Emergency custody papers filed by mother of JI's son 11/14/11

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IMO out of all of the post on this thread this by far is the BEST one!

We do not know why she has not seen her son in years and to pretend that we do is nothing but rumors. He is devastated at this time with the loss of his baby sister and the loss of his home...to send him with a stranger would not be in his best interest at this time...

With all due respect, she is not a stranger, she is his mother.

I doubt the courts will just grant full custody to RR w/o just cause and they will probably begin a slow transition process if she is granted custody. For all we know the son might prefer to live with his mother.
BBM..How is this "BAM"? This is not a game...

Many husbands "work" all day and come home to help with the care of the kids. She is a stay at home Mom and she had to handle a "teething" sick child all day if he is capable of taking care of the kids giving her a break then I see no reason for him not to.

This is 2011 not 1960 just saying....

I have to agree and wanted to add many dads are more hands on now then they use to be. My husband is very hands on and when he is home from work has always been the one to "takeover" so I could get other things done. He wanted to just because he hadn't seen her all day and the weekends they always have had a day where just the 2 of them do something. I don't ask him to or force him to he wants to. Jeremy might have been a hands on dad there is nothing wrong with that.
I really don't know what is best for this boy (or DB's either). But it seems that this boy may miss his mother, and maybe they have been kept from seeing/contacting each other. Previous articles said she hasn't seen him in years. I wonder why? Circumstances, money, interference...?

I don't think the article mentions RR's attorney's name in this matter, but we heard recently that she had at least apparently retained a defense attorney. And it was mentioned in discussion here that normally an attorney specialized in child custody law would be involved if RR pursued some type of custody.
BBM..How is this "BAM"? This is not a game...

Many husbands "work" all day and come home to help with the care of the kids. She is a stay at home Mom and she had to handle a "teething" sick child all day if he is capable of taking care of the kids giving her a break then I see no reason for him not to.

This is 2011 not 1960 just saying....

Clicking a Thank You button wasn't enough! Thank you!
BBM..How is this "BAM"? This is not a game...

Many husbands "work" all day and come home to help with the care of the kids. She is a stay at home Mom and she had to handle a "teething" sick child all day if he is capable of taking care of the kids giving her a break then I see no reason for him not to.

This is 2011 not 1960 just saying....

Dad's can and should certainly help out but he worked two jobs and Mom takes it upon herself to drink herself into oblivion so she didn't expect him to help, she expected him to be the sole caregiver after no sleep, two jobs and was he to go to work the next morning?
BBM..How is this "BAM"? This is not a game...

Many husbands "work" all day and come home to help with the care of the kids. She is a stay at home Mom and she had to handle a "teething" sick child all day if he is capable of taking care of the kids giving her a break then I see no reason for him not to.

This is 2011 not 1960 just saying....

Thanks isn't enough...
Dad's can and should certainly help out but he worked two jobs and Mom takes it upon herself to drink herself into oblivion so she didn't expect him to help, she expected him to be the sole caregiver after no sleep, two jobs and was he to go to work the next morning?

He didn't work 2 jobs this was an overtime job and not something he did on a regular basis.
"Now, more than ever, she is concerned about her baby’s safety, comfort and peace of mind," Attorney Dorothy Savory said in a statement. "Rasleen misses her son and has always, and will forever, love him."

I'm not gonna judge the bio-mom because I don't know the back-story as to why she didn't get custody, or visitation. I do know that a child was found missing under the watch of Jeremy's black-out-drunk girlfriend, and this could have (well prolly did) put this young boy in jeapordy. I, for one, am glad it's going back to court.


BBM..How is this "BAM"? This is not a game...

Many husbands "work" all day and come home to help with the care of the kids. She is a stay at home Mom and she had to handle a "teething" sick child all day if he is capable of taking care of the kids giving her a break then I see no reason for him not to.

This is 2011 not 1960 just saying....

Does break mean black-out-drunk drink a box-o-wine while 3 young children are in the house?

Not in my world.


It is sad, but I think this is a wise choice for this child. I wish that the other child (DB's) would have a shot at some normalcy now, too.

This could force info from LE before they want to share it. I would say definitely the boys interviews for sure. I can't imagine any judge simply handling over an 8 year old from a father that has already been granted custody and has just had his baby girl kidnapped. Certainly not without speaking to the child. I think this is just being selfish on the mothers part. That child has dealt with more than enough at this point. This mother lost custody of her child and for whatever reason, she has not seen him for years. How is it that Deb should be screaming and crying and causing a fuss to find her missing child, but RR doesn't need to make a peep to see her child that is right in her state???? I think some people are just wanting to hurt Deb so much that they aren't thinking how that same pain could be inflicted on the child also. Normalcy??? I have not heard anyone say anything bad about the lives the children had. IIRC Jim Spellman said last night that he spoke with many neighbours and they were considered a normal family. I can't even fathom that little boy being taken from his norm and forced to live with someone who has not made ENOUGH (or any) effort to see him. 15 more minutes if you ask me!!!:maddening:
I really don't know what is best for this boy (or DB's either). But it seems that this boy may miss his mother, and maybe they have been kept from seeing/contacting each other. Previous articles said she hasn't seen him in years. I wonder why? Circumstances, money, interference...?

I don't think the article mentions RR's attorney's name in this matter, but we heard recently that she had at least apparently retained a defense attorney. And it was mentioned in discussion here that normally an attorney specialized in child custody law would be involved if RR pursued some type of custody.

Attorney Dorothy Savory

Does break mean black-out-drunk drink a box-o-wine while 3 young children are in the house?

Not in my world.



No it's not, but she's also not the first or the last parent to do something that wasn't in the best interest of children, even if it was not meant to cause harm.

Not directed at you, but I've always found that the ones with the holier-than-thou attitude, especially when it comes to parenting are usually the ones with the most skeletons in the closet.
With all due respect, she is not a stranger, she is his mother.

I doubt the courts will just grant full custody to RR w/o just cause and they will probably begin a slow transition process if she is granted custody. For all we know the son might prefer to live with his mother.

bbm= With all due respect, she is both!
IMO out of all of the post on this thread this by far is the BEST one!

We do not know why she has not seen her son in years and to pretend that we do is nothing but rumors. He is devastated at this time with the loss of his baby sister and the loss of his home...to send him with a stranger would not be in his best interest at this time...

Are we to presume we know what this young boy is feeling? How do we know he's not scared to death? How do we know he's not missing his mother terribly? Personally, I think putting him in a home away from the media would be far more stable. Then again, I don't know if bio-moms home is stable either.

I guess what I'm saying is we don't have a fair argument for either side.


Does break mean black-out-drunk drink a box-o-wine while 3 young children are in the house?

Not in my world.



DB bought the wine and brought it home about 5pm, I doubt she was "black-out-drunk" after the first glass, or the second. chances are if she was "black-out-drunk" that would not have occurred until nearer the end of the visitation with SB, which was about 10:30pm.
How/when is JI notified of this filing? Just curious, don't know.
Are we to presume we know what this young boy is feeling? How do we know he's not scared to death? How do we know he's not missing his mother terribly? Personally, I think putting him in a home away from the media would be far more stable. Then again, I don't know if bio-moms home is stable either.

I guess what I'm saying is we don't have a fair argument for either side.



To me, this is a dangerous thread because nobody here knows the situation and it can't be sleuthed anyway. So that's going to lead to some opinions that are based only on what one thinks of the parents with what we know so far, which to be honest, I don't think is fair for either side.
Are we to presume we know what this young boy is feeling? How do we know he's not scared to death? How do we know he's not missing his mother terribly? Personally, I think putting him in a home away from the media would be far more stable. Then again, I don't know if bio-moms home is stable either.

I guess what I'm saying is we don't have a fair argument for either side.



I would hope so :waitasec:
I have not heard anyone say anything bad about the lives the children had. IIRC Jim Spellman said last night that he spoke with many neighbours and they were considered a normal family. I can't even fathom that little boy being taken from his norm and forced to live with someone who has not made ENOUGH (or any) effort to see him. 15 more minutes if you ask me!!!:maddening:

not much is KNOWN about the lives the children actually had.

That the neighbors think that drinking outside the house from 6:30 on through the night without even checking on 3 young children, including a sick infant, is being a NORMAL FAMILY might speak of the neighbor's low standards OR to the fact that they didn't know anything either and just assumed that no deaths so far equalled "normal".

It's hard to know what goes on behind closed doors.

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