Evidence Removed from Anthony Home-Official Crime Scene

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I'm thinking more along the lines of chloroform on the pillow. IF there was truly duct tape around the skull I'm wondering if the chloroform-soaked pillow could have been taped to the poor baby's head.

I tend to think the duct tape was originally on the bag or binding something wrapped around the body and it just ended up over the mouth of the skull.
The pesticide canisters really bother me. Why in the world would she use pesticide? Did she use pesticide to murder her daughter? Because she was a 'pest'? OMG, this whole thing is just even more sickening and horrifying than I could have even imagined and we don't even know 1/16th of the details (at the most) that LE knows. Makes me want to vomit. The thought that she treated that baby and her body with less regard and respect than you would the kitchen trash is just disgusting. I hope LE goes after her so full throttle that she doesn't know what hit her. I pray that the evidence is so strong that there will be no doubt as to what exactly happened and that LE takes all bargaining options away from her so that she has to serve the maximum sentence allowed by law (sorry, I don't support the DP and I'd rather see her rot in prison while being tortured by big bertha for the rest of her life anyway)

Im thinking that her car trunk was filling up with maggots and flies so she sprayed the HECK out of it to kill them. She is lazy and sloppy, just spraying them would have seemed like a good enough fix at the time. I bet they took the vaccum cleaners to see if there was any dead larve or bugs in them... KC herself or CA/GA would have vaccumed them up before LE took the car. After all, a car full of dead bugs is a sure give-away.
Didn't KC use her Blackberry to text Tony on the day of her arrest? I think I remember her using that missing phone to send
That is really great thinking Sammie. That would definitely explain the bug spray.
Im thinking that her car trunk was filling up with maggots and flies so she sprayed the HECK out of it to kill them. She is lazy and sloppy, just spraying them would have seemed like a good enough fix at the time. I bet they took the vaccum cleaners to see if there was any dead larve or bugs in them... KC herself or CA/GA would have vaccumed them up before LE took the car. After all, a car full of dead bugs is a sure give-away.

Man, you guys are good...I am not through my first pot of coffee for the day and all these possibilities of what they removed from the house.

Does chloroform appear in pesticides? I am thinking they found jewelry or maybe ponytail holder. Maybe fibers from clothing that was removed from the body. The thought that she was naked is truly disturbing but the fact that Casey said that about not finding her clothes yet, she certainly did enough damage to herself.

What a lousy excuse for a human being. :furious:
Shop Vac....Unless GA took that thing completely apart..and even if he did there would still remain minute remenants...the shop vac will hold some dna etc from Caylee that the perp vacumed out...thats a big clue. And if GA did clean it, thats hard evidence of tampering...

Also: has it been absolutely confirmed she was found naked? They claim "items" in bag...we won't know anytime soon unless it's leaked just what is in that bag.

However, the duct tape match to the same found in her car will be easy. But in the bag, I can see: elusive phone...some sort of tribute from perp to daughter (framed picture, note, etc) I have no doubt theres SOME sort of momento from perp to Caylee..cleaning solution....linens, towels, blankets, pillow type items...

If the clothes in that bag dont match what GA described, or they went back to house and found those clothes, he's in a heapin' helpin' of cr*p
I think it was the duct tape. They were in that garage and house months ago, but duct tape you don't throw away, I bet it was there and they went back to get it. They talked about matching up tear lines on the bags, but after 5 months, would you still have the same roll? We go through them fast, like a ever other week. There had to be fibers on that tape too, that could be linked to the house, or pets.

I think they were talking about matching up the perforations on the bag that was found in the trunk, with the bag that was found yesterday. It would make sense that they may have came from the same roll, one right after the other, unless the one in the trunk was a decoy, just garbage, placed there after the decomp smell started, to throw people off, saying the smell was rotting garbage.
Okay, now on the Local6.com site, there is a video clip stating that clothing was found near the remains. Sorry if this was discussed before.
I think I put some things together from what I've read here and the news: JMO:

KC chloroformed Caylee so she could party or (you know), taped her mouth (in case she were to wake up) and had her in trunk (probably not the 1st time). Unfortunately this time poor sweet Caylee didn't wake up.

Timeline of how long body was in car is unclear.

She then backs the car into A's garage when no one was home. Lies Caylee's body in backyard (that's how the pesticides got on body & dogs alerted to area) while she got supplies (also full of dog hair. Static from bags attracts it)from the house.
Uses the pool ladder to go over the fence...tired from walking (not used to doing so much work), lazily dumps body where it was found.
sorry, I got kicked off site in the middle of sending a message. I was trying to say that she had that missing phone if I remember correctly when she sent those last text to tony. hopefully this will post correctly
Every time I hear Caylee sing "You are MY Sunshine" I cry. My husband watched the clip on NG last night where Caylee sang that song and I asked him "Isn't she cute?" He said, "Yeah, she is cute, but all little kids are cute."
Grrrrrrr. I know he's right, but still!

LOl Men
Off topic, when my Husband was playing his game on the computer last night I looked over and he was watching NG and when they showed that clip , tears were streaming down his face. I was in Awe, I have seen him cry 5times in all the years we have been together(the birth of our Kids, our wedding , and his grandfathers furneal).
I said are you ok. He said how could someone do that to a child , and it be the one person that is supposed to protect them the most.:(
Wow....on the pesticide...great thought on using it to kill the maggots and flies in the trunk! I was thinking more along the lines of Caylee being laid in the back yard (Im sure GA sprayed the whole backyard with pesticide to keep the bugs from Caylee while she played out there leaving it detectable in soil samples) and some of that dirt staying with her body in the bag. If that is the case, soil samples in the bag and soil samples from the A's would show a connection. I think probably spraying the trunk of the car is more probable and possibly the bag that Caylee was left in...
The pesticide canisters really bother me. Why in the world would she use pesticide? **respectfully snipped**

I wonder if she had indeed first placed the body in the yard for a day or two and worried about it being found so proceeded to put it in the trunk..By that point there may have already been insects (ants or something) all over the body. She could have literally sprayed the body to kill any insects before putting it in the trunk..Maybe when LE looked at the contents of the bag there were there were quite a few dead insects that alerted them to sound kind of insecticide used...??
I can't put my finger on the mallory/A house deal. She was taking care of the pets. She alledgedly screamed into the garage in her car minutes prior to the LE showing up....and took a "while" to come to the door as they banged on it.

At this point I can't put stock into it. I can't see her tampering with evidence. Anything the LE needed couldnt be flushed or destroyed prior to them arriving. I cannot see how she would have advance notice of the body being found UNLESS she just by sheer luck saw it. The LE escorted her out..she couldn't have smuggled anything with her. I'm not aware of them searching her...but of all the "A" team players, she seems wise beyond her years and wouldn't risk being charged with doing something stupid as she is pregnant. LE tightened that place down real fast.

So what is up with that whole thing???

It was all over the news, we know Cindy was text messaging Ch. 9 from the plane. Text messages/phone calls take no time to make. I don't know if she would "risk being charged with doing something stupid as she is pregnant", either, but lots of pregnant girls have done stupid-er things.
This may have been discussed before but I sure hope, or hope they already did, do a search of Tony's apartment also. Isn't that where she slept that night? Check his garbage bags too. And duct tape if he has any. Not that he is involved but she may have gotten things from his apartment.

I am sure they are looking also on credit card statements for purchase of duct tape or trashbags also.

I said that last night to my husband, because it was stated in the last doc dump that the bag found in KC's car trunk was from his apartment.
I think they're looking for:

1) duct tape
2) garbage bags
3) fibers
4) animal hairs
5) soil
6) sand

I can't imagine someone wouldn't have cleaned out anything they thought could possibly be evidence, but I hope they didn't think of duct tape. I've never been able to tear a piece of that stuff without getting it all over myself! The garbage bags? Maybe all used by now, but I really hope they go to the garbage bag lady and get the one she took from the driveway. Fibers and/or animal hairs could be on the duct tape. Soil? That'll still be there. Sand? Same thing.

From what I understand - and I'm late to the thread it was absolutely impossible to get in here yesterday - so I gave up last night - I have not read the entire thread -

So from what I understand they will be looking for - trash bags from the A's and Tony's house to match the tear in the bag - duct tape in the A's and Tony's house - to match the type and tear - a knife - since they found a butter knife in the car my guess they will start there - they will check the tear/cut of the tape

If Casey didn't use a knife, then she could have used her teeth to tear the tape - there you will find Casey's DNA and the case will be open and shut and DP will go back on the table - same with her fingerprints on the tape or inside of the bag - if she wore gloves they will try and find the gloves with the fibers from the glove if found on the tape or bag

Also carpet fibers, dirt/sand from the backyard

If there was duct tape over the mouth with NO ONE can confirm or deny - there would be DNA on the tape - which could have the chloroform on it and that would also be open/shut on Casey

They are also looking for 'neck breaking'
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