Exclusive: Casey's Aunt, Pam Plesea, Speaks - book being written

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BBM- I believe LA would have told the truth about it on the stand if it happened.
And I tend to think that it would have spoken more to motive than making ICA look like a victim , had it been brought in.


I wasn't able to watch all of the trial (most of it, but not all). Did the state allude to possible motives ? I believe that Casey couldn't stand her mother (for many reasons). I also believe the true motive was her desire to be with Tony, her desire to be free of responsibility and live unencumbered by Caylee. I also believe that is why the chloroform searches took place, around the time of the Puerto Rico trip, which she wanted so badly to attend.

The chloroform searches and the death of Caylee, both coincide with events in Casey's life that she was prevented from participating in, due to the responsibility of motherhood. That is why I believe that her wants and desires were the reasons for Caylee's death.

I wasn't able to watch all of the trial (most of it, but not all). Did the state allude to possible motives ? I believe that Casey couldn't stand her mother (for many reasons). I also believe the true motive was her desire to be with Tony, her desire to be free of responsibility and live unencumbered by Caylee. I also believe that is why the chloroform searches took place, around the time of the Puerto Rico trip, which she wanted so badly to attend.

I could have missed it but I don't recall the SA bringing up a motive. They may address it in their closing.

I've gone over several in my head and it's like a multiple choice. Then I just end up with "all of the above".
I could have missed it but I don't recall the SA bringing up a motive. They may address it in their closing.

I've gone over several in my head and it's like a multiple choice. Then I just end up with "all of the above".

Same here.
I've only gotton to page 5, and am tired but wanted to add a couple of things.

I don't know why people would think that Shirley would not lie for Cindy.
She did tell LE that Cindy had either called her, or, came over to see her prior to LE showing up that day.
Towards the end of her interview, she said that she hoped that she hadn't said anything that would make Cindy mad ~

Shirley's carrying on that day, going off in all directions; people thought that she was a funny old lady.
Maybe not.

Cindy ruled the roost in her childhood home, and continues to do so.
It was rumored at one time, that if Shirley wanted to still see or talk to Cindy, that there was to be no talk of Casey at all.

Of course Shirley feels guilty about Caylee ~ And, it is to bad that she didn't press charges against Casey for stealing.
I don't doubt for one minute that had she not been arrested when she was, that Casey would have started making some hefty withdrawall's from the grandfather's account, that was said to have had 14 grand in it. Funny how Casey told of having that same amount in a saving account, don't ya think.

I always thought that Casey left the evening of the 15th also, and went to Lee's for awhile til things simmered down ~
The Anthony home phone called her that AM to Casey's cell phone.

Anyway - back to Shirley ~ I wouldn't put it past her to lie also out of guilt, or threats from Cindy.
And, yes, it is strange that NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER of either family have shown up in court to support anyone.
Casey, Cindy, George, Lee and last but certainly not least, the victim of all of them, Caylee.
In GA'a suicide note he talks about how CA challenged him and he could never live up to those expectations and never found himself in life, so how would that translate into him being so rich that CA had to marry him.
Originally Posted by Talina
I just read the LE interviews with Shirley Plesea. http://www.wftv.com/pdf/18974289/detail.html

She says Casey stole from her twice. Once right before Caylee's 2nd birthday and she told Cindy right away. It was a check she forged to Publix for items for Caylee's party in the amount of $54. The 2nd time was the check for $354 to AT&T that was out of her grandfather's account. That happened in the Spring of 2008 per Shirley and she told Cindy when it happened. Casey emailed her to apologize and asked if she could come clean her house do other things for her and Shirley told her no, that she did not want to see her. She told her that she loved her but that she didn't like her.

Shirley says she knows of no fights that occurred on June 15 or 16 and that Cindy has not ever told her that there was. This was her own words in her statement to Yuri Melich.

I have no idea what this woman is talking about now in this article and on NG tonight.

Also, if there was a fight the night of the 15th, I don't see how it could have had anything to do with the stolen check on her grandfather's account since that had happened in the Spring and dealt with at that time, not in June.


Who's to say that Casey hadn't started to tap into that 14 grand that was sitting in her grandfather's account??

Why would she think that she had to stop, after all ready forging from those accounts twice already??

It never stopped her from stealing from her mother, hundreds of checks, nor from Amy.

The girl is/was bold and brazen and knew that her mother would come in from behind and clean up after her once again, and again, and again.
Who's to say that Casey hadn't started to tap into that 14 grand that was sitting in her grandfather's account??

Why would she think that she had to stop, after all ready forging from those accounts twice already??

It never stopped her from stealing from her mother, hundreds of checks, nor from Amy.

The girl is/was bold and brazen and knew that her mother would come in from behind and clean up after her once again, and again, and again.

Where is it established that the grandfather's account had $14k in it? Shirley says in her sworn statement to Melich that his account could never exceed $2k due to medicaid reasons.

She also says that she was furious with her bank for paying that check because she'd had the account changed to where no checks were to be drawn on it and that they had made a bank error by paying that one check to AT&T. They gave her the money back. Shirley took money from that account by doing a bank transfer to her account to pay the household bills and never let that account get above $2k.

I've only gotton to page 5, and am tired but wanted to add a couple of things.

I don't know why people would think that Shirley would not lie for Cindy.
She did tell LE that Cindy had either called her, or, came over to see her prior to LE showing up that day.
Towards the end of her interview, she said that she hoped that she hadn't said anything that would make Cindy mad ~

Shirley's carrying on that day, going off in all directions; people thought that she was a funny old lady.
Maybe not.

Cindy ruled the roost in her childhood home, and continues to do so.
It was rumored at one time, that if Shirley wanted to still see or talk to Cindy, that there was to be no talk of Casey at all.

Of course Shirley feels guilty about Caylee ~ And, it is to bad that she didn't press charges against Casey for stealing.
I don't doubt for one minute that had she not been arrested when she was, that Casey would have started making some hefty withdrawall's from the grandfather's account, that was said to have had 14 grand in it. Funny how Casey told of having that same amount in a saving account, don't ya think.

I always thought that Casey left the evening of the 15th also, and went to Lee's for awhile til things simmered down ~
The Anthony home phone called her that AM to Casey's cell phone.

Anyway - back to Shirley ~ I wouldn't put it past her to lie also out of guilt, or threats from Cindy.
And, yes, it is strange that NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER of either family have shown up in court to support anyone.
Casey, Cindy, George, Lee and last but certainly not least, the victim of all of them, Caylee.

The fact that SP despised ICA for her stealing and lies, makes me think that she wouldn't lie for CA. Still possible, but I highly doubt it.
If I'm asked who I choose to believe out of the two (SP and PP) my money is on SP who spoke to LE and didn't wait 3 years, and till the end of a trial to bring up something potentially vital to the case.

Well she did say she was an event planner. She stole $ to maybe buy drugs so she could party on the weekends? She clearly never had gas , and no job... so she wasn't having to pay for a sitter or food. no car payment What the heck did she spend all that money on?
She had nothing to show for it.
sounds like an addict to me ~ stealing from everybody
Tommy Garrett fires back at Pam Pleasa, claims she backpedaled on last night's NG appearance.

Shocking Allegations In Casey Anthony Case

Posted by Tommy Garrett on Jul 3, 2011 - 10:57:49 PM

~snip from article~
"ORLANDO, Fla.—After part one of Pam Plesea’s exclusive interview ran in this paper, she then followed it up with an appearance on HLN’s “Nancy Grace” show and started backpedaling part of her story, however I have documentation on everything that she reported to me, and so does the famed author Kathleen McKenna, who has been aided extensively in her book by Plesea, who is a retired English teacher and the aunt of defendant Casey Anthony"

"Plesea told Canyon News, “The last time I saw Casey was in the summer of 2001, when Shirley rented a condo on the beach to celebrate her and dad Plesea’s 50th Anniversary of being married. Casey sulked and sat inside an entire day under a blanket on the floor and refused to go out on the beach with the rest of us. She was 15 at the time, and she was a spoiled brat. "

more at link

Cell phone pings place her at the house all night and through the 16th, until around 4pm.

So, no, she didn't leave. In fact, it seems pretty clear that she was sexting Tony most of the night.

I thought cell pings showed her driving around that night and after she talked to Tony aroundb 3:30a.m. she then went home and they did not use this in court because of ga there had been a pic of her at a motel parking lot which has been removed from the internet as other things were.
Where is it established that the grandfather's account had $14k in it? Shirley says in her sworn statement to Melich that his account could never exceed $2k due to medicaid reasons.

She also says that she was furious with her bank for paying that check because she'd had the account changed to where no checks were to be drawn on it and that they had made a bank error by paying that one check to AT&T. They gave her the money back. Shirley took money from that account by doing a bank transfer to her account to pay the household bills and never let that account get above $2k.


His account is separate from Shirley's. I believe Shirley's account had the $14,000 in it. I would imagine his SS check goes directly into this separate account and the nursing home draws from that account only. jmo
Tommy Garrett fires back at Pam Pleasa, claims she backpedaled on last night's NG appearance.

Shocking Allegations In Casey Anthony Case

Posted by Tommy Garrett on Jul 3, 2011 - 10:57:49 PM

~snip from article~
"ORLANDO, Fla.—After part one of Pam Plesea’s exclusive interview ran in this paper, she then followed it up with an appearance on HLN’s “Nancy Grace” show and started backpedaling part of her story, however I have documentation on everything that she reported to me, and so does the famed author Kathleen McKenna, who has been aided extensively in her book by Plesea, who is a retired English teacher and the aunt of defendant Casey Anthony"

"Plesea told Canyon News, “The last time I saw Casey was in the summer of 2001, when Shirley rented a condo on the beach to celebrate her and dad Plesea’s 50th Anniversary of being married. Casey sulked and sat inside an entire day under a blanket on the floor and refused to go out on the beach with the rest of us. She was 15 at the time, and she was a spoiled brat. "

more at link


And boy oh boy, is there ever more at the link! :eek:

Thanks so much for the excellent article, twall! I am LOL'ing at the thought of ICA demanding French Toast for breakfast in prison. :D
This woman is helping someone to write a "novel"; a novel means fiction. Why should anyone be interested in a fictional book about this case, that can contain anything the author chooses to write, without any sources or back-up??
Why does it nail Casey to the house? We know she was dragging around a laptop, and laptops can find connections anywhere. She didn't have to be home to upload to her MySpace. I do all sorts of things online with my trusty laptop when I'm traveling around the country.

I've never considered this....great point. All you need is an unsecured network and a laptop. The computer forensics show what sites the laptop visited, correct? But did they, could they determine, from what internet connection she did it? Could she have been in the area, on the laptop, surfing the web but not at home? Maybe. Hmm.
Why does it nail Casey to the house? We know she was dragging around a laptop, and laptops can find connections anywhere. She didn't have to be home to upload to her MySpace. I do all sorts of things online with my trusty laptop when I'm traveling around the country.

Because according to http://www.acandyrose.com/casey_anthony_31days-061608.htm, it was uploaded from the desktop PC at the Anthony home:

"June 16, 2008 (Mon)
Casey Anthony @PC:
PhotoBucket Upload
Casey uploaded a photo of interior of the Fusian Ultra Lounge at 9:27am from IP address which is the desktop PC at 4937 Hopespring Drive"​
WOW, this is the first time I 'm reading all these letters by the uncle Rick...he had Casey's number and didn't believe her from day one. In one of them he calls her a 'lying snot who never told the truth' and in another he says "Casey will lie to her own grave. She is a sociopath that cannot tell the truth"
These were in August of '08! The whole family knew what Casey was about. No wonder they never show up to support. CA and GA lost their entire family over defending their crazy daughter who everyone knew was a pathological liar.

WHY wasn't the state allowed to bring in the fight Cindy had with Casey about stealing from her grandmother??? This is HUGE. I'm so pissed this info wasn't included in the case. I think the jury will be upset, after coming out of sequester, to find out all this info that wasn't allowed in.

I agree with your entire post except for the jury part. I don't think they care. :(

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