Expert Statement Analysis on Casey

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I tend to agree with the two posts above. KC is referring to herself and Caylee's father. That would make KC and the father the same age. How old is RP?

Ryan was 22 yr old when he posted on a site looking for his birth father. That post was Jan 22, 2008.
Q Zenaida give you any money that day?
A No. I would not have sold my daughter. If I wanted to really just get rid of her I would've left her with my parents and I would've left. I would've moved out. I would've given my mom custody.

I think this would truthfully read as follows if KC had told the truth- I have bolded the inserted text:

A. No. I would not have sold my daughter. I was not trying to get rid of my daughter If I wanted to really just get rid of her, I would have left her with my parents and I would have left. Instead, this horrible accident happened. I was not trying to get rid of my daughter I would have moved out. I would have given my mom custody like she wanted.

I think that statement is most likely one of the most truthful things KC said.

She admits she knew turning Caylee over to Cindy was a real option for her. She can't later say that she was over welmed, etc.. and didn't realize that Cindy would have taken over that part of her burdens.

She said "If I wanted to really JUST get rid of her", which tells me that this was more then getting rid of responsibility. She REALLY has another motive. Placing Caylee with Cindy would not achieve this motive....

I think it backs up some of the theories of revenge ,etc, all the issue theories between her and her mother as being the cause of all this.

This statement is her admitting to premeditated actions. She planed it. She knew she had other options. She chose the route she took.
Casey, "So I sit down on the steps and wait for a little bit to see if maybe it was just a fluke, if something happened."

Her first mistake is "I sit down on the steps and wait for a little bit" when it should have been past tense, if it really happened. It should have been, I sat down on the steps and waited for a little bit.

Casey, "Noone showed up to the house so I went over to Jay Blanchard Park and checked a couple other places where maybe possibly they"would've gone. A couple stores just regular places that I know Zenaida shops at and shes taken Caylee before."


This is really interesting and thank you for all the links on Statement Analysis. Did she really say "house" in the above statement? Hmmm, I wonder if she really was at a house (as in the A's) when this all came about.
I think that statement is most likely one of the most truthful things KC said.

She admits she knew turning Caylee over to Cindy was a real option for her. She can't later say that she was over welmed, etc.. and didn't realize that Cindy would have taken over that part of her burdens.

She said "If I wanted to really JUST get rid of her", which tells me that this was more then getting rid of responsibility. She REALLY has another motive. Placing Caylee with Cindy would not achieve this motive....

I think it backs up some of the theories of revenge ,etc, all the issue theories between her and her mother as being the cause of all this.

This statement is her admitting to premeditated actions. She planed it. She knew she had other options. She chose the route she took.

Sounds to me like she's been at least thinking about it for some time . . .

This is really interesting and thank you for all the links on Statement Analysis. Did she really say "house" in the above statement? Hmmm, I wonder if she really was at a house (as in the A's) when this all came about.
Interesting observation. Wasn't there a time (per the pings) when she was at the house and headed over to JBlanchard park? It seems this was weighing on her mind when giving her story.
Very interesting. TY.

I wonder what his take is on her using the words, "absolutely" and "neutral place". WTH is a "neutral place"? I've never heard anyone use that phrase.

bold me
IMO A place where she won't be lectured, or called to task on some bad act or short a place where her family is not. A place where she is feels young and free..IMO
Q Zenaida give you any money that day?
A No. I would not have sold my daughter. If I wanted to really just get rid of her I would've left her with my parents and I would've left. I would've moved out. I would've given my mom custody.

I think this would truthfully read as follows if KC had told the truth- I have bolded the inserted text:

A. No. I would not have sold my daughter. I was not trying to get rid of my daughter If I wanted to really just get rid of her, I would have left her with my parents and I would have left. Instead, this horrible accident happened. I was not trying to get rid of my daughter I would have moved out. I would have given my mom custody like she wanted.

The parts that stands out for me are the following:
1 "this horrible thing that happened is...." Is she, in her way as Cindy says, confessing to an accident? Page 97 on docstoc.
2. "No I would not have sold my daughter Not sold or not hurt, Not pre-meditated?, see above Page 123 When LE asked her if Zanny had given her any money that day the first thing she jumped to was selling her daughter...maybe I don't think that way I would have thought money for what?? groceries, diapers...

3."I would've given my Mom custody" So was there talk of Cindy taking custody of Caylee.? page 123
From Lee Anthony interview on 7/29

"So, after getting that call, I mean I was at my mom's house within 5 minutes.
Uhm, when I arrived, I go through the garage door like I typically do. Uhm, there was, the only vehicle in there was my, uhm, the vehicle drove, driven by my sister, the white, uh, Pontiac. The trunk was open. The windows were rolled down to what I assume ventilate the horrible smell that I had (chuckles) just, uh, just smelled for the first time."

Doesn't this ( "the horrible smell that I had (chuckles) just, uh, just smelled for the first time.") just seem kind of odd. Why would he need to establish that he just smelled it for the "first time."

IMO I think that is a powerful statment made by Lee, even though at the time, he didn't realize the implications that the smell being reported on (by Cindy, George and LE as well)was the smell of a decomposing human body.
In Casey world:
neutral place...hmmm...let's see:

A place where nobody is going to CARE that Caylee is not with me
A place where it is likely nobody will even ask me about Caylee
A place where I will have zero questions to answer
A place where there is a man who can help me forget what I have done
A place that is ANYWHERE where my mom and dad are not
A place where my parents do not know where I am
A place where I can forget about Caylee
A place that is fun to be

Neutral place in Casey land...:eek:

You have described Casey's "Neutral" place

A place where I can start over, a new life and try to hide from the old one,
Regarding a previous post re all of CA's lies.........with "partial" truths woven in periodically....Here is another...........

Interesting comment by CA:

Statement - Transcript Recorded at UNiversal of Casey Anthony 2008 0716 Part 2

“I made the greatest mistake that I ever could’ve made as a parent” I bolded the statement by CA.

Your child being kidnapped by someone would not classify you as the greatest mistake a parent could make but the drugging and/or killing of your child would. IMHO
Your child being kidnapped by someone would not be classify you as the greatest mistake a parent could make but the drugging and/or killing of your child would. IMHO

Wow ~ that's a GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT POST !:clap:
correct... you would not N E C E S S A R A L Y have control... over
someone kidnapping your child... unless you left them.. Alone.. unattended..
or something careless... of that nature..
But even KC did NOT fight back and try to take Caylee away
from the fleeing NANNY/Zanny.... Did Not call 911:furious::furious::furious:
did Not jump into her car and follow them...
she did say Zanny's phone was disconnected...
BUT what about her address ?
WHY DID KC HAVE TO LIE about all that ::liar::liar::liar:

But ~ correct DRUGGING /Killing your child is a Terrible C R I M E ! ! !
not a accident/mistake ! ! !:furious::furious::furious:

Thanks ! for helping to SEEK ~JUSTICE~for Little Angel CAYLEE ! ! !
God Bless !

IMO I think that is a powerful statment made by Lee, even though at the time, he didn't realize the implications that the smell being reported on (by Cindy, George and LE as well)was the smell of a decomposing human body.

You don't find it fishy that he felt the need to say this was the first time he had smelled that smell? Usually when people include information that really isn't needed, I think they're lying.

The windows were rolled down to what I assume ventilate the horrible smell that I had (chuckles) just, uh, just smelled for the first time."
The parts that stands out for me are the following:

1."Instead, this horrible accident happened." Is she, in her way as Cindy says, confessing to an accident?
2. "I was not trying to get rid of my daughter" Not pre-meditated?, see above

3."I would have given my Mom custody like she wanted" So there was talk of Cindy taking custody of Caylee.?

1. I don't believe this was an accident, so I tend to think this was just another instance of Casey using a word that's inappropriate to what she's supposedly trying to say.

3. We know Cindy was talking about getting custody but she did nothing but talk, or I suspect make empty threats.
The parts that stands out for me are the following:

1."Instead, this horrible accident happened." Is she, in her way as Cindy says, confessing to an accident?
2. "I was not trying to get rid of my daughter" Not pre-meditated?, see above

3."I would have given my Mom custody like she wanted" So there was talk of Cindy taking custody of Caylee.?

Please be careful quoting these statements. I think some of the parts that "stood out for you" were the comments of the previous poster and were not actually in KC's original statement! ;)
It's Not the Nanny IF you don't mind I would like to copy your post to the E.S Analysis thread for more discussion?"

It's not the Nanny Posted:
I greatly enjoyed Bond's analysis of "between 9am and 1pm".....always found that so completely odd!
Maybe he could take a crack at another interesting point in her written statement -- that Zenaida called her exactly 3 days later.
I found that extra little tidbit so strange.
Maybe because the decomp fluids in the trunk dated to approx. 3 days.
She went from being very vague with her wide range of possible times to drop of her daughter (albeit on the 9th...wrong day) to remembering that Zenaida called her 3 days later."

BondJamesBond Posted:
Yes, IIRC, posted on the "6/16 vs. 6/9" thread this forum...that the Thursday the 12th reference in her statement re: contact w/ ZG was prolly a subconcious slip to the Thursday 6/19 being the last time Casey actually 'saw' Caylee, albeit her corpse.
Thanks for copying it over, Intermezzo!!!

Has this been discussed before?

How odd that she would add in the "3 days later Zenaida called me". Extra detail for added flavor?

I suspect it was a mini slip up. 3 days after she killed Caylee, she saw her for the last time when she bagged her body and stopped the ADD clock.
You don't find it fishy that he felt the need to say this was the first time he had smelled that smell? Usually when people include information that really isn't needed, I think they're lying.

I don't know if you've ever smelt human decomposition, but it is a powerful and unforgettable odor.
It gets stuck in your nostrils and you can smell it long after you have left the direct area.

My point is that you NEVER forget the first time you smell it, and by saying the first time, he may be insinuating that he has never smelled anything like it before in his life.

It's also possible that he could still smell it as he passed the garage door, and was kinda 'braced' for it, so it was only 'that bad' the first pass.

However, the explanation doesn't negate the fact that he chuckled, even if he had no clue what that odor was, and even allowing for a nervous giggle, the stench is stomach churning and would never result in a smile - a grimace is more appropriate.

Why was the car in the garage though? Why take that smell into a confined space? Surely the driveway was a better place to 'air' it. It's very hot and humid in Fl, I can't imagine doing anything 'smelly' in the confines of my garage.
Please be careful quoting these statements. I think some of the parts that "stood out for you" were the comments of the previous poster and were not actually in KC's original statement! ;)

I corrected my post and the quotes adding links.
Thanks again
Thanks for copying it over, Intermezzo!!!

Has this been discussed before?

How odd that she would add in the "3 days later Zenaida called me". Extra detail for added flavor?

I suspect it was a mini slip up. 3 days after she killed Caylee, she saw her for the last time when she bagged her body and stopped the ADD clock.

Your most welcome
And to answer your first question, I'm not sure.
And now it's time to get dinner ready so I won't be able to continue..gee, I thought I had taught my kids to cook LOL
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