Egypt Air flight 804 missing, 19 May 2016

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The Egyptian authorities seem to be denying everything in sight. I don't think I have complete faith in their investigation.

I know what you are saying, though often I think that it is not so much the investigation that is lacking (due to the many organisations involved with that) but it is more the amount of information that is given to the public that is lacking.

This is a pretty scary picture of what Greek authorities say their radar picked up, isn't it? :what: Seems to indicate a spiral between 15,000ft and 10,000ft.

Captain left hand seat First Officer right hand sear standard worldwide.

Stupid question - Is that looking at the plane head on? or if you are in the "driver's" seat, from the back?

Just to keep it together as this is what I'm referring to when I'm asking about the hydraulic system. I'm not referring to the brakes. I am attempting to figure out why it appears the control panel completely died and couldn't be navigated even remotely from ground, why the plane attempted to drop, fly, then spiral. Do the pilots lose all control over manual steering when the hydraulic systems are all failed in the A320?

This post did not start out ending up like this long! In sluething about found a couple of other reports! And I had trouble trying to say what I was trying to say!!

Total loss of hydroaulics is very serious! But most aircraft have redundent systems. But (below) I do not think that happened intially in this crash. If what follows is accurate, moo :

I think the media has given many the image that plane went out of control instantly. I do not think that is what happened - since ACARS released. In decompression must get down to 10000 feet and fast (hypxia) - passengers. The cockpit crew instantly put on their masks and go down. It seems as if that segment was controlled- under pilot command. Everything got narley around 9000 feet. Structural overload?

That is also hopeful as far as the recorders go. There is an increased liklihood that they recorded at the same time as the ACARS were transmitting. And we know from ACARS that was a beginning to the accident sequence. Would be great - cause from the dialog in the cockpit we would know what the flight crew were battling,(firebomb and/ or sudden decompression) and how the aircraft was responding to what they were trying to make her do.

The sad part of this is that (as opposed to instant sturctural failure) might increase the reality - that at least for the intial descent, (controlled) that passengers might have been more aware of what was happening.

Whatever version is accurate, the media playing it like the plane did a 360 degree turn is a physical impossiblity. Swept back wing aircraft do not have the ability to do a 360! They must have forward motion or they stall- peroid.

That was the beginning of, in most liklihood, a stall, (visualize a plane slowly quitting moving forward in the air, at a certain threshold there is not enough air going over and under the wings, to hold it up in the air and it stalls falling out of the sky) When they stall , most of the time they sprial down (circular/roll). I think that is what they are describing as a 360 - its the beginning of a spiral stall.

On this one tho there had to be something else to start everything. If it was only a stall, at that height they would have been able to recover. Nose down get speed, lift nose up and your on your way!

Just found this out 5 minutes ago topic switch . Remember the AIr Asia one we followed , well final report out . Amazingly it was really close to AF. Causation different, but....

Air France was interesting in that she actually went down like a belly flop into the ocean.

In some ways that is better in terms of debris recovery, smaller debris feild - intact machine slamming into ocean. It still took them (and France is on par with NTSB) two years to get the recorders.

In AF, (and apparently a bit like AA) the pilots thought they were "speeding" when the plane was actually losing speed. If your going to fast and you lift nose up - slows it down. If your going to slow you put the nose down.Get speed back. They were putting in nose up inputs. . But lifting up the nose on a plane ready to stall cause it to slow makes everything awful - . There is a point of no return doing what they were doing. . Must have forward speed to keep the wings "holding " (lift) the plane up in the air.

It was their fault, but not really. Their speedometer got clogged with ice and was giving them wrong speeds - which also made the auto pilot do strange stuff. The AIr Aisa guys were doing a similair thing, the only difference being the intial cause of the problem was rudder related in AA.

Version 84:

New story now,:

The head of Egypt's state-run provider of air navigation services says that EgyptAir flight 804 did not swerve or lose altitude before it disappeared off radar, challenging an earlier account by Greece's defence minister.

Ehab Azmy, head of the National Air Navigation Services Company, told The Associated Press news agency on Monday that in the minutes before the plane disappeared it was flying at its normal altitude of 37,000 feet, according to the radar reading.

"That fact degrades what the Greeks are saying about aircraft suddenly losing altitude before it vanished from radar." According to Greece's defence minister Panos Kammenos, the plane swerved and dropped to 10,000 feet before it fell off radar.

That IS what that radar 24 site was showing (37 000 and poof) , the night it broke. Who knows huh!

BUT----- That makes sense. 10,000 is where they try to get to in decompression. Which makes this notion that it exploded at cruise silly. Blown up planes dont "know" you better get down to 10000!! Pilots, on the other hand do!!

" In the cockpit, the flight crew will don their rubber masks and begin a rapid descent to a safe altitude – anything below 10,000ft." per
I just heard a radio report in my car, and the KFI reporter said that one of the pilots appeared to have been radicalized? Anyone else hear a report like that anywhere?

Nothing surprises me these days. Not a good time for Egypt.
Stupid question - Is that looking at the plane head on? or if you are in the "driver's" seat, from the back?


when you passenger in the plane sitting down capt is on your left ! No such thing, IMO as a stupid question!

Nothing surprises me these days. Not a good time for Egypt.

Oh good lord , next thing they are gonna be saying is they accidently pulled MAL 370 out of the med sea!

RE I just heard a radio report in my car, and the KFI reporter said that one of the pilots appeared to have been radicalized? Anyone else hear a report like that anywh

Finally, the pilot of Flight 804, Mohammed Shakeer, a devout Muslim said to have had a link with a prominent Muslim Brotherhood operative who recruited for jihad in Libya, reportedly told colleagues before the fateful flight that he was ready to die. Shakeer’s brother was quoted as saying, “my brother Mohammed [the pilot] called me before he took off on that fateful day and asked me to pray for him and I do consider him a martyr.“

The Islamic State has not taken credit for causing the crash. However, its leaders used the news of the crash and the approach of Islam’s holy month of Ramadan to urge their supporters to step up attacks on Westerners. “Ramadan is upon us, the month of invasions and jihad... the month of conquests.

ISIS may well be keeping mum for the time being to allow more terrorist plots to unfold during Ramadan, and then celebrate a series of successful attacks all at once.

Several hours after Trump’s tweet, Hillary Clinton said in interview with CNN, “It does appear that it was an act of terrorism.”

Planes do not usually just fall from the sky without some sort of warning or distress call...... In fact the opposite it totally true. There was no distress from either Mal, Air Asia, Pan AM104 , TWA 800, Egypt 990 AA chicago, NW.. I could go on and on and on . Off the top of my head, I can only think of three where there was prior interaction with anyone..

I have never understood these types of statements - how does a plane look like terrorism 6 hours after it is gone? What does that "look" like??
Stupid question - Is that looking at the plane head on? or if you are in the "driver's" seat, from the back?

Great question not silly at all. That would be if I was sitting in the Pilot's seat. Left and Right is very important in aviation .....for example let's say I was a crew member on board and saw smoke coming from an engine. Let's say the engine is on the Captains side even it is to my must be referred to as the left. In fact some major disasters have occurred for that very reason shutting down the wrong engine.
Yet another information change what is the real truth?

"An EgyptAir flight that crashed in the Mediterranean last week did not descend sharply or change direction before it disappeared from radar, according to a senior Egyptian aviation official.

Flight MS 804 was flying from Paris to Cairo with 66 people aboard when it vanished on Thursday.

The Greek defence minister said the Airbus A320 turned 90 degrees to the left before a 360-degree turn towards the right.

And reports surfaced this week that the pilot descended rapidly in an effort to extinguish a fire.

However, the head of Egypt's state-run provider of air navigation services, Ehab Azmy told The Associated Press on Monday that the plane did not swerve or lose altitude before it disappeared off radar.

The families of those 66 people who died deserve to know the truth about how their loved ones died.
when you passenger in the plane sitting down capt is on your left ! No such thing, IMO as a stupid question!

Oh good lord , next thing they are gonna be saying is they accidently pulled MAL 370 out of the med sea!

RE I just heard a radio report in my car, and the KFI reporter said that one of the pilots appeared to have been radicalized? Anyone else hear a report like that anywh

Finally, the pilot of Flight 804, Mohammed Shakeer, a devout Muslim said to have had a link with a prominent Muslim Brotherhood operative who recruited for jihad in Libya, reportedly told colleagues before the fateful flight that he was ready to die. Shakeer’s brother was quoted as saying, “my brother Mohammed [the pilot] called me before he took off on that fateful day and asked me to pray for him and I do consider him a martyr.“

The Islamic State has not taken credit for causing the crash. However, its leaders used the news of the crash and the approach of Islam’s holy month of Ramadan to urge their supporters to step up attacks on Westerners. “Ramadan is upon us, the month of invasions and jihad... the month of conquests.

ISIS may well be keeping mum for the time being to allow more terrorist plots to unfold during Ramadan, and then celebrate a series of successful attacks all at once.

Several hours after Trump’s tweet, Hillary Clinton said in interview with CNN, “It does appear that it was an act of terrorism.”

Planes do not usually just fall from the sky without some sort of warning or distress call...... In fact the opposite it totally true. There was no distress from either Mal, Air Asia, Pan AM104 , TWA 800, Egypt 990 AA chicago, NW.. I could go on and on and on . Off the top of my head, I can only think of three where there was prior interaction with anyone..

I have never understood these types of statements - how does a plane look like terrorism 6 hours after it is gone? What does that "look" like??

The lack distress call is very disturbing. That too me sounds something catastrophic happened and it was very sudden.

There was no reports of any distress call from MH370. It probably crashed south of India as sounds could be picked up a thousand miles south of the Indian Ocean.

MH370 search: 'underwater noise' detected off southern India
The lack distress call is very disturbing. That too me sounds something catastrophic happened and it was very sudden.

There was no reports of any distress call from MH370. It probably crashed south of India as sounds could be picked up a thousand miles south of the Indian Ocean.

MH370 search: 'underwater noise' detected off southern India

I agree in that in indicates they were addressing some serious stuff. What I was thinking was using the lack of a distress call = terrorism does not ring right IMO.

More crashes than not have no distress call - that is from the piston aircraft days!! Things happened much slower on pistons! In these sohpisticated machines they are trying to mitigate

Makes sense to me no time. The CVR's I have listened to --they are busy.

And actually have nothing to "report" they are going down the checklist, and have not come to the conculsion that the inevitable end is coming and there is nothing someone on the ground can do anyhow - so it is not really a priority in a severe sudden upset.

The sad truth is if it was an instant event the recorders are going to tell us nothing. It will be going along and then the transpcript will say:

09:54:02 - end of recording

The only ones I have listened to where there is contact is not really a may day its trying to get some more folks problem solving from the ground, but the aircraft is basically intact, still flying.

Or the ones that are declaring an emergency are really not serious, heat reading in well wheel, no green nose gear stuff , medical emergency, hot engine, need for fuel dump stuff like that.

One that struck me was right before impact he yelled "lov ya mom" ....... impact

On the AIr Florida one, that was the most intense impact noise I had ever heard In fact the opposite it totally true. There was no distress from either Mal, Air Asia, Pan AM104 , TWA 800, Egypt 990 AA chicago, NW.. I could go on and on and on . Off the top of my head, I can only think of three where there was prior interaction with anyone..

I have never understood these types of statements - how does a plane look like terrorism 6 hours after it is gone? What does that "look" like??

Aviate, navigate, communicate. The first thing a pilot in trouble is not to grab the radio and shout mayday (except on the movies) ... the first priority is to fly the plane. You give out distress calls last, if you've gotten things a bit under control for the time ...
I know what you are saying, though often I think that it is not so much the investigation that is lacking (due to the many organisations involved with that) but it is more the amount of information that is given to the public that is lacking.

This is a pretty scary picture of what Greek authorities say their radar picked up, isn't it? :what: Seems to indicate a spiral between 15,000ft and 10,000ft.


This is what the start of a stall looks like:

Some of the commenters on You Tube are like this fake. Noone allows pilots to go play around with one of their jets at low atltuitde! Here is what it looks like. If you watch him he is doing what they try to do. Losing arispeed nose down - get some speed, pull up, but this close to the ground is very dangeroues!!


Human remains from EgyptAir Flight 804 point to explosion on board - Egypt forensic official
Published time: 24 May, 2016 09:15Edited time: 24 May, 2016 09:47

An Egyptian forensic official investigating the crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 says that human remains retrieved from the Mediterranean Sea, which have been examined, point to an explosion taking place on board the aircraft, according to AP.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he is not allowed to release information concerning the investigation, said the forensics team has to deal with very small body parts.

“The logical explanation is that it was an explosion,” he added, while also mentioning that the experts had so far been given around 80 small body parts to investigate.

However, a forensics official told Reuters that no traces of explosives have been found yet.

“So please, it is very important that we do not talk and say there is a specific scenario,” Sisi said. “This could take a long time but no one can hide these things. As soon as the results are out, people will be informed.”
If this was a terrorist incident, and I'm still inclined to believe it was a terrorist bomb over a mechanical failure, then it appears more that it was directed at Egypt rather than France.

This is what I'm thinking as well. If it is, that maybe could explain why a particular terrorist organization hasn't taken responsibility for it. If this were over a political stance, I can see them keeping it to theirselves.
I just heard a radio report in my car, and the KFI reporter said that one of the pilots appeared to have been radicalized? Anyone else hear a report like that anywhere?

I tried to do a search on this but all I could come up with were conspiracy sites. Not that it isn't the case, only that I haven't seen it in mainstream yet. For me idk. Some pretty high up officials in Egypt are standing by the captain, they had a lot of very good things to say about him. His copilot seems to have the same discipline. I hope it's not the case and KFI was wrong but in today's time anything is possible. It's sure becoming scary to live in this era.
Stupid question - Is that looking at the plane head on? or if you are in the "driver's" seat, from the back?


Hey niner! I looooove your avatar! :wink: :heartbeat:

Cariis, wow I'm so taken by your previous post. Many many many hugs to you and your mom. :grouphug:
I still continue to think this was an inside job involving one of the pilots. I think that is why no terrorist group has taken credit for it. ISIS has been calling on individual sympathizers to do terrorist strikes.

Like I mentioned the other day these lone wolves who support and sympathize with terrorist groups lay low for years building up a false image for others to see and when they feel no one will suspect them is when they take the opportunity to strike without warning. That is one of the most terrifying things to me because for years they will appear to be wonderful people to those who (think) they know them. It seems they are very mindful to leave no red flags by doing anything that would make others suspect them as being something other than what they present.

In this particular case I think the CVR will be the most important evidence showing what was being said and done in the cockpit at the time when this was happening. I hope they locate both the CVR and the black box.
The lack distress call is very disturbing. That too me sounds something catastrophic happened and it was very sudden.

There was no reports of any distress call from MH370. It probably crashed south of India as sounds could be picked up a thousand miles south of the Indian Ocean.

MH370 search: 'underwater noise' detected off southern India

But I thought ATC Greece or whatever they're called said that the communication between them could actually be interpreted as a distress call. Maybe the communication consisted of the smoke / fire situation but then they lost complete power so a formal distress call couldn't be made?
But I thought ATC Greece or whatever they're called said that the communication between them could actually be interpreted as a distress call. Maybe the communication consisted of the smoke / fire situation but then they lost complete power so a formal distress call couldn't be made?

Then there is this:

he pilot of EgyptAir Flight 804 spoke to air traffic control for “several minutes” before the doomed aircraft took its fatal plunge, according to a report that directly contradicts initial accounts of the crash.Pilot Mohamed Said Shoukair had “a conversation” with air traffic controllers in Cairo, according to The Independent, citing French television station M6..
After the conversation, the pilot made an “emergency descent” in an effort to depressurize the cabin and clear the smoke, according to the French station.

Why this remains in the "vague" column, IMO, indicates nonsense. They interview everyone involved. It is not difficult to ascertain if ATC had interactions with this plane. You interview them, did you talk to flight 804 regard a rapid descent. Then play back the tapes. It is a yes or no deal!! Cofirmed or denied in three hours! Give me a break!

I am more inclined to believe this than not to. There was a release early in the story that there had been contact regarding an issue aboard. Then nothing more said about it.

It is almost as if they knew (interview) released the info , then were ordered not to say anything further about this angle, becasue it contradicts a instant event (bomb). In any case releasing this , if it happened can increase liability. If it was fire aboard, not related to a bomb, that could be liabity issues.

We know plane was worked hard. Strcutural failure also takes the airline back to liability concerns. IMO

In the context of the whole deal , if the interaction occurred, it was not a distress call, it is advising Air Traffic Control that they are deviating from assigned flight level so air traffic control can get other aircraft in the area out of the way to avoid a collision. Air controllers are not trained in A320 systems! An air traffic controller cant "help" pilots with aircraft that are experincing an emergency.

Def pondering if Egypt AIr prefers it to be terrorism, as it relates solely to $$ -liaability.

Another possibility is some type of catastrophic metal fatigue caused by the cycle of pressurization and depressurization associated with each takeoff and landing cycle

pilots are trained to focus first on the emergency at hand and then communicate only when free.

Authorities haven't said whether they lost only the secondary radar target, which is created by the plane's transponder, or whether the primary radar target, created by energy reflected from the plane, was lost as well.

If a plane came apart in the air or suffered a loss of electrical power, the secondary target would be lost, but the primary target is often still visible on radar. But if a plane were descending at rate of over 6,000 feet a minute — typical of a plane about to crash — the primary target might be lost as well.

.......age itself isn’t really the issue airlines consider when it comes to maintanence. Rather, it’s the number of flight cycles (how many times a plane takes off and lands) and hours in the air, Bowen said

It is unusual this far out for the number of cycles and flight hours not to be released. DO you think Egytpt Air does not want that info out???


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