Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

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Yes, I was thinking the same thing. They can't keep their stories straight. I personally hope that they file a lawsuit and then all the supporters will see what a mess they really are.

If the supporters can't see what a mess they are now, they never will.

Even Casey Anthony & O.J.Simpson have their supporters. YKWIM ?

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Oh good lord. Lou is on Hannity claiming that hospitals have figured out that if someone is a ward of the state, they can do medical research on them. Apparently implying that's why the hey "wanted" Justina? They have claimed this before but don't they have competent attorneys to explain to them that the statutes do not say that? The statutes allow wards of the state to participate in medical research without discrimination - in other words they are not tossed out because of their status. The man has officially lost it In My Opinion.

If my recollection is correct the an attorney has said the same on T.V. We can interpret the wording how we perceive it. I think it means that they can use the child without parents permission. It is obvious from this situation the DCF, state, defers to the doctors at BCH. The point being, if a parent doesn't want to comply with treatment they say is necessary, they just pull the medical abuse charge and get what they want. I do think that is what happened in this case.
It's not evil.
It's physical rehabilitation.
It's not torture.

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When professional caregivers yell at or laugh at a child (mock) then that is evil in my opinion. I do believe Justina.
She's eating and not slurring. Quite an improvement from when she first went in.

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She said after moving to CT she was put back on her medications and she is feeling better and optimistic that she will walk and skate again and that she wants to.
She's eating and not slurring. Quite an improvement from when she first went in.

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I suspect she was on psych meds while in the custody of DCF and that probably is why she slurred her words. Her eyes always looked "medicated" to me, especially months ago.
When professional caregivers yell at or laugh at a child (mock) then that is evil in my opinion. I do believe Justina.

Well I've noticed Justina tries her hardest to parrot Lou. Lou IMO is a known liar.

I did notice she appeared to be FAR from deaths Lou stated repeatedly.

The media that lap this up and regurgitate the blatant conflicting tales that spew from Lou...are a JOKE. Surely, they can ferret out confidential sources to get the other side out. Lazy lazy lazy agenda driven nonsense.
They should be ashamed.


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Yes, I was thinking the same thing. They can't keep their stories straight. I personally hope that they file a lawsuit and then all the supporters will see what a mess they really are.

Unless, of course, their supporters are just as messed up as they are.
This case is a mess that I can't fully have an opinion on at this point because we really don't have a lot of the information. I'm glad it's been determined she can safely go home and has made progress, and I wish her the best. Her parents seem really weird (I hate to use that word because everyone is really weird in their own way, but they are all over the place with their explanations) and obnoxious, but that doesn't mean they are abusive or should not have custody, so I hope they are able to stabilize as well. Hopefully it will work out well for everybody...

That means nothing to me. The judge who has made all the decisions orders a metabolic doctor to treat her for somatoform because psych doctors at BCH says she has this? Preposterous. How is he even qualified? Thank God the parents have full custody and this child is safely out of MA and away from this evil judge. All my opinion only.

The judge didn't do any of that. The judge took the child away because DCF said the parents couldn't meet her needs. He has no say as to what she is actually treated for - doctors do. He can't order doctors to provide certain treatments. All opinion of course, but I highly doubt he is evil - more like desperate to get out of this mess he never wanted to be involved in.
With all due respect she is still a psych patient. Whatever she says should be taken with a grain of salt.

Mark Korson of Tufts Medical Center, treat her for "persistent and severe somatic symptom disorder," a condition that acknowledges psychiatric as well as physical illness.

That is quite a statement about people with mental illness and on psych meds!
Rather insulting to them IMO.
That is quite a statement about people with mental illness and on psych meds!
Rather insulting to them IMO.

How is it insulting? People with mental illness often have problems separating reality from imagination and delusions. Should all delusions be ignored?
I don't want to sound insulting to anyone but didn't Lou say she functions mentally at the level of a kindergartener, or thereabouts? JMO but I would not necessarily take it for granted that an average kindergartener has the capacity to accurately assess and describe the adequacy of their medical treatment and custody decisions
What a mess. Any progress this girl has made is surely going to be undone by all this nuttery and talk about what an awful state she's in, how she was "tortured" by therapy (yes it's hard!). Also Lou's complete dismissal of psychology as a science shows he has absolutely no intention of following up on her psych issues (or he's being disingenuous for the media when he says things like that?).

Either way physically and mentally Justinas progress will be difficult while she is surrounded by attitudes like this.

Maybe the reverend can pray the mental illness away? but wait, sorry, since Lou dismisses psychology so completely, I guess he can have the reverend pray the demons out of her, or whatever such nonsense it is that people believe afflicts the mentally ill if they "don't believe" in psychology lol. :rolleyes:

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"We can interpret the wording how we perceive it."

words have context and meaning, words that are grouped together and written down, such as laws and policies, will also invariably have a history of being discussed, debated, and clarified...

it is disappointing when so many people choose to disregard all of that and go with their own "possible interpretation" even when that interpretation is demonstrably false.

this whole discussion about the "wards of the state can be used for research" language is like listening to someone argue that after reading the miranda warning they have come to the conclusion that it is all just a ploy to get people to not attempt to defend themselves when the police arrest them...
I don't want to sound insulting to anyone but didn't Lou say she functions mentally at the level of a kindergartener, or thereabouts? JMO but I would not necessarily take it for granted that an average kindergartener has the capacity to accurately assess and describe the adequacy of their medical treatment and custody decisions

by the same token, i would not necessarily believe lou is correct when he makes claims about her level of functioning.
When professional caregivers yell at or laugh at a child (mock) then that is evil in my opinion. I do believe Justina.

From extensive personal experience, I can tell you that the highly qualified therapists at Boston Children's Hospital DO NOT yell, laugh at, or mock the children in their care. They are among the best, most innovative PTs and OTs my family has had the pleasure of dealing with - anywhere.
If my recollection is correct the an attorney has said the same on T.V. We can interpret the wording how we perceive it. I think it means that they can use the child without parents permission. It is obvious from this situation the DCF, state, defers to the doctors at BCH. The point being, if a parent doesn't want to comply with treatment they say is necessary, they just pull the medical abuse charge and get what they want. I do think that is what happened in this case.

I do recall Matt Staver saying that on TV. However, this attorney from the Liberty Counsel was not accepted by the court as the Pelletier's attorney because he is not licensed to practice law in the state of Massachusetts. Perhaps that explains his misunderstanding of the statute, although (IMO) I doubt that. I believe he, and the Pelletiers, are deliberately making inflammatory statements to get more air time and increase their base of support. That particular law was written to protect sick children who happen to be wards of the state - not hurt them. It allows them to participate in clinical trials. It does not compel them to do so.
I suspect she was on psych meds while in the custody of DCF and that probably is why she slurred her words. Her eyes always looked "medicated" to me, especially months ago.

In most patients, "psych" meds would be contra-indicated in the treatment of somatoform disorder. Since BCH's goal was to reduce her medications, it does not stand to reason that that would put her on "psych" meds.
I suspect she was on psych meds while in the custody of DCF and that probably is why she slurred her words. Her eyes always looked "medicated" to me, especially months ago.

In most patients, "psych" meds would be contra-indicated in the treatment of somatoform disorder. Since BCH's goal was to reduce her medications, it does not stand to reason that that would put her on "psych" meds.

Slurring in mitochondrial disease can be caused by an altered metabolism, dehydration, and/or exhaustion of muscle or person.
no link, I live it
In most patients, "psych" meds would be contra-indicated in the treatment of somatoform disorder. Since BCH's goal was to reduce her medications, it does not stand to reason that that would put her on "psych" meds.

What are you referring to as psych meds and why would they be contraindicated? I would think SSRIs would be used (they seem to recommend them for almost anything), but those don't slur your speech. Heavy anti-psychotics might, but no idea why she'd be on those. Sedatives might, but those aren't really psych meds and at high enough doses to cause slurring, were probably not to treat somatoform if used.
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