Family that hid Casey Anthony says she is selfish

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So true. Do you at least have that boutique of chic, Old Navy? She said she needed to lose weight, but we all know that she needs to shop.

nope, no old navy :)

Target would work just fine for her also.

nope, no target either LOL

Even EU don't want Anthony. I say send her off to North Korea, Zimbabwe, of Pakistan. At least in Zimbabwe, she will have millions of dollars, money that is worthless. :floorlaugh:

in seriousness, she aint coming to the EU. unless dottie & her rich hubby give the offender literal millions, she aint coming here. it's extremely hard for americans to get leave to remain anywhere without being married to a citizen or being absolutely filthy rich. that's the case for almost all countries the EU, australia, NZ, canada, etc etc. she cant just up and move somewhere "nice". north korea would only do the world a favour with her :what: her options for fleeing the US, if she is serious about it, are quite slim. possibly anywhere third world wouldnt mind as miuch. but I would believe that when I saw it.

She wouldnt work at Target, thats honest work! she wants money for free!:maddening:. Can someone clear this for me? Can she, as a felon, get a passport? what Country would accept her? She could go to Puerto Rico or Guam. Oh h*!! why not the North Pole?:floorlaugh:

she can get a passport I am sure after she is off parole and after the lawsuits have been sorted - I think she is unlikely to get one before because she is probably a flight risk. she owes the state of FL too much money and AFAIK she still owes taxes for the blood money ABC paid her for the pics she sold for her defense. again, she would need someone to give her TONS of money for this to happen.

I expect by "leave the country" they mean to move her to a territory, puerto rico or the virgin islands or suchlike. does a US citizen need a passport for those places?
grunt grunt snort fart burp oink LOL please forgive me I just cant help myself this morning

happy Memorial Day
... I expect by "leave the country" they mean to move her to a territory, puerto rico or the virgin islands or suchlike. does a US citizen need a passport for those places?
BBM No. A passport is not needed for US Territories.

Her ability to survive unscathed will not last. She will eventually cross someone who has more physical ability than Caylee did and that person will take her down.

As far as her caretakers: She's selfish?! She's a liar and a thief too...just so you know!
Even they got standards. Why make them suffer more. Antarctica got penguins and they don't want her. I say send her off to Mars. :floorlaugh:

If we are ever to have a relationship with the Martians, we should not be wishing such evil on their land.

I say send her off on a floating boat into the Bermuda Triangle. Cindy and George can go too.

nope, no old navy :)

nope, no target either LOL

in seriousness, she aint coming to the EU. unless dottie & her rich hubby give the offender literal millions, she aint coming here. it's extremely hard for americans to get leave to remain anywhere without being married to a citizen or being absolutely filthy rich. that's the case for almost all countries the EU, australia, NZ, canada, etc etc. she cant just up and move somewhere "nice". north korea would only do the world a favour with her :what: her options for fleeing the US, if she is serious about it, are quite slim. possibly anywhere third world wouldnt mind as miuch. but I would believe that when I saw it.

she can get a passport I am sure after she is off parole and after the lawsuits have been sorted - I think she is unlikely to get one before because she is probably a flight risk. she owes the state of FL too much money and AFAIK she still owes taxes for the blood money ABC paid her for the pics she sold for her defense. again, she would need someone to give her TONS of money for this to happen.

I expect by "leave the country" they mean to move her to a territory, puerto rico or the virgin islands or suchlike. does a US citizen need a passport for those places?

IMO the Ohio pictures were to get the IRS off her back. jmo
BBM No. A passport is not needed for US Territories.

Her ability to survive unscathed will not last. She will eventually cross someone who has more physical ability than Caylee did and that person will take her down.

As far as her caretakers: She's selfish?! She's a liar and a thief too...just so you know!

A passport is required if you are traveling by air. If you are traveling by cruise ship you can use your birth certificate and Govt issued ID such as a
driving license. Her license is still suspended though so looks like she
is grounded at the moment :clap:
I'd love to fix her up with Joran Van Der Sloot! They'd be a perfect match!!!

I would buy them a nice wedding gift- a roll of duct tape...
IMO the Ohio pictures were to get the IRS off her back. jmo

Hi Lamb, I am wondering if a felon can ever get a passport. After parole she will still be a felon. Thanks. :seeya:
A passport is required if you are traveling by air. If you are traveling by cruise ship you can use your birth certificate and Govt issued ID such as a
driving license. Her license is still suspended though so looks like she
is grounded at the moment :clap:
Personally, passport or not, I think she should be on every country's "watch list". What country would want her?
If we are ever to have a relationship with the Martians, we should not be wishing such evil on their land.

I say send her off on a floating boat into the Bermuda Triangle. Cindy and George can go too.


I like that idea. Jerry Sandusky, Fred Phelps, Joran van der Sloot, Lori Drew, Jennifer Petkov, Bernie Madoff, O.J. Simpson, and Al-Qaeda members are more than welcome to join them as well. In fact, I prefer they do. :floorlaugh: :crazy:
She could move to that uninhabited island in Hawaii, Kahooalawe. That's the island the US military used for bombing practice. It's uninhabited and probably contaminated-perfect for her.
Hi Lamb, I am wondering if a felon can ever get a passport. After parole she will still be a felon. Thanks. :seeya:


Ok, I checked it out. This is a good read. Seems she will be able to perhaps get a passport but big hassle from other countries. One interesting thing. Your passport doesnt ask for crimes etc. nothing on passport but when they run it through all your info pops up! One fellow couldnt get into Canada, another trouble with Mexico. It is interesting!! :what:
PS. I went through

This is good to know!!
I think she will have trouble getting a passport until she pays her debts to the IRS and Orange County. I don't think the federal government would issue one until then because she could flee the country.

Ok, I checked it out. This is a good read. Seems she will be able to perhaps get a passport but big hassle from other countries. One interesting thing. Your passport doesnt ask for crimes etc. nothing on passport but when they run it through all your info pops up! One fellow couldnt get into Canada, another trouble with Mexico. It is interesting!! :what:
PS. I went through

It is VERY difficult for a foreign national to get into Canada with any criminal record. Even a DUI is considered grounds for refusal.
Mexico ----not sure about...
BBM No. A passport is not needed for US Territories.

Her ability to survive unscathed will not last. She will eventually cross someone who has more physical ability than Caylee did and that person will take her down.

As far as her caretakers: She's selfish?! She's a liar and a thief too...just so you know!

BBM - And a killer - in my book anyway! And even though the Pinellas 12 let her off, they still didn't think she was innocent either.
No passport required to enter Mexico--at least none is required if you go there on a cruise ship.

Apologies in advance if this info has already been posted.
Cindy has all the money now and lots of it--thanks to her profiteering from little Caylee's death--while "poor" KC has profited $0 from it The "unfairness" of this situation has to be eating KC alive. However, Cindy will dole out money to KC (just like Cindy always did), but only enough money to keep KC dependent and under her control (just like Cindy always did). I find Cindy Anthony just as frightening as KC, as well as more relentless and indomitable.
Cindy has all the money now and lots of it--thanks to her profiteering from little Caylee's death--while "poor" KC has profited $0 from it The "unfairness" of this situation has to be eating KC alive. However, Cindy will dole out money to KC (just like Cindy always did), but only enough money to keep KC dependent and under her control (just like Cindy always did). I find Cindy Anthony just as frightening as KC, as well as more relentless and indomitable.

I agree 100%! Funny how Casey has landed right back in the same spot she was before June 2008! Still tight in the grasps of Mommy Dearest herself! These two women have the most toxic relationship I have ever seen and it is only going to get worse because as much as Cindy likes to pretend Casey was this wonderful mother, we all know how she really felt about Casey as a mother and she is never going to allow Casey to forget what she did to Caylee.

I just pray to God that Casey never has any more children. Please, please, please do not give her any more!

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