Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

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I hate how people like Elizabeth, who are very obviously hiding information about what really happened to their children, try to claim that they are being "tried in the media". :maddening: No, that's not it at all. The media is reporting all the different stories that you told about what happened to Gabriel. The media is reporting how you claimed to have killed him and put his little blue body in a dumpster. You, on the other hand, are pleading the 5th in open court when asked about what you did with your baby, complaining that your mugshot doesn't look pretty enough, and claiming to be "love". If you were really being "tried in the media" and were innocent, then you could good and well defend yourself in the media too. The media doesn't hold trials. It reports what is out there, and what is out there happens to not look very good for you.

Btw, this letter didn't help.

What's worse is that the defense team seems to be on a media blitz of its own while Elizabeth complains. Grandpa Bob says she would never hurt Gabriel ( although he feared EJ had left Gabe in the trunk of his car), a spiritual advisor files a puff-piece letter with the court that is unrelated to any pending motion or issue, and an aggrieved someone in San Antonio alludes to mysterious problems in SAPD. Mr Raynak wants us to know that EJ has told the truth and nothing but to LE

In fact, Elizabeth has not even given a coherent account of how she got to San Antonio. This is someone whose mother was born in New Mexico. She lives in a sister state.

And here's what she says (docs-part 2,p 70): She left Phoenix at night and drove about 5 hrs, stopping at a large city in NM which she identifies as Albuquerque and later thinks might be a different city. On day two, she drives until about 8 p.m. and stays in El Paso.

Of course, Albuquerque is nowhere near I-10, which I think she knows. The investigator notes that her drive time would put her in Las Cruces on day one. That would mean that she drove 8-10 hours on day two and covered an impressive 44.5 miles to get to El Paso.

Saba.... nothing like spewed coca-cola on the laptop at 7 am....dang I'm gonna learn not to drink and read here one of these days. :floorlaugh:
Johnson's grandfather, Robert Johnson of Scottsdale, said Elizabeth calls him almost every day, and she is optimistic that the case against her will be dismissed.

"That's no surprise," he said. "Personally, I would like to see that happen, but I think the judge is going to have a helluva hard time dismissing the case on a technicality when they don't know where the baby is. If Elizabeth's constitutional rights were violated, does that override the fact that they still don't know where the baby is?"

I concur Grandpa J! (only with the bolded part) It should not overide any of the facts! Gabriel is still missing, EJ was the last person seen with him, EJ admitted to killing him. Be it true or false-the words came out of her mouth. The judge is going to have a helluva hard time dismissing this case.

Attorney for 'Baby Gabriel's' mom will seek to have case dismissed

Johnson's grandfather, Robert Johnson of Scottsdale, said Elizabeth calls him almost every day, and she is optimistic that the case against her will be dismissed.

"That's no surprise," he said. "Personally, I would like to see that happen, but I think the judge is going to have a helluva hard time dismissing the case on a technicality when they don't know where the baby is. If Elizabeth's constitutional rights were violated, does that override the fact that they still don't know where the baby is?"

I concur Grandpa J! (only with the bolded part) It should not overide any of the facts! Gabriel is still missing, EJ was the last person seen with him, EJ admitted to killing him. Be it true or false-the words came out of her mouth. The judge is going to have a helluva hard time dismissing this case.

Attorney for 'Baby Gabriel's' mom will seek to have case dismissed


TX..you are a sweetheart as many..I love your passion!
On March 1, Attorney Daniel Raynak plans to pick up where Johnson's former attorney Nicholas Alcock left off in contending that her Sixth Amendment rights were violated when Jesus Salame, a San Antonio police detective, interviewed her in jail without her legal counsel present.


"We'll see," Raynak said. "So far, he (Salame) hasn't been too cooperative. "I think what he did was outrageous and something the court should look at closely."

ej's letter to the judge:

"Interviews - to tell my side - to defend myself - which again my lawyers will not allow, but I'll probably do it anyway because I'm stubborn and believe in myself & my case. I am unconventional and will not change for the world."

I don't think Raynak has too much of an argument. ej admits in her letter she knows she's not supposed to do these interviews, but she will anyway. When ej consented to that interview with Salame, she was fully aware she shouldn't be doing it, but SHE CHOSE to. How can they act as though Salame did something wrong when ej WANTED to do the interview against her lawyers wishes?

I'm not worried about this at all. ej is going to get an awakening on March 1st when she realizes she isn't fooling the system. It's disgusting to me she's sitting there so confident the charges will be dropped all the while her baby is out there - who knows where - and she doesn't seem to care one bit.

Sure wish the reporter would have asked Gpa if in their daily calls ej ever once asks if Gabe has been found. I am very irritated hearing him say he would like to see the charges dropped. I understand this is his grandaughter, BUT WHAT ABOUT HIS GREAT-GRANDBABY?!?!?!? If this were my child/grandchild, I would BEG the judge to keep her butt in jail until she gave information that would help locate her baby.
My question would be, was the/a confession taped by our famed outstanding without a doubt the crem da crem detective and with the help of AZ Sheriff's Dept.and PA's there...was it done legally...Trust me when I say this, I am not a EJ supporter, but I do not know for a fact, she has not told all she knows...do any of us know that for a fact ???
can someone give me the run down on the court hearings upcoming for both tps and ej? I have gotten so sick of the "nothing happened" court dates and delays that I ha lost track and don't want to miss anything. when are we going to get to the part that they have to get on the stand and actually be questioned and give answers? meanwhile Gabriel is still missing and the judge keeps allowing more time to pass. It makes me sick to my stomach to think if this were my child that it could go on this long with no one having to give any answers.
I too, want answers (esp. from Elizabeth). I hope once Arizona is done with her, it will be Texas's turn to step up to bat.

I'm sure they have LOTS of questions they would like to ask EJ.
You've got to be effing kidding me!!!! This has become an absolute joke to them! THIS IS A JOKE TO THEM! Is there not a person there that cares about finding Gabriel except Logan and his family?!? NOT ONE OF THESE LAWYERS, JUDGES OR POLICE OFFICERS CARE ABOUT FINDING GABRIEL!!!

:maddening: :banghead: :furious: :pullhair: :cursing: :curses: :burn: :scream: :rage:

Good Lord. I better go. :eek:fftobed:
I care. :therethere:

You've got to be effing kidding me!!!! This has become an absolute joke to them! THIS IS A JOKE TO THEM! Is there not a person there that cares about finding Gabriel except Logan and his family?!? NOT ONE OF THESE LAWYERS, JUDGES OR POLICE OFFICERS CARE ABOUT FINDING GABRIEL!!!

:maddening: :banghead: :furious: :pullhair: :cursing: :curses: :burn: :scream: :rage:

Good Lord. I better go. :eek:fftobed:
Was there no court today? I don't see it on the court calendar anymore...
This article tells the whole story about today and court.

Judge in Baby Gabriel case wants mother in courtroom

The Maricopa County Superior Court Judge presiding over the trial of Baby Gabriel's mother was not amused at her refusal to appear in court for a Tuesday hearing.

The Honorable Paul McMurdie told her attorney "something to the effect of, 'If she not here (next time) I am going to make you go and get her," said Jerry Cobb, spokesman for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

"He made it clear that he wants and expects her there," Cobb said.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/...riel-elizabeth-johnson0309.html#ixzz1G3wWSFOB
I thought Elizabeth HAD to go to court?

Can they NOT put her in handcuffs and tie her to a chair if they have to just to make her go down there?

This brat gets on my last nerve. I just want to slap her.

she has an Ice Cold Heart.
This article tells the whole story about today and court.

Judge in Baby Gabriel case wants mother in courtroom

The Maricopa County Superior Court Judge presiding over the trial of Baby Gabriel's mother was not amused at her refusal to appear in court for a Tuesday hearing.

The Honorable Paul McMurdie told her attorney "something to the effect of, 'If she not here (next time) I am going to make you go and get her," said Jerry Cobb, spokesman for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

"He made it clear that he wants and expects her there," Cobb said.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/...riel-elizabeth-johnson0309.html#ixzz1G3wWSFOB

TY for posting this. My pressure went up when she didn't show. Grrrrr
"We cannot physically drag someone off to court unless a judge orders them to be there," said Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputy Jesse Spurgin, a spokesman for the department. "We have to have a court order allow us to use any reasonable means."

In that case, Spurgin said, they could, as a last resort, strap Johnson to a wheelchair or gurney if she refuses to come willingly.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/...riel-elizabeth-johnson0309.html#ixzz1DF7zUG9K

Oh I hope she refuses after reading that....
Meanwhile, she is on restrictions and isolated at Estrella jail until Thursday for banging glass and doors and making a big scene in a holding cell, according to sheriff's deputies. It is at least the second time she has been banned from having visitors, using the commissary and receiving phone calls, they said.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/...riel-elizabeth-johnson0309.html#ixzz1DF7zUG9K

Oh poor poor elizabeth. NOT.
TY for posting this. My pressure went up when she didn't show. Grrrrr

So I guess April is the magic month for Elizabeth to be in court along with the tapes from this reporter where she supposedly admitted to murdering Gabriel.

Why would they wait so long to get this back into court if there is a possible murder involved? Sheesh.............

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