Family, friends mourn Tigard boy (This is MY son)

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Oh Di, I just looked at the pictures you had taken of your son.... It brought tears to my eyes too. How are you doing? I pray for you every day.
Thanks to Ethan.... I'm getting all the bad tree limbs that around my house taken down. I've been putting this off because they aren't my trees and the neighbors will not do anything about them. I told them I would split the cost with them and they don't think it's a problem that there tree is bad. We have a pool and there are usually alot of kids at my house and they seem to drop all the time when we get bad storms.
They are right over my driveway and by the pool and they worried me before I read what happen to Ethan. I never had given it a thought that they could hit someone. All I was thinking is they are going to hit the house,garage,deck,pool,cars. I'm so sorry for your lost I wish I could think of something to say that would make you feel better. Miles of Smiles Luci
LadyDi~ Sometimes God does work in mysterious ways. I was looking at a totally unrelated post and linked to a story there. What popped up was the story of your precious Ethan and his memorial service. I was dumbfounded to run across it in such a way. (If you don't want me to post it here, I understand and respect your wishes. It was very touching tho.)

I am so proud of you and your family for helping to save others through organ donation. As painful and difficult a decision it is, you will find love and comfort in the lives you have spared and in the hearts of their families. Bless you, your husband, and Bless Ethan for giving others the chance to survive.

I pray you are all doing well as you go through day to day trying to cope with your loss. Always remember there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone experiences it in their own way and no one can possibly know how you feel. All we can do is to be here when you need a kind word, a hug, or need to talk.

Many hugs~
SS..... that would be great to post the link here!!!

I have the news video's from the memorial but not sure how to get them on youtube or such....

Thank you all so very much for being here!

One moment at a time!
Seahorseladydi I just saw this thread and wanted to say how sorry I am. Much love to you and your family.
Thank you for sharing the pictures of your beautiful boy. What a special little boy he was.
I just saw this thread for the first time today. May the Comforter continue to give you comfort during your time of bereavement.

By the way, I LOVED the mohawk picture.
Dear Di,

I am so sorry for your loss. When my daughter was killed, it seems like a lot of friends fell by the wayside, and I also felt so alone at times when I might be in the middle of a crowd. You can survive this, though, even if some days it might not seem worth it. You are in my thoughts.
Oh Di, I am so sorry for your loss. I have an 8 month old grandson named Ethan. Your son is just beautiful and you are so brave.
I was just checking back to see how your doing.....
My heart goes out to you & your family.

Both of my brothers died in seperate tragic accidents. My Mom always said she was in survival mode.
She was a very strong woman & you are too!

My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family!
Hi Di! I just wanted to let you know I'm still thinking of you and your family. I hope you doing alright.
Still thinking of you LadyDi. Hope you are doing alright and finding peace.
Just wanted to say that you are an amazing, incredible woman to be able to make such an unselfish act of donating his organs. Thank you. Your decision has allowed at least 3 other people to live.

Your decisions should be an inspiration to everyone. Bless you.
I wanted to drop by and see how you are doing. Thought you might need a hug today. (((((LadyDi)))))~
I've been wondering how you and your family are holding up. Hugs to you...
Juliana I am so glad you bumped up this thread I was wondering about this family myself just a couple of days ago:)
Just wanted to say hi & let you know that you're thought about often. Love to all of you.

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