Fact or Fiction?

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DNA Solves
Ivy said:
JonBenet and Burke both still believed in Santa. JonBenet (and Burke too) knew Bill McReynolds, and knew he wasn't the REAL Santa, just as I knew when I was a little kid that none of the department store Santas were the REAL Santa, and neither was my friend's dad who dressed up like Santa for the Christmas Parade. There was only one REAL Santa.

I think that the "secret visit from Santa" referred to the Christmas celebration that the Ramsey family was going to have with Melinda and John Andrew in Michigan, in which Santa (the REAL Santa) was going to again arrive in his sleigh while they slept and leave gifts, just as he had on Christmas Eve in Boulder. John and Patsy probably both know very well that's what JonBenet was talking about when she told her friend she was expecting a secret visit from Santa...secret because he wasn't going to be visiting everyone's family twice that year, just hers....but true to their characters, the Ramseys would rather an innocent person, even a dead innocent person like Bill McReynolds, be the target of unwarranted suspicion rather than explain the simple truth about the secret visit from Santa that JonBenet was expecting.


I don't have any information to tell me that Jonbenet ever saw McReynolds in any venue other than Santa. This is a borderline age about the reality of Santa. Santa only comes one night a year. I have never heard one thing to suggest that the Christmas in Michigan was a REAL Christmas. And if she didn't believe in Santa why would she say she was expecting another visit, from a fake Santa??
It was clear to me from how McReynolds described JonBenet showing him around the house that she knew he wasn't the REAL Santa. Anyway...where did you get that she was expecting a secret visit from a FAKE Santa?

Ivy said:
It was clear to me from how McReynolds described JonBenet showing him around the house that she knew he wasn't the REAL Santa. Anyway...where did you get that she was expecting a secret visit from a FAKE Santa?


Because she is 6, it hard to decide how much she had a firm belief in Santa. Please refresh my memory about her showing him around the house. I have nothing to say that she didn't think that Bill McReynolds wasn't really Santa.
Type mcreynolds +jonbenet into your search engine, and you'll come up with links to transcripts for Larry King Live and Geraldo, as well as other sources describing JonBenet showing McReynolds around the house. Btw, in the Ramseys book, DOI, it states that on JonBenet's last Christmas, both JonBenet and Burke still believed in Santa. One more thing... I can't source this, but maybe it was in DOI...JonBenet called Bill McReynolds "Old Sam." If she thought he was the real Santa, why would she call him that?

Thanks for refreshing my memory. I think the only palpable thing with this issue is that she was expecting a secret special visit, and she got one. I don't think Michigan was secret or special. In my family we have the kids Christmas in the morning and Adult Christmas at night. The kids still get gifts, but they are not from Santa. All families do holidays different.

I do remember the tour of the house. I felt the killer must of had some level of knowledge of the lay out of the house. It's been years, but I do recall that the gifts that Santa gave that night were in the room in the basement that she was found? Perhaps if the BP had done a better job, this would not be a looming question for me.
kimba said:
Perhaps if the BP had done a better job, this would not be a looming question for me.

You are absolutely right. If the BPD had done a better job AND, more important, if the Ramseys had done a better job aiding in the investigation, there wouldn't be any looming questions at all

Many "looming questions" could be answered by merely reading some of the materials available on the case.

Ivy said:
Many "looming questions" could be answered by merely reading some of the materials available on the case.


These are John's own words from DOI -

The kids still believed in Santa Clause. Why shouldn't they? They always had presents from Mom and Dad - and then got special gifts from Santa. Stop believing in Santa, and you lose out on a set of gifts. Burke and JonBenet knew how to work the system.
Toltec, thanks. So...what was John saying? That JonBenet and Burke didn't really believe in Santa Claus but only pretended to believe in him to get more gifts?

John speaks with forked tongue.

Ivy said:
JonBenet and Burke both still believed in Santa. JonBenet (and Burke too) knew Bill McReynolds wasn't the REAL Santa, just as I knew when I was a little kid that none of the department store Santas were the REAL Santa, and neither was my friend's dad who dressed up like Santa and rode on a float in the Christmas Parade. There was only one REAL Santa.

I think that the "secret visit from Santa" referred to the Christmas celebration that the Ramsey family was going to have with Melinda and John Andrew in Michigan, in which Santa (the REAL Santa) was going to again arrive in his sleigh while they slept and leave gifts, just as he had on Christmas Eve in Boulder.

John and Patsy probably both know very well that's what JonBenet was talking about when she told her friend she was expecting a secret visit from Santa...secret because he wasn't going to be visiting everyone's family twice that year, just hers....but true to their characters, the Ramseys would rather an innocent person such as Bill McReynolds be the target of unwarranted suspicion rather than explain the simple truth about the "secret visit from Santa" that JonBenet was expecting.

Ditto! IMHO the R's prayed/pray that we believe that the McReynolds were the cause of JonBenet's death when the R's "really know who caused JonBenet's death but don't want to 'face it'..." ... so sad :( :mad:
If in fact what she said was HE said this would suggest is was not her Mother that said this to her, and why would it be a secret that they were having Christmas in Mic. ? :waitasec:
Toltec said:
These are John's own words from DOI -

The kids still believed in Santa Clause. Why shouldn't they? They always had presents from Mom and Dad - and then got special gifts from Santa. Stop believing in Santa, and you lose out on a set of gifts. Burke and JonBenet knew how to work the system.

Here we go again- Is this so unusual? My kids, neices and nephews all do the same thing! They know how to work "the system" too. Come by our neighborhood every Christmas, we still have 12 year olds "claiming" they believe and then snickering behind our backs. I know they don't really believe, but they find it amusing and they know it will tug on mom's ol' heart strings a bit so they can get just a little bit more for Christmas. Heck, all kids do that. John saying that does not have any hidden meanings in it. Good night- sometimes I wonder about people! Everything you say apparently can be translated into some devious hidden statement nowadays. Lord, I pray I never have some dreadful crime occur in this family of mine- one might have a field day with me. I say all kinds of junk and forget EVERYTHING- I will be screwed!
The thing about you do not believe that JBR would believe that the santa at her house was the real santa, I disagree My son is 7 and we have the same Santa come to our house every year to pass out the presents to him personally. He does believe this is the real Santa, he thinks they are special friends and that is why he get to have them given to him special. We even fixed up a fake south pole one year, blind folded him and drove him around in the car which he thought was a sleigh, and took him back to the back yard which he thought was the south pole. he love it and we almost could not get him to leave. Only by telling him Santa had to get busy taking the other presents would he go. But he still offered to ride in the sleigh with Santa and deliver the presents to help lol It was great so it is possible that she belived it was the real santa.
Wait a minute - you mean there is no Santa?! I totally believed in all those department store Santas....I believed because I wanted to.

I think the McReynolds should've been on the top of list of suspects - being eliminated because of "health" was not justified in my mind.

I'd like to know if any one confirmed the Charles Kuwalt story (about wanting to film Santa at the Ramsey house). That sure was a good way to get into the house....knew Patsy would fall for that one!!
Hair and handwriting samples were taken from both Bill and Janet McReynolds. Bill wasn't cleared because of his health problems.

The story about Kuralt wanting to film Bill McR in the Rs' house as part of Kuralt's Christmas special in which he followed Santa Bill around... but Kuralt cancelling the Ramsey house segment because he was tired, has been widely reported by bona fide news sources as true. I am sure if it were not true, by now Ramsey supporters would have exposed it as a lie.


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