Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
New Haven Police Chief James Lewis said that two additional search warrants were executed yesterday — one for Clark’s Ford Mustang, and one for other property belonging to Clark. More search warrants are likely to be issued, he said. Early yesterday morning, before cops had the Mustang towed from outside of Clark’s residence, two police officers looked closely with a flashlight at the car’s back seat.

“Do you see that?” one cop asked the other.

In the back seat was a black plastic garbage bag that had been tied up.

Lewis said that a total of 250 items have been seized for DNA.

Wonder what on earth was in that black trash bag in Clark's car.

Any word on whether or not he had bruises or cuts on his knuckles and fingers that could be consistent with punching?
Any word on whether or not he had bruises or cuts on his knuckles and fingers that could be consistent with punching?

Maybe LE will release an arrest report that details some of this. I don't know what the laws are in this state, but in other places, you can get arrest reports online within a day or so. Sometimes a few things are redacted, though.
I remember reading somewhere that card swipe records show RC was also in Amistad at 10pm the day Annie went missing. Ive been trying to find this source again. Anyone else read/see this?
worth a repeat of your answer...this is the reason i keep questioning this...i thought of jasmine fiore right away and the circumstances surrounding...wonder if it's a copycat? maybe?

Hi JerseyGirl, Thinking of copycat, I think in the killers mind he patterned Annie's disposal after the cleaning lady in NYC who was put into an air conditioning shaft, or SS. It is ironic it happened not long before this crime and the end result was much the same. That lady was alive for some time as I read in the news, after she was put in that big pipe.

Trino just posted a great post on the waiting for an arrest thread about traumatic asphyxiation. To sum it up it is different than strangling and is more involved in that great weight is put on the chest that in effect crushes it. It certainly changes the scope of how she was killed IMO as those are words from the ME. I think her death was unfortunately more horrific than we realize. xox

Maybe accoutrements to the crime he couldn't bear to part with. I think he somewhat withered after the murder and his brain was doing little mouse farts as one of our dear old time posters would say. He wilted. I saw that look on his face sitting in the police car - a whooped shell of a man, feeling nothing. IMO
Hi JerseyGirl, Thinking of copycat, I think in the killers mind he patterned Annie's disposal after the cleaning lady in NYC who was put into an air conditioning shaft, or SS. It is ironic it happened not long before this crime and the end result was much the same. That lady was alive for some time as I read in the news, after she was put in that big pipe.

Trino just posted a great post on the waiting for an arrest thread about traumatic asphyxiation. To sum it up it is different than strangling and is more involved in that great weight is put on the chest that in effect crushes it. It certainly changes the scope of how she was killed IMO as those are words from the ME. I think her death was unfortunately more horrific than we realize. xox

Yep, thank you so much. I do wonder if an argument ensued that resulted in RC pushing Annie down and holding her down with his knees on her ribs/chest. Would that be strong enough to asphyxiate? Maybe when comparing his size to hers? Better yet, do any of us know his approximate height & weight? The police stating yesterday "traumatic asphyxiation" and then stating she was strangled made me think of a strangling of the neck. I feel so guilty that I want to know exactly how this happened...almost as if it's not "right" to know in order to protect the sanctity of Annie's memory. It's affected me deeply, I can't even begin to imagine what everyone's feeling that actually knew her. GOD rest her beautiful soul. I really hope she rests in peace.
Yep, thank you so much. I do wonder if an argument ensued that resulted in RC pushing Annie down and holding her down with his knees on her ribs/chest. Would that be strong enough to asphyxiate? Maybe when comparing his size to hers? Better yet, do any of us know his approximate height & weight? The police stating yesterday "traumatic asphyxiation" and then stating she was strangled made me think of a strangling of the neck. I feel so guilty that I want to know exactly how this happened...almost as if it's not "right" to know in order to protect the sanctity of Annie's memory. It's affected me deeply, I can't even begin to imagine what everyone's feeling that actually knew her. GOD rest her beautiful soul. I really hope she rests in peace.

I hear what you're saying, and I understand that feeling of guilt. That said, I don't worry about wanting to know, as long as it doesn't turn into some kind of obsession. One very practical reason people want to know about these things is so they can understand what took place and hopefully have a chance of preventing it from happening to someone in their own sphere of influence. Gaining more knowledge and understanding is never a bad thing, IMO.
I hear what you're saying, and I understand that feeling of guilt. That said, I don't worry about wanting to know, as long as it doesn't turn into some kind of obsession. One very practical reason people want to know about these things is so they can understand what took place and hopefully have a chance of preventing it from happening to someone in their own sphere of influence. Gaining more knowledge and understanding is never a bad thing, IMO.

Bold by me as this is my reason.
Bold by me as this is my reason.

Mine, too. The older I get, the easier it becomes for me to spot potential trouble. I still miss a LOT, but at least there's a sense of getting some level of understanding of why people do what they do.
:eek: oh no. I haven't heard that rumor - though I haven't been following this case that closely. Oh my. She was such a "little thing" anyway. Maybe he beat her up as well. Just make me sick to my stomach.

RIP Annie.

Taken from Katy Perry:

It was like stepping on a kitten :(
I remember reading somewhere that card swipe records show RC was also in Amistad at 10pm the day Annie went missing. Ive been trying to find this source again. Anyone else read/see this?

Where perhaps this is what I read:

"Police were able to track Clark's movements by reviewing the data from his digital key card, which shows he entered the building no fewer than 10 times, including after hours, on the day Le went missing, according to law enforcement sources." http://abcnews.go.com/US/annie-le-suspect-raymond-clark-released-giving-dna/story?id=8588970

What is considered "after hours" at the 10 Amistad building? The standard 5pm for many businesses? And how late "after hours" did he enter the building on that fateful Tuesday?
Yep, thank you so much. I do wonder if an argument ensued that resulted in RC pushing Annie down and holding her down with his knees on her ribs/chest. Would that be strong enough to asphyxiate? Maybe when comparing his size to hers? Better yet, do any of us know his approximate height & weight? The police stating yesterday "traumatic asphyxiation" and then stating she was strangled made me think of a strangling of the neck. I feel so guilty that I want to know exactly how this happened...almost as if it's not "right" to know in order to protect the sanctity of Annie's memory. It's affected me deeply, I can't even begin to imagine what everyone's feeling that actually knew her. GOD rest her beautiful soul. I really hope she rests in peace.

Hmmm... not a bad idea JG (i.e., the use of his knees for traumatic asphyxiation). Especially considering that she seemed to put up quite a fight as evidenced by inflicting on him what some are reporting as deep scratches. Perhaps he needed to utilize his body weight because she wasn't succumbing easily at first. Poor thing.

On a separate note. Has anyone here wondered about the intelligence of RC? His girlfriend described him as "naive," (although that could be in defense of him). He used his own key card erratically--he didn't think to use hers--without having the presence of mind to know that key card swipes would/could be tracked. Or does this instead point to a spontaneous killing that escalated in the moment, and then him not thinking clearly after?
respectfully snipped

On a separate note. Has anyone here wondered about the intelligence of RC? His girlfriend described him as "naive," (although that could be in defense of him). He used his own key card erratically--he didn't think to use hers--without having the presence of mind to know that key card swipes would/could be tracked. Or does this instead point to a spontaneous killing that escalated in the moment, and then him not thinking clearly after?

Absolutely! Stuffing the bloody clothes in the ceiling panels? Why not just put up a big EVIDENCE HERE arrow? And why not use Annie's swipe card to make it look like she left after they met up? Instead he uses his own card to frantically run around the building. He certainly doesn't appear to be the brightest bulb.

I don't know what to think but I do believe that he was obsessed with Annie and that the mice were are an excuse to lash out. Ultimately, the "protocol" harassment became physical. Perhaps it took him by surprise but I doubt it. It was always there. IMO, his rage was well lived in and he was comfortable with it. Annie had enough time to fight back, which means he had enough time to come to his senses and stop the attack. The sick truth is that he didn't want to stop.
I wonder if the laundry cart (the one with the blood spatter) could have been used to hide then move her body...if there was truly "spatter", sounds as tho it would have been in close proximity to the physical violence, as well as convenient for hiding Annie's body until he could move it.

If not spatter then perhaps it was transferred from him and/or her.
I wonder if the laundry cart (the one with the blood spatter) could have been used to hide then move her body...if there was truly "spatter", sounds as tho it would have been in close proximity to the physical violence, as well as convenient for hiding Annie's body until he could move it.

If not spatter then perhaps it was transferred from him and/or her.

I wondered this, too. Granted Annie only weighed 90 lbs., murdering and hiding Annie's body must've been physically taxing for RC. There's the actual act of murder, moving her body, then hoisting her either up over the wall, or through the wall.

Then, there's the aftermath of the adrenaline rush. No wonder he looked "distraught" during the fire alarm.
Things of signifigance:

evidence in the ceiling and in the crawl space where Le's body was found contained the DNA from both Le and Clark

One investigator, among a group who were in the lab interviewing employees and students shortly after Le disappeared, reported witnessing Clark trying to hide lab cleaning equipment that they later discovered contained blood spatters.

Clark was observed cleaning up areas Le was in before she was reported missing, the law enforcement official said.


Not only are separate key cards required for the parking garage, main building and basement, but "each individual [basement] room has an additional key lock," he said. "Only the actual person doing the research has access. Not even professors [do]."

Added this article for reference related to this thread for discussion! :blowkiss:
*NOTE: More Info In Article!

DNA shows Annie Le's blood on Yale lab tech Raymond Clark boots; green pen clue eyed: Investigators
Friday, September 18th 2009, 5:19 AM
* DNA tests proving Annie Le's blood is on Clark's boots, which have his name on them.

*Tests identifying his DNA on her body and clothing.

*More tests identifying her DNA and hair on him and his clothing.

And then there is the green pen.

Clark did not want to be just some guy who cleans mouse cages, so he distinguished himself by always signing in for work with a pen that used green ink. Every day, including the day of the killing.

Investigators believe he dropped the pen at the scene and was unable to retrieve it after it fell into a crevice.

He apparently hoped to fish it out when he showed up at the lab the day after the killing with a backpack containing wire, fishing hooks and bubble gum.

Even more damning than the pen is his swipe card, which indicates he spent nearly an hour in the room with Le's body after the murder. One can only imagine what was going through his mind.



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