Fact-Checking "Presumed Guilty" by Jose Baez ***LIST ONLY, NO DISCUSSION***

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For those who are comparing facts on the Baez book thread, this autopsy report should remind you of the work Dr G did - work that Baez and Dr Spitz called 'shoddy' - read this, then compare the detail and thoroughness to his autopsy which comprised of showing up with no instruments, then attempting to saw the skull open with a saw from Walmart ( he didn't realize you could look into the skull through the foramen magnum) and ask who is shoddy?
The Wack Pack - Page 99 (special shout out to the stuffed dog talker for pointing this fantasy fact out)

To work for Texas EquuSearch, each volunteer had to pay twenty-five dollars.

:websleuther: From the TES website:

1). Search Volunteer Registration Application that every searcher must fill out. There is no fee charged to search.


2). If you would like to join in TES, there is another form, a membership application, which does involve a $ 25 yearly dues fee.


To further clear this up, the TES site notes;

This Agreement is used when searching — if you want to join Texas EquuSearch, you must first fill out a Membership Application and forward same, along with your yearly dues to P.O. Box 395,
Check out the "Anthony's Computer Forensics" thread, starting with this post by JWG [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8223072&postcount=1085"]http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8223072&postcount=1085[/ame] for complete decimation of Jose's theory about George's computer activity.

As I understand it (I haven't read the "book"), his theory is that, at 1:50 pm on June 16, George (having just recently killed and/or molested and/or discovered Caylee in the pool) searched "fool-proof suffication" [sic] because he wanted to kill himself. His "evidence" that this was George was: (1) the search was right after an AIM login and "Casey didn't have AIM," (2) George is the poor speller in the family, and (3) the search was followed up by some "gardening" searches, which George likes and Casey doesn't.

The truth: The search was done at 2:50 pm, not at 1:50 pm--so was after George left for work. Also, leaving aside the ridiculousness of wanting to kill yourself through suffocation for about 2 minutes and then running off to work instead: (1) the AIM login URL strongly indicates that this was Casey's login, not George's--see JWG's analysis for more detail--and the search was interrupted by views of MySpace and Facebook as well (which George didn't have in case you're wondering, JB), (2) yes, JB, Casey did have an AIM account (although so did George)--if you had read the discovery *cough cough* you might have noticed all the released AIM transcripts between Casey and her friends, (3) um, Casey can't spell, JB--"chloraform" anyone? how about "begining"? or "iorn"? wait, no, that was you, (4) the "gardening search" was a click of 11 or 12 seconds on a website that was one of the search results from the "fool-proof suffication" search.
Page 152

....in October a woman and her neighbor had called 911 after they heard a child screaming from the wooded area near the elementary school. The call was made to the Orlando Police Dept, not OCSO, and a massive search was undertaken in the exact area where Caylee's remains where found. A helicopter flew over the area, they brought in dogs, and performed an exhaustive search. No child was ever found, but after searching the records of the Orlando Police Department, we could verify that the site where Caylee was found was the area where they searched for the child who allegedly was screaming in the woods.

:websleuther: The actual incident report is below, where it was determined that a child at the school was outside screaming during the time the two women report it.

Read for youself, and you will find that it was not a massive search, and only one K9 dog. The area searched, before it was determined to be a child at the school, is clearly documented, and you will find that it was no where near the area where Caylee's remains were thrown away and later found. The report also notes they did not go into the wooded areas due to its thick vegetation and the fact that the ground is very wet and covered in deep water in some areas.


One of the women was on the defense's witness list, but was never called to testify.
Sorry guys but I had to remove about 4-5 posts.

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This is a "List Only - No Discussion thread"
I checked this out from the library on my kindle, I couldn't resist temptation to see how far JB would take things and to see if it was really as bad as everyone says. So far, it is. And as I read, I keep finding things that either I recall very differently from JA's book or from what I know from reading here or other sources.

JB proclaims that Linda DB and JA weren't close and that Linda backed LL in the State's Attorney race. (Chapter 22 - the sides are drawn)


JB also goes on to say that LDB makes a remark about JA's book, stating it should be called 'Imperfect Memory." When in fact that was something the defense put in a motion:


LDB stated in June 2011 she hadn't, and won't read JA's book because 'she lived it':


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