Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

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WTF? Did she even appear in court today. One horrible report says she didn't. (Horrible as in horribly written. From a local TV news site).
From the article:

"...But Raynak has enough trouble controlling his own client, Johnson, who wrote a letter to the judge without her attorney's knowledge. The judge announced it in court Monday, and then allowed Raynak and the prosecution team time to read it."

No disrespect to Mr. Raynak, but a criminal defendant who really trusts her attorney does not write a letter to the judge of which he knows nothing.

You know, I understand defense atty's have a job to do, but it's just unfathomable that Raynak can sleep at night knowing ej could go free and the world will NEVER know the whereabouts or well-being of a little baby! He's taking a peson who has done Lord knows what with her baby and trying to get her free on a technicality. Seriously, how can he sleep at night?!? I swear, if he gets ej off on this, I'll write him every day telling him just want I think of his poor-excuse-for-a-man butt for allowing baby Gabe to be left who knows where subjected to who knows what. There has GOT to be some sort of law enacted that puts the rights of an innocent baby above those of the criminal! I'm so disgusted, I just want to vomit.

Although, I did enjoy reading this part:

Is it all about fame and fortune? What is the reward here? A win.... or is it about proving something to the world how crafty they are, no matter if a child's life depends on it?

I'm disgusted.
Johnson first texted her boyfriend, Logan McQueary, saying she had smothered the baby, put him a diaper bag and thrown him in the trash

Logan McQueary showed us her text that read: "You will never see Gabriel again. I made sure of that. And you can spend the rest of of your pathetic life wondering about him. You will never find me. I'm already boarding a plane out of the country. When I'm safe, I'll email you the exact location of dead Gabriel's little blue body, if the garbage don't come first. This is what liars like you deserve."

"I killed him," she told Logan McQueary, her ex-boyfriend and the baby's father, in a text message

Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, says the day Elizabeth left she told him, "There's no way in hell you're ever seeing your son again."

Asked whether she was worried about whether her son is dead or alive, she responded, "No, I'm not."

But two days before the scheduled hearing, he received a text message that chilled him to the bone — Johnson wrote that she had killed their child.

“[I was] scared, and the first thing I did was call her,” McQueary told Vieira. “I kept asking her whether she did it or not. She said ‘yes.’ I didn’t know what to do, so I went to the police.”

"You made me kill my baby boy," Elizabeth Johnson is heard telling Logan McQueary during a phone call he recorded last Dec. 27, the last day Baby Gabriel of Tempe was seen alive

"Where are you and where is Gabriel?" asks McQueary.

"Gabriel is in a Dumpster," Johnson responds.

"No, he's not," said McQueary.

"You want to talk to girls, that's the price you pay," said Johnson.

At the time of the call, McQueary and Johnson had recently broken up. They shared joint custody of their son, Gabriel.

"I killed him this morning," claimed Johnson.

"No, you didn't," said McQueary.

Johnson responded with, "I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't do it alone. You made it impossible for me to have my own life. You made it impossible for me to have Gabriel. You were going to take the only thing I had left. You wanted to take from me. You wanted to make me miserable. So find some new girl to make your new baby."

"Don't you care about me? All you care about is Gabriel. And he's gone now. You know what I'm capable of and you pushed me anyway. You destroyed my life," said Johnson.

"I haven't destroyed anything," said McQueary.

"Yes, you have, Logan. You made me kill my baby boy," said Johnson.

Salame, the source told CBS 5 News, said Johnson confessed the second time during the three-hour jail meeting. But before she could tell him where she hid the body, one of Johnson's attorneys learned of the interview and put an end to it.

It's outrageous she could even possibly get out on a technicality. I'm sick of this. Charge the <mod snip> with murder. She confessed many times.

FYI -- I do NOT believe he is dead, I'm just tired of all this game playing. She isn't going to say anything. She's sitting and waiting til she gets out to be free of any wrongdoing - free of motherhood and laughing in Logans face, knowing she took the only thing he loved from him - because her nasty atty's are telling her that's what will happen. She said many, many times she killed Gabe - charge her for it. If she isn't going to give any information as to where he is, then let her rot in jail for the crime she admitted to. Enough already. GABRIEL NEEDS JUSTICE!!!!
Baby Gabriel's Mother Tells Judge, 'I Am Love'

PHOENIX, Ariz. -- The mother of missing baby Gabriel Johnson has sent a letter to the judge in the case.

In the two-page handwritten letter, Elizabeth Johnson first introduces herself to Judge Paul McMurdie and admits she is writing against her attorneys' recommendations. "I'm against conformity and was never one who followed the rules," Johnson wrote, "which is probably why I'm in the situation I find myself."

more at link


EJ's handwritten letter

She am bats#!t crazy.

Definitely. It would be sad, because you can see the intellect, and the potential for what might have been with that intellect, but it is so sad for Gabe, and his father and family, that I have no feeling for her, except anger. If only she had left Gabe with Logan, and just walked away, and left Gabe to the good life he would have had.
Definitely. It would be sad, because you can see the intellect, and the potential for what might have been with that intellect, but it is so sad for Gabe, and his father and family, that I have no feeling for her, except anger. If only she had left Gabe with Logan, and just walked away, and left Gabe to the good life he would have had.

So true...
She is telling the Judge (IMO) "I am never giving up Gabriel's whereabouts. Ever." She thinks like an adolescent. I know I worked with them for 7 years. One thing I learned about adolescents is that when you get in a power struggle with them YOU lose every time. They will take it to the point of death if they have to. I have seen it with my own eyes. I think even if her case gets dropped in AZ, TX will pick it up and pursue it as a Homicide.

Anybody know what happened with TPS in court this am? I thought it was interesting that EJ's lawyer pinned knowledge of Gabriel's whereablouts on her...
Baby Gabriel's Mother Tells Judge, 'I Am Love'

PHOENIX, Ariz. -- The mother of missing baby Gabriel Johnson has sent a letter to the judge in the case.

In the two-page handwritten letter, Elizabeth Johnson first introduces herself to Judge Paul McMurdie and admits she is writing against her attorneys' recommendations. "I'm against conformity and was never one who followed the rules," Johnson wrote, "which is probably why I'm in the situation I find myself."

more at link


EJ's handwritten letter


"...please allow me to introduce myself..."

The opening line of the great Rolling Stones classic, Sympathy for the Devil.
I hate how people like Elizabeth, who are very obviously hiding information about what really happened to their children, try to claim that they are being "tried in the media". :maddening: No, that's not it at all. The media is reporting all the different stories that you told about what happened to Gabriel. The media is reporting how you claimed to have killed him and put his little blue body in a dumpster. You, on the other hand, are pleading the 5th in open court when asked about what you did with your baby, complaining that your mugshot doesn't look pretty enough, and claiming to be "love". If you were really being "tried in the media" and were innocent, then you could good and well defend yourself in the media too. The media doesn't hold trials. It reports what is out there, and what is out there happens to not look very good for you.

Btw, this letter didn't help.
What the helllo is wrong with her! Sounds like they may need to up her meds....again.
Oh goodness....just woke up to this info....man, ole man....She wrote this Dec.6th, prior to getting her new attorney. Why wait until now to give it to the judge ??? This chick is just plum crazy!
Her grandiose, self centered attitude is just unbelievable. My heart just breaks for Gabriel and his family. She will never tell what happened to Gabriel.
She just keeps on digging that hole deeper and deeper. I think she wants to make herself sound like a loony. She doesn't know what love is. My perception of her is worse now then it already was.
It's outrageous she could even possibly get out on a technicality. I'm sick of this. Charge the <mod snip> with murder. She confessed many times.

FYI -- I do NOT believe he is dead, I'm just tired of all this game playing. She isn't going to say anything. She's sitting and waiting til she gets out to be free of any wrongdoing - free of motherhood and laughing in Logans face, knowing she took the only thing he loved from him - because her nasty atty's are telling her that's what will happen. She said many, many times she killed Gabe - charge her for it. If she isn't going to give any information as to where he is, then let her rot in jail for the crime she admitted to. Enough already. GABRIEL NEEDS JUSTICE!!!!

AMEN!!!!! Even if Gabe is alive, I say charge her with murder anyways. (wishful thinking) and let her spend the rest of HER pathetic life in prison.

I REALLY REALLY hope this backfires on her and she does spend the rest of her life in prison.

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