Facebook: 'Justice For Devon And Damon Routier'

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And why is she exposing Drake when the intruder is out there and could come back to finish the job?
I've always found it odd that Darlie never expressed fear that the intruder would somehow seek her out and kill her to keep her from identifying him. She went back to her house after the funeral accompanied only by one girlfriend. She shows no fear that she may still be in danger.
one thing I find VERY disturbing is that Darin talks about the boys murder like it's the weather. On this facebook group I found an interview and I mean....I'm stunned.... in one segment Darin is shown touring the TV interviewer through the empty, gutted Eagle Drive home re-enacting what happened. In detail. No tears, nothing. He gets on his knees and simulates how he tapped one of the boys faces. No reaction, no sadness, no emotion and i think this interview was only 2 yrs after darlie's conviction. Another thing that bothers me is that he is so blase about WHY this happened. His answer is that he had the prettiest house and THEN he says "my wife has a beautiful body". :banghead: Um, huh?!?! Okay, Darin, you're right!! If your wife has a nice figure it's to be expected that a maniac breaks in and brutally stabs your young sons and dashes away like a thief in the night!! Never do you hear him say "why us? why would someone do this?" It's always this cocky attitude. Of course someone attacked MY family, I had the PERFECT life everyone WANTED. Earth to Darin, you were losing your home and your wife was suicidal! Rant over!

Thank you. I have had suspicions about Darin as well. He has always seemed rather detached, imo. Then his later claims that he had hired someone to burglarize his earlier home, then this home as well. Then he drove by his old house and stopped and was looking and thinking about the slashed window screens. Why? Why would he be doing this?
This was always one of my alternative theories, that Darlie killed the boys, then Darin slashed her throat, either out of rage or out of necessity to stage the crime. I vacillate between whether I believe Darlie could have done that to herself or whether Darin did that. Not convinced he was in on it in the beginning, but maybe he just felt "responsible", maybe she put the guilt trip on him and he took it on. Also could explain some of the bruising on her arms. IDK, just some different thoughts that have at times run through my head.
Again, I have had several theories, but still believe Darlie is the primary suspect and is where she belongs.

Regarding the bold: Darin neglects to point out here that Darlie's Double D *advertiser censored* are fake implants, so I guess one might assume he didn't think that Darlie had such a "beautiful body", before :tsktsk:... Actually, now that I remember back, wasn't this a bargain between Darlie and Darin, that she have the big boob job, in exchange for having Drake? If I'm remembering correctly, I mean, God, that is just sick, imo. :sick:

Also, could this be why Darlie wasn't stabbed in the same manner as the boys? God forbid that her expensive boob job be totally ruined :shakehead: ....
OMG, these were/are such superficial and petty people. I guess it shouldn't be such a surprise to us that they don't really grieve over the deaths of their own children like true normal, loving parents would.
Just another note: has anyone here besides me noticed the parallels in this case and that of the Jeffrey MacDonald case? TIA
Thank you. I have had suspicions about Darin as well. He has always seemed rather detached, imo. Then his later claims that he had hired someone to burglarize his earlier home, then this home as well. Then he drove by his old house and stopped and was looking and thinking about the slashed window screens. Why? Why would he be doing this?
This was always one of my alternative theories, that Darlie killed the boys, then Darin slashed her throat, either out of rage or out of necessity to stage the crime. I vacillate between whether I believe Darlie could have done that to herself or whether Darin did that. Not convinced he was in on it in the beginning, but maybe he just felt "responsible", maybe she put the guilt trip on him and he took it on. Also could explain some of the bruising on her arms. IDK, just some different thoughts that have at times run through my head.
Again, I have had several theories, but still believe Darlie is the primary suspect and is where she belongs.

Regarding the bold: Darin neglects to point out here that Darlie's Double D *advertiser censored* are fake implants, so I guess one might assume he didn't think that Darlie had such a "beautiful body", before :tsktsk:... Actually, now that I remember back, wasn't this a bargain between Darlie and Darin, that she have the big boob job, in exchange for having Drake? If I'm remembering correctly, I mean, God, that is just sick, imo. :sick:

Also, could this be why Darlie wasn't stabbed in the same manner as the boys? God forbid that her expensive boob job be totally ruined :shakehead: ....
OMG, these were/are such superficial and petty people. I guess it shouldn't be such a surprise to us that they don't really grieve over the deaths of their own children like true normal, loving parents would.

I think the alleged insurance scam is just that a scam and so does the court. Never mentioned until Darlie's Habeas Writ. Robbie Kee, Mama Darlie's husband suddenly remembers two years after the murders Darin mentioned this insurance scam to him....I suggest this story is not even worth consideration.

According to the books written about this case, Darlie bacame pregnant shortly after Damon was born and neither she nor Darin were ready for a third child so fast so in effect hiding the abortion she got the breast implants. Who knows what the real truth is.
Just another note: has anyone here besides me noticed the parallels in this case and that of the Jeffrey MacDonald case? TIA

Very much so. Jon Galt who did the time line that is stickied once did the similarities.

Both sleeping on the couch
Both claimed to be attacked on the couch yet the evidence of an attack is elsewhere in the home.
Both administered a self-inflicted wound.
Both taking diet pills in the days preceding the murders.
Both claimed to be asleep and woke up to harm done in the house
Both continue to claim innocence despite overwhelming evidence of guilt.
Both continue to claim "new evidence" will set them free.
The blood evidence in both cases is overwhelming evidence of their guilt.
It also reminds me of the Diane Downs case. The journals started right before the murders about how much they love their kids, changing from the one intruder to the two intruder theory, both claimed to know who committed the crimes. And, they both "fought" off their attacker (or attackers, depending on what story they are telling) with only minor wounds compared to the wounds of the children. The wounds for both women were determined to be self-inflicted. It's like she was using Small Sacrifices as a guidebook.
Yeah and did you notice in that same interview the paramedic who teared up talking about working on Damon?

The paramedics had to go to counselling. Nabors went home and threw all his son's power rangers gear away because all he could see was Devon lying there in his PR underwear soaked in blood.

Vile creep...




Thanks for these links: Just some things I noted:

Re: that hideous and shameful display otherwise known as the birthday "Celebration" w/ the silly string, when Darlie was on camera talking to the reporter:

1. How she came across as so insincere, so detached, so devoid of grief.
2. How, in contrast to that, she seemed convinced that the boys are better off in heaven to the point that she appears to be happy and relieved, actually smiling, joyful even, :shakehead:... while also trying to convince everyone else that they should feel the same way she does about the death of these precious children. :what:
3. And, how she sounds like a complete and total AirHead, yes I meant for that to be capitalized, LOL.

Also: In these interviews, even the ones where she was able to dredge up a few tears, her eyes have that veiled, blank, flat, empty look, imo; i.e., vs. any emotional depth or signs of true or heartfelt emotion. Those characteristic "flat" eyes are associated with sociopathy and schizophrenia. As Darlie to my knowledge has never been diagnosed with schizophrenia, this may lead one to suspect the alternative.
To summarize, she is completely insincere and unbelievable. Ijmo that she must surely be a psychopath.
It also reminds me of the Diane Downs case. The journals started right before the murders about how much they love their kids, changing from the one intruder to the two intruder theory, both claimed to know who committed the crimes. And, they both "fought" off their attacker (or attackers, depending on what story they are telling) with only minor wounds compared to the wounds of the children. The wounds for both women were determined to be self-inflicted. It's like she was using Small Sacrifices as a guidebook.

this has reminded me of Diane Downs as well. She too maintains her innocence to this day. Pig!
Thanks for these links: Just some things I noted:

Re: that hideous and shameful display otherwise known as the birthday "Celebration" w/ the silly string, when Darlie was on camera talking to the reporter:

1. How she came across as so insincere, so detached, so devoid of grief.
2. How, in contrast to that, she seemed convinced that the boys are better off in heaven to the point that she appears to be happy and relieved, actually smiling, joyful even, :shakehead:... while also trying to convince everyone else that they should feel the same way she does about the death of these precious children. :what:
3. And, how she sounds like a complete and total AirHead, yes I meant for that to be capitalized, LOL.

Also: In these interviews, even the ones where she was able to dredge up a few tears, her eyes have that veiled, blank, flat, empty look, imo; i.e., vs. any emotional depth or signs of true or heartfelt emotion. Those characteristic "flat" eyes are associated with sociopathy and schizophrenia. As Darlie to my knowledge has never been diagnosed with schizophrenia, this may lead one to suspect the alternative.
To summarize, she is completely insincere and unbelievable. Ijmo that she must surely be a psychopath.

Darin also has many of the same traits. He comes across devoid of emotion, insincere and detached. Also sounds like a complete airhead. And the flat eyes have no emotion. I've noticed he has a slight smile at some inappropriate times. Almost as if he enjoys giving his opinion. But he for the most part is expressionless. Almost as if he has monotone emotions. They are a troubling pair.
Especially the way he refers to his children. " The boys", like they aren't his. I don't even refer to my dogs like that. They are "my dogs". Total disconnect there.
Especially the way he refers to his children. " The boys", like they aren't his. I don't even refer to my dogs like that. They are "my dogs". Total disconnect there.

ITA. You are so right, and what a good point. It took about a second for me to make this connection concerning my own dog ..... My dog is seriously like my second child, he is so much a part of our family. I worry about him if I have to leave him almost as much as I did with my son when he was small.
I have searched high and low for the best kennel within 50 miles to leave him if we are absolutely unable to take him with us. But for the most part, we take our little "boy" (ok, I mean 'dog') every where with us that we possibly can.

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