Exclusive: Casey's Aunt, Pam Plesea, Speaks - book being written

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Is it possible that Casey took Caylee and stormed off on the night of the 15th (remained in the same area) and came back home next morning after Cindy left for work?

All along I've believed that there was a fight on the 15th but that Casey stayed at home throughout the night. Now I don't know. It's possible that she may have taken Caylee and stormed off, it's possible that she killed Caylee in her bedroom, it's possible that she killed Caylee sometime during the day on the 16th in a very calm and collected matter.

She's a cold hearted killer, this much I'm sure of.
We actually don't know that for a fact since we don't know for sure who it is...

If it's JP... probably no relevance.

If it was Ortiz, probably no relevance.

If it was her cousin... that might have more relevance.

I can see Cindy wanting it covered up if her brother's adopted son was the father of her grandchild.

I can see as Caylee got older, for some reason that coming out.

Maybe the Daddy wanted to be involved?
Maybe Caylee started to look like her Daddy?
Maybe someone found out and was going to tell?

I can see how IF the father was a family member (which I have speculated REPEATEDLY) that being a factor in this case

I can see how if any father came back into the picture, that being a factor in the case.

It would really depend on WHO it was.
I can see plenty of reasons her birth father might try to remove her from that family. And I can see ICA killing her so he couldn't get her.
what did she say when LE interveiwed her?

I don`t want to be one of those thousands of parents that has to deal with the possibility... of knowing that their child`s alive and that they`re with someone else The thought of that every day makes me sick.

I don`t want to be one of those thousands of parents that has to deal with the possibility (that I won't have custody of Caylee )of knowing that their child`s alive and that they`re with someone else (knowing I'd owe child support) The thought of that every day makes me sick. (Imade sure it won't happen)

my comments added
Does the novel that Kathleen McKenna is writing have something to do with Pam P or are they just coincidentally in the same article?

My impression is that it was coincidental. A local woman, Pam Plesea, related to the Anthony family, while another local is writing a fictional book based on the case.
We actually don't know that for a fact since we don't know for sure who it is...

If it's JP... probably no relevance.

If it was Ortiz, probably no relevance.

If it was her cousin... that might have more relevance.

I can see Cindy wanting it covered up if her brother's adopted son was the father of her grandchild.

I can see as Caylee got older, for some reason that coming out.

Maybe the Daddy wanted to be involved?
Maybe Caylee started to look like her Daddy?
Maybe someone found out and was going to tell?

I can see how IF the father was a family member (which I have speculated REPEATEDLY) that being a factor in this case

I can see how if any father came back into the picture, that being a factor in the case.

It would really depend on WHO it was.

Did LE investigate? Apparently they did some - tests were done ruling out LA and GA as the father. It's a non issue. There would have been more info and we would have heard about it. They think it's a non issue with no bearing on this case.

Apparently the prosecution agrees, so far. Haven't heard a word from them about Caylees dad - so pertaining to this case - it is a non-issue.

If it turned out the cousin was the dad - chances are real good he was looked into and it was deemed a non issue in this case. If he was, you can be sure the man would have been under the bus by now, if only to get KC acquitted. Think about it. They've thrown everyone else under the bus. no qualms about accusing GA and LA with molestation. KC would have jumped on this if she thought it would get her off, the hell with what mommy thinks, especially since the guy isn't a "blood" cousin but an adopted cousin.
Exactly, but as PP said CA was a little rude to her about him being adopted and most people wouldn't do that either.
Heck she was in protective mode with a deceased father too.
bottom line it's no one's business. CA doesn't want anyone to know.
never has and Casey doesn't either

One more thought, ICA and CA may not know for sure, either...
One more thought, ICA and CA may not know for sure, either...

Exactly. This is why she told JG he was the dad. Bet she never expected him to get a DNA test. Surprise Surprise!

Sad part is, he was perfectly willing to raise Caylee as his own.
Did LE investigate? Apparently they did some - tests were done ruling out LA and GA as the father. It's a non issue. There would have been more info and we would have heard about it. They think it's a non issue with no bearing on this case.

Apparently the prosecution agrees, so far. Haven't heard a word from them about Caylees dad - so pertaining to this case - it is a non-issue.

If it turned out the cousin was the dad - chances are real good he was looked into and it was deemed a non issue in this case. If he was, you can be sure the man would have been under the bus by now, if only to get KC acquitted. Think about it. They've thrown everyone else under the bus. no qualms about accusing GA and LA with molestation. KC would have jumped on this if she thought it would get her off, the hell with what mommy thinks, especially since the guy isn't a "blood" cousin but an adopted cousin.

I agree it's no one elses business-
and it wouldn't matter if Caylee were alive but she's not.
IF the biodad is ALIVE
Naming him now wouldn't he be able
to cash in?
to sue for wrongful death or take her to court when she
gets found innocent?
j/k but I could see CA saying this.
just do not for one second think biodad is dead
and he and his family never knew Caylee was even born.

Must be someone that if she named him there would be trouble.
bigger than her murder case I guess since she sems so uninterested in it.
I beleive the dad is the chunk of he puzzle that is missing
that is all
Maybe CA called her mom form work?

We need the Gentiva guy back!

It's interesting that there is a call from the Anthony home to ICA's cell at 7:45am the morning of the 16th, but I think the pings proved ICA was there. Or at least her phone was.

But still, there don't appear to be any calls to SP on the evening of June 15th, when we know CA was not at work....and when the alleged fight took place.(The spreadsheet made by wanttohelp includes CA's cell calls)

They possibly mixed up the dates. I might go and check the 9th, because I think something significant happened that day.
It sure is fitting a lot of pieces together for me as well....

Such as the mystery that has kept me perplexed as to why Lee and George both suddenly moved out of the house two months after Caylee was born (about the time the DNA/Grund test results would have come in....)

I know it was claimed that Cindy threw George out of the house and contemplated divorce during this time after learning about his supposed gambling issues....

Problem with that is.....Cindy did NOT file for divorce....GEORGE DID....and it has been well established that Cindy was the breadwinner, the controller of money, and the only one in the household with a continuous source of income...

Yet George files for divorce???

(Unless of course, George was FURIOUS to learn of the parentage of Caylee and even more furious at his wife's insistence that they keep this "family secret" secret instead of supporting his irate anger at her family?

May also explain why Casey suddenly decided to join her parents in Myrtle Beach for Rick's wedding...

According to CA's Mom's & Rick's emails, CA kicked GA out over online gambling debts and credit card abuse. GA was not working and filed the divorce, because he wanted CA to give him 1/2 of the community property and alimony. CA took him back, because it was less expensive to keep him than to get rid of him.

IMO that their relationship has been rocky for many years.
I agree it's no one elses business-
and it wouldn't matter if Caylee were alive but she's not.
IF the biodad is ALIVE
Naming him now wouldn't he be able
to cash in?
to sue for wrongful death or take her to court when she
gets found innocent?
j/k but I could see CA saying this.
just do not for one second think biodad is dead
and he and his family never knew Caylee was even born.

Must be someone that if she named him there would be trouble.
bigger than her murder case I guess since she sems so uninterested in it.
I beleive the dad is the chunk of he puzzle that is missing
that is all

It could also be - assuming the biodad lives - he just doesn't give a damn.

It also could be - he's fully aware and doesn't want anyone to know because he's a decent soul, could careless about cashing in, and doesn't want to get caught on the karma carousel that is the Anthony saga. KWIM?
Here's what Uncle Rick had to say to his sister Cindy when Caylee first went missing.


WOW, this is the first time I 'm reading all these letters by the uncle Rick...he had Casey's number and didn't believe her from day one. In one of them he calls her a 'lying snot who never told the truth' and in another he says "Casey will lie to her own grave. She is a sociopath that cannot tell the truth"
These were in August of '08! The whole family knew what Casey was about. No wonder they never show up to support. CA and GA lost their entire family over defending their crazy daughter who everyone knew was a pathological liar.

WHY wasn't the state allowed to bring in the fight Cindy had with Casey about stealing from her grandmother??? This is HUGE. I'm so pissed this info wasn't included in the case. I think the jury will be upset, after coming out of sequester, to find out all this info that wasn't allowed in.
I have always believed that there was an argument, between Cindy and Casey, on the 15th. I didn't, for one second, buy Cindy's tale of the two of them watching the family video together and what a heart warming experience that was. I also believe that Casey was at the house on the night of the 15th. Cindy would lie about about the fight, because it's in keeping with her perfect family image and removes her as a partial catalyst for Caylee's death. I believe there will be more that comes out, about this family, as time goes by. The trouble arises as to what to believe, given the immediate family, and their history of lies. Out of all of the family, I still believe Rick to be the most credible.

I can only guess as to why the state didn't bring in the alleged fight, between Cindy and Casey. First, would any of the family members have testified honestly to it ? Second, it could have painted Casey as a victim, in front of the jury, and that is something that would have done the state no good.
Is it possible that Casey took Caylee and stormed off on the night of the 15th (remained in the same area) and came back home next morning after Cindy left for work?

All along I've believed that there was a fight on the 15th but that Casey stayed at home throughout the night. Now I don't know. It's possible that she may have taken Caylee and stormed off, it's possible that she killed Caylee in her bedroom, it's possible that she killed Caylee sometime during the day on the 16th in a very calm and collected matter.

She's a cold hearted killer, this much I'm sure of.

Phone records show that someone at the Ant house called ICA's cell at 7:45 on 6-16-08. If ICA was home, they would not have been looking for her on her cellphone...

One more thing that fits with your theory. CA took Caylee to see GGrandpa 6-15. GGrandma told CA about the stolen checks that day. CA gets home and confronts ICA. Then the fight? Then ICA grabs Caylee and leaves? ICA comes back after CA leaves for work?
It's going to be interesting just how many books are written on the case, especially those by family members. Cindy is already keeping a journal for this very purpose.
I have always believed that there was an argument, between Cindy and Casey, on the 15th. I didn't, for one second, buy Cindy's tale of the two of them watching the family video together and what a heart warming experience that was. I also believe that Casey was at the house on the night of the 15th. Cindy would lie about about the fight, because it's in keeping with her perfect family image and removes her as a partial catalyst for Caylee's death. I believe there will be more that comes out, about this family, as time goes by. The trouble arises as to what to believe, given the immediate family, and their history of lies. Out of all of the family, I still believe Rick to be the most credible.

I can only guess as to why the state didn't bring in the alleged fight, between Cindy and Casey. First, would any of the family members have testified honestly to it ? Second, it could have painted Casey as a victim, in front of the jury, and that is something that would have done the state no good.

BBM- I believe LA would have told the truth about it on the stand if it happened.
And I tend to think that it would have spoken more to motive than making ICA look like a victim , had it been brought in.

I just read the LE interviews with Shirley Plesea. http://www.wftv.com/pdf/18974289/detail.html

She says Casey stole from her twice. Once right before Caylee's 2nd birthday and she told Cindy right away. It was a check she forged to Publix for items for Caylee's party in the amount of $54. The 2nd time was the check for $354 to AT&T that was out of her grandfather's account. That happened in the Spring of 2008 per Shirley and she told Cindy when it happened. Casey emailed her to apologize and asked if she could come clean her house do other things for her and Shirley told her no, that she did not want to see her. She told her that she loved her but that she didn't like her.

Shirley says she knows of no fights that occurred on June 15 or 16 and that Cindy has not ever told her that there was. This was her own words in her statement to Yuri Melich.

I have no idea what this woman is talking about now in this article and on NG tonight.

Also, if there was a fight the night of the 15th, I don't see how it could have had anything to do with the stolen check on her grandfather's account since that had happened in the Spring and dealt with at that time, not in June.

Phone records show that someone at the Ant house called ICA's cell at 7:45 on 6-16-08. If ICA was home, they would not have been looking for her on her cellphone...

One more thing that fits with your theory. CA took Caylee to see GGrandpa 6-15. GGrandma told CA about the stolen checks that day. CA gets home and confronts ICA. Then the fight? Then ICA grabs Caylee and leaves? ICA comes back after CA leaves for work?
I have dialed my cell from my home phone to find it (I often misplace it and have to dial it to locate where it is). This may or may not have happened, but didn't her cell ping from the area of the home all night on the 15th, and most of the day on the 16th ?
Phone records show that someone at the Ant house called ICA's cell at 7:45 on 6-16-08. If ICA was home, they would not have been looking for her on her cellphone...

One more thing that fits with your theory. CA took Caylee to see GGrandpa 6-15. GGrandma told CA about the stolen checks that day. CA gets home and confronts ICA. Then the fight? Then ICA grabs Caylee and leaves? ICA comes back after CA leaves for work?

BBM- There was a theory ages ago that ICA couldn't find her cell and used the land line to call it. The call lasted 1 sec. Then at the exact same time, she checked her VM. (also 1 sec)

If it was CA calling to leave ICA a VM, then I can't imagine it only going for 1 sec. CA talking for only 1 sec? Nope can't see that happening. :innocent:

I have dialed my cell from my home phone to find it (I often misplace it and have to dial it to locate where it is). This may or may not have happened, but didn't her cell ping from the area of the home all night on the 15th, and most of the day on the 16th ?

I've done the exact same thing.
I just read the LE interviews with Shirley Plesea. http://www.wftv.com/pdf/18974289/detail.html

She says Casey stole from her twice. Once right before Caylee's 2nd birthday and she told Cindy right away. It was a check she forged to Publix for items for Caylee's party in the amount of $54. The 2nd time was the check for $354 to AT&T that was out of her grandfather's account. That happened in the Spring of 2008 per Shirley and she told Cindy when it happened. Casey emailed her to apologize and asked if she could come clean her house do other things for her and Shirley told her no, that she did not want to see her. She told her that she loved her but that she didn't like her.

Shirley says she knows of no fights that occurred on June 15 or 16 and that Cindy has not ever told her that there was. This was her own words in her statement to Yuri Melich.

I have no idea what this woman is talking about now in this article and on NG tonight.

Also, if there was a fight the night of the 15th, I don't see how it could have had anything to do with the stolen check on her grandfather's account since that had happened in the Spring and dealt with at that time, not in June.


BINGO!!!! You're a legend!! :tyou:

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