
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think it is interesting that BOTH Cindy and George say they don't remember ever seeing Caylee in the shirt found with her body. Especially since there is a picture of Caylee wearing it.

And then Cindy says the ONLY clothes of Caylee's that are missing are is her denim skirt, the pink shirt George says he saw, sunglasses and the shoes George saw.

If the Wal-mart witness is accurate, then that part of Cindy's story might be too (because Caylee was seen with shoes coming out of the Wal-mart) and KC was reported to have said, "they haven't even found Caylee's clothes."

The skeptic in me says that the witness was probably mistaken, Cindy is lying and LP was just telling a good story. Or maybe LP was also accurate but the clothes were one of KC's riddles.

Cindy DID say that a usual course of events between her and KC was for KC to drop Caylee off at Gentiva in the parking lot. Maybe KC did intend to do that and couldn't get in touch with Cindy. So, as many here speculated, KC took Caylee to Wal-mart to kill time. Cindy said Caylee always had an extra set of clothes with her. Maybe the extra set of clothes, Cindy now won't admit to packing, was the "Big Trouble" t-shirt and the striped shorts? Maybe something happened to the clothes Caylee was seen wearing in Wal-mart and KC DID get rid of them between Wal-mart and Tony's (at around the time Caylee went into the trunk).

I'm not sure why KC would change Caylee's clothes to kill her. Caylee wasn't dressed the way I'd think a mom would purposefully dress her baby for burial. And I'm not sure why KC would throw away Caylee's shoes and other clothes. I mean, if you can drive around with a body in your trunk, why sweat over the messy clothes?

Wouldn't it be more natural to put the clothes with Caylee and toss everything together at the disposal site. KC wasn't worried about the ball bag or the Pooh blanket being traced back to her. What about Caylee's shoes (and maybe previously-in-the-day-worn set of clothes) made KC uncomfortable so she'd throw them away separately?

If Cindy packed the "Big Trouble" t-shirt and striped shorts into Caylee's backpack for extra clothes...she knows and she is BIG TIME obstructed.


KC put caylee in those clothes to make a statement!
she is sick!
she wraped up caylee and put a heart shape sticker on top

it was a message to her mother! :(

*shirley*(grandma said)....i think she hated her mother more then she loved

*casey* too Lee... maybe because im a spiteful Beep
In CA's depo she was asked if she recognized the red ribbon found in the trunk of the car. CA said no. Just wondering if it had been on the balloon found at the scene.
In CA's depo she was asked if she recognized the red ribbon found in the trunk of the car. CA said no. Just wondering if it had been on the balloon found at the scene.

wow....i missed the red ribbon....can you give me a page number? if you remember....if not its ok....im just lazy and dont want to re-read it all again.....LOL....i stayed up all night last night reading it....so i was sleepy :)
Why do you think KC threw away Caylee's shoes (and maybe an earlier set of clothes she may have worn)?

KC was ok driving around with Caylee's mama doll, her car seat, her backpack and a body in her trunk.

Why ditch the shoes and maybe some other clothes?????
Cindy said she didn't see flies or maggots, dead or alive, in KC's trunk. Dr. Haskell did investigate the trunk for both thoroughly.

Yuri told Dr. Vass that no meat products were in the trash from the trunk.
Why do you think KC threw away Caylee's shoes (and maybe an earlier set of clothes she may have worn)?

KC was ok driving around with Caylee's mama doll, her car seat, her backpack and a body in her trunk.

Why ditch the shoes and maybe some other clothes?????

I havent wrote what you are asking above :)....but i have thought about it...if this is what some think was some kind of sick game to KC...and she made that comment about how they havent even found her clothes yet ....kc could have very well of thrown caylee clothes and shoes out some where to be found.....kc even said that caylee would still be able to be recognized even if her hair had been cut or changed.....remember there was a search on the computer for one tree hill...ep #100....which was about a boy that had been kidnaped....so....who knows....what kind of games KC was playing....codes for her computer passwords....talking code to Lee from the jail.....ect....the list is to long to write :)

no wonder they all had binders....they had to try and keep all this script together.....:eek:
The dinner knife found in the car was a steak knife that Cindy said was not part of her everyday set.

According to Cindy and George, typically there was a plaid blanket kept in the car trunk. It was missing on July 15.
Refresh my memory.. was it ever determined as to whether she actually dug a hole and buried her in the woods...or did she just set the bag in the woods and cover it? Unknown?
I havent wrote what you are asking above :)....but i have thought about it...if this is what some think was some kind of sick game to KC...and she made that comment about how they havent even found her clothes yet ....kc could have very well of thrown caylee clothes and shoes out some where to be found.....kc even said that caylee would still be able to be recognized even if her hair had been cut or changed.....remember there was a search on the computer for one tree hill...ep #100....which was about a boy that had been kidnaped....so....who knows....what kind of games KC was playing....codes for her computer passwords....talking code to Lee from the jail.....ect....the list is to long to write :)

no wonder they all had binders....they had to try and keep all this script together.....:eek:
Her riddles are giving me a headache.:banghead:
Refresh my memory.. was it ever determined as to whether she actually dug a hole and buried her in the woods...or did she just set the bag in the woods and cover it? Unknown?
I don't think she actually dug anything. Maybe she stabbed the ground a few times, saw a spider, saw the grass wriggle like a snake was crawling nearby and decided Caylee was hidden well enough. She couldn't be seen from the road.
Why do you think KC threw away Caylee's shoes (and maybe an earlier set of clothes she may have worn)?

KC was ok driving around with Caylee's mama doll, her car seat, her backpack and a body in her trunk.

Why ditch the shoes and maybe some other clothes?????

Jolynna, I've wondered about that too, and came up with 2 possibilities, neither of them good. One, she could have backhanded or hit Caylee, perhaps in the mouth, there was blood, ( the mysterious tooth ) and a mess, the other that Caylee, after some kind of incident like above or just being very upset, soiled her pullups and clothes and KC got rid of the whole mess . .

We used to call them P - -p emergencies when this happened.
Didn't the defense get the insect test results from SA on October 6th? I have been waiting to see those, anyone know when we might get them. I wonder why BC hasn't held a press conference and released them.
For lack of knowing where this should be posted, I am posting here.
Regarding evidence from the 16th after Caylee's presumed death.
Has anyone seen anything about the DVD's from Blockbusters being taken into evidence and tested?
What if the DVD was handled by Casey or the DVD box and there was tape adhesive residue like that of the Henkel duct tape on it?
You know handle tape, wash hands but still have some stickiness, grab DVD? I know they took the steering wheel, but don't remember checking for adhesive.
I am going back to old threads and trying to tag. I just came from the July 2 ping map and I came across some info that I had forgotten but feel that it is important. According to the pings KC had TL's jeep. At 4:01am she checks her VM that pings to Rics and AH tower .She takes his jeep presumed and is pinged by the A's house(which we now know is where poor Caylee was) then pings again from that tower while texting TL at 4:48 she is then back to AH and Rics and her last ping is to Ryan P at 4:50. There was no activity until 7:44 in the morning off of the AH & ric tower. This info is not from me but poster shadow of my mind but I just felt it was important to bring up since I had forgotten this info. It also state that KC was washing her clothes that next morning. Also a shout out to AZlawyer for some great info on this ping thread. Just wanted to through this out here. It may have already been discussed to no end but I only had a couple hours of sleep last night so I am off for a nap. Please let me know what you all think. I think July 2, 2008 could be an important date for nothing else that KC went to check on Caylee to see what her status was. Hidden or not. As always please delete if not appropritate for thread. Just not sure where to bring this up.
I've always wondered if LE has been tracking their movements in anticipation that they would be attempting to dump things that they knew would later be incriminating....which hadn't been taken from the home because LE didn't know yet that it would be part of the crucial evidence..

Dang! I hope so.. Imagine Cindy's face if the "real mama" shows up in court.. LOL. I am sure they would try to be ultra sneaky about moving things...but LE may be sneakier.. we can only hope..but i'm afraid that they may have dumped the bad things from the car before LE even had a chance to suspect..
We may find things washing up on the florida/nassau shore lines..*snorts* sorry..had to post that.
you guys should take your discussion to topic specific threads. You won't be able to pull out individual topics from a general type discussion like this at trial time.
wow....i missed the red ribbon....can you give me a page number? if you remember....if not its ok....im just lazy and dont want to re-read it all again.....LOL....i stayed up all night last night reading it....so i was sleepy :)

Just saw your post TN. CA's depo page 337 discussion of red ribbon in the bin CA removed from trunk of car
I'd like to see evidence regarding the pull-ups (diapers). I don't think they matched the ones at the Anthony's. When did she buy them, how many did she buy, how many were left in the backpack? That would certainly narrow down the time-line. (IMO)
ok....since the t-shirt thread is closed for a bit....i have a question

i have seen the photos from the doc dump with the letters of big trouble comes....is there any pics from the dump site/crime scene....(btw-its very hard to write that)

but....have we seen any pics of the word packages? from any doc dump?
if there is ....could you please link it....i cant find any

thanks :)
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