Eulogy's for Caylee: Say goodbye in your own way

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LP spoke briefly about his desire to have a memorial for Caylee and about only Caylee. Rev.Grund said he wanted to grieve in privacy but was invited by LP to speak and felt it was his duty as a father to Jesse to say a few words. (Jesse was not present). He said we should remember the children in our lives. Give a smile to a child you see in public as it might be the only smile they see that day and it might sustain them another day. Lois and her granddaughter placed flowers at the memorial. The memorial was lovely. I think there were about 100 people there. Most tv stations had reporters with cameras and interviewed the notables. Bikers against child abuse were present. Well-dressed couples were present. Moms and babes were there. Many folks were in tears. The memorial keeps growing. There are new wreaths and new stuffed animals.

Thank you for sharing this with us. :rose:

I know you are safe and happy in the Kingdom of Heaven. Be at peace, poppet.
Bless LP and RG, and may Caylee rest in peace. Thank you for sharing this with us. :blowkiss:
Every time I look up at the stars, I'll think of you.
Rest in peace, sweet baby angel girl.
Precious Caylee, so many strangers love you more than you know. We are sad for you, but I know you are in a perfect place. I know you are running and playing in the warm sun with the angels...:blowkiss: Rest in peace, sweet angel.
Caylee, sweet Angel, with our God, smile down on your family and help them heal - KK
Caylee...I'm so glad you were brought into my life. Although I've never met you, you are something that I've cherished for the past several months.

I think of you often. A tear comes to my eyes when I see your sweet face or hear your sweet voice.

Its funny...since my daughter (who had the EXACT same birthday as you) was a baby, I've sung to her before bed EVERY night "You are my Sunshine". Now I feel as if I'm singing it to both her and you ever night.

You have a special place in my heart - and always will. So much so that I got a tattoo a week ago, and there is a special part in it for you. No one knows its there unless I point it out - but to me, its a constant reminder of you. That I can look down and remember you. You'll be with me always.

I love you sweet Caylee.
To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say...
but first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."

It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly; you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
but together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too...
that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night......"My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented....that my life has been worthwhile,
knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not're coming here to me.

Ruth Ann Mahaffey (author)
My dear sweet Caylee,
Although I never knew you in life and was never fortunate enough to meet you in person or to feel your sweet touch, I have grieved your death as surely as if you were a member of my own family. I came to know about you in July of last year, and at that time, I was expecting my own first granchild, and alas, it was to be a girl. She was born on August 11th, only 2 days after your own birthday when you would have turned 3 and for this reason I will always remember your birthday as it is so closely tied to hers.

I have watched every video of you that I could come across and you have put a smile on my face a thousand times over. You were such a sweet girl and full of life and boundless energy and I could tell that anyone who met you in person would fall in love with you instantly-you had that beautiful spark that draws people to love and light and it drew me to you. Thank you for sharing your life with me, although it was not by your own choice, thank you for allowing me to catch a glimpse of the amazing and special person that you were and would have become. I loved watching you dance and sing and swim and play in your sandbox. I came to love you through watching you and reading about you and pouring through hundreds of pictures of you. The world has lost a beautiful and special gift when your light was taken and I mourn that loss with many others this day-the day of the memorial that your family is holding for all of those of us who did not know you in life, and yet loved you in death. You will be remembered and missed sorely.

You have taught me so much in your innocence and in your departure from this world. You have shown me the things that truly matter are love, and truth and perserverance in the face of obstacles. You have taught me that one small person can change the face of the entire world, and you have done this Caylee in the short 2 year life that you were given. I hug my children and appreciate their laughter more because I have grieved so that your own laughter has faded away. I have a newfound delight in the lives of my own children because of the life that you lost. You touched my life in a way that I can never explain to you as I can barely explain it to my own self, but I thank you for what you have done to make me appreciate and cherish my own more because of you.

I know that your grandparents and Lee are broken and desolate, as they knew your light before it was extinguished and basked in the radiance of it close up. It is my fondest hope that you will sprinkle down comfort from on high where you reside now and send them small reminders of how much you loved them and how you will always be with them in their hearts and in their memories of you. They are despondent without your light in their midst and it is my hope that you will send small glimpses of that light on the wings of angels so that they may remember the sweetness that was your special and unconditional love for them. Be close at hand to share that light again with them, if only inside of their spirits which are so lost without you.

Know that you were well loved and that millions of lives have been changed forever because you lived and died, and know that there is a tireless number of people who will never rest until whomever extinguished your spark of life is brought to justice for it and made to suffer the consequences for their actions, which inevitably, took you from your family and gave you to the world. That person will be held accountable, no matter who that person is or was to you in this lifetime. You mattered Caylee. Your life mattered. And you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace sweet baby and may angels sing your lullabies and cradle you in their arms on high. Goodbye Caylee. I love you.
You entered my life under the most heartbreaking circumstances. But you have forever changed who I am and how I live.

Because of you I hold my daughter a little closer.

Because of you, I want to find a way to help any child who may be in danger.

Because of you, I am more aware of my surroundings, of the little things I used to take for granted every day.

Caylee, beautiful Caylee, I wish there were something someone could have done to prevent what happened, but there is no way to turn back time.

I can only pray for the angels to embrace you and make you feel safe, happy and loved.

Baby girl, I have so much more to say, but I will leave it at this for now. I wish I had known you, could have protected you, could have held you close and tight.

I love you, beautiful baby girl.

Rest in peace little angel, Caylee Marie.
Caylee, I have two little girls that wanted me to tell you that they are sad that you are not here with us but we will never forget you. You left the world a better place.
Dearest Caylee,
Thinking of you in your new "dress up" clothes. Your princess gown has been replaced with a beautiful angel robe. Your fairy wings are now the prettiest angel wings. Your tiara has been replaced with a halo more beautiful than we can imagine. May you feel the warmth of the sun on your sweet face everyday, safe in the arms of Jesus. :blowkiss:
Dear sweet Caylee Marie Anthony, I never had the privilege to meet you in person sad to say, but first time I saw your picture you took my breath away. I helped the best way I could to try and help find you and bring you home safe and sound. I am so sorry it had to end this way. You are in Gods arms now and he will be forever by your side as you look down upon us all through the Lords eyes. I will miss you so and never will I forget you. Here is a little poem I put together for you. RIP Caylee Marie Anthony.

When I must leave you for a little while

Please do not grieve and shed wild tears

Start out bravely with a gallant smile and hold the ones you love close;

And for my sake and in my name Caylee Marie Anthony

Live on and do all things in God's name.

I hope I left a mark behind. To love one another and always be kind.

Feed not your loneliness on empty days, be productive.

Fill each waking hour in useful ways, never forget to let your love ones know how much you love them each breath you take throughout the day,

Reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer

And I in turn will comfort you And hold you near;

And never, never be afraid to die,

For I am waiting for you in the sky!"

God Only Took My Hand

"Last night while you were trying to sleep,

Caylee's voice you did hear .

When you opened your eyes and looked around,

I did not appear.

I said: "Friend you've got to listen,

You've got to understand

God didn't take me from my family and friends

He only took my hand.

When I called out for God that night,

The instant that I died,

He reached down and took my hand,

And pulled me to His side.

He pulled me up and saved me

From the misery and pain.

I could never be the same here on earth.

My search is really over now, I have been found

I've found happiness within, our Lord

All the answers to my empty dreams

And all that might have been.

I love my family, friends and the Nation ,

all and miss you so,

And I'll always be nearby in every-one's heart and soul.

My body's gone forever,

But my spirit will never die!

And so, you must all go on now,

Live one day at a time.

Just understand-

God did not take me from anyone,

He only took my hand."

Madjgnlaw:please light a candle for Caylee. You can visit the site by going to
My dear sweet Caylee,
Although I never knew you in life and was never fortunate enough to meet you in person or to feel your sweet touch, I have grieved your death as surely as if you were a member of my own family. I came to know about you in July of last year, and at that time, I was expecting my own first granchild, and alas, it was to be a girl. She was born on August 11th, only 2 days after your own birthday when you would have turned 3 and for this reason I will always remember your birthday as it is so closely tied to hers.

I have watched every video of you that I could come across and you have put a smile on my face a thousand times over. You were such a sweet girl and full of life and boundless energy and I could tell that anyone who met you in person would fall in love with you instantly-you had that beautiful spark that draws people to love and light and it drew me to you. Thank you for sharing your life with me, although it was not by your own choice, thank you for allowing me to catch a glimpse of the amazing and special person that you were and would have become. I loved watching you dance and sing and swim and play in your sandbox. I came to love you through watching you and reading about you and pouring through hundreds of pictures of you. The world has lost a beautiful and special gift when your light was taken and I mourn that loss with many others this day-the day of the memorial that your family is holding for all of those of us who did not know you in life, and yet loved you in death. You will be remembered and missed sorely.

You have taught me so much in your innocence and in your departure from this world. You have shown me the things that truly matter are love, and truth and perserverance in the face of obstacles. You have taught me that one small person can change the face of the entire world, and you have done this Caylee in the short 2 year life that you were given. I hug my children and appreciate their laughter more because I have grieved so that your own laughter has faded away. I have a newfound delight in the lives of my own children because of the life that you lost. You touched my life in a way that I can never explain to you as I can barely explain it to my own self, but I thank you for what you have done to make me appreciate and cherish my own more because of you.

I know that your grandparents and Lee are broken and desolate, as they knew your light before it was extinguished and basked in the radiance of it close up. It is my fondest hope that you will sprinkle down comfort from on high where you reside now and send them small reminders of how much you loved them and how you will always be with them in their hearts and in their memories of you. They are despondent without your light in their midst and it is my hope that you will send small glimpses of that light on the wings of angels so that they may remember the sweetness that was your special and unconditional love for them. Be close at hand to share that light again with them, if only inside of their spirits which are so lost without you.

Know that you were well loved and that millions of lives have been changed forever because you lived and died, and know that there is a tireless number of people who will never rest until whomever extinguished your spark of life is brought to justice for it and made to suffer the consequences for their actions, which inevitably, took you from your family and gave you to the world. That person will be held accountable, no matter who that person is or was to you in this lifetime. You mattered Caylee. Your life mattered. And you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace sweet baby and may angels sing your lullabies and cradle you in their arms on high. Goodbye Caylee. I love you.

Magic-Cat - this is absolutely beautifully written.

Caylee - I love you sweetheart. You will be in my heart forever baby girl. May you rest forever in peace sweet angel. :blowkiss:
There are some children who come into this world for other purposes unbeknownst to us. Caylee Marie Anthony was one of them, so was Samanta Runion, Danielle van Dam, Jon Benet Ramsey and Polly Klass among many others. They were sent to teach us all about the human spirt, dignity, respect, love and yes evil and hatred. By studying these cases, we learn new ways to handle and deal with the mentally ill, the criminal mind and search for effective new ways to help keep our children safe. They have a purpose, and although their lives were short lived, they are constant reminders that we all strive to make our world a better place and that we all must band together to keep these little souls safe from the true evil that exists among us.

I will never forget the pastor from Danielle van Dam's memorial who stated, "God was with everyone of you while you searched for Danielle. He was your arms as you searched through the brush, your legs as you climbed mountains and hills, he was with you while you cried for her at night and with you while you supported her parents through the worst of times. God worked through you to help find her and now he is with her in heaven. She is a reminder to all of us of how precious life is and that we all must strive together to make this world a safer place."
Dear Caylee: You were an innocent child caught up in all of this. I know that you are now safe in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. Know that there are people here who believe that you deserved to live a full life here on earth and not cut short by someone who resented you. Believe that you will be vindicated here on earth.
There are some children who come into this world for other purposes unbeknownst to us. Caylee Marie Anthony was one of them, so was Samanta Runion, Danielle van Dam, Jon Benet Ramsey and Polly Klass among many others. They were sent to teach us all about the human spirt, dignity, respect, love and yes evil and hatred. By studying these cases, we learn new ways to handle and deal with the mentally ill, the criminal mind and search for effective new ways to help keep our children safe. They have a purpose, and although their lives were short lived, they are constant reminders that we all strive to make our world a better place and that we all must band together to keep these little souls safe from the true evil that exists among us.

I will never forget the pastor from Danielle van Dam's memorial who stated, "God was with everyone of you while you searched for Danielle. He was your arms as you searched through the brush, your legs as you climbed mountains and hills, he was with you while you cried for her at night and with you while you supported her parents through the worst of times. God worked through you to help find her and now he is with her in heaven. She is a reminder to all of us of how precious life is and that we all must strive together to make this world a safer place."

That was beautiful.

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