EJ's phone call to TPS 1/22

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Here, Tammi claims that she asked Elizabeth how she (Tammi) had set it up, and that she asked Elizabeth the couple's names, and Elizabeth said I don't know.

TAMMI SMITH: She was just yelling at me saying this is all my fault, that I set this up, and I said, what are you talking about? I didn`t set anything up. And I asked her, how did I set this up? And she couldn`t tell me. I said, what`s their names? I don`t know. Well, then what`s their phone number? I don`t know. So she really didn`t.

And here's what actually happened. Tammi didn't ask how she had set it up - she didn't even deny setting it up. And when she asked Elizabeth the couple's names, Elizabeth did not just say I don't know - Elizabeth said Tammi set it up in San Antonio, and that Tammi had said it was Jack's friends in San Antonio. All conveniently left out when Tammi talked about it on nationwide television.

Elizabeth: Yeah you set it all up they were your friends.
Tammi: No they weren't! Then what's their names if they're my friends?
Elizabeth: I don't know you set it all up in San Antonio.
Tammi: I talked about San Antonio? Elizabeth I don't know anyone in San Antonio, they already did the research and found I don't know anyone in San Antonio. There are no dots that connect me to you in San Antonio.
Elizabeth: Then it was Jack's friends like you said.

Tammi Smith just lies and lies and lies like the typical convicted common criminal she is.

What bothers me here is Ej says" I don't know, YOU SET IT ALL UP IN SA" as if she were (TS) was there at the time...probably reading more into that statement than I should...
Current poll results for 'Do you believe Elizabeth in her recorded phone call with Tammi?'

Of the 51 people who voted definitively (yes/no), 100% believe Elizabeth Johnson, and nobody believes Tammi Smith.

That's a striking credibility problem. Good luck with your trial, Tammi. :croc:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103878"]Do you believe Elizabeth in her recorded conversation with Tammi? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Here, Tammi claims that she asked Elizabeth how she (Tammi) had set it up, and that she asked Elizabeth the couple's names, and Elizabeth said I don't know.

TAMMI SMITH: She was just yelling at me saying this is all my fault, that I set this up, and I said, what are you talking about? I didn`t set anything up. And I asked her, how did I set this up? And she couldn`t tell me. I said, what`s their names? I don`t know. Well, then what`s their phone number? I don`t know. So she really didn`t.

And here's what actually happened. Tammi didn't ask how she had set it up - she didn't even deny setting it up. And when she asked Elizabeth the couple's names, Elizabeth did not just say I don't know - Elizabeth said Tammi set it up in San Antonio, and that Tammi had said it was Jack's friends in San Antonio. All conveniently left out when Tammi talked about it on nationwide television.

Elizabeth: Yeah you set it all up they were your friends.
Tammi: No they weren't! Then what's their names if they're my friends?
Elizabeth: I don't know you set it all up in San Antonio.
Tammi: I talked about San Antonio? Elizabeth I don't know anyone in San Antonio, they already did the research and found I don't know anyone in San Antonio. There are no dots that connect me to you in San Antonio.
Elizabeth: Then it was Jack's friends like you said.

Tammi Smith just lies and lies and lies like the typical convicted common criminal she is.

Does TS ever deny this? It seems strange to me that 1, it is not refuted, and 2, TS didn't bring it up in her recap of this call to the media.
Does TS ever deny this? It seems strange to me that 1, it is not refuted, and 2, TS didn't bring it up in her recap of this call to the media.

No it doesn't seem to bother Tammi at all when Elizabeth says the couple were Jack's friends - only when EJ says they were Tammi's friends lol. Maybe Jack better be wary of Tammi throwing him under the bus. :eek:
No it doesn't seem to bother Tammi at all when Elizabeth says the couple were Jack's friends - only when EJ says they were Tammi's friends lol. Maybe Jack better be wary of Tammi throwing him under the bus. :eek:

No it doesn't seem to bother Tammi at all when Elizabeth says the couple were Jack's friends - only when EJ says they were Tammi's friends lol. Maybe Jack better be wary of Tammi throwing him under the bus. :eek:

Maybe someone should encourage her to do just that. She's still young. She must be tired of husband number...what is it...4 or 5, by now?

was the phone call and the video with SS ever made available in it's entirity...
Baby Gabriel Defendents Point Fingers At Each Other
Recorded Call From Jail Pits Gabriel's Mother Against Woman Seeking Adoption
POSTED: 9:06 pm MST December 14, 2010
UPDATED: 10:19 pm MST December 14, 2010

CBS5 News has learned that prosecutors met with Elizabeth Johnson in the Estrella Jail to convince her to have a phone confrontation with Tammi Smith. Johnson had told investigators that Smith was behind the arrangements in Texas to hand Gabriel off to an anonymous couple. They attempted to set up a sting to get Smith to incriminate herself over the phone.

The call starts out innocently enough. Elizabeth Johnson assuring Tammi Smith that they are not being recorded, But then she confronts Smith about the things she's been saying on TV.


"Imagine this scenario Elizabeth. What if these people get found?," Smith said

That phone call was placed between two very disturbed people.

It's funny - I read about the phone call between EJ and Logan (my speakers aren't working for some reason, so can't listen yet) - and my heart sinks as I start to think she really did kill him. Then, I read this call and I feel she didn't.

It's been almost a year! WHERE IS GABRIEL??????

"Imagine this scenario Elizabeth. What if these people get found?," Smith said

That phone call was placed between two very disturbed people.

It's funny - I read about the phone call between EJ and Logan (my speakers aren't working for some reason, so can't listen yet) - and my heart sinks as I start to think she really did kill him. Then, I read this call and I feel she didn't.

It's been almost a year! WHERE IS GABRIEL??????

BBM It would be soooo easy to use this conversation to believe that Gabriel was out there somewhere being loved and cared for. I WANT so badly to believe it.

But think about what vested interest each of these women has in this conversation.

EJ is fighting a murder rap, one in which she left specific details and a written confession. This conversation is her chance to convincingly implicate TPS and get TPS to verify at least SOME involvement in EJ's going to San Antonio for the purpose of adopting Gabriel out illegally. It solidifies "reasonable doubt". Her own life is on the line. The more she can say about what TPS's involvement was, and the more that can be verified, the better for EJ, ESPECIALLY if she killed Gabriel in a mad rage.

"Imagine this scenario Elizabeth. What if these people get found?," Smith said

That phone call was placed between two very disturbed people.

It's funny - I read about the phone call between EJ and Logan (my speakers aren't working for some reason, so can't listen yet) - and my heart sinks as I start to think she really did kill him. Then, I read this call and I feel she didn't.

It's been almost a year! WHERE IS GABRIEL??????

I read the transcript again of the phone call, found on the link above. While reading it THIS time, I assumed EJ guilty of murder. It looks different when read this way.

TPS calling EJ psychotic and a liar seem much more credible when read this way. If you read this as "EJ trying to save her own skin", and keep in mind what she said to Logan in that phone call, I think she is well capable of trying to blame TPS.

And TPS telling EJ that the "strangers" who took him could kill Gabriel to protect themselves could very well have truly been to convince EJ to give up any information that might find Gabriel before he was hurt. After wanting him so badly themselves, they may have truly been horrified at the thought of her handing him over to total strangers on the street, but wanted badly to believe THAT over EJ murdering him.

Not to say this lets TPS off the hook... If she had never taken advantage of a mentally ill young woman and a young father struggling to do right by his son and tried to strip them both of their God-given child, this might never have happened. I only hope in time that the Smiths can apologize to Logan with a sincere and repentent heart and tell him they wish they had never done the things they did.

I think EJ killed him rather than gave him away. She just doesn't have the selflessness to stay in prison for Gabriel's sake. But she DOES have the selfishness to sling blame everywhere but at herself.
I love all my friends posts here , because I believe we are friends with a common denominator of finding Master Gabe. I like what we share...you have to do that...take every avenue you have and make sense of it...I don't know what EJ has done or has not done.....I hope and pray that Master Gabe is with a loving family somewhere and having a wonderful getting ready for Christmas time...I'll say this, and hush, NOT, had TPS and JS stayed out of this picture and let Elizabeth and Logan work this out for themselves, which I think they would have, Gabriel would be home in AZ with many a loving family..on both sides......jmoso...
Baby Gabriel Defendents Point Fingers At Each Other
Recorded Call From Jail Pits Gabriel's Mother Against Woman Seeking Adoption
POSTED: 9:06 pm MST December 14, 2010
UPDATED: 10:19 pm MST December 14, 2010

CBS5 News has learned that prosecutors met with Elizabeth Johnson in the Estrella Jail to convince her to have a phone confrontation with Tammi Smith. Johnson had told investigators that Smith was behind the arrangements in Texas to hand Gabriel off to an anonymous couple. They attempted to set up a sting to get Smith to incriminate herself over the phone.

The call starts out innocently enough. Elizabeth Johnson assuring Tammi Smith that they are not being recorded, But then she confronts Smith about the things she's been saying on TV.


Elizabeth Johnson's Last Days With Baby Gabriel


EJ says Tammi was going to fix it so she (Tammi) became Gabriel's mom via a home birth in Tennessee with a new birth certificate. I'm choking on my coffee.
Is someone leaking these phone calls and interviews, are is all the discovery now slowly being made public after all these months?
Is someone leaking these phone calls and interviews, are is all the discovery now slowly being made public after all these months?

according to KPHO they state they got them from an anonymous source...not PD
Is someone leaking these phone calls and interviews, are is all the discovery now slowly being made public after all these months?

My dinero is on EJ's legal team. Shifting blame to TPS and taint the jury pool.
My dinero is on EJ's legal team. Shifting blame to TPS and taint the jury pool.

Hey Flash, you're reading my mind again. I think we have just seen the opening salvos in The Battle of the Borderlines.
Leak of audio of Elizabeth saying she killed Gabe >>> Elizabeth gets new attorneys >>> leaks of, e.g., LE audio interview of Elizabeth >>> Elizabeth's new attorneys do media interview

We have clues here, eh? Maybe a battle of the leaks?

Ugly stuff.

Where's our sweet little Gabe?
Elizabeth Johnson's Last Days With Baby Gabriel


EJ says Tammi was going to fix it so she (Tammi) became Gabriel's mom via a home birth in Tennessee with a new birth certificate. I'm choking on my coffee.

BBM Did anyone here think of this when we were trying to figure out her criminal schemes? I can't believe it didn't occur to me, of all people.

Back in the late 1980s, I knew someone who filed a "delayed" birth certificate FOUR YEARS after a home birth. All it took was a signed affadavit of a witness who was present at the birth. A witness, even a well-meaning one, might not have remembered 'detail' so well after a 4 year lapse, kwim?

Wonder how much this kind of thing goes on? It is sickening to think of it. I wonder if the adoption 'advisor' of TS's in Tennessee was ever polygraphed.

And finally, does anyone know if NB gave birth in a hospital or at home? :eek:
Hey Flash, you're reading my mind again. I think we have just seen the opening salvos in The Battle of the Borderlines.

Indeed, the PERFECT STORM when those two met up. :banghead:

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