Etiquette & Information Discussion

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DNA Solves
Great reading and wonderful way to keep us all safe and sound on this board.
I know I have broken one! Sorry bout my potty mouth, I really am working on it! (hehe) Good rules! thanks for keeping this place "inline"
Trying to Circumvent a Ban / Block:

If you log onto the WS forums and receive a message that you have been banned, please submit an unban request and wait for a WS admin to get in touch with you. You may NOT re-register under a new name - if you try to sign up again and we catch you, you will be immediately banned forever with no chance of appeal. We rarely send out notices that you have been banned.

I'm confused here. If you find yourself banned, do you, or do you not receive a message that you've been banned?
Thanks! This is good for all of us to read.

I know I have violated a few. Especially the potty mouth. :silenced:

And I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to ask people to PM me for more info. I actually thought that was what I SHOULD do if it would get boring for everyone else and I wanted to only offer extra info if the other person wanted it. I appreciate the clarification.

WS mods are the best!

Excellent thread - Awesome! :)

Clear n' concise verbiage defining appropriate WS etiquette, info & rules ... a well written & necessary read!

Much appreciated, . :D

Rummy :bananapowerslide:
Really Kids,

and the rest of the mods have worked very hard behind the scenes to bring you these great rules. Our TOS is one of the best I have ever come across.
Bear in mind that I just posted these - all the mods/admins have been working on them behind the scenes for a while.

That said, I must tell you that I did contribute to the section you mention. That sort of behavior really steams my clams. If you want to post on a message board, do so. If you want to have a private discussion, do so. But don't announce publicly that you are having a private discussion - that's just stupid.
I agree on this. I really hate seeing that in the middle of a thread. I've never been asked to "pm me" nor have I ever requested it on a thread. I just "do it". It does seem a bit rude and exclusionary.
OK, so I go off topic all the time. I should have been banned a million times I guess.

Does anyone have a good egg salad recipe?
OK, then OT, no I don't. I have plenty of eggs. Way too fresh for salad. You're too far away to get some from me. So, being a dutiful and helpful WebSleuther, may I suggest the "What's Cooking" forum. Or you could just google:D:D:blowkiss::blowkiss:

Again, thanks Tricia for allowing us to be your guests.
I think these are excellent!!!! Bravo for all the hard work you guys put in!
Thanks to all the work from the Mods.
I can't imagine doing all of this on a volunteer basis.
My Dear Friends,

I cannot give my moderators and a special shout out to enough credit for the work they did on this.

When you really read the TOS you can imagine how much work went into it.

I think I suggested one thing....big whoop.

Perhaps down the road, out of the blue, you can send a nice PM to our mods and admins for the great work they do. They make me look so darn good ;)

If you have been banned, when you try to log in (or visit the site after setting the preference to keep you logged in) you will get something like this:
I hate when I get that message.

To all Mods, Admin and Tricia: THANK YOU! You are really appreciated. :blowkiss:
Just curious, is crap considered a bad word here? I've seen "carp" used a bunch lately.

I used to have a link at the bottom of my siggy that went to "winzy", I guess that was a no no. Oops. Some of this stuff seems easy to do. I will have to read it before I go to bed. There was a book I read for a class that said if you study before you go to bed you retain more information. :)
Just curious, is crap considered a bad word here? I've seen "carp" used a bunch lately.

I used to have a link at the bottom of my siggy that went to "winzy", I guess that was a no no. Oops. Some of this stuff seems easy to do. I will have to read it before I go to bed. There was a book I read for a class that said if you study before you go to bed you retain more information. :)
I've never understood why some say "carp" instead of "crap" and yet will type pissed or ! :confused:

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