
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Physical evidence found with the body, the car, the A home, lack of a so called nanny.
You assume it is/was Casey. She isn't the only person around her car, in the house, etc. The hair in the car was from an Anthony presumed dead, which would most likely be Caylee as we now know..... but 3 females were living in that house - shedding hair about, transferring, etc.

I wouldn't get to fired up until we hear Casey's side of this. The girl can lie.

Casey has told her side of this. It was all lies. There is no way we will ever know the truth from her.

I don't understand what you are saying about the hair. The hair found in the trunk came from an A female that was dead. Not presumed dead. The only one that is deceased is Caylee .
Cindy and George really loved Caylee. You can tell she just lit up their lives.

The video reminded me of another piece of physical evidence -- the shovel might have dirt from the place where the body was found.

Yes that is to be hoped for for sure. I think she did it - I'm just expecting her to throw her mother under the train. Forget about the bus!!!!

I'm sure she didn't use the shovel!! (grin)

I think Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. is very real to her in an odd sort of way.
Casey has told her side of this. It was all lies. There is no way we will ever know the truth from her.

I don't understand what you are saying about the hair. The hair found in the trunk came from an A female that was dead. Not presumed dead. The only one that is deceased is Caylee .

Yes. I said it came from an Anthony that was deceased.
You assume it is/was Casey. She isn't the only person around her car, in the house, etc. The hair in the car was from an Anthony presumed dead, which would most likely be Caylee as we now know..... but 3 females were living in that house - shedding hair about, transferring, etc.

I wouldn't get to fired up until we hear Casey's side of this. The girl can lie.

But the fact that she felt the need to tell Amy about the "dead squirrel" plastered to the frame of her car, even though NO ONE had mentioned the smell to her, speaks volumes. (of course, she had a different story for Lee)
Yes. I said it came from an Anthony that was deceased.

I think mommaearth was confused by your post, "The hair in the car was from an Anthony presumed dead, which would most likely be Caylee." I was confused, too.
The mitochondrial dna in the hair would have matched Casey, Lee, Cindy, or Caylee (all carrying dna through the maternal line.) It would have also matched any of Cindy's mother's children. But only one person in that group is dead -- Caylee. And before Caylee was found, the same argument could be made because everyone in that group was accounted for -- except Caylee. No most likely about it. The hair was physical evidence that Caylee definitely was dead.
I think mommaearth was confused by your post, "The hair in the car was from an Anthony presumed dead, which would most likely be Caylee." I was confused, too.
The mitochondrial dna in the hair would have matched Casey, Lee, Cindy, or Caylee (all carrying dna through the maternal line.) It would have also matched any of Cindy's mother's children. But only one person in that group is dead -- Caylee. And before Caylee was found, the same argument could be made because everyone in that group was accounted for -- except Caylee. No most likely about it. The hair was physical evidence that Caylee definitely was dead.

OH!!! Sorry Mommaearth. Yes, I meant at the time they collected the hair.... we didn't know Caylee was in fact dead. Wasn't much else to think tho. Sorry for the confusion. I used the word presumed.
Yes that is to be hoped for for sure. I think she did it - I'm just expecting her to throw her mother under the train. Forget about the bus!!!!

I'm sure she didn't use the shovel!! (grin)

I think Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. is very real to her in an odd sort of way.

I think the only possible defense Casey has is to throw her mother under the train. I do believe that Cindy knows so much more than she lets on and I also believe that it is possible that she's involved in Caylee's death. I really want to know what evidence was collected along with Caylee's remains and why the A's felt the need for immunity. I have always felt since day one that Cindy and George are lying about the events of the 15th and 16th. It honestly wouldn't suprise me to find out that Cindy was in the house while Caylee was killed and somehow responsible as well. JMHO
The strongest physical evidence so far is KC's own actions following the disappearence of her child. The defense will have a hard time explaining to a jury what KC was doing shopping for beer and underwear, or going to Blockbuster or clubbing. Her actions are indeed physical evidence as they have video of her and photos of her during the time that Caylee was "missing". Hopefully, her fingerprints will show up or personal items will appear. As far as the decomp, sadly it cannot be proven that KC was driving the car while Caylee was decomposing in it, not can you link KC putting her in the trunk as of right now unless the FBI has not released something. You could exclude everyone but KC being in the car based upon fingerprints, but then you would have Tony, George, Cindy and possibly Amy's fingerprints within the car, and of course George and Cindy's fingerprints being in the trunk after they cleaned it up. The case will have to be based upon circumstantial for the most part unless the FBI has something more.

Good Morning Bakersmom, IMO you hit the nail on the head.

Hi Toledo and thanks for the OP. As much as I grew to dislike Mark Geragoss I heard him as a TH last week, and what he said comes from all the experience he has had in high profile cases like this.

He said when not withstanding everything else evidenciary, it is going to boil down to Casey's actions after Caylee disappeared and the difficulty her lawyers are going to have in explaining this to a jury.

As to Circumstantial vs Real Evidence, on that show it was also pointed out how a circumstantial case can be and usually is much stronger in showing the truth. They said it is then like a puzzle with the pieces being laid in place to where the truth is shown beyond a reasonable doubt.

One thing a lot of posters don't realize is that any evidence examined in a lab is forensic or circumstantial evidence. Fingerpprints, Bugs, blood, substances found in remains, hair, botany, etc. C evidence also includes any electronic evidence like wiretaps, phone records and cell tower pings.

I could be wrong, but have seen very little Real Evidence in this case. Someone said they saw Casey exiting those woods, but I do not know if that is a fact or not. It might have been that huge park where Joe wanted to search. If Casey made any incriminating statements to friends that would be RE.

At this point I see a strong Circumstantial case which will be very difficult for her attorney's to combat. IMO
1. The decomp smell in Casey's car.
2. The hair that matched Caylee's that showed it came from her when she was deceased.
3. The evidence found at the scene that immediately led LE right back to the Anthony home.
The strongest physical evidence so far is KC's own actions following the disappearence of her child.

Just an FYI, but Casey's actions before or after are not considered "physical evidence." Her actions are "behavioral evidence," which the original poster is attempting to stay away from, hence the title of this thread with the capitalized PHYSICAL.

Physical = hair, fibers, blood, DNA, the body, physical objects, the computer, footprints...i.e. things that can be quantified and measured are physical.
Good morning.:blowkiss:

Can't wait to see analysis of items seized with most recent search warrants at Anthony home.

Catching up and saw the thread topic.:crazy:

I heard George & Cindy's Atty announce that items of Casey and Caylee, clothing and shoes, were confiscated.

I am guessing that there is something unique at the crime scene remains which might possibly be linked back to residue found on Casey's shoes, or clothing.

While the clothing would have been washed, I am not certain, the undersoles of the shoes would have been cleansed.

An itsy bitsy fragment of something related to Caylee's decomp, or of something from the specific topography of the remains scene....something of that nature might be present on Casey's shoe's.

For me,
That would be way up there on the list of damning evidence if it comes to fruition. :)
I think the only possible defense Casey has is to throw her mother under the train. I do believe that Cindy knows so much more than she lets on and I also believe that it is possible that she's involved in Caylee's death. I really want to know what evidence was collected along with Caylee's remains and why the A's felt the need for immunity. I have always felt since day one that Cindy and George are lying about the events of the 15th and 16th. It honestly wouldn't suprise me to find out that Cindy was in the house while Caylee was killed and somehow responsible as well. JMHO

Yeah and her mother probably made up the story about the nanny too and made her tell it.:rolleyes: However they have police reports of her demanding that she gave Caylee to the nanny.... so it will be interesting at best to see how she turns that around now...if she does. She probably will. She isn't going to give up a rock star life over her mother. JMHO
We have NO IDEA of all the physical evidence LE has collected & has on/against Casey. Im sure it's a boatload. As of right now we have the hair from her trunk which was from a deceased Caylee, the spot in the trunk, and the air samples, which all point to Casey, but again, we have no idea what surprises LE has against this murdering .
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