Estimating TOD...and other homicide...

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radar said:
What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
We're anxiously awaiting the chance to see him proven guilty. Unfortunately, LE hasn't arrested him according to our timetable so we'll have to wait a bit longer to see his guilt proven. I have no doubt that it will be.
golfmom said:
North Carolina has strict sentencing guidelines setting minimum and maximum penalties for all charges, and which removes much of a judge's discretion in sentencing. This shifts the responsibility of obtaining appropriate sentences to the prosecutors who must do so by placing appropriate charges and negotiating appropriate pleas.
VERY interesting information, gm. So it stands to reason that the DA better have as much evidence as possible before going to trial if s/he's looking for a 1st degree conviction and appropriate penalty. Storm into court too quickly, and you might not be able to convince a jury of 1st degree, and then the judge is pretty much stuck to sentence according to those guidelines.
golfmom said:
Radar, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion.

I wouldn't make a good juror on this particular case. I wouldn't be able to discount the numerous lies I've uncovered. I wouldnt be able to discount the stories people have shared with me.

Thankfully no one is asking me to take an oath, so I am free to believe he's guilty and will be proven guilty in a court of law and by a jury of his peers.
...since convicted felons can't serve on a you think his peers will consist of pudgy, balding, lying bike shop workers?
ewwwinteresting said:
...since convicted felons can't serve on a you think his peers will consist of pudgy, balding, lying bike shop workers?
If his defense attorney has his way at jury selection, yes.
radar said:
Ladies, lighten up. Is this info about the stiffness of the body hearsay or fact?What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Whether this point is hearsay or fact, I would say TOD is fact, according to the autopsy report... and I would say raven at the crime scene at the TOD (according to his own words) is a fact. A women and a child were murdered...I see no reason to 'lighten up'. All you sleuthers are doing an incredible job in finding inconsistencies and new information.:clap: :clap:
ewwwinteresting said:
In the autopsy report, it lists the body's condition at the time of the autopsy....where is the description of the body at the time of death? Isn't there an ME that is called to the scene and if so, where is that report? There has to be a report by someone regarding the body when they found it! Her body wasn't removed from the residence until the next day (as seen on the media reports) so who examined the body throughout the night and where is that report?

Was the jaw locked at the time paramedics arrived? Oh wait, couldn't be, because Janet wasn't left alone for 6, exactly what was her body like at the TOD?
I haven't seen that report released, but I would imagine when the ME arrived at the scene, estimated the TOD like, 5 minutes ago...looked up, saw the murderer, and stated "no forensic required"....maybe thats why there seems to be no forensic evidence forth coming....there was no need since, hello...raven was there AT the TOD!!!
ewwwinteresting said:
...since convicted felons can't serve on a you think his peers will consist of pudgy, balding, lying bike shop workers?
Okay, so now this time I almost peed myself lol.

I am having a hard time reconciling the TOD in the autopsy report. I've gone around and around in my head with this....please in your "skeptical" thinking, explain to me your opinion on this. Autopsy report indicates injury about 10:50 am and TOD about 10:55 pm. raven indicated he was home from the soccer game around 10:30 ish. What do you make of this information?
Wait a minute!! Injury was 12 hours before time of death?? That's an error, isn't it? The homeschool people were there in between. Do you mean 10:50 PM?

Justgimmethetruth said:
Wait a minute!! Injury was 12 hours before time of death?? That's an error, isn't it? The homeschool people were there in between. Do you mean 10:50 PM?

I think eww made a typo & meant to type "PM" ;)
Autopsy Report:

The purpose of an autopsy report is to find out cause of death. The ME examines the body and states what he/she thinks caused the death. The ME didn't examine Janet's body until the 28th.

Sooooo........who states TOD? The ME that is called out to the scene, correct? Where is that report? What would that report be called?
Lividity is the effect of gravity on blood. You'll note that after death, all the loose blood in the body runs down to the lowest point of gravity. If the dead person is on their back, you'll notice these blueish-purple stains on their back. Lividity begins after only 3 hours, and the blood becomes dried after only 12 hours, so lividity is something to look for quick. It tells you if the body has been moved or transported when there are lividity marks in unusual places instead of the lowest point of gravity where you find the body. You can distinguish lividity from a bruise by pressing down on the skin area. Since with lividity, the blood is still in the blood vessels, when you press down on the skin, the skin changes color and turns white (or whatever skin color the person normally has). Bruises, by definition, are broken blood vessels, so when you press down on the skin area for them, you won't notice any color change; the skin area will just turn another shade of blueish-green.
... look at the stomach contents. Anything eaten in the last 2 hours is undigested; food spends 6 hours in the small intestine and 12 hours in the large intestine.

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