Exclusive: Casey's Aunt, Pam Plesea, Speaks - book being written

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So, did Casey carry duck tape in her car when she left around noon on the 16th June?????

Cause something happen in her car between 1 and 3pm or back at the house or after she left the house in the after noon.

What is the best guess on the 16th?
Honestly, if ICA's adopted cousin was the father of Caylee, I think she would have used that in court to say she was raped by a cousin and Caylee was the result of the rape and it could have been proven through DNA, and she wouldn't have had to lie about GA and LA with no evidence to back it up. JMO.
Okay, I have now had the opportunity to hear for myself the telephone interview on Nancy Grace with Pam Plesea.

First of all, she made it quite clear that she was very upset with the article that appeared on the internet today! That would be the gossip article by entertainment editor Tommy Garrett. The gossip article that is a foil for the soon to be published work of fiction by McKenna and Rulli regarding the case.

What Pam said was, and I paraphrase, she said: 'I was very upset when I found an article was published about what I said. I had thought that I was talking with someone that was linked to the prosecutor.' And, she said she did not give anyone any permission to publish anything she said concerning the Anthony family. When asked by Nancy, she did relate the story that Shirley had told her about an argument that Sunday night.

I don't know if there was an argument that night or not. I kind of think there might have been something, but not to the degree that some of the stories have stated. She sounded quite level headed and didn't really say anything bad about anyone. That's how I heard it.

So, for all those who have suggested that she is seeking money, it doesn't sound like she was or is, imo. It sounds like she was bamboozled! Lied to! Whoever talked with her misrepresented themselves! Hoodwinked, is one of my favorite words. It happens. I have been hoodwinked.

My final assessment is, much of the article was woven from other stories and tales and documents readily available on the internet. It is all in preparation for the fiction book. So many sharks out there.

Pam does not sound like someone who has it in for the Anthonys. She has maintained a relationship with her son's paternal grandmother. Whatever is true about her feelings about her ex husband is her business, imo, and has nothing to do with Caylee or Casey.
Pam Plesea on NG saying she gave no one permission to print what was in this article:

[ame="http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/crime/2011/07/02/ng.anthony.aunt.cnn"]Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com[/ame]

Kinda angry ...
Did anyone actually see Caylee after the 9th June?
I mean anyone other than the family?

Yes. There is a video of Caylee with her great grandfather (Cindy's) dad visiting him on Father's Day that year which was June 15th.
In the video, Caylee sweetly sings "you are my sunshine" while sitting on his lap. The video has been played over and over on television.

There isn't a particle of evidence that the cousin is the father of Caylee. I don't think that is a good path to go down.
Wow, if this is true, would explain a lot. It would explain why the A's didn't seem that interested (from their interviews) in who the father of Caylee was, bc they knew and didn't 'want to know' so pretended he didn't exist. I know if my teenage daughter turned out pg I WOULD find out who the father was AS I AM CERTAIN CA did as well. I hope Rick disowning his son was not about ICA as Rick should know better, it was likely ICA that came onto the son knowing she was not on birth control to start a family feud for the drama of it by saying she was raped or something. I will be interested in finding out who Caylee's father is because there is NO WAY that CA does not know who he is. As a mother myself there would be no stone unturned, until I found out who my Grandchild's other parent was. If the father was ANYONE else the A's would have gone after $$ or named a name, what is the big secret if its not the cousin? I refuse to believe a woman as 'controlling' as CA is would not have checked her daughter's Facebook, my space, emails, texts, or cell phone records for October thru December of 2004 and found out who the daddy was, and Caylee was NOT premature at 7+ lbs so with an August delivery ICA got pg around Thanksgiving of 2004. I am convinced the A's know who the father is and its soo embarrassing (to them) they would rather no one know about it. Maybe CA showed up to Rick's wedding with the visibly pg ICA to show him what his son had done unless she really didn't know at that point, which is ... beyond me.

IIRC PP said Rick said he was a liar???
I dunno maybe the cousin denied it at first and later admitted it?
Rick got furious? he'd be like 30 now right?
CA said
a mutual decision was made with the father's family
bio dad was never been involved in their life.
biodad dead she had obit.

Lee said
He knows who it is.
He lives out of state
married now.

ICA said
he was dead
he was a friend from childhood
she hadn't seen the parents of the father since she was young (not parent...) and honestly PP would not have been at the wedding.

grains of truth? if it was him..
A decision was made to let it go and not speak of it.
Biodad was adopted so technically they were not related by blood.
I don't think they grew up together. ~weirder things have happened...
I personally wouldn't look down on that much
but my husband's grandmother married her brother in law after their spouses died sooo. that was a lil different...
maybe Rick put 2+2 toghether after insisting ICA was preggers and was like :eek
I could see CA goin off!!! there was a whole lotta tension there between CA and RICK and I didn't think it had just started...
She has since "disowned" Rick hasn't she?

if Rick did disown him that can be stretched into
"he's dead to me"... hence why reported as deceased...
this is crazy talk!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Why has PP waited this long to come out I wonder...
Donjeta, I didn't seen any mention of Pam Plesea contributing directly to the book in any form. The headline of the article is rather confusing, IMO.

For what it's worth, I believed Rick back when he first started posting on Topix and I believe Pam now.

Velouria, thanks for pointing this out. I too didn't read anywhere in the article that Aunt Pam was writing any book. True, the headline is misleading but the story lists the authors name and premise of the book - fiction at that.

I'm going along with Pam too. As a reason for her speaking out now, maybe she's like the rest of us who have watched the trial steadly and just couldn't contain what she knew any longer.

All along I suggested George lied about seeing Casey and Caylee leave that morning. He said before Casey left, she told him she would be spending the night with the Nanny. If that were true, why would we have calls from Casey to her parents later in the day on the 16th. It's been reported those calls were supposed to be Casey looking for a sitter so that she could meet with Tony that evening.
looks like Rick did disown his son!

now I really want to know more

Email from Cindy to Rick
August 22 2008 8:37 pm
Subject: Re: Won’t do Greta.
call his father he did not wrestle his dad thru a glass window. She did not steal dad’s check I gave mom back the check from her 21st birthday uncashed that is how she got the routing number. You are the f/n stupid one, there is a sitter. We have people tracking her, the OCSO is not doing there job, but we have other sources who are. Someday you will eat all your words and I hope you choke on them. There is no case against Casey, DNA does not take 31 days to get back they have nothing. I did not ask you to get involved. You think you know everything. Mom got confused when you went thru your divorce and took Pam’s side until I convinced her there are always 2 sides. People should not judge what they do not know. The next time you say Caylee is dead I will personally come there and kick your sorry @ss all the way to hell, because that is where you are headed. Stay out of my life. You did not ruin your son’s life, he is a wonderful young man. Thank god you disowned him he did better of without you. You have no family loyalty, or faith, what a waste of a human existence. I did not want to stoop to our low life level but I’m calling it as I see it. Again I feel sorry for Robin, she is a nice woman. I have only 2 brothers.
There isn't a particle of evidence that the cousin is the father of Caylee. I don't think that is a good path to go down.
you are right.
there is no evidence ANYONE is the father of Caylee
so sad... I'll stop.
To me, this makes the most logical sense. She fought with her mom and left early the next morning before anyone else was up. George never saw them leave. I thought from the beginning that that didn't happen. Why didn't Shirley tell this to law enforcement?

The only thing is that I'm recalling Casey sending a photo from the desktop at her parents' house at 9:30 a.m. on the 16th. If they did leave early and Casey came back alone, then obviously George couldn't have seen them both at 12:50 pm. This is my first post, and I'm not nearly as familiar with the vast amount of documentation in this case, so I could be wrong. You folks have done a tremendous job here of analyzing this case!

from RP to CA
Speaking of the FBI, they and the Orange County Sheriff&#8217;s office called me and mom. They now know what mom and I know about this. They talked to Dan too. This is far to serious to PRETENT that Casey just gave Caylee to a &#8220;made up&#8221; sitter. No one believes you or your lying daughter. I disowned <son> because he was a lying no-good little ****. I gave him many chances. (but not the million chances you have given Casey)


LE did talk to them so none of what PP has said is news to the police...
For once I'm actually glad that someone related to the case spoke on NG to tell their story.

I think PP makes some good points and seems to be honest in her recount without embellishing.

I do wonder though why she didn't try to contact the prosecution earlier with this information.
Exclusive: Casey Anthony's Aunt Pam Plesea Speaks - A new book being written about the alleged murder of the infamous Florida tot

Whom are they speaking of as an INFAMOUS Florida tot? Surely they can't mean Caylee!

Was Casey Evil as a toddler?
'scuse me while i pick my jaw up off the floor

i think you may have nailed it here. :eek:

Wow...so that would make RP the great-uncle and the biological grandfather?:waitasec:
I find it funny that PP would go on Nancy Grace to say how PO'd she is that the article came out... I think because its nearing the end of the trial anyone who wants their 15 mins has to get out there pretty quick...
Exclusive: Casey Anthony's Aunt Pam Plesea Speaks - A new book being written about the alleged murder of the infamous Florida tot

Pam said, the night Caylee went missing on June 15, 2008. It&#8217;s not what Cindy and George have sworn under oath to in court either&#8221;.

&#8220;She told me that Cindy and George are not being totally honest about that night. Lee was there, Cindy confronted Casey on June 15 and they ended up in an altercation and Cindy choked Casey, Lee pulled them apart, and Cindy called Shirley to tell her that Casey would never steal again and that she had choked her. Then Cindy called her mother Shirley the next morning and told her that Casey had taken Caylee and the car before anyone woke up and was gone. That&#8217;s still very horrifying to Shirley. She&#8217;s very aged now and the little girl&#8217;s death weighs heavily on her mind.&#8221;[/B]

Snipped for what I wanted to comment on.

We already guessed they were lying about the night of the 15th. Many of us, myself included, suspected George of lying about last seeing Caylee on June 16th. :liar:

This comes as no surprise to me, not at all. :furious: Unforgivable.

The fact that Casey took Caylee in a huff is the only explanation that's believable why Cindy wasn't over-the-top frantic when she didn't see the baby in that first week. The child had lived with her all her life and Cindy (!) was going to let her go without checking on her, talking to her, not knowing where she was taken! Uh-uh, I don't think so. This scenario is the only one that has ever made sense to me.
I'm so confused!

GA SAID under oath, a few times at that, that ICA and Caley left close to the time of his favorite cooking show! Close to noonish.

NOW we see/hear another version of the fight AND that ICA and daughter were both gone by the time anyone in the household got up that day? Or did I confuse my dates again?

Why now? Why do they all come out of hiding? They should have been all over so they could be deposed and questioned. Or are we looking at another hearsay issue?


Hey consider the source Cindy is a liar too. Maybe she lied to her Mom about the whole confrontation. Afterall she told her Mom she'd take care of if so she'd have to make her mom think she did. JMO
Donjeta, I didn't seen any mention of Pam Plesea contributing directly to the book in any form. The headline of the article is rather confusing, IMO.

For what it's worth, I believed Rick back when he first started posting on Topix and I believe Pam now.

Okay...but something is smelling fishy.

Watched NG tonight and heard the call in from Pam Plesea. Pam was very upset that this news story of her interview hit the web and she said she wanted to "set the record straight".

What caught my ear was when she stated (as an excuse imo) that when she gave this interview, she was "under the understanding that I was speaking with someone FROM THE PROSECUTION!!!"

And now this "interview" comes out in an article that ALSO touts this "new FICTIONAL BOOK????

Did an "author" contact her and mislead her into believing she was talking to someone from the prosecution?

And did anyone else notice that this self publishing company is out of Sydney AUSTRALIA....???

The SAME PLACE that hosted the "Tot Mom" play...(also fictional)...

And do you recall the interviews at the time that the director had plans for a future project involving the story...interesting that the article states a book is about to be released, and the screenplay is currently being written...


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