they considered "Trailer trash". The teacher was attempting to teach a class at the time of this conversation, and these kids were talking at such a level that the teacher could barely think. She assigned book work, and sat behind her desk, thinking of how to get through to the kids. (She sent the memo to ten kids, but it as directed towards two kids, the two who had used the term "trailer trash" in class that day.)
This teacher, Mrs. Shipman, had known these kids for years, through 4-H, and was disappointed in how they had been behaving during school and during other related activities.
The memo was derogatory, and she admitted that she was in the wrong for sending it. At the same time, she was attempting to make a point by using a term that these kids had used themselves. Also, the phrase she used was "If you want to act like "trailer trash", I will treat you like "trailer trash". She never in fact called the kids trailer trash, but hinted that they had been behaving poorly. Also, the quotes mean that she was quoting them from earlier in the day.
And for those of you who were upset because she had "never lived in a trailer": She lived in a trailer for the first 13 years of her life, and was treated poorly because of it all through grade school. From that trailer, she moved into a house in even worse condition, and was once again insulted throughout high school.
I, once again, was appalled by the way my sister was spoken about. No, I am not sticking up for her only because she is my sister, and my best friend, but because she apologized for what she had done, but people who didn't even know the whole story found the need to discuss her character as if they knew her.

Also, her Parliamentary Procedure team will be traveling to the National Competition for the 5th time in 5 years. :crazy:

Well, thank you for this lostin, and welcome to Websleuths. I am glad to hear the whole story and as I posted, I believed your sister's motives were probably good and this just confirms it. It is very hard to be a teacher and have every one of your words and actions potential fodder for scrutiny - particularly when things can so easily be taken out of context or not be accompanied by the whole story! We have all said things in a clumsy, insensitive or "politically incorrect" way. I know I have. I still say my days as a teacher may be numbered - between the lousy pay and thin-skinned (and poorly behaved) students and parents and everything else...well, it's just a crapshoot how long it will be before I blow this pop stand (or my top)!:crazy:

Alright, I found this and to be honest, I was upset when I read these posts. This story was very wrong, as the media put their own spin on the entire situation.
The kids that she sent the memo to, that very day in class, were speaking of a "boozing party" that they were going to attend that evening but were not going to invite several kids that they considered "Trailer trash". The teacher was attempting to teach a class at the time of this conversation, and these kids were talking at such a level that the teacher could barely think. She assigned book work, and sat behind her desk, thinking of how to get through to the kids. (She sent the memo to ten kids, but it as directed towards two kids, the two who had used the term "trailer trash" in class that day.)
This teacher, Mrs. Shipman, had known these kids for years, through 4-H, and was disappointed in how they had been behaving during school and during other related activities.
The memo was derogatory, and she admitted that she was in the wrong for sending it. At the same time, she was attempting to make a point by using a term that these kids had used themselves. Also, the phrase she used was "If you want to act like "trailer trash", I will treat you like "trailer trash". She never in fact called the kids trailer trash, but hinted that they had been behaving poorly. Also, the quotes mean that she was quoting them from earlier in the day.
And for those of you who were upset because she had "never lived in a trailer": She lived in a trailer for the first 13 years of her life, and was treated poorly because of it all through grade school. From that trailer, she moved into a house in even worse condition, and was once again insulted throughout high school.
I, once again, was appalled by the way my sister was spoken about. No, I am not sticking up for her only because she is my sister, and my best friend, but because she apologized for what she had done, but people who didn't even know the whole story found the need to discuss her character as if they knew her.

Also, her Parliamentary Procedure team will be traveling to the National Competition for the 5th time in 5 years. :crazy:
Thank you and welcome.

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