Family Stranded at Airport After Being Kicked Off Plane

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People talk a lot about how parents can't discipline legally - but it's pretty much all hyperbole and exaggeration. A mix of stories where an abusive parent minimizes what they did to make themselves seem in the right and the law as overzealous, and the rare case where some social worker goes overboard (with the correction where the child is returned, social worker is in trouble usually left out of the story).

Abuse isn't allowed anymore, but reasonable discipline, including a spanking, is, everywhere I know of. And I'm from California, living in Washington - both pretty liberal areas - no issues with a spanking here!
Last September on my way back from my honeymoon...worst flight I've ever had.

First...we board on the plane. Cargo door won't close. We find this out after sitting on the plane for almost 2 hours. Then they unload us and put us on another plane. We lose our nice window/aisle seats. My wife and I are now separated by about 10 rows and both in the center seats, wedged in between huge people. Yay.

I brought a box of macadamia nut cookies to enjoy on the plane. I got them from Hawaii. Was thinking it would be a nice treat. Then attendant gets on the intercom ... "Ladies and gentlemen. We have a special request to ask of you. We have two little twin girls with a severe peanut allergy." LOL...I'm like...what else can go wrong?

Oh...I know....


Kid starts crying while we are sitting on the a plane where the air conditioning WASN'T working....for an hour and a half, and the baby was screaming the entire time. The parents almost didn't lift a finger to shut this thing up. Just passed it back and forth saying "You deal with it."

LOL, this guy in the row behind me finally lost it and said "GOOD GOD! SHUT THAT THING UP!" I clapped.

I would not have put away the cookies... That was crap. If your twins are allergic to nuts then you had better make sure they stay away from my cookies!
(I doubt all these kids allergic to such things are seriously allergic anyways!)
As for the crying baby that is just one of those things that people in public need to get over or stay home or charter your own plane.
Maybe there was nothing the parents could do? Clean, fed baby?
What is there to do?
I'm with you. All I have to do is shoot my DS "The Look".
I think you and bakerprune should have classes and teach other parents about immediate consequences and "the look" - my Mom was a MASTER - I could see it for about a block. I hardly ever see it anymore here - the last time I saw it used well, I was in Europe.

Your kids (and bakerprune64's kids) are NOT what I was talking about. I note that you actually have CONSEQUENCES and care whether your children are preventing others from enjoying their dinner. I have no problem with children being present anywhere, so long as them being there does not impact anyone else negatively.

And I get that parents do have to take their kids with them to shop, run errands and take care of family stuff.... but the idea that they can just allow their kids to do ANYTHING and it's other people's problem if their kids annoy them or get into dangerous situations is just all wrong on every level IMO. It's as if we (the public, businesses, society) are being FORCED to place children (all children) over everything else - our own rights included. Some parents seem to expect and feel entitled to a world that accommodates, protects, rewards and welcomes them and their children without question - without them having to do anything.

Having kids is a privilege and a GIFT - just ask women in China. Being a parent is an awesome responsibility and it is NOT EASY to be a GOOD parent - it's WORK - creating and nurturing and teaching a child is a job you get FOR LIFE.... but oh the joys and the rewards it brings! I just do not understand parents who willingly abdicate the parenting role and entrust their precious child to the "world" to raise instead. They want someone else to do the discipline and the hard parts while they have fun with their "friend" and then are all confused and befuddled and don't understand why their child has all these "issues" and "problems" and as adults can't keep a job or have a successful relationship and are $50K in debt before they're 25 and have to move back home.

I know- I see these "adults" struggling - they expect their boss to be their friend and get mad when the boss wants them to WORK instead of run around the office all day having fun and doing what they want - and its devastating when the boss FIRES them and they learn there are no "time outs" in the business world. And oh the shock when they are unemployed and realize they have to PAY for that expensive new car every month and the PAIN when they can't shop at the best places and keep going to exotic spots on vacation? What happened??? Doesn't the world OWE THEM to accommodate what THEY WANT? Whadda you mean they have to get up and go to work on time every day and work long hours at a job they might not love just to pay their bills? Whassup with nobody praising them or begging them to do their job or reminding them when they have to pay their bills or they'll shut off their precious cell phone? It's really quite sad that at 40 they finally realize they are self-centered and disrespectful and have a huge sense of entitlement and that the real world doesn't owe them ANYTHING and instead can CRUSH you like a bug. I know that's where some of these kids are headed - cuz "society" could care less about your special child and we won't do such a great job of parenting him while you are being his "best friend".

Parents have a JOB to do and those that don't want to do it are NOT protecting or helping or nurturing their children. Good parents prepare kids to be good adults - and that means teaching their kids to fit into the world, not expecting the world to fit itself around them.

HOORAY :clap::clap: for great parents everywhere! We don't appreciate you enough :blowkiss: - probably because we can't safely negotiate around the sea of unruly screaming kids fast enough to tell you we do!

My Opinion
Agree with you 100%. My children were 18 months apart and I traveled alone with them on a plane several times to visit family when they were young (once on a long flight when they were just 3 months and 21 months). I worked very hard to keep them both quiet so they wouldn't disturb the other passengers. It wasn't an easy task, but I was always able to do it. I think the key is distraction. If you work hard enough, you can keep children distracted and pleasantly occupied so they are quiet. It takes work, but that's what parenting is. In situations like flying on an airplane, you just have to work a little harder.

My children are grown now. I fly a lot, and while I don't complain and am willing to overlook a lot, it amazes me that so many parents don't try to do anything to keep their children from being out of control. It really isn't that difficult.
"The Look" does not work with my disabled child, but it does with my others! I'm sure if this woman had spanked her kids, that would have been the story, not them being kicked off. LOL
Being child-free myself, I know my opinion won't be as well accepted as those of the moms and dads here but....whatever happened to teaching your kids to respect and obey their parents from a young age? My mom raised 5 kids, mostly as a single parent, and we all knew where he line was and ll it took was a "look" from mom and we fell into line. It's not that she beat us or anything, just that we knew that disobeying or arguing was futile. Mom's decision was final and to argue would only result in punishment of some form. Unless your kid is a slow learner or disabled, firm consistent discipline works great.
I appreciate what you do as a teacher. Dealing with a roomful of autistic kids is not something too many people can do. But teachers like you give kids with autism a better chance at coming out of their shells and experiencing the world. Thank you.
I 100% agree. Spaz is awesome!:woohoo:
When my girls were very little and we traveled back east to see my parents...I always kept them up the whole day and flew the red eye so they slept the whole time. never a peep:)

Yeah, but you have a brain and use it.:crazy:
They don't offer red-eye's much at all anymore. I'd fly one if it were offered. Also, if they get overtired, then you are toast - they'll scream the entire time. I flew late last time, a few hours past bedtime. My daughter was awake the entire way. Fortunately not fussy - but she would not sleep.
I watched the talking about what happened on the flight. Im not trying to bash her at all...but its almost like she was playing the blame game. A disabled child cannot be blamed for their disability but a parent of a disabled child can be blamed for putting the child in a situation they are not emotionally and physically ready to deal with and it is untimatly the respnsability of the parent to handle the situation she has placed herself and her children in, when she could not do that the airline had to step in.

Im sorry if this sounds harsh or uncaring, I have 2 children (both grown) one was very easy going and you could take him anywhere, the other had some problems with things like everthing had to be on a schedule....dont ever change the routine, ever or a total meltdown would occur. bedtime had to be exact...we could never ever be away from home at bedtime...or another meltdown. If the structure ,routine , or order of things ever ever changed I had to plan way way in advance to prepare her for what we were going to be doing. And when I say plan I mean constant reinforcement of where we ere going and what we were to expect, and she had to know time frames and order or a total freak out was expected. I did this no only for her but for all our family and friends and various people who would be in our orbt. That is my job, I am the mom. It is not the job of members of society to learn to cope with the problems my girl was having, it was my job to help her cope and learn to controll her feelings and anxiety.

just some thoughts
I really hope I did not offend anyone
Wow, I am so impressed with all the posts above. All are jewels and could be used as a teaching guide for parents.

I just keep laughing about Bakers post last nite about the beotch Mom sitting in front of her during a flight and she ignored how disruptive and rude her child was being, so Bakers friend went over the seat to talk to the Mom and ended up throwing up on her. I still am laughing and have been telling everyone about it today. It is priceless. Talk about karma.
I would not have put away the cookies... That was crap. If your twins are allergic to nuts then you had better make sure they stay away from my cookies!
(I doubt all these kids allergic to such things are seriously allergic anyways!)
As for the crying baby that is just one of those things that people in public need to get over or stay home or charter your own plane.
Maybe there was nothing the parents could do? Clean, fed baby?
What is there to do?

About the cookies...they explained it as the cabin air system just cycles the air so any peanut smell or nut smell or whatever would trigger their reaction. I wasn't mad about the cookies...I just thought it was fitting that I was getting blocked at every turn this particular flight.

About the crying baby...a crying baby in itself is expected...but when you are frazzled from being 5 hours late, missing your connections, and your ride home after a long trip, and sitting in a stuffy metal tube with no air conditioning for 1.5 hours, your tolerance of a baby crying for over an hour straight will send you over the top.

In this situation, my care meter is down to zero for those parents. They were just passing the baby back and forth, as if to say to one another "You take care of it." Each time they did that the baby got more and more upset. I've heard babies cry before, but this baby was full out belting out screams, so much so it was struggling to get air. It was as if the baby KNEW it had a captive audience (I know this isn't true, but it's funny to think).
One child was autistic and one child has CP. Doesn't CP usually affect the muscles? The Mom should have been able to keep the CP child under control if the Mom kept the child under control at home. Of course, I have seen many many kids whose parents let them run rampant all the freakin' time. I hate that sooooooooooooooooo much. I am leaning toward this Mom is that kind of parent, and she really did not try to contain or contol her kids. And, one of those kids could have gotten to an emergency exit and accidentally opened it before anyone knew what was up.

I think the airline was in the right completely for stopping that family from flying any farther.
Even amusement parks screen for safety.

So what? No handicap children can fly now? Because they may be a risk? Let me tell you there is a million people that fly everyday that MAY be a risk.

My son is handicap and we are flying in less then 2 weeks. I'll be damned someone tells me he may be a " risk to others so he can't fly"

IMO This story has nothing to do with the child's handicaps . It had to do the mom and aunt ALLOWING the children run wild. There was 4 children not only 2. All 4 children was acting up. There for IMO this was not a issue about a handicap. Being handicap does not equal =a danger to others.
IMO This story has nothing to do with the child's handicaps . It had to do the mom and aunt ALLOWING the children run wild. There was 4 children not only 2. All 4 children was acting up. There for IMO this was not a issue about a handicap. Being handicap does not equal =a danger to others.
Ah, finally saw the video.

Rednecks...explains everything.
Being handicapped does not make you dangerous. This is why I am so furious about this lazy Mom using that excuse.

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