EJ's friend SS interview/2 day special on Fox May 2 & 3

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I have a cold and am exhausted. It will be really late before they post the vids and I cannot acces it from work. Luckily, I can access this website. I don't think I can handle waiting until tomorrow night!! LOL

Will it be broadcasted live on KABB or My FOx Phoenix?

D..hope you feel better...I'm on the Fox 29 website....can't find a live feed...gotta depend on those that can.....sit and wait...
I'm extremely disappointed in the national news coverage on this...really PO'D..Gabe deserves this and more attention...
My take on this is EJ is lying again. She's is lying to her male friend who is listening to her lies about the setup in the park. It's speculation, but she might have had sex with him for her room and board,and he's enamored of her, so he's spreading the word the baby is alive. I personally don't feel he is, otherwise LE would have him already. I think she is lying again to TS about TS's friends having the baby. If you listen, you hear TS calling her nuts and I feel that is accurate. EJ knows she's being recorded and wants to change the story and pin it on TS now. Even if Tam. sues her, she won't get anything, she's in jail, and she has been stripped of everything, literally and figurately. Sadly, I think these are more of Eliz. lies to spin the true fate of Gabe, that she killed him. Just my opinion of course, but anything out of Eliz. mouth cannot be believed. I feel Tammi truly does not know where the baby is- she has wrongdoing of forging the father 's name, and maybe tried to adopt the baby in an illegal way, but I don't think she knows where he has or who has him, and definately not her friends. If this was the case, they would have found him at the very beginning of when he disappeared. Ho-hum, back to square one, IMO.
My take on this is EJ is lying again. She's is lying to her male friend who is listening to her lies about the setup in the park. It's speculation, but she might have had sex with him for her room and board,and he's enamored of her, so he's spreading the word the baby is alive. I personally don't feel he is, otherwise LE would have him already. I think she is lying again to TS about TS's friends having the baby. If you listen, you hear TS calling her nuts and I feel that is accurate. EJ knows she's being recorded and wants to change the story and pin it on TS now. Even if Tam. sues her, she won't get anything, she's in jail, and she has been stripped of everything, literally and figurately. Sadly, I think these are more of Eliz. lies to spin the true fate of Gabe, that she killed him. Just my opinion of course, but anything out of Eliz. mouth cannot be believed. I feel Tammi truly does not know where the baby is- she has wrongdoing of forging the father 's name, and maybe tried to adopt the baby in an illegal way, but I don't think she knows where he has or who has him, and definately not her friends. If this was the case, they would have found him at the very beginning of when he disappeared. Ho-hum, back to square one, IMO.

I do believe her in this, and I think the lie was when she told Logan she killed Gabriel. Maybe most of what she told LE is true, she met someone she didn't know and handed Gabriel off, per Tammi's instructions.
So, am I the only one who wonders if this guy that's suddenly sticking up for EJ (SS I guess is how he's being referred to) could be the "hispanic guy" that was seen hanging around SA with EJ? Could it be possible that he accompanied her there to provide support? I guess there would be no reason for him to try to hide that unless he was afraid of being an accessory to kidnapping and then I guess he wouldn't try to draw attention to himself by going on TV. Just a crazy thought I'm sure.
So, am I the only one who wonders if this guy that's suddenly sticking up for EJ (SS I guess is how he's being referred to) could be the "hispanic guy" that was seen hanging around SA with EJ? Could it be possible that he accompanied her there to provide support? I guess there would be no reason for him to try to hide that unless he was afraid of being an accessory to kidnapping and then I guess he wouldn't try to draw attention to himself by going on TV. Just a crazy thought I'm sure.

No, SS can't be the HG. LE has been aware of SS for some time, yet they are still trying to identify the HG. If SS was the HG, LE would not still be trying to identify him.

Please keep in mind WS's rules about not sleuthing innocent parties.

Previously posted in this thread here:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5141523&postcount=66"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - EJ's friend & 2 day special on Fox May 2 & 3[/ame]
No, SS can't be the HG. LE has been aware of SS for some time, yet they are still trying to identify the HG. If SS was the HG, LE would not still be trying to identify him.

Please keep in mind WS's rules about not sleuthing innocent parties.

Previously posted in this thread here:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - EJ's friend & 2 day special on Fox May 2 & 3

Sorry, BeanE. I wasn't actually insinuating that he had done anything illegal. Just thought he may have gone there as a friend to provide support for her. But if LE has known about him all along and is still searching for HG, that certainly wouldn't be the case. LE has been so tight lipped though, I don't think that much is known about their investigation or what they still are or aren't doing. Thanks for the clarification on the rules.
I'm new to all of this, but why are they choosing now (around Gabe's birthday) to release this recorded tape that was recorded back in January? Why is this friend just now coming forward with this info on T.S.? Why did they edit T.S. out of that information, but then release a recorded call implementing her? I'm confused! It's like someone is protecting her.:waitasec: What good is coming out of E.J. not talking?? It is not getting her anywhere. Why doesn't she speak up about what happened and turn in T.S. and make her pay for what she has done!!! The media is turning this into a show. It irritates me the way that they are going about all of this, but at least it is starting to get some public attention again.

This has gone on long enough!!!!!! Bring him home already!!!!
Welcome to Websleuths, MO3Bcares. Good to have you here.

If there's anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Prob nothing?

EJ IS charged with Gabe's disappearance, and she's still not talking.

Anyway, she'll just get out in < 1 year like EJ even if she is charged, so who cares right?

Why should either of them talk? A year is short... why help find Gabe or tell the truth or admit anything, which could result in 20 yrs - life in prison?

You don't believe SS that EJ talked to LE? Why not?
The "LE doesn't believe Elizabeth" is going overboard. LE did not say they don't believe Elizabeth. In the news stories we're discussing in this thread, just one person, SS, said LE doesn't believe Elizabeth. I did not hear him say that he'd consulted with LE and they told them they don't believe Elizabeth. What I heard was him simply relaying what Elizabeth told him she's feeling.

Let's not morph SS's statement into a statement from LE. Please keep it in the context of this thread's topic.

I just heard back from Yami, she said she's driving right now on her way back from Phoenix, said give her a half hour and she'd get back to me.:woohoo:
Here's the email I sent her:

Hi Yami,
Hope your recovering from your trip to Phoenix. I've emailed a couple of times but haven't heard back from you so I figured I'd give it another shot. There are many of us on the forums that are curious about your first conversations with Tammii Smith, we'd like to know who initially mentioned the park, you or Tammi. We would also like to know who recorded the phone conversation between Tammi & Elizabeth, was it Tammi or LE or a 3rd party?
For the record, I believe Elizabeth is telling the truth, I also believe Tammi Smith is a dangerously mentally ill woman who was desperate for a baby. I've attached a Facebook posting of Tammi's which solidifies my opinion of Tammi. This post was made in March 2009.

I'm also very curious about the Au Pair (live-in-Nanny) that Tammi had, she mentions her in the post on L's(edited name) wall and also mentions her on her own Facebook wall...very contradictory posts from Tammi, I might add. I've attached the post from Tammi's wall as well so you can see for yourself how the two posts contradict one another.
I'd love to hear back from you and hopefully you can answer these questions and give a little feedback as to your own feeling regarding the case.

Sorry, I don't think I can post the attachments I sent her because they are screen caps of facebook pages.

mom..can you also ask why the original video with SS was pulled and re-edited? aslo, ahs she had any further contact with TS directly ??
Don't believe SS either. Why didn't he come forward months ago?
Don't believe SS either. Why didn't he come forward months ago?

You think he was lying about every single thing he said? That Elizabeth didn't stay with him Dec 17? That he hasn't been visiting EJ? That EJ never said any of those things to him? I mean, none of them??
Don't believe SS either. Why didn't he come forward months ago?

He just didn't come 'PUBLIC.' That's different than 'coming forward.'

Who would want to be involved in this if they didn't have to? He only had to give his statement to LE. He was under no obligation to go to the public at large. The only one's who 'volunteered' here were the S's. We all KNOW why they came forward, CYA!

Just sayin'

PS...I believe SS. I think TS is going to be in a LOT OF TROUBLE when this is all said and done. Oh, and so are her accomplices. imo, :mad:............fran
Don't believe SS either. Why didn't he come forward months ago?

Just because he wasn't interviewed by a reporter months ago doesn't mean he didn't come forward. Maybe Yami was just the first person to ask for an interview. kwim
I'm done here. I feel like everybody is ganging up on me.

Hope they eventually find this baby.

I'll still be on the boards just not the Gabriel Johnson one.
Ahhh, don't feel that way. No one is attacking you. Some people just have different ideas on why SS hadn't been known, 'publicly,' up to this point and many blieve what he said.

Alls good.
I'm done here. I feel like everybody is ganging up on me.

Hope they eventually find this baby.

I'll still be on the boards just not the Gabriel Johnson one.

One of our admins, , wrote an excellent post that relates to this:

I understand that some people like to get together in a place where they can express their point of view, say that they don't want to give the reasons for that point of view and they don't want to be challenged on it. Websleuths has never been a place like that. Websleuths is a discussion board. There's no guarantee something you post will be discussed further, but you have to understand that it very likely will be.

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The threads we did have at one point that were restricted to a single point of view were hotly debated among the staff because they go against a core belief here - you can have any point of view you want, but be prepared to defend it or you will not be taken seriously. Nobody is ever HAPPY to think a missing child is dead, nobody WANTS a parent to be guilty of killing their own offspring, everyone HOPES that a sighting will be real - but unfortunately experience shows and evidence proves that parents DO kill their children and witnesses DO make mistakes.

Having a thread that only allows one point of view, in fact, FORCES the staff to take sides and remove posts based only on the point of view expressed, not the logic or facts contained in the post.

Discussion boards like this are not for the meek, and the staff is not here to pad the world's corners for the benefit of those who are hurt when asked questions about their positions. If someone is rude, in violation of our rules, report them. But asking for backup isn't rude, it's what we do here. We're all sitting in a chair, typing our thoughts, that anyone would feel threatened by a discussion astounds me.

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